genius evil

Chapter 1329

Chapter 1329

That black-clothed figure who suddenly appeared in front of the powerful royal family was very strange. His expression was stiff, his pupils were slack and lifeless, his face was expressionless, and he released a powerful aura, covering him with coercion.

In fact, it was not a person, but a puppet.

It's just that this kind of puppet is extremely miraculous and uncommon. It can be called the rare best among puppets, possessing terrifying combat power.

"Sacrifice the puppet!"

Jiang Chen looked over, sized him up, and opened his mouth slowly, his pupils contracted slightly, and his expression was quiet, a little more dignified.

That is the sacrifice puppet, said to be a puppet, but in fact it is made of the flesh of a living person, and its sanity has not been completely erased.

The refining process is extremely cruel, but once the refining is successful, the existence of such a puppet will directly increase the combat power, enough to fight across realms!

In layman's terms, if the sacrifice puppet is sacrificed by a top Guiyuan Realm expert, then such a puppet will have the fighting power of the Mortal Transformation Realm.

It was undeniably amazing and very special.

"As expected, it's from the royal family." Sticking out his tongue, he licked his lips, and Jiang Chen couldn't help but a wry smile appeared on the corner of his lips.

This is because the success rate of sacrificial sacrifice is very low, and there is often no one out of ten. That is to say, if there are ten sacrifices, at most one will succeed, or even all of them will fail.

This requires a very strong background to support it, and the cost is too great. Looking at the territory of the Great Qin Empire, I am afraid that only the imperial family can spare no expense for such a big deal.

The origin of the name Sacrificial Puppet, as the name suggests, is very simple and obvious, but of course it is not as simple as the name, which has a deeper meaning.

The word "sacrifice one's life" is self-evident. It refers to such a puppet. Once sacrificed, it will never die. Unless it is taken back or blown up, otherwise, it will continue to fight without end!

The powerful man of the royal family actually sacrificed such a killer weapon. Obviously, he was completely enraged by Jiang Chen, and he meant to use all means.

Although, Jiang Chen would not naively think that this sacrificed puppet is the ultimate trump card of the powerful royal family, but if it is not because of rage, it is absolutely impossible to use it easily.

"Careless." Jiang Chen said to himself.

The puppet sacrifice is very difficult to deal with, and the way of fighting is even more troublesome. Jiang Chen once encountered one. Such an unpleasant experience is still unforgettable.

"Boy, why don't we discuss it, how about you put this thing away?" Jiang Chen said with a shy old face.

"keep it?"

The royal powerhouse sneered again and again, didn't Jiang Chen insist on provoking him?Very well, he was irritated very successfully, and this was the price he paid for being irritated.

"That's right, just put it away. I didn't expect you to be so reasonable. It really surprised and admired me." Jiang Chen nodded.

"Did I say to put it away?" The royal powerhouse looked at Jiang Chen as if he had seen a ghost.

"You said it clearly." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"Jiang Chen, for this kind of sake, the sharpness of the tongue will not be of any benefit." The royal powerhouse snorted coldly, and immediately shouted softly, "Fight!"

With one word out, the sacrificed puppet flew out in an instant, launching an impact.

Although it is a puppet, the sacrificed puppet is sacrificed by a living person, which can be regarded as flesh and blood, and its attack methods and methods are no different from that of a living person.

It was too powerful. Following the impact of sacrificing his own puppet, the air around Jiang Chen shattered and exploded.

The sacrificial puppet is attacking, with an indomitable tendency to move forward, and when it gets close, it makes a bold move to challenge the Chunyang cauldron.

Its body has undergone special sacrificial refining and refining, and it is extremely hard, even worse than some magic weapons. This is the real soldier of the body.

That kind of fist, one punch after another, hit the Chunyang cauldron heavily. Jiang Chen was deeply affected by the Chunyang cauldron's protection, shaking, and his blood boiled.

"A sacrificed puppet with combat power in the Mortal Transformation Realm?"

Jiang Chen said, he was astonished.

Sacrifice as a puppet can actually shake the protection of Chunyang Cauldron, which is stronger than that of the royal powerhouse.

The punch is like running thunder, thick as a mountain and like a mountain.

Of course, it is because the sacrificial puppet has left a mark of extreme power in the process of sacrifice, and has been engraved with traces of law and reason, its potential has finally been released, and its evolution has been remarkable.

But the more important point is that the body of the sacrificed puppet must be strong enough. Only in this way can it possess even more terrifying potential!

It is obvious that the sacrificed puppet in front of him is like this. Before being sacrificed, he was definitely an existence at the peak of Guiyuan Realm.

Therefore, after becoming a sacrificial puppet, the combat power has directly surpassed a great realm.

However, astonished as he was, Jiang Chen gradually became more and more excited along with the boiling of his qi and blood.

Jiang Chen has absolute self-confidence. His Undefeated Golden Body is invincible in the Yuanyuan Realm. If he wants to verify the true power of the Undefeated Golden Body, to put it bluntly, a mere warrior who has been cultivated in the Yuanyuan Realm , but couldn't satisfy Jiang Chen's request.

After all, Jiang Chen knew very well that existences like the powerful royal family and Ji Mobai, on the surface, were only at the Yuanyuan Realm, but in fact possessed the terrifying combat power to fight across realms.

Right now, the powerful members of the imperial family were unwilling to risk their lives, but sacrificed this sacrificed puppet. It can be said that it just met Jiang Chen's needs.

Jiang Chen was excited, with the pure yang cauldron on his head, fighting against the sacrificed puppet.

Both sides' attack methods were very violent.

The sacrifice puppet has no emotion, all the attack methods are simple and direct, Jiang Chen is also the same, the two, constantly colliding with each other, tearing apart a space with the physical body.

Above the head, the Pure Yang Cauldron shed light, bearing the attack of the sacrificial puppet, but the golden light was even more brilliant.

This is a strange treasure, made of unusually special materials, even if the sacrifice of a puppet can shake its protection, but it is still far away and not qualified enough to damage the root of the Pure Yang Cauldron!

One after another, there was the sound of explosions, and the two figures collided vertically and horizontally.The surrounding air was completely blown up and annihilated, forming a vacuum.


Seeing such a scene in his eyes, the brows of the powerful royal family gradually frowned.

This was a very direct collision, and it seemed to be out of order, but how could the powerful royal family fail to see that Jiang Chen had a tendency to suppress the puppet who sacrificed himself.

He didn't use any kung fu or martial skills, just relying on the protection of the Chunyang Cauldron, Jiang Chen's physical strength had already reached an unbelievable level.


Luo Xi came over, she stared at the royal strongman and asked.

"There are only a handful of puppets in the royal family who have the combat power to transform into mortals, and they will not be used easily, unless they are the enemy of life and death!"

Without waiting for the royal powerhouse to reply, Luo Xi spoke again.

"What do you think?" the royal powerhouse asked back.

At the end, he smiled wryly and said, "Can't you see it? That kid is too enchanting. It can be said that he exceeded my expectations."

"This is not the reason for you to use the sacrifice puppet." Luo Xi said in a deep voice.

Not only did it exceed the expectations of the powerful royal family, Luo Xi's three views were completely subverted.

It can be clearly seen that the sacrificed puppet has a tendency to be suppressed. It has to be said that Jiang Chen's physical strength is too terrifying. It is a puppet, and the physical body can be called an invincible existence.

But this is one thing, and it is another thing for the powerful royal family to use sacrifice puppets.

"Luoxi, don't you understand?" said the powerful royal.

"Is it because of me?" Startled a little, Luo Xi responded immediately.

Today, the powerful royal family came over without saying hello in advance. It was very sudden. At first, Luo Xi didn't think much about it, but now, it was all hinted like this. How can I not understand what the strong royal family's intention is.

"As far as your status is concerned, Jiang Chen lives with you, don't you know what this means?" the royal powerhouse said again.

"This is far-fetched. I have nothing to do with Jiang Chen." Luo Xi explained.

"Maybe it doesn't matter, but what will outsiders think?" The royal powerhouse shook his head, and he said, "This is something that shouldn't have happened. No matter what Jiang Chen's idea is, whether he knows your identity or not, Many people's tolerance for him has reached a critical point."

"So, you came here specially to teach him a lesson?" Luo Xi asked.

"You can think so." The royal powerhouse was noncommittal and did not deny it.

"It's just that the lesson is so simple?" Luo Xi was a little bit unconvinced.

Smiling, the powerful man of the imperial family pointed to the direction where Jiang Chen was, and said, "Luo Xi, you have always been very smart since you were a child, why did you become confused about this matter? It's not anyone, everyone I have the qualifications to approach you."

"Test?" Luo Xi said coldly.

"That's right." The royal powerhouse said, "It's just a very basic test. If Jiang Chen can't even pass such a simple test, then his death is not a pity."

"But it's a pity that your plan will come to nothing." Luo Xi reminded.


Almost as Luo Xi's voice fell, there was an explosion sound, and the sacrificial puppet was blown up abruptly by Jiang Chen, and it was torn apart and fell to the ground.

Taking a deep look at Luo Xi, the royal powerhouse said, "This is just the beginning."

Then, the royal powerhouse faced Jiang Chen and said loudly, "Jiang Chen, how about we talk?"

He was very leisurely, and he didn't have any violent reaction because the puppet was blown up. It was very normal, and he smiled slightly.

"Talk about what?"

Jiang Chen shot towards him, his whole body burst into golden light, and there was a wonderful Taoism circulating in every gesture, this was because he was connected with the blood of the Pure Yang Cauldron.

"Naturally, it's something you're interested in talking about," said the royal powerhouse.

"Then, you'd better make sure that's the case, otherwise, I'll blow you up with my own hands." Jiang Chen grinned and said, with the same arrogance and arrogance as always.

"is it?"

Shrugging his shoulders, the royal powerhouse continued to smile, and said, "Jiang Chen, congratulations, you barely pass this test!"

"The first test?" Jiang Chen was astonished, thoughtful...

(End of this chapter)

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