genius evil

Chapter 1330 I, Jiang Chen, Are Worthy of Anyone

Chapter 1330 I, Jiang Chen, Are Worthy of Anyone

"Jiang Chen, come with me, it's not very convenient to talk here." Glancing at Luo Xi, the royal powerhouse motioned, stepped forward, and walked out.

"Luoxi beauty, should I go? Or should I kill him directly? Find another place and bury him?" Jiang Chen said with a playful smile.

"You can't kill him," Luo Xi said.

What is the identity of the powerful royal family, and the trump card for protection is not just as simple as a puppet who sacrifices his life. Some things that are destined to shock the world in the eyes of outsiders are very common on the strong royal family. Extremely common and common, beyond the scope of many people can understand.

And this is the background of the imperial family.

The powerful royal family, after all, is the blood of the royal family, and they have devoted all the resources of the empire to cultivate them, so how can they fall so easily?

At least, Luo Xi knew that there was a horrific weapon on the body of the powerful royal family, and once it was used, only the powerful in the Mortal Transformation Realm would fall.

"Really?" Squinting his eyes, Jiang Chen chuckled.

Can't kill it?
Jiang Chen naturally didn't think so, the only difference was whether he was willing to kill at all costs.

If he insisted on beheading the powerful royal family, then no matter how amazing the protective methods of the powerful royal family were, it must only be bloody.

"Miss Luoxi, what do you mean by that, I should have a good talk with him? Right?" Jiang Chen just said.

Luo Xi was a little helpless, and also had such a headache.

If it was possible, she was not willing. Jiang Chen had too much contact with the powerful members of the royal family, but right now, the powerful members of the royal family had come to him, and it was inevitable.

"Go." Luo Xi said helplessly.

"Then I'll go." Jiang Chen smiled and walked out in a leisurely manner.

Watching Jiang Chen walk out, Luo Xi couldn't help moving under his feet, but soon, he withdrew his footsteps, and his expression quietly became a little confused.

"What do you mean by the first test you just mentioned?" After a while, Jiang Chen asked. He was very straightforward and didn't mean to play word games with the powerful royal family.

"What do you think is your current strength?" The royal powerhouse didn't answer Jiang Chen's question, but asked instead.

"I can crush you by raising my palm." Jiang Chen said brazenly.

"If I tell you that with your current strength, you don't even have the qualifications to stand beside Luo Xi, would you believe me?" the royal powerhouse asked again.

After the words fell, before Jiang Chen could answer, the royal powerhouse said, "It can be seen that you are a smart person, so you naturally know that what I said is absolutely not exaggerated."

"From what point do you see that I am a smart person?" Jiang Chen was puzzled.

Then, Jiang Chen was very unconvinced and said, "As for what you said, I don't even have the qualifications to stand beside Luo Xi's beauty, but I'm curious, who would have such a qualification?"

"Oh, to defeat a sacrificed puppet, you think you are amazing?" the royal powerhouse said with a half-smile.

In the eyes of the powerful in the royal family, a puppet is just a puppet, no matter how powerful it is, it cannot be regarded as a strong in the true sense. If it is a battle of the same realm, if you meet a warrior with extraordinary talents, in the end, you will only be suppressed.

This is also the reason that even if Jiang Chen showed amazing fighting power, the royal powerhouses didn't pay much attention to it. At best, it just means that Jiang Chen has great potential.

But that's all, it's not enough to make him pay too much attention!
"I also want to be humble, but I have to say, it is indeed quite remarkable." Jiang Chen said bluntly.

Obviously, it was difficult to adapt to Jiang Chen's way of speaking, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help twitching. The royal powerhouse said, "Now, I can answer your question about what the first test is."

After a pause, the royal powerhouse continued, "It turns out that my purpose here was to kill you. Now, I have changed my mind and intend to save your life."

"There is something wrong with your brain." Jiang Chen said very seriously.

"If I remember correctly, this test should be the second test. Do you think you can fool yourself by pretending to be crazy?" Then, Jiang Chen said with great dissatisfaction.

"It's kind of interesting." Grinning, the royal powerhouse smiled.

How could he not know that Jiang Chen held a grudge. In Qianbao Hanoi, he deliberately revealed the secret of Jin Qi, causing Jiang Chen to become the target of public criticism, but Jiang Chen remembered it in his heart.

According to what Jiang Chen said, he was right, it could be regarded as the second test.

"Don't talk about these things. Now that there is a second test, what is the third test?" Jiang Chen asked.

"It's not just the third test, there will be a fourth and fifth test. This test will not end until you die," said the strong man of the royal family.

"Why do you want to do this? Am I provoking someone?" Jiang Chen was so depressed that he almost vomited blood.

"You didn't offend anyone, but you shouldn't stand by Luo Xi's side, and now you appear beside Luo Xi, these are all things you have to bear... To put it simply, there will be no one , I think you are worthy of Luo Xi." The royal powerhouse said solemnly.

"As expected." Jiang Chen said secretly in his heart.

He has no old grievances with this powerful royal family, but there must be a reason for being targeted like this, and the reason for that is Luo Xi.

But what kind of relationship does Luo Xi have with the imperial family?
"Aren't you worthy? I don't think so, I, Jiang Chen, am worthy of anyone in this world." Jiang Chen said, smiling slightly.

"Jiang Chen, I praised you just now, but now it seems that you are not very smart. If you are really that smart, you should start from this moment and stay away from Luo Xi, as far away as possible. "The royal powerhouse was very displeased.

"It's said that the royal family is ruthless, and I, Jiang Chen, can't do such a thing, such a shameless thing." Jiang Chen said lightly.

"You are accelerating your own demise!" The royal powerhouse was furious, and said sharply, "I don't know good and bad, I'm purely looking for death."

"Threat me? Don't be afraid, I'll kill you first?" Jiang Chen was also a little upset, and threatened.

"In this case, in your opinion, is it a threat? Jiang Chen, you have always overestimated yourself." The royal powerhouse shook his head.

He issued a warning, telling Jiang Chen that what happened today was just the beginning. If Jiang Chen didn't want to continue to have troubles in the future, he must stay away from Luo Xi as soon as possible, otherwise, sooner or later, he would have to reap the consequences.

Jiang Chen, on the other hand, suddenly laughed out loud, and said, "Boy, you've said so much nonsense, aren't you going to tell me your intentions?"


The royal powerhouse was surprised, and took a deep look at Jiang Chen.

"You can play stupid, but I'm not interested in playing stupid with you." Jiang Chen said mockingly.

Some words of the powerful royal family are not alarmist. If it were another person, I am afraid that he would be frightened into silence, but how could he, Jiang Chen, be so easily bluffed?

In fact, how rare is it to sacrifice oneself as a puppet, and it was destroyed just like that. This royal powerhouse has never been angry at all. How could Jiang Chen not know that this guy has other intentions, otherwise, he would have died long ago up.

"As far as I know, your current ranking on the top of the list is quite inconspicuous." The royal powerhouse's tone became complicated.

He thought he was hiding deep enough, but was seen through by Jiang Chen at a glance, and he had a feeling that there was nothing to hide. For the powerful royal family, it was destined not to be a wonderful feeling.

"Directly." Jiang Chen signaled.

Now that the words have reached this level, Jiang Chen is even more lazy and pretends to be false with the powerful royal family.

"Let's go up, I'm looking forward to your final ranking." The royal powerhouse said.

This is the real intention of the powerful royal family coming this time, leaving these words behind, he turned around and left.

"This guy……"

Looking at the back of the powerful royal family leaving, Jiang Chen called out, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

It was shouting, beating and killing, and threats, as if they wanted to die forever, but in the end, it ended so hastily, is this really okay?

If his heart was not strong enough to accidentally get a heart attack, who would be responsible?
Jiang Chen returned to the room, and Luo Xi was waiting inside. Seeing Jiang Chen walk in, his red lips parted slightly, as if he wanted to say something, but he couldn't say it after all.

"Luoxi beauty, I have a question, what is the name of that idiot." Seeing this, Jiang Chen said.

"Qin Shiji." Luo Xi said.

The Great Qin Empire is the Qin family's world, and they are members of the royal family, so their surname is Qin. As for Jiang Chen calling the powerful of the royal family an idiot, Luo Xi just pretends that he didn't hear it.

"Imperial Prince?"

Jiang Chen was stunned, and for no reason, a look of astonishment emerged from those eyes.

No matter how unclear Jiang Chen was about the internal situation of the imperial family of the Great Qin Empire, he still knew that this was the world of the Qin family and he knew the name of the crown prince.

This is really a big background, such an astonishing background, how can it not make people surprised?

"That's right, he is the prince." Luo Xi nodded, and she said, "In the future, unless necessary, you'd better not have too much contact with him. This is definitely not a good thing for you. "

"Miss Luoxi, I think you are right. That guy is not a good thing at first glance, and he will hide as far away as possible in the future." Jiang Chen said seriously.

While talking, he looked up and down, looking at Luo Xi.

Jiang Chen's gaze was so hot that Luo Xi was terrified and had the urge to run away.

"Miss Luo Xi, you two have been living together for such a long time, and I still don't know what your name is." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"My name is Qin..." Luo Xi replied subconsciously, and when the words came to her lips, she suddenly realized that something was wrong. This was a trick set by Jiang Chen, and she hurriedly reprimanded, "Jiang Chen, don't talk nonsense, we just live under the same roof Next, not living together."

"Qin Luoxi?" Jiang Chen looked at Luoxi with a look of sudden enlightenment, and smiled narrowly and hatefully...

(End of this chapter)

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