genius evil

Chapter 134 Super Invincible Metamorphosis

Chapter 134 Super Invincible Metamorphosis

Pretty eyebrows frowned suddenly, Shuang'er glanced at the dozen or so people rushing in, and then his eyes fell on a man in his thirties who was walking in the front.

"Thank you Sanyuan!" Shuang'er said slowly.

When Shuang'er glanced at the man named Xie Sanyuan, Xie Sanyuan was also scanning Shuang'er. Unlike Shuang'er's eyes, which were vigilant and nervous, Xie Sanyuan's eyes were blazing and full of obscenity.

"Do you know what I'm here for?" Xie Sanyuan smiled evilly, sticking out his tongue and licking his lips.

"I don't know." Shuang'er answered very simply and directly denied Xie Sanyuan's question.

However, Shuang'er certainly knew what Xie Sanyuan was here for, because she went to Xie Sanyuan's hall alone today, and asked Xie Sanyuan to hand over the territory and submit to her, which is why the scene of being chased and intercepted later occurred.

But even if she knew, Shuang'er would not admit it, otherwise, her momentum would be a little weaker invisibly.

"You went to my hall today, and you obviously know that I will come to you, so you don't have to play dumb in front of me." Xie Sanyuan is not so easy to deceive, his eyebrows are a bit sinister, and he said while staring at Shuang'er : "Since I have come to your door, then you have only one choice, surrender to me."

"Surrender to your mother." As soon as Xie Sanyuan's voice fell, there was a high-pitched voice, and a figure rushed out, pointing the gun in Xie Sanyuan's eyebrows.

"Oh, so there is more than one woman in this villa." Looking at Tang Tian who rushed out, Xie Sanyuan didn't seem to mind being pointed at by Tang Tian with a gun, and his eyeballs kept rolling.

"Xie Sanyuan, there is still time to make a choice, either submit to the Bauhinia Society of our sisters, or I will blow your head off with one shot." Tang Tian turned into a female Tyrannosaurus rex for a second, with a stern face and an indifferent tone.

"What is the Bauhinia Society? I, Xie Sanyuan, have never heard of it... No one has ever dared to threaten me, let alone a woman... But you should also be lucky, fortunately you are a woman, and a beautiful woman, so, I'm willing to give you... no, I'm giving you a chance." Xie Sanyuan's expression was very relaxed, which was very presumptuous.

He casually tapped Shuang'er with his hand, then tapped Tang Tian, ​​and said, "I don't do anything that will destroy flowers, just point it out, you two will be my women, and everything will be written off."

When he said this, Xie Sanyuan stuck out his tongue and licked his lips again. This is a habitual action. When he made this action, his eyes shone brightly, and he looked like a ferocious wolf.

Tang Tian's face was full of anger, she pulled the trigger with her finger, and made a shooting motion.

"My lady, I would like to advise you, it is best not to shoot, otherwise I guarantee that the person who died in this house today will definitely be you, not me." Xie Sanyuan raised his hand with a smile, Then I saw that the dozens of people who rushed into the villa with Xie Sanyuan all had an extra gun in their hands, and all the muzzles of the guns were all pointed at Tang Tian.

"You—" Tang Tian's face turned pale for a while, her right hand was stiff and tense.

"As I said just now, you should be glad that you are a beautiful woman." Xie Sanyuan smiled, and the feeling of winning made him feel very good.

"Do you think you can threaten us like this?" Tang Tian said coldly.

"In fact, I have already threatened you, but it seems that you still have doubts about whether I have the strength to threaten you. Then, let me prove it a little bit." Xie Sanyuan said, at the same time, his hand There is also an extra gun.

The muzzle of the gun was raised, casually pointing at Jiang Chen who was sitting on the sofa.

"Boy, how do you want to die?" Xie Sanyuan's tone was a little more gloomy.

"I don't want to die." Jiang Chen shook his head.

"Are you joking?" Xie Sanyuan was slightly taken aback, apparently he did not expect Jiang Chen to give such an answer.

"I suddenly feel sorry for you." Jiang Chen looked at Xie Sanyuan with pity on his face, and said expressionlessly: "How stupid do you have to be to point the gun in your hand at me."

"Could it be that you think I dare not shoot?" Xie Sanyuan said strangely.

"I said, you are stupid, so stupid that you can't even shoot. If you really want to kill me, you don't need to talk nonsense at all. You just need to open the safety catch and shoot me once. Isn't it?" Jiang Chen said leisurely.

Xie Sanyuan was stunned, and Tang Tian and Shuang'er were also stunned.

"Damn idiot, are you teaching him how to kill you?" Tang Tian couldn't help growling in a low voice.

"I was just telling him that when a person is as stupid as he is, he has reached a level that no one can surpass." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Then you will soon know, you and I, who is more stupid." Xie Sanyuan was furious, and with a flick of his finger, he opened the safety catch.

"You are really stupid and hopeless." Jiang Chen sighed, looked at Xie Sanyuan like an idiot, and said, "I told you to open the safety lock, and you open the safety lock, why haven't you realized it yet? Come here, your biggest problem is pointing a gun at me?"

"After you die, I will come to my senses." Xie Sanyuan's expression was extremely sinister, and he directly pulled the trigger.


Gunshots sounded!

Jiang Chen sat motionless on the sofa, even picked up the beer can, and poured a sip of beer into his mouth.

Xie Sanyuan lowered his head and looked at the gun in his hand in astonishment. He could confirm that he fired a shot, but his shot didn't hit Jiang Chen.

It wasn't that Jiang Chen dodged the bullet, in fact, Jiang Chen didn't do anything at all, just sat there motionless, he was a living target, but under such circumstances, he didn't even hit Jiang Chen.

"The difference is five millimeters." Slowly swallowing the beer in his mouth, Jiang Chen slowly got up, "Your gun is good, but unfortunately you don't know how to use a gun. Your arm was injured, and your strength is enough. , but when shooting, the old injury will affect the accuracy of the head, you should adjust the angle a little to the right, then you can blow my head with a perfect shot."

After finishing speaking, Jiang Chen had already walked in front of Xie Sanyuan, and then stopped.

Xie Sanyuan's face turned pale, and his throat felt bitter. He looked at Jiang Chen as if he had seen a ghost, with shock on the one hand and fear on the other.

Jiang Chen's understated tone of voice, his careless and leisurely actions, and even his calm attitude of not moving in the face of bullets gave him an extremely strong impact in an instant.

As Jiang Chen approached step by step, Xie Sanyuan felt as if there was a mountain pressing towards him, making his breathing become short of breath.

In this case, even if he was fully capable of firing a second shot, Xie Sanyuan forgot to shoot for a while.

"Actually, you still have a chance to fire a second shot." Jiang Chen's voice sounded, reminding him.

"That's right, I can still fire a second shot." Xie Sanyuan's eyes were scarlet, he raised his hand and raised the pistol, pressed it against Jiang Chen's chest, and said viciously: "Don't think that I will be afraid of you if you play tricks on me."

"Actually, you are very afraid of me right now. Your heartbeat has reached 1 beats per minute, your right hand is shaking, and your legs are trembling." Jiang Chen spoke very slowly, as if he wanted Xie Sanyuan to listen. more clearly.

"But that doesn't stop me from pulling the trigger." Xie Sanyuan said loudly.

"The words seem to be right, but you forget one thing, that is, no one is stupid enough to stand in front of you and give you a chance to shoot, only a stupid hopeless idiot like you will I think this is an opportunity." Jiang Chen shook his head regretfully.

"Then what do you mean now?" Xie Sanyuan not only trembled with his right hand, but also with trembling voice.

"This is a proof that you are really stupid. Now it seems that my proof is perfect." Jiang Chen showed his white teeth and smiled strangely.

In the next second, Xie Sanyuan only felt that his right hand was empty, and the gun in his hand was gone.

"No, shoot me all." Xie Sanyuan shuddered all over, an unprecedented sense of crisis swept over him, and yelled sharply.

Then, the gunshot rang out, and there was a blood hole on Xie Sanyuan's forehead.

Xie Sanyuan stared straight, and fell straight to the ground.

After killing Xie Sanyuan, Jiang Chen shoved the gun into Shuang'er's hand, returned to the sofa in a few steps, picked up the beer can with a little beer left, and poured all the wine down his throat in one breath.

Both Shuang'er and Tang Tian's eyes were straight, but they didn't stare straight at Jiang Chen, nor at the dead Xie Sanyuan, but at the dozen or so people who came with Xie Sanyuan. To be exact, It was looking at the dozens of guns.

When Xie Sanyuan said to shoot, whether it was Tang Tian or Shuang'er, their hearts suddenly jumped to their throats. They knew very well that after the random shooting, they must be dead, and there was no luck at all.

However, until Jiang Chen shot and killed Xie Sanyuan, the dozen or so people stood there motionless, expecting the neutron bullets to fly randomly, but did not appear.

"What's going on?" Tang Tian's small face was wrinkled, inexplicably tangled, and also inexplicably excited.

"I don't know." Shuang'er gripped the gun that Jiang Chen gave her with all her strength, her mood fluctuated violently, and she felt that her right hand, which was used to holding the pistol, was heavy.

"Jiang Chen did it, right?" Tang Tian asked again.

"I don't know." Shuang'er responded bitterly.

"It must have been done by him. Neither you nor I did it." Tang Tian's excitement overcame the entangled emotions little by little, and her eyes were shining brightly.

"I didn't see what he did." Shuang'er hesitated.

"That can only prove one thing." Tang Tian trembled slightly due to excitement.

"What's the matter?" Shuang'er responded suspiciously.

"He is a super invincible master, no... he is a super pervert!" Tang Tian gritted her teeth and burst out such a sentence.

Then, Tang Tian and Shuang'er turned their heads together and looked at Jiang Chen with the same straight eyes, as if they wanted to eat people...

(End of this chapter)

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