genius evil

Chapter 1332 Get out of here

Chapter 1332 Get out of here
The challenge rules of the Tianbang are very different from the challenge rules of the Outer Sect Top [-] List.

Among them, the most obvious difference is that the challenge on the top of the list does not limit the ranking of the challenge. That is to say, if Jiang Chen is willing, Jiang Chen can directly challenge Ji Mobai!

However, despite this, no one has ever been so crazy since the Tianbang. This time because, on the Tianbang, every change in the ranking is a manifestation of absolute strength. If you want to hit a ranking , For ordinary warriors, it is as difficult as climbing the sky, let alone such a large challenge in one breath?
What's more, the challenge of the Tianbang, and the arena of life and death, to a large extent, made some people who were about to make a move have to become, and settle down.

In the arena of life and death, life and death are irrelevant, how many people have the courage to ignore their own life and death?

If there is, it is definitely not courageous, but rather, life-and-death stupidity!

In fact, Jiang Chen is currently challenging Gao Junshan, who is ranked No. 80 on that day's list, causing so many people to sing bad news. There are many people who think Jiang Chen is too confident, so that If you are too blind to your own strength, you will eventually reap the consequences.

"Gao Junshan?" Jiang Chen grinned and smiled softly.

The reason why Jiang Chen would choose to challenge Gao Junshan after Deng Chunhua was naturally not on a whim, but because of a certain purpose.

Gao Junshan can be regarded as a character with his own topic. He entered the Seven Star Martial Arts Academy last year, and now he has rushed to the top of the list. The more important point is that he did not enter in advance. Even when he was in the outer sect, Gao Junshan The ranking on the top [-] list is very inconspicuous.

This is a role that is easily overlooked under normal circumstances, but in the end it soared into the sky, leaving many strong people far behind.

Jiang Chen was originally a person with his own topic, and now, with the addition of Gao Junshan, no, even if the inner sect didn't want to be lively, it wouldn't work.

"I can make a lot of money again." Jiang Chen sighed and looked forward to it.

The time for this challenge is set for tomorrow morning. Over there, according to Jiang Chen's instructions, Yuan Chi has already acted quickly. In other words, there are so many voices singing Jiang Chen's downfall, and there is a lot of excitement. Behind the scenes, fueling the flames.

Early the next morning, Jiang Chen made breakfast and accompanied Luo Xi to eat.

"I've heard all the news from outside." Having breakfast, Luo Xi said, she was speechless, because this was a very familiar routine.

Last time, Jiang Chen teamed up with Yuan Chi, they were the ones who cheated so much.

However, Luo Xi found out very sadly that even with such a routine, no matter how unskilled it is, this time, there will still be a large number of people who will fall into the urn, and will be tortured to death by Jiang Chen.

But this is not the most frightening thing. The most frightening thing is that Jiang Chen's routine is too skillful. Those who have been cheated are destined to be cheated again in the future. give up.

"Luoxi beauty, are you interested in playing together?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Okay." Luo Xi did not refuse.

Last time, Jiang Chen made a lot of money and gave her [-] points of contribution, allowing her to have the qualification to enter the third floor of the Seven Star Hall, which was a lot of money.

If you want to enter the fourth floor of the Seven Star Hall, you will need a contribution value of 100 million points.

The amount of such contribution value is an astronomical figure, which makes people feel desperate and dare not even have fantasies.

As for the fifth floor of the Seven Star Hall, needless to say, so far, no one in the inner sect has the qualification to step into it.

Anyone who can plunder such a large amount of contribution value must not be an ordinary person, and the method must not be an ordinary method. Jiang Chen treats it as a business. This is a loophole, but no one can deny it. fruitful.

Obviously, it is disgraceful to be able to make a lot of money, but after thinking about it carefully, Luo Xi also found that she has no reason to refuse.

"Very well, your bet is on me." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Okay." Luo Xi nodded.

The relationship between her and Jiang Chen, in the eyes of outsiders, is very close, but it is not easy to show up, buy Jiang Chen to win, otherwise it will be too conspicuous, and I am afraid it will arouse others' suspicion.

But Jiang Chen is different, no matter how generous he is to buy himself to win, others are not good, so what to say, who made Jiang Chen, has always been so insolent.

If one day, Jiang Chen suddenly becomes humble and low-key, it will make people very uncomfortable.

At least, Luo Xi thinks that she must be the first one not used to it.

After breakfast, Jiang Chen uttered his voice again, expressing that he would play well with Gao Junshan. In order to show respect, he bet on [-] contribution points and bought himself to win.

Since yesterday, all the topics in the inner sect have revolved around Jiang Chen and Gao Junshan. The amount of bets Yuan Chi made is already astonishing.

Before the start of the challenge, Jiang Chen bet with [-] contribution points, or bought him to win, which immediately brought the topic to a climax.

"Very good, then, I will also spend [-] contribution points and buy myself to win." Soon, Gao Junshan responded tit for tat.

"One hundred thousand contribution points?"

When Gao Junshan's voice came out, the entire inner sect was in an uproar.

You must know that [-] contribution points is not a small sum no matter who it is for. Few people can take it out.

Jiang Chen was able to get it out, but it's okay to say, it's justifiable, the last time he fought with Deng Chunhua, he made a fortune, but Gao Junshan was able to get it out.

Doesn't this mean that Gao Junshan has stepped into the third floor of the Seven Star Hall?

This is undoubtedly astonishing. Countless people looked sideways at it and were amazed again and again.

No. 80 in the ranking of Tianbang, but he has the qualification to step into the third floor of the Seven Star Hall. It is too deep to hide. Who would have thought that Gao Junshan would be so forbearing?
If it wasn't because of Jiang Chen, who would have known that Gao Junshan had such a side?
This is undoubtedly terrifying, and even makes many people on the Tianbang list feel horrified. When, such a monster is hidden beside them.


More or less, Jiang Chen was also surprised that such a situation actually appeared.

However, Jiang Chen laughed more happily, which undoubtedly meant that this good show would become more lively.

Jiang Chen was not disappointed. Gao Junshan's generous behavior pushed the voices of Jiang Chen to an unprecedented level in one fell swoop.

"Jiang Chen's luck is too bad." Someone said, extremely gloating.

Gao Junshan was different from Meng Hu. Before that, Meng Hu was able to contribute [-] points because of Deng Chunhua.

As for Gao Junshan, he actually gave out a contribution value of [-] points, which has an extraordinary meaning. It can also be said that Gao Junshan has been secretly accumulating momentum, looking for a suitable opportunity, and launching an event on the top of the list. shock.

But because of Jiang Chen, it had to be exposed in advance.

"It's too bad luck. It's not good to challenge anyone, but to challenge Gao Junshan." Someone also said, teasing and sarcastic.

This is because, for a period of time, Jiang Chen has caused great psychological pressure on many people, and many people have long been secretly waiting for Jiang Chen to be unlucky.

They thought to themselves that this day had finally come.

Afterwards, countless people rushed towards Yuan Chi, following suit, and wanted to buy Jiang Chen to lose.

With the previous experience, Yuan Chi's psychological endurance has made great progress, he talks and laughs happily, and never refuses anyone who comes, he is completely smiling.

Finally, when the time came, a figure appeared on the stage of life and death.

That was Gao Junshan, who appeared immediately, waiting for Jiang Chen's arrival.

"Where's Jiang Chen, hasn't he come yet?" Someone asked, looking around, looking for Jiang Chen's figure.

"Here we come." A voice sounded, and with that voice, the young man appeared swaggeringly. It was Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen didn't come alone, there were two people behind him, one was Luo Xi, and the other was Situ Aofeng.

Because of being tricked by Jiang Chen last time, Situ Aofeng can now be regarded as one of the best among the inner sect, with a great reputation. Of course, he is incomparably comparable to Jiang Chen.

No, appearing together with Jiang Chen at this time, he has almost no sense of existence at all. Compared with Luo Xi, he is much better. No matter where and what occasion, beautiful women will always have preferential treatment.

Situ Aofeng didn't care about being left out in the cold. He raised his head and looked at Gao Junshan above the arena of life and death.

"Brother Situ, did you realize that that guy is quite pitiful?" Jiang Chen said with a smile as he patted Situ Aofeng on the shoulder.

"Indeed." Situ Aofeng said.

Others didn't understand what was going on, but because of his understanding of Jiang Chen, how could Situ Aofeng not understand?
Right now, Gao Junshan is standing on the arena of life and death, unrestrained and unrestrained, extraordinary, but in the eyes of Jiang Chen and him, that life is the contribution value of walking.

Situ Aofeng couldn't help being very envious of Jiang Chen, because, in this way, he was able to plunder the contribution value. Looking at the inner sect, only Jiang Chen was the only one, and no one else could follow suit.

"Brother Situ, as for you, you don't need to envy me, after all, you have no chance to encounter such an unlucky thing." Jiang Chen said earnestly.

Situ Aofeng was in a mess, but he was right after thinking about it, he didn't want such an opportunity no matter what.

Ever since, the way Situ Aofeng looked at Gao Junshan like that, quietly, some subtle changes happened.


Gao Junshan looked over and noticed Situ Aofeng's eyes, his brows suddenly frowned, feeling puzzled.

"Is it mercy?"

Gao Junshan said to himself in his heart.

Clearly, from Situ Aofeng's eyes, he interpreted an emotion called pity. At this moment, Gao Junshan was furious and couldn't bear it.

"Jiang Chen, get out here!" A finger pointed at Jiang Chen, and immediately Gao Junshan said sharply...

(End of this chapter)

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