genius evil

Chapter 1320 I'm That Great

Chapter 1320 I'm That Great

"How could this be?"

Among the few people, someone lost his voice.

It was clearly noticed that the golden energy changed the way of attack, as if there was an invisible big hand controlling it.

You know, in the past, there have been records about Qianbao River in various classics, but there has never been such a situation.

"Have you noticed that this streak of golden energy is changing?" Wen Yanxi said, her eyes were deep and sharp.

That kind of change is quite conspicuous, and it is evolving. At the beginning, the golden aura was gray and shimmering with golden light, but now, it has become very different.

Such a scene was naturally noticed, but everyone was puzzled as to why there was such a change.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here to save you."

Just as they were deep in thought, they suddenly heard a loud cry, which exploded in their ears.

Then, I saw a figure, running quickly.

It was Jiang Chen.

Hearing Jiang Chen yelling, appearing in the air at the same time, that speed can indeed be regarded as astonishing, pulling out afterimages in the void, it is amazing.

However, to Ji Mobai and the others, Jiang Chen's inadvertent revelation was nothing out of the ordinary, and he wasn't qualified to fall into their eyes.

"You? Save us?"

Astonished, Wen Yanxi glanced over.

"That's right, it's to save you. Of course, Miss Wen, you don't need to be moved at all. Who made me famous for being righteous? Bo Yuntian risked his life. That's right, I'm just that great, handsome, upright, and handsome. So chic, for the country and for the’s no good, if I continue talking, I’m almost moved to tears." Jiang Chen said, feeling emotional and sighing at the same time.

Wen Yanxi looked at Jiang Chen, the expression in his eyes fluctuated.

She figured it out, Jiang Chen said this in one breath, not to impress others, but to impress himself.

But is it necessary?
After all, she was just asking casually.


With a cold snort, Na Luo Qun said mockingly.

Luo Qun originally thought that Jiang Chen would keep shrinking, but unexpectedly, Jiang Chen chose to make a move.

"Brother Luo, you don't have to be too moved. Even though I don't like you very much, I won't leave you alone. You can rest assured that as long as I, Jiang Chen, are here today, all of you will be fine." With his chest up, Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"Oh, really?"

Hearing the sound, the royal powerhouse smiled and looked at Jiang Chen with great interest.

"Brother, are you doubting my strength? Didn't you see it when I raised my palm to suppress Luo Qun earlier?" Jiang Chen wondered.

"court death!"

In an instant, Luo Qun was furious. When was he suppressed by Jiang Chen? He was a jerk. Do you want to ruin his reputation like this?

"Brother Jiang, congratulations, you finally figured it out." At this time, Ye Yufan said with a smile.

Among the few people, he and Jiang Chen walked the closest, and were the most polite to Jiang Chen. At this time, seeing that Jiang Chen had a tendency to fight with Luo Qun, he hurriedly changed the topic.

"Brother Ye, what you said is wrong. What I said to you just now, you have to sacrifice yourself for others, have you forgotten so soon? Why is the awareness so low?" Jiang Chen said very dissatisfied.

"Brother Jiang, are you sure you said that?" Ye Yufan was so depressed that he almost wondered if his sanity was confused. Otherwise, why didn't he remember that Jiang Chen said this?

"Brother Ye, your memory has become so poor at such a young age, this is not a good sign, don't forget to take your medicine." Jiang Chen said earnestly.

"Take medicine?"

Ye Yufan was on the verge of going crazy, and regretted interjecting, otherwise, wouldn't it be just right to let Jiang Chen and Luo Qun fight each other and watch the excitement?
"Everyone, let's stop talking nonsense. From now on, you all listen to me." Jiang Chen glanced at the few people and said solemnly.

For no reason, Ye Yufan's eyelids twitched, feeling a bad premonition.

Sure enough, Jiang Chen said again, "That golden energy is very strange. If you fight on your own, it's impossible for you to be an opponent. But fortunately, I'm here, and you are saved."

Jiang Chen's words were extremely insolent, which made Ji Mobai and others feel displeased, but they didn't speak, and let Jiang Chen's performance.

"My plan is like this. After a while, I will be the main attack, and you will assist... Oh, I don't look down on you and think that you are too weak. Although it is true, you are indeed weak, but I swear it is out of good intentions , I don’t want to cause innocent casualties.” Jiang Chen said so to dispel their doubts.

"Jiang Chen, are you sure?" Luo Qun said with a grim smile.

Dare to, Jiang Chen talked nonsense for a long time, was it just to fight for the qualification to lead?Crazy enough, ignoring their existence.

However, this is not how the limelight came out.

Jiang Chen spared no effort to show off, but he didn't know that he was pushing himself to a dead end.

For Luo Qun, it had to be said that it was a great surprise and surprise, because he was still thinking about how to send Jiang Chen to die.

Now, since Jiang Chen jumped out so actively, holding the banner of righteousness, it was exactly in line with his wishes.

"Brother Luo, do you think I'm joking? Don't think that others are joking just because you look like a joke. You know that's wrong? It's completely judging the heart of a gentleman with the heart of a villain. "Jiang Chen snapped.

"Damn you!"

Luo Qun was mad with hatred. This was not the first time Jiang Chen had personally attacked him. Not to mention Luo Qun's inherent pride, even a clay figurine would be angered.

"Are you not convinced? Then come on, you and I will fight, and see how I raise my palm to suppress you, so that you will never stand up again." Jiang Chen shouted loudly, looking very defiant.

"Complete you!"

Luo Qun said angrily, he didn't care, and wanted to kill Jiang Chen.

"Brother Luo, calm down."

At the critical moment, Ji Mobai spoke. He smiled slightly, glanced at Jiang Chen, and said, "Brother Luo, the timing is extraordinary right now. Personal grievances, why don't you let them go for now?"

"For your face."

Frowning, extremely unwilling, Luo Qun said.

Ji Mobai said this, and Luo Qun knew that even if he didn't want to give face, it would be impossible.

"Luo Qun, are you making excuses for your cowardice? Who needs you to save face, just admit defeat, let you live, don't embarrass yourself here, you are destined to be laughed at."


Luo Qun went crazy, he gave Ji Mobai a face, and walked down the steps, Jiang Chen was good, that was the style of dying or not, playing to the limit, this is the rhythm that will drive him crazy.

"Jiang Chen, how about giving me some face?" Ji Mobai said.

When he said this, he was still smiling, but anyone could sense that there was a slight chill behind that faint smile.

Obviously, because Jiang Chen humiliated Luo Qun, Ji Mobai was displeased.

"Who are you? Do I know you? Why should I give you face?" Jiang Chen sneered and looked at Ji Mobai like an idiot.

Ji Mobai is very strong, his words are gentle, and he doesn't seem to be domineering. In fact, the domineering meaning is beyond words, and a few words are just a strong compromise to suppress Luo Qun, and he is unwilling to compete with him.

Jiang Chen lazily ignored Luo Qun's considerations.

But there is one thing, it is Luo Qun's business for Luo Qun to give Ji Mobai face, who has stipulated that he, Jiang Chen, must give face?
Another point is that Jiang Chen holds grudges very much.

Previously, Chang Yulong failed to provoke. At the critical moment, Ji Mobai appeared and took Chang Yulong away.

Perhaps Ji Mobai was used to this matter and never took it to heart, but he, Jiang Chen, was thinking about it firmly, with a very small belly.

Of course, even if there was no such old debt, Jiang Chen would not give Ji Mobai face, there is no special reason, it is purely that Ji Mobai is unhappy.


Jiang Chen's words were a bit harsh, causing Wen Yanxi and the others to be deeply surprised. They were surprised and looked at Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen and Ji Mobai are both students of the Seven Star Martial Academy. They live and study in the inner sect. They all believe that even if Jiang Chen has never dealt with Ji Mobai before, if he does not know Ji Mobai, it is No way.

However, when Jiang Chen said this, it clearly meant that he didn't take Ji Mobai seriously.

But why?
What does Jiang Chen rely on?
That is the number one existence in the Heaven Rankings, within the Great Qin Empire, within the same realm as Guiyuan Realm, it can be regarded as the strongest and invincible.

Jiang Chen's unscrupulous provocation, I have to say, is too arrogant, and he can do whatever he likes.

Of course, this made Jiang Chen happy, but how would Ji Mobai feel?
This is unacceptable.


Luo Qun laughed out loud and almost clapped his hands.

Jiang Chen is really impatient, it's all right to make enemies everywhere, but Ji Mobai, how can he offend Ji Mobai?

"Smile, I'll slap you to death." Jiang Chen grinned and said, showing his arrogant nature to the fullest.

"My humble Ji Mobai." However, that Ji Mobai said, he didn't seem to be angry, and introduced himself seriously.

"Seven Star Martial Academy, inner sect, No. [-] in the heaven list, Ji Mobai." Immediately afterwards, Ji Mobai added, he spoke very slowly, every word, trying to make Jiang Chen hear clearly.

This is a very simple and clear attitude. Ji Mobai is clearly telling Jiang Chen that he is angry, and Jiang Chen will be responsible for the consequences.

Squinting his eyes and chuckling lightly, Jiang Chen said: "It turns out that you are number one on the list. Unfortunately, it will soon become a thing of the past. I feel sorry for you. But, don't be sad, don't be sad, after all , whether you can leave here alive today is still unknown."

Ji Mobai smiled lightly, with a look of indifference, and he said, "I heard that when some people are unlucky, they can even drink cold water to stop their teeth."

"Why are you so euphemistic? Isn't that person yourself?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.


Ji Mobai's complexion finally changed.

But at this moment, the rumbling sound resounded through the sky, and the inside of the huge Qianbao River was violently shaken...

(End of this chapter)

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