genius evil

Chapter 1331 The Fall of a Genius

Chapter 1331 The Fall of a Genius
The entire Great Qin Empire is ruled by the Qin family.

The surname Qin, in the empire, to some extent, means honor.

On the other hand, Qin's surname is a common surname in the Great Qin Empire.

In the past, if Luoxi told Jiang Chen that her surname was Qin and her name was Qin Luoxi, Jiang Chen would definitely not think too much about it. At most, he thought that this name was quite good.

After all, before Qin Shiji appeared, Luo Xi was too low-key and never showed that he had any connection with the imperial family.

It was never before, using the status of the royal family, to ask for more than the slightest benefit in the Seven Star Martial Academy!
But when Qin Shiji appeared, Jiang Chen learned of Luo Xi's surname later, so even if Jiang Chen didn't want to think about it, he couldn't do it.

There are always many coincidences in this world, but if even this incident is just a coincidence, then even if Jiang Chen is killed, Jiang Chen will not believe it.

"Luoxi beauty, it turns out that you are Princess Daqin." Looking at Luoxi with a half-smile, Jiang Chen said with a smile, with a look of sudden realization.

Luo Xi was very ashamed and annoyed.

Regarding her own identity, she has always hidden it very deeply, in order to avoid some unnecessary troubles, but it is so easy to be told by Jiang Chen, it is simply impossible to guard against.

Luo Xi really wanted to deny it, and told Jiang Chen that she was not.

But looking at Jiang Chen's appearance, he knew that no matter how much he denied it, Jiang Chen would definitely not believe it. He couldn't help getting annoyed, and secretly blamed Jiang Chen for being too shrewd.

Then, Luo Xi blamed Qin Shiji again, if it wasn't for Qin Shiji's appearance, it would be fine, how could his identity be leaked.

Now that's all right, when we get along with Jiang Chen in the future, Jiang Chen will inevitably use this matter to tease her.

After thinking about it for a while, Luo Xi felt a headache.

"Jiang Chen, now that you know my identity, then in the future..." Luo Xi said, simply, there is no way to hide it, so let's be more open and honest.

"Luoxi beauty, you are asking me to help you not to speak out, right? No problem, there is really no problem at all. I, Jiang Chen, am such a big-mouthed person. I must keep my mouth shut and won't say anything even if I'm beaten to death." Before Luo Xi could finish speaking, Jiang Chen made a vowed statement.

How many men in the world dream of living together with a princess?

Even if Jiang Chen is a fool, no, even if he is an idiot, it is impossible to say it.

Firstly, she didn't want to bring trouble to Luo Xi, and secondly, she didn't want to bring trouble to herself.

"I, Jiang Chen, am really blessed." In the end, Jiang Chen felt deeply in his heart.

First was Princess Meng, then Luo Xi, one was the princess of the Dynasty, and the other was the princess of the Empire, but they were all without exception. Living with him was undoubtedly a blessing.

"That's not what I meant." Bai Jiangchen glanced at Luo Xi, and Luo Xi was very angry. Can this guy stop being so habitually self-righteous?

What she wanted to say was not this.

Because, Luo Xi knew very well that Jiang Chen seemed to be easy to get along with, but he was actually quite domineering. With this personality, it was impossible to leak her identity.

"What I want to say is, since you know my identity, please stay away from me in the future." Luo Xi said coldly.

"Luoxi beauty, how can you be so ruthless." Jiang Chen said with a mournful face.

"This is an order!" Luo Xi said sternly.

The leak of identity may cause trouble, but it is not without benefits. At least, before this, Luo Xi would never be able to talk to Jiang Chen in such a tone.

"Luoxi beauty, I suddenly discovered a problem. You are so beautiful when you are serious." Jiang Chen said in amazement, his eyes were shining brightly.

Luo Xi was stunned and speechless.

She is a genuine imperial princess, distinguished and honored, and every word she speaks is a golden eloquence, but Jiang Chen doesn't take it seriously. Is she so intimidating in front of Jiang Chen?

I have to say, this taste is quite bad.

Even if he deliberately concealed his identity and didn't want to be too high-profile, meeting a guy like Jiang Chen still made people very angry.

"Miss Luoxi, I found out that you are getting more and more beautiful. Tell me, what is going on? I appeared, hallucination?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

In the past, it was fine if he didn't know that Luo Xi was a princess, but now that he knew, Jiang Chen just realized that the way they get along with each other is actually very interesting.

Dare to ask, but who can molested a princess in such an open manner?

This was so interesting that it made Jiang Chen a little bit, never tired of it.

"To shut up!"

Luo Xi couldn't listen anymore, this guy was verbal, these words were completely useless to Luo Xi, it was impossible for him to be deceived by Jiang Chen.

"Luoxi beauty, before I shut up, there is one extremely important thing that I must tell you, that is, Qin Shiji betrothed you to me." Jiang Chen suddenly became serious.


Hearing this, Luo Xi's complexion suddenly changed, is there such a thing?


Then, Luo Xi categorically denied that this was ridiculous, it was impossible for Qin Shiji to do such a thing.

Furthermore, there is a huge disparity between Jiang Chen and her, no matter their status or status. If you say Qin Shiji, a hundred or a thousand people look down on Jiang Chen, but Luo Xi will believe it, and if you say that she was betrothed to Jiang Chen. Chen, Luo Xi would never believe it.

"Luoxi beauty, not only do you think it's impossible, but I also think it's impossible, but that's how things are." Jiang Chen said.

"Nonsense." Luo Xi scolded.

"It's really not nonsense, Qin Shiji made a condition, as long as I hit the top of the list, I will marry you back home." Jiang Chen said.


Dai Mei frowned slightly, and Luo Xi suddenly realized what the point of Jiang Chen's words was.

The point is not whether she was betrothed to Jiang Chen, but whether Jiang Chen was able to successfully attack and rank first in the heaven list.

It seems to be a condition, but in fact, according to Luo Xi's understanding, this is still a test.

It's just that this test is similar to a threshold. It is extremely ingeniously set up, but it is also difficult and disgusting. This is because Jiang Chen's original goal is to be number one on the list. Even without this test, Jiang Chen is bound to attack upwards.

"Why, the prince said these words to Jiang Chen, what is his intention?" Luo Xi thought deeply.

On the surface, this matter is because of her, but Luo Xi naturally understands that it is not simple, but has a deep meaning.

"Luoxi beauty, I will be number one on the list that day, and I, Jiang Chen, are going to make a decision. While there is still a little time left, you should hurry up and make mental preparations, and then we will give birth to a few more babies." Jiang Chen said carelessly.

Luo Xi's pink face flushed with embarrassment, and she really wanted to tell Jiang Chen that Qin Shiji's thoughts were unpredictable, he had practiced the emperor's mind art, and when he came to his lips, he took everything back.

"Jiang Chen, you don't have to be a fool, it's impossible for this to happen." Luo Xi said, telling Jiang Chen not to use this matter to harass her.

"Luoxi beauty, this is really not a dream." Jiang Chen said seriously.

Regarding Qin Shiji's calculations, Jiang Chen lazily spent his time trying to guess, but there was one thing that Jiang Chen understood, if he wanted to stand by Luo Xi's side all the time, he could only keep pushing upwards.

For example, Wen Yanxi mentioned about Luo Qun and the three of them. Many conflicts seemed unresolvable. In fact, as long as he is strong enough and has enough amazing potential, then everything will not be a problem.

Luo Xi just glanced at Jiang Chen in surprise, wondering what Jiang Chen meant by this, could it be that he really wanted to pester her endlessly, even if there was a natural barrier between them, he was planning to break it down with one foot ?
Of course, Luo Xi would not say what was in her heart, so she turned around and returned to her room.

"Luo Xi beauty, just wait, I'm sure I'll be the son-in-law." Jiang Chen shouted at Luo Xi's back.

Staggering, Luo Xi almost fell to the ground.


The emergence of Qianbao River has caused shocking waves throughout the territory of the Great Qin Empire. Powerhouses from all walks of life have flocked to participate in the competition.

This battle ended in a way that made many people dumbfounded.

But there is one thing, there is a person who is very successful and famous. If you look at the Seven Star Martial Academy, no matter whether it is the outer sect or the inner sect, everyone knows it.

This person is Jiang Chen!

Prior to this, Jiang Chen had always been high-profile and clamoring everywhere, as if he had already trampled down the strong people in the entire Tianbang, but naturally he did not attract too much attention.

But after this incident, many people had to re-examine and evaluate Jiang Chen's strength. They were the first batch of people who stepped on the ladder. To a certain extent, they were comparable to Ji Mobai and others. On equal terms, even though Jiang Chen's current ranking in the celestial list is unremarkable, they guessed that soon, Jiang Chen would be on the top of the celestial list, stirring up the situation.

It didn't disappoint them, this day came very soon.

"Gao Junshan, do you dare to fight me?"

Jiang Chen raised his voice and challenged Gao Junshan.

Gao Junshan is currently ranked No. 80 on the Tianbang. The ranking is not high, but he is not the kind of unknown person.

More importantly, Gao Junshan was a freshman last year. That is to say, he has not been in the inner sect for a long time. In such a short period of time, even if he enters the top list and has a good ranking, no one can Deny, Gao Junshan's talent and potential.

As expected, Jiang Chen wanted to stir up the Tianbang, and the first person to challenge was Gao Junshan. After such news spread, it immediately spread to the inner sect.

"Jiang Chen, could it be that he made a mistake, thinking that Gao Junshan is a soft persimmon that can be handled at will?" Someone discussed.

"I'm careless, Gao Junshan is not Deng Chunhua, Jiang Chen is destined to get no benefit this time." Someone said again.

"Jiang Chen is too anxious after all. Even if the rules of the Tianbang are different from those of the Outer Sect Top [-], is it really okay to launch such a large-scale challenge?" Dust, it is very likely that the halberd will sink into the sand, and all the past scenery will become bleak and dull.

Some people even described this challenge as the fall of a genius.

The bad voices sounded one after another, and it was also at this time that Gao Junshan spoke up and accepted the challenge!

(End of this chapter)

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