genius evil

Chapter 1334 The Man You Want Most

Chapter 1334 The Man You Want Most

The betting is basically one-sided, whether it is really not optimistic about Jiang Chen, or following the trend to join in the fun, in short, they all buy Jiang Chen and lose.

Such a scene made Jiang Chen's face turn blue.

Although, this is exactly the result he wants, but he also wants to save face, okay?

In front of him, buying him to lose in a swarm, is this really okay?
"Brother Jiang, your popularity is really not good enough." Situ Aofeng couldn't help but said, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, inexplicably wanting to laugh, especially seeing Jiang Chen's face becoming so ugly, Situ Aofeng was even more I want to laugh.

"I don't care." Jiang Chen pretended not to care.

Then, Jiang Chen added, "Only the weak will care about these insignificant side details. The strong only need to crush and smash."

"Brother Jiang, do you really think so?" Situ Aofeng asked, for Jiang Chen's words, he didn't even believe the punctuation marks.

"Brother Situ, didn't you hear, they all praised me for being brave and invincible, the reason why they bought me and lost was just doing it on purpose, to comfort Chang Yulong's glassy heart." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"Brother Jiang, as long as you are happy." Situ Aofeng was speechless.

In fact, even for Situ Aofeng, it is hard to be optimistic about Jiang Chen.

Chang Yulong is not simple, and the circle he hangs out in is even more difficult. He can talk to Ji Mobai, and have an inseparable relationship with Fu Qingfeng, Duan Changfeng and others. This undoubtedly means that whether it is Ji Mobai, Fu Qingfeng and others, They all look at Chang Yulong differently, are optimistic about Chang Yulong's potential, and think that in time, San Yulong will be able to be on the top of the list and have a better ranking.

The so-called people divide by groups and things gather by like, is nothing more than that.

Among the inner sect, almost all the students want to forge ahead on the top of the list. Of course, the ranking means the difference in the resources they can get, but more importantly, it means that being able to enter a Very different circles.

The circle is undoubtedly very important, not everyone is as weird as Jiang Chen, ignoring all the rules.

"Brother Situ, what are you thinking? Don't you just want to buy me to lose? On this issue, you have to learn from the beauty Luoxi. Even if I challenge Ji Mobai now, the beauty Luoxi will think , I can beat Ji Mobai all over the place." Jiang Chen yelled.

"Brother Jiang, you misunderstood. Of course I am just like them, and I am very optimistic about you." Situ Aofeng explained, and finally complained silently in his heart.

What is the relationship between Luo Xi and Jiang Chen, and what is the relationship between him and Jiang Chen? How can they be compared?
As far as the relationship between Luo Xi and Jiang Chen is concerned, it must be extremely blind. No matter what Jiang Chen does, he will fully support him, but he is quite different.

"Jiang Chen, I'll buy you to win, the old rules." Luo Xi opened his mouth and spoke.

Luo Xi didn't know much about the matter of Qianbao Hanoi, most of it was Jiang Chen, who boasted about himself, and what he boasted was a hype.

But I have personally seen the battle between Jiang Chen and Qin Shiji, even a sacrificed puppet with the combat power in the early stage of the Mortal Transformation Realm was blown up by Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen wants to challenge Chang Yulong at this time. no problem.

Since he knew Jiang Chen would win, Luo Xi naturally wanted to take advantage of it.

"Sure enough, it's blind. It's not that one family doesn't enter the other family." Situ Aofeng sighed endlessly.

As Jiang Chen was about to challenge Chang Yulong, it was very sad. Gao Junshan had no sense of existence at all, and everyone's focus was on Chang Yulong.

The name of a man, the shadow of a tree.

Chang Yulong's fierce reputation left a deep and unforgettable impression on many people. This directly led to all Jiang Chen's previous efforts being in vain, and he was considered to be humiliating himself.

"It's a farce."

Someone described Jiang Chen and Chang Yulong's challenge so directly, which attracted many people's approval.

They all agreed that Jiang Chen was too overconfident, and was dazzled by successive victories, so much so that he forgot how much he had.

"Finally, there is a chance to win the round." Someone said very fortunately.

Previously, in Jiang Chen's battle with Deng Chunhua and Gao Junshan, Yuan Chi opened the basic game. Countless people were cheated, suffered heavy losses, and his heart was bleeding.

It was originally thought that such a loss was irreparable.

Jiang Chen, on the other hand, was presented with an excellent opportunity so soon. They thought that they could stop their losses, and even make a fortune.

"Be optimistic about Yuan Chi, wait until tomorrow, and when the result comes out, we will exchange it immediately." Someone reminded, worried that Yuan Chi's side would collapse, and warned in advance.

Of course, these have nothing to do with Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen has already led Luo Xi away.


"Come on, let's have a drink."

In Chang Yulong's residence, Chang Yulong was holding a jug and pouring wine for everyone, his face was flushed and he was full of vigor.


Duan Changfeng and the others all said with a smile, they were in the same mood as Chang Yulong, very good.

"Brother Chang, I don't know if you have a battle with Jiang Chen tomorrow. How sure are you?" One person said, this is an existence that is on the top of the list and ranked eighth. Its name is Hong Quan, because it entered with Chang Yulong Because of the Seven Star Martial Academy, they have a good friendship.

"[-]%!" Stretching out a finger, Chang Yulong said with great certainty, without the slightest bit of politeness or modesty.

Of course, this was also because Chang Yulong didn't think he had the need to be modest, even in front of Jiang Chen, he still had the same attitude and wouldn't give face.

"Haha..." Hong Quan laughed loudly and said, "Then I wish Brother Chang a victory in advance, and kill Jiang Chen's prestige, lest that kid, ostentatious all day long, doesn't know the heights of heaven and earth, I don't like him for a long time gone."

"This time, it's not just as simple as killing his prestige." Chang Yulong said gloomyly.

Due to the loss of a piece of memory, Chang Yulong has no memory of what happened in Qianbao Hanoi, but he was once provoked by Jiang Chen to open the storage bag and allow him to check.

In Chang Yulong's view, this kind of thing is a great shame, if Ji Mobai hadn't stopped him, he would have killed Jiang Chen long ago.

Fortunately, it's not too late now, but Jiang Chen took the initiative to run up to him to die. Regarding this, Chang Yulong naturally didn't intend to show mercy.

"Brother Chang, Jiang Chen is a bit unusual, so be careful." Duan Changfeng said.

He was once cheated by Jiang Chen and lost [-] points of contribution points, but he has always kept it in mind. In addition, he used to be a disciple of the Dao Sect, but he had an old relationship with Jiang Chen. Resentment exists.

Old and new grudges were superimposed, Duan Changfeng was more happy to see Jiang Chen in trouble than Chang Yulong.

But for some reason, he always felt that this matter was a bit weird, because it was Chang Yulong who got into Jiang Chen's trap, so he was clearly suspected of being played.

Therefore, this made it difficult for Duan Changfeng to have full confidence in Chang Yulong.

After all, Jiang Chen is not a fool, how could he do it if he knew he wanted to die?There must be some deep meaning, laying a foreshadowing, maybe, just waiting for Chang Yulong to take the bait.

However, with such thoughts deep in his heart, Duan Changfeng was not good either, he said it too bluntly, but reminded Chang Yulong not to be careless, otherwise he might be fooled by Jiang Chen.

"It's not just that he's a bit unusual, but he's very demonic." Su Yueyun said as she played with the wine glass in her hand, her red lips slightly parted.

"Huh?" Frowning, Chang Yulong looked at the two.

If only Duan Changfeng said that, Chang Yulong might not take it to heart, but unexpectedly, Su Yueyun also had the same attitude as Duan Changfeng, which made Chang Yulong a little surprised.

Whether it's Duan Changfeng or Su Yueyun, the rankings on the celestial list are all much higher than him, one is the tenth existence on the celestial list, and the other is the top [-] powerhouses on the celestial list.

For the eyesight of the two, to a certain extent, Chang Yulong is naturally convinced.

"Brother Chang, I don't know why, but I have a bad premonition." Su Yueyun said, she smiled slightly, with a feeling of gloating.

"Miss Su, I'll prove it to you. Premonitions like this are unreliable." Chang Yulong said with a dark face.

It's not good for him to turn against Su Yueyun, but Su Yueyun's words undoubtedly stepped on his painful foot in an instant, making Chang Yulong lose face.

"Trust me, it's very reliable, so make a little more preparation." Su Yueyun said.

Compared to Duan Changfeng's concealment, Su Yueyun's expression was more direct, and she was not worried about offending Chang Yulong at all.

"Miss Su, I know you are very interested in Jiang Chen, but I am also very unhappy to say such words in front of me." Chang Yulong said.

"To be precise, I'm interested in the strong." Su Yueyun said with a smile.

Specifically, Su Yueyun is enjoying the feeling of being conquered by the strong. It can be said that she is very different. She once publicly stated that she wanted to find a Taoist companion in the top ten of the heaven list, and then told her that she had obtained a dual-cultivation martial skill , Looking forward to going to the fairy and beautiful family with that Taoist couple.

"Is Jiang Chen a strong man?" Chang Yulong sneered.

In his eyes, the real powerhouses are existences like Ji Mobai and Fu Qingfeng. No matter from which angle you look at it, Jiang Chen is too far behind, and there is no comparison.

"he is."

How could I know that Su Yueyun actually said it bluntly, which made the few people present stunned.

"Brother Chang, your wine is good, thank you for your hospitality. I hope that next time we will have a chance to drink together." After speaking, Su Yueyun got up and walked out like a colorful butterfly walking , incomparably gorgeous and eye-catching.

Duan Changfeng left with Su Yueyun, he asked, "Why are you speaking so bluntly?"

"Because Chang Yulong is dead." Su Yueyun said with a light smile, she cast a sidelong glance at Duan Changfeng and said, "Do you need to be polite when talking to a dead person?"

"Why do you think so?" Suspicious, Duan Changfeng asked again.

There are too many people who don't like Jiang Chen. Looking at the entire inner sect, they will occupy it. Nine times out of ten, Su Yueyun does the opposite, and has unimaginable confidence in Jiang Chen.

"Yeah, why? Probably, Jiang Chen is the man I want the most so far." Su Yueyun said, in the beautiful eyes, the light flowed, charming and moving.

Time passed quickly, and the next day arrived in a blink of an eye.

In that life and death arena, it was dark and full of people...

(End of this chapter)

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