genius evil

Chapter 1337 Invitation from Su Yueyun

Chapter 1337 Invitation from Su Yueyun

"Luoxi beauty, can't you? Still, what's the problem?" Jiang Chen said.

"Is it okay?" Luo Xi couldn't help but ask back.

Jiang Chen and Yuan Chi cooperated with each other, cheating wave after wave of people, and then, within a very short period of time, they plundered a large amount of contribution points.

The speed of earning contribution points like this is astonishing. In fact, it is also very effective. Jiang Chen now has the qualification to enter the fourth floor of the Seven Star Hall.

But it is simply impossible to earn contribution points in this way, and then obtain the qualification to enter the fifth floor of the Seven Star Hall.

This is a path that is doomed to fail.

Therefore, Luo Xi was deeply puzzled now, and was a little confused about what Jiang Chen was thinking.

"Of course there is no problem." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Luo Xi squinted at Jiang Chen, and suddenly doubted Jiang Chen's IQ. After all, if this is all right, then what would be the problem?
"Luoxi beauty, I understand what you mean, but entering the fifth floor of the Seven Star Palace is not my goal." Jiang Chen said.

"Your goal is the sixth floor? Or... the seventh floor?" Luo Xi gasped, looking at Jiang Chen like that, as if he was looking at a lunatic.

From Luo Xi's point of view, Jiang Chen's attempt to enter the fifth floor of the Seven Star Palace is a fantasy, and it is too unrealistic to be so ambitious.

"Luoxi beauty, is it really okay for you to misunderstand me with red lips and white teeth?" Jiang Chen was helpless and innocent.

"Then what do you mean?" Luo Xi was confused.

"Actually, I just want to enter, the fourth floor of the Seven Star Hall." Spreading his hands, Jiang Chen said seriously.

It is very difficult to have the qualification to enter the fifth floor of the Seven Star Hall. It is no exaggeration to say that it is as difficult as reaching the sky. If, like Ji Mobai, he does not hesitate at all costs, Jiang Chen does not think that, I will be inferior to Ji Mobai.

But that's not necessary.

Dong Shi's imitation is the most stupid behavior. Once he is led by the nose, he will only fall behind step by step.

Jiang Chen had his own plan and rhythm, and it was impossible for him to be affected.

"The fourth floor of the Seven Star Palace?" Hearing this, Luo Xi was thoughtful, and instantly understood why Jiang Chen was so calm.

Regarding the news that Ji Mobai had entered the fifth floor of the Seven Star Palace, it was widely circulated, and many people were upset. Even those who once targeted Ji Mobai felt even more desperate. .

The gap has been widened too much, and a natural moat is separated, how can it not make people despair?

What Jiang Chen thought was destined, beyond everyone's expectations, who would have thought that Jiang Chen's thoughts would be like this?

"Jiang Chen, your goal was never the Seven Star Palace, but Ji Mobai?" Suddenly, Luo Xi suddenly realized, and finally understood.

There seems to be no difference between setting the target as the fifth floor of the Seven Star Hall and setting the target as Ji Mobai, but in fact, they are completely different.

This is because, once the target is positioned on the fifth floor of the Seven Star Hall, it means that Jiang Chen will spare no effort to catch up.

However, just setting the target as Ji Mobai is simple and clear.

It can even be said that this is an extremely wise and intelligent choice. Now, looking at the entire inner sect, countless people's moods are shaken, even desperate, because Ji Mobai has obtained the qualification to enter the fifth floor of the Seven Star Hall.

They are all very clear that it is impossible to have the same qualifications, this is despair.

However, from another point of view, even if one entered the fifth floor of the Seven Star Hall, so what?

Yes, so what?
"Luoxi beauty, I knew that you are the one who understands me best, so I took what you said just now as a joke." Jiang Chen said with a playful smile.

"You can think I'm joking, but I have to remind you that since Ji Mobai released the news at this time, it undoubtedly means that he will not let anyone go and take the number one position in the ranking." Luo Xi solemnly Said the matter.

Not to mention, the timing of the news was very tricky.

On the other hand, such news spread so quickly in the inner sect. It is not difficult to explain that Ji Mobai is issuing an announcement, and also a warning.

As for the target of such a warning, Jiang Chen was obviously the first to bear the brunt.

"Really?" With a teasing chuckle, Jiang Chen swore, "I, Jiang Chen, am the man who is destined to become the princess' son-in-law. I'm just number one in the heaven rankings. Isn't that easy to catch? Who can stop me? Ji Mobai, he If you know the face, it’s fine, if you don’t know the face, you can kill it directly and turn it into scum!”

Luo Xi was in a mess, she simply couldn't understand why this kind of thing could be blamed on herself.

Suddenly, Luoxi realized that all her worries and worries were unnecessary, because Jiang Chen would never let go of the opportunity whenever he had the opportunity, and the opportunity to tease her was simply a perfect fit, and often ,There is no sense of violation and.

Turning around, Luo Xi wanted to return to the room.

She has been practicing the method of visualization recently. Today, her state of mind has been affected. This is definitely not a good thing. If she cannot break free from the shackles of such a state of mind, her cultivation of the method of visualization will stagnate not before.

Fortunately, with such a treasure as Jiang Chen, the shackles of that state of mind were easily broken. While stunned and speechless, Luo Xi discovered that living with Jiang Chen might not be all bad.

Of course, out of the understanding of Jiang Chen, Luo Xi would not do it no matter what, just say it, otherwise, there will be endless disasters!

"Miss Luoxi, don't worry, the number one in the list is easy for me, and it won't take long for you to have a chance to warm my bed." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"Stop talking nonsense!"

Luo Xi was so ashamed, what is the opportunity to warm Jiang Chen's bed, she would not know it, and rarely such an opportunity.

No, she would never want such an opportunity.

Almost like running away, he returned to the room and closed the door forcefully.

The mood is very disordered, the heart is up and down, beating non-stop, the cheeks are hot, the body is weak, Luo Xi whispers softly ~ panting, for a long time, the mood is constant, it is difficult to calm down.

"Damn bastard!"

After uttering a vicious curse, Luo Xi was suddenly stunned. When did she become so rude?

Is it because of Jiang Chen?
"That's right, it must be because of Jiang Chen." Luo Xi gritted his teeth, regardless of whether he cared about it, and pushed the responsibility, all of it, onto Jiang Chen.

"Luoxi beauty, you must be smiling at the thought of warming my bed soon, you can't even close your mouth." Jiang Chen said to himself with a smile.

This is of course making fun of Luo Xi, but anyone can see that Luo Xi's resistance to Jiang Chen is getting weaker and weaker. After all, in the past, if Jiang Chen said such a thing, it would definitely cause Luo Xi to Xi Thunder was furious.

But now, she was just ashamed and couldn't bear Jiang Chen's ridicule.


Ji Mobai obtained the qualification to enter the fifth floor of the Seven Star Hall, even if he did not show up, but this is too amazing, causing a sensation, the news spread wildly, and it is destined to cause a lot of trouble for a long time in the future. Countless people talked with great relish.

Among them, there are naturally many people waiting to see Jiang Chen's jokes, but they have not forgotten that Jiang Chen said before that he wants to be king and step on Ji Mobai.

When Jiang Chen said those words, it seemed as if the first place in the heaven list was already in his pocket, and he could pick it up.

Afterwards, Jiang Chen fought several battles one after another. His strength was unrivaled, and his invincible demeanor was astonishing. Especially, the battle with Chang Yulong, from the beginning to the end, was completely suppressed, which was even more shocking.

Too powerful, invincible.

It's a pity that no matter how brilliant the halo on Jiang Chen's body was, it would eventually be eclipsed in front of Ji Mobai, completely reduced to a foil for Ji Mobai.

To a certain extent, the crazy spread of such news is just like what Luo Xi said, it is a kind of announcement.

Ji Mobai is declaring, declaring, and telling that he is invincible through such an announcement!
There are many people waiting to see Jiang Chen's joke, and they firmly believe that Jiang Chen will eventually become a joke.

All kinds of rumors were flying all over the sky, and the topics referred to, either directly or cryptically, all linked Jiang Chen and Ji Mobai together.

Of course, it is destined to be difficult to be treated equally, and the position is biased. After all, in comparison, Jiang Chen's popularity and popularity are far, far worse.

The so-called wall falls and everyone pushes it down, that's all.

The wall has not yet fallen, but someone is already pushing the wall hard.

Jiang Chen was not affected. In fact, the fact that Ji Mobai obtained access to the fifth floor of the Seven Star Hall was just a spectacle for Jiang Chen.

But it was also on this day that Jiang Chen was very surprised. He received an invitation, and the person who invited him was none other than Su Yueyun.

"Su Yueyun?" Jiang Chen was puzzled.

Jiang Chen is no stranger to Su Yueyun. The top twenty strongmen in the Tianbang are also the only woman among the top twenty.

There are many rumors about Su Yueyun, Jiang Chen didn't deliberately pay attention to them, but there were, and he learned a lot.

"Witch Su Yueyun? This name does have some meaning, Su Yueyun, right? I hope you are really this interesting, otherwise, I would think it's very boring." Jiang Chen joked lightly. Laughing, I accepted Su Yueyun's invitation.


In the afternoon, at Su Yueyun's residence.

Su Yueyun lay lazily on the floppy bed, looked at Jiang Chen with a charming smile, and walked in slowly from the outside.

"Jiang Chen, you are so arrogant, you made me wait for you for half an hour." Looking at Jiang Chen, Su Yueyun said, seeming angry or angry.

She is very charming, even if she is really angry, it is hard to be disgusted. This can be said to be a natural instinct. When a woman, especially a beautiful woman, has such a talent, it is simply fatal. .

Su Yueyun is very seductive and has a charming figure. Usually, when a man is faced with such a situation, he usually only has two choices.

Either turn around immediately and run away in a hopeless situation, or, the bones are weak, and the first time, raise your hands and surrender...

(End of this chapter)

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