genius evil

Chapter 1316

Chapter 1316
Previously, Luo Qun had always shown others with an ugly and wretched appearance. It can be said that those who had dealt with Luo Qun before had already gotten used to Luo Qun's appearance.

Of course, there are also people who think that Luo Qun was born like this, a natural defect.

At this time, Luo Qun changed. This change can be called a complete change. Many people looked at him sideways and realized that this might be Luo Qun's true face.

The change in body shape caused Luo Qun's clothes to be crushed.

But no matter how anyone sees it, they will not think that it is exposure. After all, it is not naked, but the clothes on the upper body are torn.

What's more, at the moment Luo Qun is in good shape, I have to say, that kind of figure is very good.

However, following Jiang Chen's yelling, it seemed that Luo Qun really had some kind of shady hobby, and as a result, everyone's eyes fell on Luo Qun one after another.

Luo Qun's face turned black, and he felt full of malice.

Moreover, Jiang Chen definitely did it on purpose, the purpose was to see him make a fool of himself.

Without further ado, Luo Qun made another move. He flipped out his right hand and made a sword art in the air.

Then, I saw a sword intent soaring into the sky, and a crimson long sword flew out and fell into Luo Qun's palm.

"Jiang Chen, I will let you see how big the gap is between you and me." Luo Qun said coldly.

Even if Jiang Chen is a student of the Seven Star Martial Academy, entered the inner sect, and has been to the Seven Star Hall, but in Luo Qun's opinion, how can he be compared with a core disciple of the family like him?
The gap in background can not only be made up by talent and diligence.

What's more, regardless of talent or diligence, he, Luo Qun, is not inferior to anyone else!

"Are you serious?" Jiang Chen opened his mouth and said amusedly.

"You will see it soon." Luo Qun said, his wrist trembling, and he rolled up a sword flower.

That sword is extraordinary, it is a top-level magical weapon, the sword light is released, and there is a killing sword flowing, which is frightening.

"This sword?"

Seeing it, Ye Yufan's eyelids twitched involuntarily. He had heard something about the origin of this sword, and it was bloody.

"Are you going to do your best?" Ye Yufan smiled wryly, and looked at Jiang Chen, his eyes flickering slightly.

But at this time, Jiang Chen asked again: "Luo Qun, let me ask you again, are you really serious?"


Luo Qun frowned, always feeling that Jiang Chen's questioning method was very weird, but for a while, it was difficult to figure out why it was weird.

"Kill yourself, and leave your whole body." Luo Qun said coldly.

"It seems that you are serious." Hearing this, Jiang Chen nodded, sighed with regret, and then said very seriously, "Luo Qun, you are really unlucky , really, I have never seen anyone more unlucky than you."

In an instant, Luo Qun's head was full of black lines, boiling with anger.

What do you mean he was too unlucky?
Does Jiang Chen mean to curse him?

A group of onlookers listened to Jiang Chen's words, but they were all very confused. They couldn't understand what Jiang Chen was talking about.

"I told you that you may not believe it, but it is true that you are very unlucky... kill yourself, and leave your whole body." Jiang Chen said so.

In the battle of the strong, there is a difference of a thousand miles!

This Luo Qun tried to suppress him with physical strength at the beginning, but he would naturally lose, it was completely delusional.

Unable to be suppressed by physical strength, Luo Qun sacrificed a magical weapon. It seemed that he had practiced a certain powerful secret skill of swordsmanship, which was extremely extraordinary and had astonishing power.

But this is completely, delivering food and drinks to Jiang Chen, if this is the case, Luo Qun is not considered unlucky, dare to ask, who else would be more unlucky than Luo Qun?
After all, there is a powerful soul imprisoned in his body, comparable to a martial arts practitioner who proves the Dao, it is beyond Luo Qun's imagination, and it is no exaggeration to say that it is beyond the limit of Luo Qun's imagination!

Luo Qun cursed angrily. He just said that Jiang Chen should commit suicide, and his disdain was beyond words.

Soon, Jiang Chen returned these words, which was a great humiliation to Luo Qun. He was full of murderous intent, and he struck out with a sword, beheading Jiang Chen.

The sword light flickered, and the crimson sword light was like blood. This sword was extraordinary, full of blood, and contained an astonishing killing intent. Seeing a sword light, it tore through the void and slashed down madly.

That sword, like Qi penetrating a long rainbow, is dazzling, and the sword intent is vertical and horizontal, forming a violent impact force.

"Good swordsmanship." Jiang Chen's eyes lit up, and he said in admiration.

In Jiang Chen's view, the perfect swordsmanship in the true sense is not how miraculous and powerful the swordsmanship itself is, but whether the swordsmanship matches the temperament of the sword cultivator himself.

In a common sense, one strike with one sword, and the unity of human and sword, is the supreme meaning of swordsmanship.

And when Luo Qun struck out with a sword, his ferocious temperament and this bloody killing sword intent were perfectly integrated, but Jiang Chen was not stingy and praised him.

"Luo Qun, your swordsmanship is good, and your understanding and control of this swordsmanship has reached at least [-]%." Jiang Chen then said, shaking his head, "Unfortunately, this swordsmanship is too bad , no matter how much you practice, you can only stop here."


Luo Qun looked at Jiang Chen as if he had seen a ghost, wondering what Jiang Chen meant, was he commenting on his swordsmanship?
At this time, Jiang Chen actually did such a thing, is he going crazy?
Jiang Chen didn't care about Luo Qun's reaction, he put his hands behind his back, walking in a leisurely manner, but the moment he took every step, he just avoided the sharp sword light.

Luo Qun is very strong, and so is his swordsmanship. He slashed repeatedly with his swords, trying to cut off Jiang Chen's beautiful head as soon as possible, but it didn't work. Jiang Chen easily did it in a way that he couldn't understand. All of Jean's attacks were in vain.

Looking at Luo Qun, Jiang Chen smiled slightly and said, "Luo Qun, do you now understand what I just said?"

"Playing with mystery!" Luo Qun said coldly, but he didn't make another move, because this situation was beyond common sense and beyond the scope of cognition.

"You want to tell me that you didn't understand, right?" Jiang Chen smiled slightly, full of kindness, and said, "It's okay, then you understand the few steps I took to avoid your attack just now?"

"What are you trying to say?" Luo Qun scolded, very impatient, thinking that Jiang Chen was playing tricks.

"Do you still don't understand? This IQ is worrying." Jiang Chen said not without regret. Immediately, he waved his hand and said, "Come on, attack me. I have always been a good teacher. Today, I have to do everything. Let you understand."

Since Jiang Chen said such a thing, Luo Qun would naturally not be polite.

In fact, he could see that the few steps Jiang Chen took to avoid his attack were actually very simple, just taking a casual step, but it just so happened that his attack fell through.

Therefore, seeing it clearly in this way is tantamount to not understanding it. Luo Qun didn't answer Jiang Chen's question.

Luo Qun struck again, even more violently. His state of mind was fully reflected in his swordsmanship. The crimson long sword, like a poisonous snake spitting out a letter, released a severe chill. , beheaded the past.

Jiang Chen did the same, with his hands behind his back, so chic and casual, walking unhurriedly, with a smile on his face, as if he was not facing a peerless powerhouse, but a child wielding a long sword.

As a result, the same as the first time, no matter how fierce Luo Qun's sword was, he was helpless against Jiang Chen. All his attacks were in vain, and he couldn't even touch a piece of Jiang Chen's clothes.

"Now? Do you understand?" Jiang Chen asked with a pleasant expression.

"Be direct." Luo Qun said, not in the mood to play charades with Jiang Chen.

"Alright then." Jiang Chen was a little helpless, but still patient, he said, "As I said just now, your talent in swordsmanship is pretty good, and your comprehension and control of this swordsmanship is also pretty good, logically speaking , as soon as you make a move, you should suppress me to death, but the reality is the exact opposite, which undoubtedly illustrates a problem."

After a pause, Jiang Chen continued: "The problem is that the sword technique you practiced is too poor. It is no exaggeration to say it is rubbish. It completely insults your talent in the way of swordsmanship. It is sad and deplorable. sigh."

"To shut up!"

Luo Qun couldn't listen anymore. He thought that Jiang Chen could insult his swordsmanship talent, but he absolutely couldn't insult the swordsmanship he cultivated.

This is a powerful swordsmanship that has been passed down by the family for thousands of years. Countless ancestors have practiced it, and it has been cultivated to the extreme. It is enough to cross the Zhenwu Continent. How can Jiang Chen be qualified to comment?
"Luo Qun, I understand how you feel, I can't accept the reality, right? But garbage is garbage, even if the garbage is covered with a gorgeous coat, it is still garbage." With a cold snort, Jiang Chen said, "Your first strike At the time, it contained at least 57 flaws, and the second sword shot was even more unbearable, with as many as one hundred flaws. If you obtained this kind of swordsmanship unintentionally, it's okay to say, if your family If it is passed on, then it is completely sinister and misleading children, it cannot be forgiven!"

Jiang Chen's words were very serious.

In addition, he intentionally used the power of his soul, questioning like that, every single word, directly knocking on Luo Qun's soul, forming an extremely powerful spiritual impact on Luo Qun.

Luo Qun was astonished, and looked at Jiang Chen dumbfounded. His face gradually turned red, the color of a pig's liver.

"Luo Qun, are you angry? It's right to be angry, just use your garbage swordsmanship to kill me. I will let you understand that garbage is garbage, and it can never become jade in the rough. Turn back as soon as possible. Otherwise, your swordsmanship talent will be buried and lose its luster." Jiang Chenyu said earnestly.


Luo Qun let out a long roar, full of hatred, he stared at Jiang Chen, deep in the depths of his eyes, killing intent spewed out crazily.

"Luo Qun, accept the reality. I'm always kind to others. This is my advice. I really don't want to. An outstanding genius just disappears from the crowd." Jiang Chen said seriously.

"Damn you!"

Luo Qun couldn't listen anymore. Jiang Chen's words, every word and every sentence, were subversive, almost making him doubt life, even if his mind was strong and his mind was strong, it was still inevitable and deeply affected.

Luo Qun knew very well that he couldn't let Jiang Chen continue talking, otherwise, his whole body would be ruined...

(End of this chapter)

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