genius evil

Chapter 1336 Destined to be trampled under my feet

Chapter 1336 Destined to be trampled under my feet

Outside Ji Mobai's residence, a figure stood quietly.

If someone saw it, they would recognize it. It was Fu Qingfeng, the third strongest person in the heaven list.

Fu Qingfeng did not appear in the room, but stood outside for an unknown how long, motionless, like a gatekeeper.

Looking at the entire inner gate, who can let Fu Qingfeng be the gatekeeper willingly?
Only Ji Mobai can do it, for the sake of it!
But even so, once word of this matter spreads out, it is destined to cause waves in the inner sect, causing countless people to drop their eyes.

In this way, I don't know how long it has passed, the closed courtyard door opened, and a figure walked out slowly from the outside, it was Ji Mobai.

"Brother Ji, what's the matter?"

Seeing Ji Mobai appearing, Fu Qingfeng moved, immediately went to greet him, and asked urgently.

"Fortunately, it lived up to expectations."

Ji Mobai smiled softly, very leisurely, with a very magical charm, flowing around his body, looking very extraordinary, with a chicness that is detached from the world.

"Successful." Fu Qingfeng lost his voice.

His eyes widened for no reason, a gleam burst out of his eyes, he laughed loudly, clasped his fists in his hands, and said, "Brother Ji, congratulations, from now on, you will have a place in this Eastern Region, after all , Seven Star Martial Academy, in the final analysis, is still too small."

"The Eastern Great Territory?"

Ji Mobai spoke softly, and his eyes gradually revealed a brilliance.

Yes, the Seven Star Martial Academy is very big, but in the final analysis, it is also very small. This is just a small stage, and the bigger stage is in the Eastern Territory, or even the entire continent.

A genius in one corner is not a genius, and a genius in one domain is not a genius either. The only way to be a genius in the true sense is to compete for supremacy in the mainland and compete with those goddesses.

Fortunately, he was about to take that step.

It seems that it is just an insignificant small step, but it is unknown how many people are trapped, and it will be difficult for them to break free from such shackles throughout their lives.

"Brother Ji, when are you going to climb to the fifth floor of the Seven Star Hall?" Fu Qingfeng asked again, with incomparable earnestness.

For a long time, Ji Mobai has been quite forbearing. In fact, with his ranking at the top of the list, he is unshakable. Such forbearance is not necessary, but Ji Mobai is still like this. This is because he In planning, a big event.

This important event is to obtain the qualification to enter the fifth floor of the Seven Star Hall!
For this, Ji Mobai paid quite a price, and the painstaking effort spent in it was far beyond what others could imagine, and he even had the experience of narrowly dying, and once he was about to fall.

Fortunately, it finally succeeded, and all the hard work was not in vain.

Now, the door on the fifth floor of the Seven Star Palace has been opened for him, and he can step into it anytime he wants.

"Don't worry, the timing is right, I'll go there myself." Ji Mobai said.

"I'm curious, what is so magical about the fifth floor of the Palace of Seven Stars," Fu Qingfeng said.

It has been many years, and no one from the inner sect has ever stepped into the fifth floor of the Seven Star Hall. This is because the entry qualifications are too harsh, and there is almost no way to complete them.

Now, Ji Mobai has such a qualification and is close at hand. Fu Qingfeng thinks that he is lucky in his three lives. He is the first person to witness.

This made Fu Qingfeng inexplicably excited. He thought that what he had witnessed would be a piece of history, and Ji Mobai himself would definitely leave a strong mark in the Seven Star Martial Academy.

Ji Mobai smiled slightly, and said, "Brother Fu, don't worry, when the time comes, your wish will naturally be fulfilled. Besides, you can rest assured about what I promised you."

"Brother Ji, there is no need to say more about this, I naturally believe you." Fu Qingfeng said, pondering for a while, and asked, "Do you want to keep this matter a secret?"

"Why keep it a secret?" Ji Mobai asked, raising his eyebrows.

"That's right, there is absolutely no need to keep it secret. Some people are too happy to jump around. They don't know the heights of the sky and the earth, but they are just a frog in a well. It's time to let him know how humble and insignificant he is." Fu Qingfeng said.

He didn't mention his name, but he was referring to Jiang Chen.

Since Ji Mobai bluntly said that there is no need to keep it secret, Fu Qingfeng naturally understood what he should do. He left and immediately announced the news through his own channel.

Not to mention, Fu Qingfeng intentionally fueled the flames, causing such news to spread at an astonishing speed like a gust of wind passing through the inner sect.

Chang Yulong lost his life at the hands of Jiang Chen. This result made many people unacceptable. They were in an uproar and restless.

However, with the spread of such news, everyone's attention was instantly diverted.

"Ji Mobai has the qualification to enter the fifth floor of the Seven Star Hall?" Someone exclaimed uncontrollably.

The news came out too suddenly, without any mental preparation, and everyone was caught off guard.

"If I remember correctly, for many years, no one in the inner sect has entered the fifth floor of the Seven Star Hall."

Someone said, feeling deeply.

This is an era in which geniuses are born in large numbers, but no one has the qualification to enter the fifth floor of the Seven Star Hall. It is always a great regret. Now, such a regret has been made up, and Ji Mobai was born out of nowhere.

Even if Ji Mobai stepped up to the top of the list in one fell swoop, there is probably no such news, which is shocking.

This is because many people know that the fifth floor of the Seven Star Hall is a threshold, and those who are qualified to step into it are all amazing and talented.

That means, apart from the many geniuses, looking at the Eastern Territory, they are all extraordinary.

There were even people who used this to soar into the sky and compete with the Tianjiao Goddess on the mainland.

Ji Mobai has the qualification to enter the fifth floor of the Seven Star Hall, which means that Ji Mobai has stepped through this threshold, and his future achievements are destined to exceed imagination.

Originally, due to the existence of Ji Mobai, the entire inner sect who was oppressed by the matter could not breathe.

Right now, Ji Mobai has gone one step further and started to focus on the Eastern Region. They are not even qualified to enter Ji Mobai's eyes, which makes countless people feel complicated and difficult to describe.

"This is the true sense of defying the sky." Someone sighed, looking at Jiang Chen if there seemed to be nothing.

For a long time, Jiang Chen had been walking a path against the sky, but in front of Ji Mobai, he was completely insignificant, completely worthless.

"Look at what I'm doing, carefully dig out your eyeballs." Jiang Chen said angrily, very upset.


That man was angry, he just thought of Jiang Chen, he didn't say anything, did Jiang Chen need to be so angry?

"What about you and mine, if you are not convinced, then let's fight." Jiang Chen yelled.

The man shrank his neck and fell silent.

"Is there anyone who is not convinced, come and fight." Jiang Chen shouted again.

Naturally, no one responded, the focus was different, and everyone fell into heated discussions.

"Chang Yulong is too unlucky, he is dead as expected, without dignity." Jiang Chen said, sighing endlessly.

"Shang Yulong is not important anymore." Luo Xi said.

"I've never seen such an unlucky guy." Jiang Chen said again.

"Brother Jiang, running away won't solve the problem." Situ Aofeng said dumbfounded.

In fact, when they heard that Ji Mobai had the qualification to enter the fifth floor of the Seven Star Hall, both of them were shocked, and they also immediately thought of Jiang Chen.

Don't forget, Jiang Chen challenged Ji Mobai many times, wanting to get his hands on the number one in the list.

"Is there any problem that needs to be solved? Why don't I know?" Jiang Chen was very confused.

"Brother Jiang, I can understand that you feel the pressure." Situ Aofeng had no choice but to say.

"You're mistaken, I don't have any pressure." Jiang Chen firmly denied it, just kidding, what pressure could he have?
Just because Ji Mobai is about to step into the fifth floor of the Seven Star Hall, does he have to be under pressure?

"No pressure?" Luo Xi looked at Jiang Chen suspiciously.

As an outsider, she felt great pressure. If she wanted to suffocate, how could Jiang Chen be without pressure?

"Why should there be pressure?" Jiang Chen grinned, and said, "The fifth floor of the Seven Star Hall, is it difficult? The first place on the list, I, Jiang Chen, will be determined. You two just wait, and I will beat Ji Mo!" I was beaten for nothing, looking for teeth all over the place, crying for my father and mother!"

"It's hard, it's really hard." Situ Aofeng said seriously.

In the end, as if he was worried, Jiang Chen didn't believe it. Situ Aofeng explained, "The price Situ Aofeng paid in order to obtain the qualification is beyond imagination. Such contribution value is undoubtedly an astronomical figure, and it is impossible to achieve. It can be said that In order to achieve his goal, Ji Mobai took a shortcut, but he was still bloodied for a time and almost fell."

What Situ Aofeng said was convincing and serious, and this was all because of Fu Qingfeng's deliberate intention to promote Ji Mobai.

"Ji Mobai made an astonishing sacrifice. It was not a fluke. It is obvious that he has great ambitions. Brother Jiang, you must be careful." Finally, Situ Aofeng warned.

"Brother Situ, I find that what you say now is more and more reasonable. Unfortunately, you got it wrong. The person to be careful is not me, but Ji Mobai." Jiang Chen said slowly.

Situ Aofeng smiled wryly, thinking that this is the so-called dead duck's mouth stiffened.

However, Jiang Chen has always been like this, so it is not surprising.

"I just killed Chang Yulong, and the news spread wildly. Brother Situ, don't you have any idea for such a smart person?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.


Situ Aofeng was stunned. Thinking about it carefully, isn't that exactly what happened? It was such a coincidence that it was even difficult to explain it by coincidence.

Situ Aofeng was confused, according to Jiang Chen's logic, it was Ji Mobai who was afraid of him, and that was the first to grab the attention, but is it really like this?Where did Jiang Chen's self-confidence come from?

But, if it wasn't like this, why would Ji Mobai choose such a sensitive time, and make it public in such an open manner?

"Understood?" Patting Situ Aofeng on the shoulder, Jiang Chen looked like you were too young after all, and said, "I Jiang Chen is unstoppable, so what about Ji Mobai, he is destined to be stepped on by me It won't be long before you jump on your feet."

Situ Aofeng was stunned and speechless, complaining about Ji Mobai's grievances. All along, Jiang Chen was the one who jumped, and he had never seen Ji Mobai jump. Jiang Chen is so stinky and shameless, is it really okay?
Just as Fu Qingfeng thought, Ji Mobai had the qualification to enter the fifth floor of the Seven Stars Hall, so he must leave a strong mark in the history of the Seven Stars Martial Academy.

On this day, the entire inner sect, everyone's mood is difficult to calm down, of course, Jiang Chen is the only exception.

When Jiang Chen and Luo Xi returned to their residence, it was Yuan Chi who appeared furtively.

When this guy first cooperated with Jiang Chen, he was very worried, lest he would be beaten to death by accident, but now he has become more and more proficient, and it is very handy to trick people.

"Brother Jiang, do you want to continue?" Yuan Chi asked.

Jiang Chen made a lot of money, and he also obtained unimaginable benefits.

"Of course, continue. Some guys are in a bad situation, and we have to kill them again and again." Jiang Chen said.

"Then continue." Yuan Chi smiled, and he didn't want to end the cooperation with Jiang Chen, there was no way, such cooperation was so pleasant.

After a while, Yuan Chi left, Luo Xi looked at Jiang Chen, and suddenly asked, "Do you want to obtain the qualification to enter the fifth floor of the Seven Star Palace in this way?"

Asking the question, Luo Xi's expression was as weird as it wanted...

(End of this chapter)

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