genius evil

Chapter 135

Chapter 135

"Shuang'er, I found that I'm about to fall in love with him." Blinking her eyes, her long eyelashes moved like two fans, Tang Tian's eyes shone brightly, she looked like a big bad wolf meeting a little white Rabbit pose.


Shuang'er originally wanted to say me too, but when the words came to her mouth, she realized that something was wrong, so she quickly swallowed it back. When she looked at Tang Tian again, Shuang'er's expression was so strange.


Tang Tian didn't notice the strange look in Shuang'er's eyes, she jumped up and down in front of Jiang Chen, her fiery breath almost hit Jiang Chen's face.

"I've taken a fancy to you." A finger pointed at Jiang Chen's chin, Tang Tian's serious face seemed to be saying something very remarkable.

"You? Fancy me?" Jiang Chen's expression was terrified.

It seems that the style of painting is a bit wrong.

It was Shuang'er who agreed to make a promise with her body, how did it become Tang Tian?

Although Tang Tian's attributes are very cute, a typical violent loli, she is definitely the best candidate in the eyes of many lolicons, but the problem is, he is really not a lolicon, he only likes big legs and big breasts, okay?
"That's right, I just fell in love with you." Tang Tiantian nodded, with a very strong arc, looking at Jiang Chen with his neck tilted, his pink lips parted slightly, exhaling a sweet breath.

"Do you want to think about it?" Jiang Chen didn't have the slightest sense of accomplishment from being confessed by a woman, but instead felt that he was a failure.

"No need, I've already thought it through very" Tang Tian leaned over slightly, her chest was covered in white and tender, clearly exposed under Jiang Chen's eyelids, Jiang Chen could even see Tang Tian Wearing a black lace-trimmed corset.

Then, Jiang Chen found out very sadly that whether it's the feel or the visual experience, this chick's breasts are really small and a little pathetic.

Therefore, Jiang Chen had the urge to run away, because seeing Tang Tian's posture, it was clear that he would make a heart-warming confession, and he hadn't thought of a reason to reject Tang Tian's confession yet.

After all, he can't say that people have small breasts, that would be too shocking.

"You, be my thug." Tang Tian confessed her true feelings, her fair and pink face was flushed, as if she was taking drugs.


As if he was about to die, Jiang Chen's eyes widened when he was poured with cold water, and he looked at Tang Tian as if he had seen a ghost.

Did you make a mistake, what about the confession, that's all?Can you still have fun?

"I see that you are very good at fighting, and you can also grab a gun with your bare hands. Now I want to lay a big foundation in the underground world of Yilan City, and I need the assistance of talents like you the most. So, you can be my thug, I will The one who pays you has all the five social insurances and one housing fund, and there are bonuses and dividends at the end of the year, so it is definitely a promising job." Tang Tian said firmly.

"Work your sister." Jiang Chen swears, and slaps Tang Tian's little hand holding his chin away, cursing angrily: "You are crazy."

"I'm not crazy, I really have a bright future, and the treatment is absolutely favorable." Corporal Tang Tianli put her posture very low, as if Jiang Chen didn't agree to come down, it would be a huge loss to Jiang Chen.

"Stop it, don't talk about this topic." Jiang Chen was really a little convinced by Tang Tian, ​​this chick's ability to talk nonsense in a serious manner was beyond his reach.

Damn thugs, I don't know how this girl's brain circuit was developed to have such a whimsical idea.

"Then you agreed, right?" Tang Tian pestered and refused to let go.

"When did I say yes?" Jiang Chen looked at Tang Tian in surprise.

"The problem is, you didn't deny it." On Tang Tian's face, there was a trace of innocence, and with that trace of charm, it was actually a bit seductive.

Thus, Jiang Chen, unprecedented in history, really ran away in despair.

"Miss, what exactly are you thinking? How could you have such an idea?" Seeing Jiang Chen's panic-stricken escape, Shuang'er couldn't help laughing, but at the same time, she was quite speechless about Tang Tian's whimsy.

You know, when Tang Tian said that she had a crush on Jiang Chen, she, a bystander, subconsciously believed that Tang Tian was going to confess to Jiang Chen.

This may be a bit abrupt, or the rhythm may be too fast, which is not in line with the normal aesthetic logic, but Shuang'er knows Tang Tian too well, and she knows Tang Tian is a typical crazy person. No matter what seemingly unbelievable things happen to Tang Tian Don't be too surprised about Tian's body.

But after this incident, Shuang'er suddenly realized that she didn't know Tang Tian well enough, as if she didn't understand how such a weird thing happened.

"Don't you think this idea is great?" Tang Tian asked back, turned around and went to the refrigerator to get two cans of beer, threw one to Shuang'er, opened the other and took it in her hand to drink.

While drinking, Tang Tian pointed to the dozen or so guys holding guns who couldn't move, and pointed to Xie Sanyuan who was lying on the ground, and said excitedly: "Shuang'er, don't you think that if I can succeed If we subdue Jiang Chen, then we will be more than half successful in what we are going to do?"

"It seems so, but the problem is..." Shuang'er had a headache.

"No but, as long as I am sincere enough, Jiang Chen will definitely agree." Tang Tian responded in an extremely affirmative tone.

Shuang'er looked at Tang Tian speechlessly, not understanding where Tang Tian's confidence came from.

From Shuang'er's point of view, if Tang Tian confessed to Jiang Chen just now, and the confession was successful, then perhaps, what Tang Tian wants to do may still be successful.

After all, in that case, Tang Tian would become Jiang Chen's woman, and it was only natural for Jiang Chen to do things for his own woman.

But the problem is, the confession is a confession, and the style of painting is completely wrong. Thinking about it, Shuang'er feels a little chilly.

"Then what do you need to be sincere enough?" Shuang'er was a little curious about the coldness.

"It's very simple. We will always impress Jiang Chen when we visit the thatched cottage. Besides, if I can't do it, don't you still have you? As long as you make a move, Jiang Chen will definitely take the initiative to act as a thug." Tang Tian was full of confidence. Said.


Shuang'er pointed at herself, somehow the topic turned around to herself.

"That's right, it's you. Didn't Jiang Chen say it before, that you would definitely promise him with your body, and when you become Jiang Chen's woman, how could Jiang Chen refuse?" Tang Tian's small calculation, There was a crackling sound.

"Did you hear our conversation just now?" Shuang'er was very depressed, and at the same time, there was an inexplicable sense of shame spreading in her heart.

"Hee hee, how could I not have heard it? With Jiang Chen's pervert nature, how could he miss a soft girl with long breasts and thighs like you? If he was after you, then I will be after him... But although It's a promise with your body, but you can't be too direct, do you understand if you want to get caught?" Tang Tian began to make suggestions.

"I don't understand." Shuang'er shook her head vigorously, feeling more and more ashamed.

"Actually, I don't understand either, but that's not the point. The point is that Jiang Chen can't escape my palm." Tang Tian stretched out her five fingers like white onions, and gently held them firmly, as if holding It wasn't a cloud of air, but Jiang Chen.

Shuang'er looked at Tang Tian with a wry smile, tried to change the subject and asked, "How to deal with these people?"

"You don't need to deal with it, just send it all back. Let's just treat it as a shock. Although the process is not smooth, it is the first stop for us to open up the situation in Yilan City." Tang Tian had a plan, and said without thinking .

Shuang'er felt good, nodded, and asked again: "Brother Dao? The deadline we gave is coming."

"Don't worry about Brother Dao's affairs for the time being." Tang Tian smiled mysteriously and said, "It's fine if you didn't know Jiang Chen was so powerful before, but now that you know, it's not easy to touch his people anymore. Besides, wait If we subdue Jiang Chen, Brother Dao will naturally become ours. Since sooner or later we will become one of our own, wouldn’t it be good to fight and kill?”

"Okay." Shuang'er was a little weak, and it was not easy to pierce Tang Tian's dream.

"I knew you would feel good about it, so, starting tomorrow, let's implement the plan." Tang Tian smiled like a little fox.

"What plan?" Shuang'er froze for a moment, feeling that she couldn't keep up with Tang Tian's rhythm.

"Three visits to the thatched cottage, and, the beauty trick that you want to catch."


After leaving Guilan Garden, Jiang Chen drove to Yilan Middle School. He didn't know that some things were still unfinished, and Tang Tian carefully arranged a big conspiracy waiting for him.

This time, he finally returned to school smoothly, and the time was almost up, so Jiang Chen went straight to the cafeteria to eat.

Sleeping, eating, drinking medicine, these three things are undoubtedly the three major things in Jiang Chen's life, each of which is indispensable.Among them, especially eating this piece, Jiang Chen has a rather paranoid attachment.

After making a large bowl of food, Jiang Chen was eating happily, when a gust of fragrant wind came, and Xu Anqi sat down opposite him.

"Jiang Chen, can you go out with me this afternoon?" Xu Anqi had already eaten, and she was with Jiang Yanyan. When she walked out of the cafeteria, she happened to see Jiang Chen coming to eat. Xu Anqi left Jiang Yanyan alone and left. over here.

"Huh? Is there something wrong?" Jiang Chen stuffed his mouth with rice and asked vaguely.

"The mobile phone I'm using now is broken, and I want to buy a mobile phone. Do you have time?" Xu Anqi's voice was very soft, and it sounded like a spring breeze.

"Squad leader Xu specially gave me benefits. Even if I don't have time, I will make time." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Jiang Chen didn't ask why Xu Anqi didn't ask Jiang Yanyan to go with her, and he didn't ask why Xu Anqi would skip class if she was going out in the afternoon.

"Great, let's go after you have eaten." Xu Anqi said happily.

"Um, good." Jiang Chen nodded, thinking about what he had experienced with Tang Tian before, he suddenly felt that this style of painting was finally normal!
(End of this chapter)

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