genius evil

Chapter 1317 I Can't Wait

Chapter 1317 I Can't Wait
"Reality is often very cruel. I can understand that you hate me." Jiang Chen was very understanding, and said in a soft voice, "However, no matter how cruel reality is, it must be accepted after all. How can you deceive yourself and others, that is wrong, and you will suffer a lifetime of trouble."

Then, Jiang Chen said with some self-mockery, "Of course, this is just my personal opinion. I'm talking too much. Brother Luo, you must be careful. Just don't take offense... If it doesn't work, just pretend that I don't care about anything. Didn't say, come on, let's fight!"

After the words fell, Jiang Chen was full of fighting spirit, as if he was extremely eager for a battle with Luo Qun!
Luo Qun looked at Jiang Chen with confusion in his eyes.

He was sure that he had the intention to kill Jiang Chen, but now, he felt an unprecedented feeling of being lost. It was a certain belief deep in his heart that was destroyed and collapsing.

All of this was caused by Jiang Chen.

But Jiang Chen was like a normal person, which made it extremely difficult for Luo Qun to accept.

"Brother Luo, don't be in a daze, act quickly, I can't wait." Jiang Chen urged, looking impatient.

"Jiang Chen, just wait for me, I will definitely tear you to pieces!"

Luo Qun made a sound and said viciously, after all, he did not make another move, but left, because his mood had changed and he was not suitable for another fight.

"Luo Qun, are you afraid? Stop for me, the battle will last for [-] rounds, and I will let you know, between you and me, who will win!" Jiang Chen yelled.

Staggering under his feet, Luo Qun almost fell to the ground, the suffocation in his chest made him almost spit out a mouthful of blood.

Luo Qun still left. When he came, he was full of murderous intent, but when he left, he felt a sense of loneliness. The crowd of onlookers gasped when they saw such a scene. Shocked again and again.

"Is this an army that surrenders without fighting?" someone said.

Jiang Chen dismissed Luo Qun with a few words, and they all felt unreal in their eyes. They originally expected that there would be a world-shattering battle, but the result was anticlimactic and greatly disappointed.

"Too sharp."

Someone also lamented that Jiang Chen's casual comments caused cracks in Luo Qun's mood, and even made Luo Qun lose the courage to fight again. This is terrible. Who can resist Jiang Chen's three-inch tongue? ?

"Jiang Chen, how did he do it?"

Some people were very suspicious. Regardless of whether Jiang Chen's words were suspected of being exaggerated, but when he fought Luo Qun, the way he avoided Luo Qun's sword attack was indescribably casual and unrestrained. Otherwise, how could Luo Qun be scared away?
"Brother Jiang, you really impress me." Ye Yufan came closer and said dumbfounded.

When Luo Qun sacrificed that long sword, Ye Yufan couldn't see that Luo Qun was going to spare no effort to fight Jiang Chen. He didn't think Jiang Chen could take advantage of it, but unfortunately, Jiang Chen took a big advantage.

"Brother Ye, this is your fault. I will be a peerless powerhouse who is destined to suppress the mainland in the future. How can a mere Luo Qun be seen by me? If he didn't run fast, I would have slapped him long ago. Slapped him to death." Jiang Chen said brazenly.

The corner of his mouth twitched slightly, and Ye Yufan said, "Brother Jiang, do Luo Qun's sword skills really have so many flaws?"

It was a family-inspired swordsmanship, which had been honed and tempered by countless ancestors, not to mention perfect, but in Ye Yufan's opinion, it was not far behind.

But Jiang Chen's words were extremely sensational, how could there be so many flaws?I'm afraid that a casual sword will not cause so many flaws to appear.

"What do you think?" Jiang Chen said with a half-smile, neither denying nor admitting it.

'"Brother Jiang, Ming people don't speak secretly." Ye Yufan said.

"Well, there are actually more flaws than what I said." Jiang Chen said.

Ye Yufan was dumbfounded, and felt like being teased by Jiang Chen as a fool, just like Luo Qun, being teased by Jiang Chen, exactly the same.

"I finally understand why Luo Qun is so hard to accept. After all, you, an outsider, are hard to accept." Jiang Chen sighed.

"Brother Jiang, can I tell the truth? Because I really want to curse people right now, but I'm worried about offending you." Ye Yufan said angrily.

Luo Qun was startled away, it was because Luo Qun was too conceited about his swordsmanship, so he couldn't accept it, and his faith was destroyed.

But Ye Yufan was different, he took Jiang Chen's words as a joke, and didn't think that Jiang Chen had that kind of insight.

After all, eyesight and insight, in the final analysis, is due to strength!

Even if Luo Qun's swordsmanship is really full of loopholes, how can Jiang Chen be able to see that his cultivation has never reached a certain level?

Of course, Ye Yufan admired Jiang Chen's ability to play tricks, and he was also very impressed with Jiang Chen's ability to dodge Luo Qun's attack.

"Brother Ye, I still say the same thing. Reality is often very cruel. When I, Jiang Chen, was born, there were colorful auspicious clouds in the sky. I was born a genius..." Jiang Chen said slowly.


Ye Yufan couldn't listen anymore, so he hurriedly dissuaded him, even though he knew that Jiang Chen was thick-skinned, but Jiang Chen repeatedly refreshed his three views, making him understand that there is a kind of person in this world, There is no limit to being shameless.

"I'm serious. Born great and destined to be extraordinary, ordinary people of your generation can't understand." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"Brother Jiang, I don't want to swear now, because I really want to hit people." Ye Yufan said with a sad face.

Jiang Chen was always able to be ingenious and get the information he wanted out of his mouth, but from Jiang Chen's mouth, from the beginning to the end, he never heard a single truth.

This taste was terrible, and his IQ was brutally crushed, which made Ye Yufan wonder if he was an idiot.

Ye Yufan changed the subject, and said, "You startled Luo Qun away, even if the method was dishonorable, but it was enough to startle the entire Qianbao River and attract some unnecessary attention."

"I'm fair and just, why would it be disgraceful to repel Luo Qun?" Jiang Chen yelled.

What he said was true and false, and it was difficult to tell the difference, but Jiang Chen couldn't possibly agree to the disgraceful method of scaring Luo Qun away.

He has climbed to the top, and he is one of the most powerful people in the cultivation world. His swordsmanship is unmatched. Although there are falsehoods and falsehoods, he is deceptive, but if he does not have this background, he is genuine and innocent.

"Before, Wen Yanxi and the others didn't take you seriously, but now, they must reevaluate your strength." Ye Yufan reminded.

"It doesn't matter, just wait, I will suppress them one by one." Jiang Chen said indifferently.



This time, when Qianbaohe appeared in the world, various forces were alarmed and came here one after another. They were all geniuses among the younger generation, strong men in the Guiyuan realm.

Geniuses gather here, even though Jiang Chen was famous in the Seven Star Martial Academy before, but under such circumstances, his brilliance is unavoidable, it has become dim, and there is no strong sense of existence .

Even if Jiang Chen and Lu Xun teamed up to tease some people, especially Luo Qun, who bore the brunt of being teased miserably, but in their view, at best, it meant that Jiang Chen was a little clever.

But in the face of absolute strength, a little cleverness is not enough.

But now, Jiang Chen actually scared Luo Qun away. Such a scene, spread through the mouths of the onlookers, immediately caused waves within the Qianbao River.

"Luo Qun? Are you sure it's Luo Qun?" Chang Yulong said incredulously.

"There is no mistake, it is Luo Qun." That Fu Qingfeng smiled slightly, looked at Chang Yulong with a half-smile, and said, "I heard that you offended that Jiang Chen?"

"So what if you offend?" Chang Yulong said, his face was ugly, this was an unexpected change, because even if Luo Qun was injured, it was not so easy to deal with, let alone being startled away, wouldn't it be Said that Luo Qun was afraid of Jiang Chen?

"Jiang Chen? You are more interesting than I imagined." In the other direction, a man was walking alone. He had a noble status and an extraordinary bearing. He was the powerful man of the royal family.

"You, come here, and tell me what's going on." Beckoning, the royal powerhouse called a martial artist, and let him explain in detail what the situation was. Obviously, he was very interested, but, I don't know if they are interested in this matter, or in Jiang Chen.

"Jiang Chen?"

Dai Mei frowned slightly, this rather unexpected news caused a slight change in the woman's expression.

"No wonder, you asked me about Qianbaohe." The woman said, she was Wen Yanxi, and after learning that Jiang Chen scared Luo Qun away, she had some associations.

It is undeniable that Jiang Chen has ambitions. It can even be said that Jiang Chen has not hidden his own ambitions at all. This can be seen from the way he stepped on the ladder.

It's just that something like ambition requires strength to support it. If you have ambition without strength, you are courting death.

But now, Jiang Chen just proved that he has the strength to match his own ambition. Even if Jiang Chen didn't prove it intentionally, it is still enough. It needs to be admired and paid more attention to.

Among the first batch of nine people who stepped onto the ladder, Jiang Chen was undoubtedly the most non-existent type, considered by many people as dispensable, purely making up the numbers.

This time, Jiang Chen showed his sharpness, which established his qualifications to compete with the powerhouses from all sides.


Suddenly, there was a violent tremor in the void. In the extreme distance, it seemed to be the edge of the Qianbao River. A golden light suddenly appeared, tearing apart the space.

"That is?"

A group of warriors looked at it, and they were all horrified.

There, the energy fluctuations are incomparably torrential, containing terrifying power, which makes people frightened. I am afraid that martial arts experts, under such fluctuations, will be easily torn into pieces...

(End of this chapter)

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