genius evil

Chapter 1333 Opening the road against the sky

Chapter 1333 Opening the road against the sky
As soon as Jiang Chen appeared, Gao Junshan noticed it, and Luo Xi and Situ Aofeng were also noticed by him.

Because of Jiang Chen's relationship, it was difficult for Situ Aofeng to keep a low profile in the inner sect, and he was noticed by many people. The same was true for Luo Xi. On the other hand, it was because Luo Xi and Jiang Chen lived together.

The three of them are very conspicuous, and it is very difficult not to be noticed.

But Gao Junshan just casually glanced at Situ Aofeng. Situ Aofeng didn't have the qualifications for him to pay attention. He never thought that Situ Aofeng would look at him like that.

This made Gao Junshan furious, and unceremoniously, he vented his anger on Jiang Chen, so that Situ Aofeng could see clearly who was the one who needed pity.

"Did I hire you? Did I mess with you?"

Suddenly being angered by Gao Junshan, Jiang Chen was puzzled, as if, after he appeared, he didn't say a word, so what kind of game is Gao Junshan playing?
"Stop talking nonsense, get out here and die!" Gao Junshan said grimly.

He believed that Jiang Chen was singing with Situ Aofeng, so his emotions were abnormally manic at this moment, and he wished he could immediately strike and kill Jiang Chen.

"It's so domineering." Someone was amazed.

Gao Junshan was the first to attack, but he didn't take Jiang Chen seriously at all. Many people were shocked when they heard Gao Junshan's words.

"Gao Junshan is full of confidence, Jiang Chen is really going to be unlucky now." Someone also said.

Including Situ Aofeng, no one knew why Gao Junshan showed his ferocious fangs uncharacteristically. They took this as a manifestation of Gao Junshan's confidence.

"Death? Are you sure?" Jiang Chen asked with narrowed eyes.

He used Gao Junshan to create a topic, and then cooperated with Yuan Chi to scrutinize and plunder the contribution value, but he never thought about killing Gao Junshan.

In the final analysis, there was no grievance or enmity between each other, and Jiang Chen was not a bloodthirsty person, so there was no need to start a killing spree.

"Jiang Chen, do you want to tell me that you are afraid? Kneel down and beg for mercy, so that you will not die." Gao Junshan said, very domineering.

"You're too impulsive." Jiang Chen shook his head, and walked slowly towards the arena of life and death while talking.

"Tianbang challenge, to me, is just an interesting little game." Jiang Chen said again, stepping onto the arena of life and death, looking at Gao Junshan, Jiang Chen said slowly, "I say so, do you understand?"

"You talk a lot of nonsense." Gao Junshan said dismissively.

Jiang Chen is currently in the limelight among the inner sect, and the name of genius is approaching Ji Mobai. Many people are not convinced by this.

Among them, Gao Junshan is one of them.

He has always been proud of his reputation as a genius, especially after entering the inner sect, he has made great strides. Why should he be suppressed by Jiang Chen?
In the final analysis, Situ Aofeng's pitiful gaze was just a lead, and Gao Junshan's heart was full of grievances, so he simply stopped hiding it and broke out all at once.

"Very good, what you said is really great." Jiang Chen smiled and couldn't help applauding Gao Junshan.

"Jiang Chen, I accept your challenge, I'm not here to listen to your nonsense, let's do it." Gao Junshan said coldly.


Almost as soon as Gao Junshan's voice fell, there was a buzzing sound.

Seeing Jiang Chen, the whole body was covered with golden light, and a miraculous golden small tripod appeared in the air, covering Jiang Chen's head, sprinkled with golden lights.

It was the Pure Yang Ding, with golden light shining like a round of golden sun, it was so bright that people couldn't look directly at it.

With the Chunyang cauldron on Jiang Chen's head, he charged forward and launched an attack.

Gao Junshan wanted to seek death, how could Jiang Chen have a reason for not fulfilling it?He has always been very helpful, so let's send Gao Junshan to hell as soon as possible!
The golden light was blazing and unparalleled. Jiang Chen was rushing, with the speed of breaking through the barrier of the physical body. It was too fast, and he appeared in front of Gao Junshan in an instant.

"Pretend to be a ghost."

At a glance, Gao Junshan sneered, he casually sacrificed his weapon, it was a long knife with a sharp edge, he raised his hand and cut it forward!

The sword light cut in the air, from point to surface, exploded, and the air surged, as if it was a pot of boiling water.

"Break it for me!"

Gao Junshan said in a low voice, and the long knife in his hand slashed directly at the Chunyang cauldron above Jiang Chen's head.

But it was destined to disappoint Gao Junshan, his attack was impossible to be effective, Jiang Chen had a pure Yang cauldron on his head, and his defense was invincible.

Jiang Chen punched, carried out a critical blow, and shot a golden light. This is just pure physical strength, but it is also extraordinary, as mountainous as a mountain, and extremely thick.

In an instant, Gao Junshan was crushed, and shot out quickly to the rear. The expression on his face finally became serious.

How domineering he was with one strike, but it was ineffective against Jiang Chen, which surprised Gao Junshan. If he hadn't reacted fast enough, he would have been injured.

Even so, he was still suppressed, which made Gao Junshan's heart tighten and his breath suffocated.

Jiang Chen doesn't care what Gao Junshan thinks, this is destined to be an unequal battle, and Gao Junshan is nothing but hopeless.


After a few rounds, Gao Junshan was suppressed again. Even the long knife in his hand was smashed by Jiang Chen. Gritting his teeth, Gao Junshan sacrificed a magic weapon to counterattack, but it was useless, and was beaten by Jiang Chen. burst.

"How could this be?"

No matter how hard it is to calm Gao Junshan's mood, he realized that he had encountered the biggest trouble in history. He had talked too much before, and now he was about to suffer the consequences.

Gao Junshan was extremely unwilling, he desperately urged his original magic weapon to forcibly collide with Jiang Chen.


The sound of explosions sounded one after another, and anyone could tell that Gao Junshan was at the end of his battle, no amount of struggle would be of any use.

In the end, the original magic weapon was shattered, and Gao Junshan was severely injured. He was punched by Jiang Chen and flew out, falling heavily to the bottom of the arena of life and death.


Gao Junshan wailed and roared, venting the anger in his heart.

This was an ending beyond what he could accept. His internal organs were all shattered, and he vomited blood and died.


The battle ended, Gao Junshan died, and it took a long time for the crowd of onlookers to see such a scene in their eyes, and it was hard to regain their senses.

"Jiang Chen, you've become stronger again." After a while, someone said.

The previous battle between Jiang Chen and Deng Chunhua was very exciting, but compared to this battle, there is no doubt that Jiang Chen is stronger. From the beginning to the end, he firmly suppressed Gao Junshan and let him Gao Junshan had no room to breathe.

"Who spoke badly about Jiang Chen? Gao Junshan is simply vulnerable, how can he be compared with Jiang Chen?" Someone said again, full of anger.

This is because, being misled earlier, he bet heavily on Gao Junshan to win.

As a result, Gao Junshan was very miserable, basically unable to fight back, and he was beaten so hard that he couldn't tell the east, west, south, north, which made people crazy.

"Yeah, which bastard is it, get out of here!"

Immediately, more people reacted, each one was filled with righteous indignation, wishing to tear the first person who bad-mouthed Jiang Chen to pieces.

"too weak."

Glancing at Gao Junshan's corpse, Jiang Chen said plainly.

Gao Junshan wanted to die by himself, Jiang Chen naturally wouldn't think about it, and felt it was a pity.


Suddenly, Jiang Chen felt several gazes, and from his own point of view, they clearly contained the intention of probing.

Jiang Chen's spiritual consciousness was released, and his spiritual sense was so keen. When he looked up, he saw a few old acquaintances.

Those are Duan Changfeng, Chang Yulong, and Su Yueyun.

There are also two other people, but they have never dealt with each other before, so they are very unfamiliar.

Of course, Jiang Chen didn't notice the existence of those two, he stared at Chang Yulong, looking again and again.

Feeling Jiang Chen's gaze, looking towards him, for some reason, Chang Yulong actually had a creepy feeling, that feeling, as if he was being targeted by an ancient ferocious beast.

"Brother Chang, how are you?" Jiang Chen greeted with a grin.

"Do I know you?" Chang Yulong mocked.

"Brother Chang, this is your fault. Last time, you were so frightened by me that you forgot it so quickly? But that's right, you definitely don't want to remember such an unpleasant experience, Brother Chang." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"To shut up!"

Chang Yulong is fierce and vicious, when did he get frightened?
"Brother Chang, there is no need to explain. To explain is to cover up, let alone cover up. Everyone already knows it. No matter how you cover up, it will be useless." Jiang Chen said leisurely.

Chang Yulong was about to vomit blood, didn't everyone know that, what Jiang Chen said was too sure, it looked so real that it was hard to tell the truth from the fake.

"Jiang Chen, you are looking for death." Chang Yulong was angry.

"Brother Chang, are you going to challenge me? Yes, I officially announce that I accept your challenge. Don't be the same as last time, and I'll scare the shit out of you again." Jiang Chen said with a half-smile.

Chang Yulong was dumbfounded, did he challenge Jiang Chen?
"No, I was fooled!" Chang Yulong gritted his teeth, wanting to go crazy.

In a few words, he had slipped into Jiang Chen's trap, which made Chang Yulong extremely unhappy, and being so unreasonable, and in front of so many people, even if he wanted to deny it, he couldn't do it.

After all, in that way, wouldn't it mean that he was afraid of Jiang Chen and wanted to back down?
"Jiang Chen, soon, you will know how to write the word regret." Chang Yulong said.

Firstly, it cannot be denied, and secondly, since Jiang Chen made such a statement, Chang Yulong never thought of denying it. He had wanted to take Jiang Chen's knife for a long time, but he had no chance.

Now, with such a great opportunity presented before him, how could there be any reason not to seize it.

"Regret is not important how to write these two words, what is important is that you will know how to write the word dead tomorrow." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Jiang Chen held grudges very much.

Different from challenging Gao Junshan, Jiang Chen had no intention of killing Gao Junshan at the beginning, but for Chang Yulong, Jiang Chen had long wanted to crush him to death.

"What's the situation?"

Many people listened to the conversation between Jiang Chen and Chang Yulong, and were enlightened by it.

"Jiang Chen wants to challenge Chang Yulong?" Someone said in a low voice.

Chang Yulong has a great reputation and is recognized as an extremely dangerous existence.

Not to mention, Chang Yulong's ranking on the Tianbang is much higher than that of Gao Junshan, currently ranked third.

Originally, Jiang Chen wanted to challenge Gao Junshan, which made many people feel incomprehensible, but now, he directly surpassed more than 20 rankings and challenged Chang Yulong, which made people feel unbelievable.

"Is Jiang Chen impatient? Who gave him confidence?"

The voices of discussion rang out one after another, and the crowd of onlookers were all puzzled.

After all, Gao Junshan and Chang Yulong~ are not at the same level at all, the gap is too big to be reasonable.

If Jiang Chen thought that by suppressing Gao Junshan, he could suppress Chang Yulong, he would definitely be sending himself to death.

"Is this going to start, a road against the sky?"

Another person said that it was hard to look up to Jiang Chen, but it didn't hinder him. Not everyone had the courage to appreciate Jiang Chen's blood.

"Bet it, make it bet."

That bastard Yuan Chi, at some point, came over, yelled loudly, and then explained to everyone the odds of the battle between Jiang Chen and Chang Yulong.

"Jiang Chen's reputation as a genius is well-deserved. His demeanor is peerless, and his appearance is something that my generation admires. Therefore, I will buy Jiang Chen and lose." Someone said, bragging about it.

"Jiang Chen is too powerful. I have a premonition that Chang Yulong is in danger. Then, I will also buy Jiang Chen and cheer for Chang Yulong." Someone said again.

"As Jiang Chen said, he is destined to shock the world. In the future, he will compete with the goddess Tianjiao on the mainland. I believe that Jiang Chen will not let me down. That day will come soon. For the sake of fairness For the sake of it, after thinking about it, I'd better buy Jiang Chen and lose." Someone was talking eloquently.


Yuan Chi was surrounded by people, and people kept placing bets, and all the bets were heavy bets. One by one, they expressed that they were optimistic about Jiang Chen and praised them to the fullest, and then, in turn, bought Jiang Chen to lose...

(End of this chapter)

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