genius evil

Chapter 1321

Chapter 1321
A ray of golden light swept across the sky, its power was released, and it shone dazzlingly.

It can be seen with the naked eye that the change of the golden energy is even more significant. The void is condensed, and the energy is gushing out, which contains the terrifying power to tear this space apart.

Such a change was shocking, and in an instant, everyone's attention was attracted, including Jiang Chen and Ji Mobai.

The golden energy is condensing, and the void stretches across it, like a long sword, revealing its embryonic form.

In fact, this is very surprising and puzzling. Since the records of Qianbaohe, there has never been such a scene, which makes people caught off guard.

"Don't be in a daze, now, obey my order, and everyone will act together." Jiang Chen said in a deep voice.

"Jiang Chen, what are you? There are so many people here, no one is better than you, and it's not your turn to point fingers." Luo Qun Yinjiu said.

He was frightened away by Jiang Chen before, and from the bottom of his heart, he was afraid of Jiang Chen, but now, with Ji Mobai's strong backing, he has recovered his nature.

"If you dare to talk nonsense again, I'll kill you." Jiang Chen said coldly, and gave instructions, "Don't hesitate, later changes will happen, that golden energy is unpredictable, if we don't take action, we will all die here."

What Jiang Chen said was very severe, not alarmist.

Rather, he already knew what that golden energy was.

That is the Qi of Gengjin, the most yang and the strongest, which can destroy everything in the world. The so-called magical weapons and treasures are all vulnerable, not to mention the mortal body.

Jiang Chen had cultivated the pure yang body, but unless he tore the fourth shackle of the physical body, he would be injured if he touched it, and he would die if he touched it.

Of course, this was also the reason why Jiang Chen would forcibly show off.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for Jiang Chen to show off and make enemies so hard.

"Jiang Chen, I told you, you don't have the qualifications, shut up as soon as possible." Luo Qun said indomitably, he was at odds with Jiang Chen, finding fault everywhere.

"Shut up." The royal strongman said, he was very majestic, with an air of nobility that could not be resisted.

"Listen to Jiang Chen." Ji Mobai said in a deep voice.

They have keen perception and can clearly perceive how dangerous that burst of golden energy is. If it is delayed any longer, just as Jiang Chen said, everyone will die.

"Since everyone has no objections, then make a move and follow me." Jiang Chen said.

After he finished speaking, he moved, casually sacrificed a magical weapon, and swung it out with his big palm. It was a golden dagger that Jiang Chen forcibly snatched from the girl named Wei Xingchen.

The golden dagger was shot out by Jiang Chen, like an arrow flying from the string, trying to pierce through the sky.

Jiang Chen made a move, and in an instant, the royal powerhouse and Ji Mobai also made a move. The two unanimously sacrificed magic weapons in no particular order.

This is because the golden energy is constantly evolving, and it is currently inaccessible and hard to shake, so the only option is to attack from a long distance.

Then, with another, five magic weapons flew out, attacking towards Jin Qi.

Among them, no matter how reluctant Luo Qun was, he was still attacking, because it was a matter of his own life and death, and he could not be careless.

Ji Mobai, the powerful royal family and others are the most powerful existences in the Guiyuan realm, Ye Yufan and others are also quite good, only Jiang Chen is suspected of being a fake.

However, even though some people think that Jiang Chen is just pretending, they still have to admire Jiang Chen's means. It is forced to squeeze into the top sequence, which is a height that many people will find it difficult to reach in their entire lives.

At this time, the eight people joined forces, and the magic weapon flew across the sky, and various colors of light intertwined, as brilliant as fireworks.

However, this is also very tragic.

Just listen to the sound of explosions in the void, endlessly, as if someone is setting off fireworks.

It was a magic weapon that was exploding and was destroyed by the golden energy. It looked incomparably gorgeous, but it was frightening.


Someone was yelling, what he sacrificed was a powerful portable magic weapon, and he was extremely unwilling to be destroyed just like that.

"The Magical Artifact is gone, and it can be refined in the future, but there is only one life, everyone must work together. Anyone who is hindered, will be killed without mercy!" Jiang Chen's voice sounded.

In fact, at this moment, he is also very distressed, the golden dagger has been turned into powder, even if he doesn't value it, but the small mosquito legs are meat, right?

But Jiang Chen didn't show it. As the words fell, he threw out his big hand, and he knocked out dozens of magic weapons.

These instruments were all obtained by Jiang Chen from Tang Gan. The quality was not good, but the quantity was enough. Jiang Chen did not hesitate to throw them out like he didn't want money.

The crackling sound kept ringing, like setting off firecrackers.

However, it is not useless, the impact of such a number of magic weapons has affected the golden energy in the void, showing signs of collapsing.

This scene brightened the eyes of Ji Mobai and the others, inspired them to imitate Jiang Chen, throwing magic weapons crazily.

They are all members of the Xeon sequence. They are high above the ground, have extraordinary background, and are extraordinary fighters. The number of magic weapons that can be compared with them naturally does not need to be said.

Even if that amount is not comparable to Jiang Chen's plunder, it is still surprising enough.

Then, a group of warriors saw that the void on that side changed color.

Accompanied by the explosion of magic weapons one after another, streamers of light flashed and flew, making people lost in it and shocked inexplicably.

What is the background?

This is called background, there is no need to show off deliberately, inadvertently, the gap is widened.

One must know that unlike the tattered magic weapons thrown by Jiang Chen, the magic weapons thrown out by Ji Mobai, the powerful royal family and others are all extraordinary and make people envious.

Now, it has been destroyed like this, which makes people sigh.


The crackling sound shattered the eardrums.

In the void, the golden energy is dissipating, it is difficult to condense into a shape, and it is about to shatter.

"It's almost successful, let's give it a go." Jiang Chen shouted, his eyes sparkling.

Without Jiang Chen's reminder, Ji Mobai and the others were all acting on their own. They spared no effort to launch attacks, and they were all desperate.

The air waves are surging, sweeping in all directions, and the spatial structure in Qianbao Hanoi is becoming more and more unstable, and may disintegrate at any time.

A group of warriors were affected, many people were injured, and some even fell to the ground with blood.

Above the sky, the golden energy was like a rainbow, and there were explosions sounding one after another. Finally, the golden energy collapsed into more than a dozen wisps, spreading in all directions.

"Beautiful job." Jiang Chen yelled, flew out of the sky, and chased forward.

The golden light of the Pure Yang Cauldron spewed out, causing Jiang Chen's body surface to overflow with golden light. His speed broke through the barrier of the physical body, and soon he chased him up, using the Pure Yang Cauldron to swallow up a wisp of dissipated golden energy.

"Swallow! Swallow for me!"

Jiang Chen was shining, and he put on a golden battle suit impressively, galloping there, wisps of golden energy were received by him unceremoniously.

"What is he doing?"

Jiang Chen's behavior was very crazy, running around like a madman.

Of course, no one would think that Jiang Chen was going crazy, and this move must have a deep meaning.

"The golden energy can be used to temper magical artifacts, or even to temper the original magical artifacts." The royal powerhouse said, he reacted at this moment, and finally understood Jiang Chen's intentions.

As soon as the voice fell, his face changed.

No wonder, Jiang Chen wanted to compete for the leading qualification, so tough, proactive, at all costs, even to offend Ji Mobai, that's what he did.

Jiang Chen succeeded. He was plundering crazily at the fastest speed. Everyone was unexpected and failed to react.

Afterwards, the royal powerhouse set off, he stepped forward, walked in the void, chasing the direction of a golden energy.


The faces of the rest of the people also changed. Is this why they made wedding clothes for Jiang Chen for nothing?


Some people were angry and their faces were livid.

"Damn bastard."

There were also people who cursed loudly.

This means that they were all calculated by Jiang Chen, and they were played in the palm of his hand. It was very embarrassing. How has there ever been such a time?

In the distance, Jiang Chen was very happy, wisps of golden energy were taken away by him. Seeing such a scene, it made people gnash their teeth with hatred.


Ji Mobai walked against the wind, and also moved.

Ye Yufan and the others also acted immediately, but it was too late. Except for the strong man of the royal family and Ji Mobai who took away a wisp of golden energy, all the rest of the golden energy fell into Jiang Chen's hands.

"Hand it over, or die!"

Luo Qun jumped out first, stared at Jiang Chen, and said viciously.

The rest of the people didn't speak, but they all stared at Jiang Chen, the meaning of that was self-evident.

"Ji Mobai, did you hear that this is threatening you, can you bear it? Anyway, if it were me, I would definitely not be able to bear it, and turn my face every minute." Jiang Chen reminded.

Ji Mobai was very indifferent, he looked at Jiang Chen like a joke, and said, "You are too greedy, you are destined to end badly."

"This is your fault. Am I greedy? Don't forget, I saved your lives. I just took a little bit of benefits. Besides, I left them for you. How can it be greedy, being so stingy, no wonder you have no friends." Jiang Chen said, very unhappy.

"Jiang Chen, let your tongue grow a lotus flower, you will surely die, there is no luck." Luo Qun said.

Qianbaohe has many secrets, and the golden energy is very mysterious, but before that, no one except the powerful royal family knew what kind of mystery it hides.

In the Great Qin Empire, the royal family has an astonishing background, and it can be called the best in the world, which is not surprising.

Now, knowing the use of gold energy, how can Jiang Chen be made cheaper?

"That's right, hand it over, you said it yourself, you only have one life." Someone said again, very forcefully, and persecuting.

"Sure enough, people are divided into groups and things of a kind flock together. No wonder you all gather together, a group of cheapskates." Jiang Chen rolled his eyes, unhappy.

"Stop talking nonsense, pay or not." Luo Qun angrily reprimanded, aggressive.

"Luo Qun, I have tolerated you for a long time." Jiang Chen said unhappily.


Luo Qun made a move, attacking forward, Jiang Chen endured him for a long time, why didn't he endure Jiang Chen for a long time?
Right now, Jiang Chen committed public outrage, but Luo Qun didn't hesitate to take the lead...

(End of this chapter)

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