genius evil

Chapter 136 Please Kill Someone

Chapter 136 Please Kill Someone
There is an electronic mall in Yilan City that sells all kinds of electronic products, including mobile phones and computers.

However, when shopping with girls, even if the girl clearly expresses her intention to buy a mobile phone at the beginning, she will always change their focus casually during the shopping process.

On this issue, Xu Anqi was no exception. She agreed to buy a mobile phone, but the first place the two went was a clothing store.

"Jiang Chen, I think I can't even wear last year's clothes, so I won't waste your time." Xu Anqi looked at Jiang Chen and said embarrassedly.

"No." Jiang Chen smiled.

The vast majority of men in this world would think that shopping with women is the most expensive and thankless job in the world, but Jiang Chen was the exception.

Because he was accompanied by beauties, and what's more, he was accompanied by different beauties.

Therefore, for Jiang Chen, if he really bought a mobile phone and went back to school, he would feel rather regretful.

"The clothes in that store are good." After entering the mall, Xu Anqi pointed to a storefront.

When it comes to changing seasons, major stores mainly sell spring clothes and a small amount of summer clothes. But for women, it doesn't matter what clothes to buy. The most important thing is whether the clothes are new or not, and whether they are beautiful or not.

"Sir, miss, please come inside." The clerk greeted with a sweet voice.

When he saw Jiang Chen, the clerk let out a little ah, his expression a little stiff.

"Your clothes here are pretty good." Jiang Chen said nonchalantly.

"'s very good..." The clerk responded formulaically, staring at Jiang Chen with a pair of eyes.

The clerk remembered Jiang Chen. Of course, the reason why she remembered Jiang Chen was not because Jiang Chen was so handsome, but because Jiang Chen bought several sets of clothes for a woman in this store yesterday.

It's rare for a young man to see such a big deal, so the clerk's impression of Jiang Chen was extra deep.He even once regarded Jiang Chen as a peerless good man.

After all, these days, not many men are willing to spend money on their girlfriends or wives.

However, if what Jiang Chen brought her yesterday was a pleasant surprise, then what Jiang Chen brought her now is a sense of shattered dreams that all the good men are dead.

"Which one is the main room? Which one is the mistress?" The clerk murmured in his heart, and then marveled, unable to tell the difference at all.

Because no matter whether it is Xu Anqi or Liu Yufei, they are all beauties who have surpassed the standard line. If you want to say that the only difference between the two girls is the difference in style.

Due to her age and experience, Xu Anqi somewhat has the disposition of a little girl, and she likes some relatively trendy clothes.Liu Yufei, on the other hand, likes clothes that can show femininity and bring out her figure.

The difference in style naturally means that the two daughters, Xu Anqi and Liu Yufei, each have their own tastes, and it is difficult to distinguish between the superior and the inferior.

In this way, it is naturally difficult to judge who is the main wife and who is the mistress.

"This damn guy, why is Yanfu so good? He spent six figures in the store yesterday. I don't know how much he will spend today." The clerk was a little depressed, and then a little excited.

With Jiang Chen's appearance, it was clear that he was a big fish, and the clerk rushed over to receive Xu Anqi in a hurry. This was a big issue related to her commission and bonus.

Seeing the female clerk's attentiveness to Xu Anqi, Jiang Chen was slightly speechless, and he didn't know whether his character was too good or too bad. Xu Anqi and Liu Yufei chose the same shopping mall, but they even went into the same clothing store .And the most terrible thing is that this store has quite a complete range of clothing, and there are all kinds of clothes for girls, young mature women and even mature women.

However, Jiang Chen wasn't worried that it would be revealed that the junior three had a fight, after all, he hadn't coaxed Liu Yufei to bed yet.

On the other hand, Xu Anqi, as far as Jiang Chen was concerned, felt that she was more familiar with him and was too embarrassed to do anything. That time, he tricked Xu Anqi into going to a hotel to give acupuncture treatment, which already frightened Xu Anqi. This action might scare Xu Anqi into something.

Therefore, in Jiang Chen's heart, Xu Anqi has become a rather strange existence. It is not good to eat it, and it is not right to cultivate a beautiful girl, because Xu Anqi does not need to be cultivated at all. Guaranteed to be sweet and tender.

Xu Anqi buys clothes very quickly, because she doesn't try on clothes at all, and when she sees something she likes, she just picks it off and hands it to the dog-legged clerk to hold it.

Clothes and trousers and so on, took nearly ten pieces, Xu Anqi felt that it was almost enough, and then paid the bill.

It was Xu Anqi who swiped the card. When she saw Xu Anqi take out the card, the clerk's eyes almost popped out of their sockets.

"This must be the main room." The clerk finally figured out the problem.


"Jiang Chen, when I was shopping for clothes just now, the clerk looked at me a little strangely, did you notice that?" After walking out of the clothing store, Xu Anqi asked suspiciously.

"Oh, you must be too beautiful." Jiang Chen casually said.

"Where is it?" Xu Anqi blushed slightly, and dragged Jiang Chen into a shop specializing in shoes.

Half an hour later, when the two came out of the shoe store, Jiang Chen had a few more bags for shoes in his hands.Without exception, Xu Anqi bought as soon as she saw what she liked. She showed the boldness of a little girl and local tyrant without any ink marks. Chen's face is really not white at all, and it's hard to see that Jiang Chen has the potential to be soft.

I bought all the clothes and shoes, and then there are all kinds of trinkets and underwear. Well, Xu Anqi is too embarrassed to buy underwear, but I bought a lot of trinkets. I finally got it all together and walked out satisfied. up the mall.

"Oh, why did I buy so many clothes all at once and have no chance to wear them at all?" Seeing Jiang Chen holding bags and stuffing them into the trunk of the car one by one, Xu Anqi showed a surprised expression, as if she was scared by herself. Arrived.

"I'm going to college in the second half of the year, so I can wear them." Seeing Xu Anqi's cute and cute appearance, Jiang Chen couldn't help laughing. How dare this girl buy things blindly based on her feelings, never thinking about these clothes at all. when to wear it.

"It seems so." Sticking out her tongue a little naughtily, Xu Anqi asked embarrassedly: "Jiang Chen, you won't laugh at me, will you?"

"No, it just seems that I bought something less." Jiang Chen said.

"No, have you bought so many?" Xu Anqi looked at the bag of clothes, and felt that there were quite a lot of them. Suddenly, she remembered that the girls' underwear was missing, and her small face instantly swelled. It was red, and he quickly opened the car door and got in, ignoring Jiang Chen.

"Well, the response is quite fast." Jiang Chen smiled triumphantly, and drove the car towards the electronics mall.

Xu Anqi's purpose of buying a mobile phone is very clear, and what brand of mobile phone to buy is also very clear, so she went straight to a large fruit mobile phone store.

"Squad Leader Xu, watch first, I'll go to the bathroom." Jiang Chen greeted Xu Anqi and walked outside the store.

During this period of time, there were not many people visiting the electronic mall. Next to the trash can in the aisle, a short and thin middle-aged man leaned there and smoked.

His smoking posture is a bit strange. When most people smoke, they gently hold the cigarette holder with their index finger and middle finger, but that man uses his thumb and index finger to hold the cigarette butt. In this way, when he smokes, It looks a little weird.

After Jiang Chen walked out of the fruit mobile phone store, he walked directly to the middle-aged man, patted his shoulder, and said with a smile, "Excuse me."

The shoulder was patted suddenly, the middle-aged man's face changed quietly, and then returned to normal, he took out a lighter from his pocket and handed it to Jiang Chen.

"Borrow another cigarette." Jiang Chen took the lighter and said again.

The middle-aged man fumbled, took out a crumpled cigarette case from his pocket, and gave Jiang Chen a cigarette.

Jiang Chen took the cigarette, but he didn't smoke it. He looked at the middle-aged man with a half-smile, squinted his eyes and smiled lightly, and said, "I want you to help me kill someone."

The middle-aged man's face suddenly changed, and he looked at Jiang Chen in disbelief.

"I don't know who the person to kill is, but you must know." Jiang Chen continued.

"I don't understand what you're talking about." The middle-aged man took a puff of cigarettes into his throat and coughed hard.

"The person I want you to kill is the one who hired you to kill me. Presumably, this is straightforward enough." Jiang Chen ignored the middle-aged man's words and said directly.

"I'm not a killer, I won't kill people." The middle-aged man stammered in response.

"Of course I know that you are not a killer. No professional killer is as stupid as you. You can't even do the simplest tracking. Hurry up and kill your employer. After all, you followed me around half of Yilan City. Quite tired. After killing people, you can take a good rest." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"So you know everything." The middle-aged man's eyes flashed fiercely, and he suddenly reached into his arms to draw a gun.

It's a pity that his movements were fast enough, but Jiang Chen's movements were even faster, and under the shining light of the silver needles, he stabbed a few needles in the middle-aged man's head quickly.

Xu Anqi bought a mobile phone and came out, just in time to see Jiang Chen smoking a cigarette standing by the trash can.

"Jiang Chen, when did you learn to smoke?" Xu Anqi said with some reproach.

"Oh, brother isn't smoking cigarettes, it's loneliness." Jiang Chen chuckled, put out the cigarette butt, threw the lighter into the trash can, and said, "Squad Leader Xu, where are we going next?"

"Jiang Chen, can you take me home?" Xu Anqi said softly, for some reason, the scene of Jiang Chen smoking just now lingered in her mind.

Xu Anqi doesn't like men who smoke, but when Jiang Chen smokes, she doesn't find it annoying, but has a peculiar charm, just like what Jiang Chen said, it's a kind of loneliness!
(End of this chapter)

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