genius evil

Chapter 137 You Should Take Medicine

Chapter 137 You Should Take Medicine

Chunxiao Tea House is very famous throughout Yilan City.

The main reason why it is so famous is that there is a coquettish proprietress in this teahouse, and the proprietress is called Chunxiao.

On the third floor of the tea room, the fragrance of tea is lingering.

Chunxiao is making tea. This is a woman who is not young, but the carving knife of the years has not left too many traces on her body. Under the outline of the bright red cheongsam, the plump body, every time There is a charming smell everywhere.

Chun Xiao is not that kind of very beautiful woman, far from being a beauty at first glance, and even her facial features are quite mediocre no matter whether they are taken apart or put together.But this smell is already enough to make a group of men want to die, and it is easy for people to ignore her not beautiful appearance.

There were two men in the tea room, one was sitting and the other was standing, but no matter whether they were sitting or standing, since Chun Xiao came in, their eyes had been fixed on Chun Xiao, and they couldn't move away.

"Miss Chunxiao's tea is also wonderful. I'm lucky today." When Chunxiao brought a cup of tea in front of her, Meng Xiangyang took the teacup, took a sip, and said with a smile.

"Meng Shao knows how to joke." Chun Xiao smiled charmingly, and said, "I'm going out first, and if Meng Shao has anything to do, just tell me."

"Okay." Meng Xiangyang nodded with a smile, and sent Chunxiao away from the tea room with a look of reluctance.

"Young Master Meng, this woman is really delicious." Shi Lei, who was standing, squinted his eyes and said.

"Why, are you interested in her?" Meng Xiangyang said lightly.

Shi Lei chuckled and didn't answer, he knew that Meng Xiangyang and Chun Xiao were a bit ambiguous, and he didn't know if they had sex, but he admitted that he was interested in Chun Xiao in front of Meng Xiangyang, even if he had a brain problem, he wouldn't Do something like that.

"Sit down, let's drink tea together." Meng Xiangyang was very satisfied with Shi Lei's reaction, and signaled.

Shi Lei sat down cautiously, filled Meng Xiangyang's teacup first, and then poured half a cup for himself.

Meng Xiangyang gave him a sideways glance, and asked slowly, "There won't be any problem."

"There will be absolutely no problem, Young Master Meng, just wait for the good news." Shi Lei said confidently, patting his chest.

"Oh... I can rest assured that you are doing business." Meng Xiangyang nodded, and said again: "However, I don't want any news to leak out, do you understand? Otherwise, both you and I will be in some trouble , and I don't like trouble."

"Ming...Understood...I'll take care of it." Shi Lei hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

"When this matter is settled, I will not treat you badly." Meng Xiangyang's tone of voice was a bit soft, but it was absolutely unquestionable.

"Thank you, Young Master Meng." Shi Lei said happily, he was waiting for Meng Xiangyang to express his attitude.

"You're welcome, you deserve it." Meng Xiangyang waved his hand, signaling Shi Lei to shut up, took the teacup, and drank the tea one sip at a time.

Not long after, there was a rush of footsteps in the corridor outside.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, Shi Lei's face brightened, he got up quickly, rushed to the door, and pulled it open.

A short and thin middle-aged man walked over quickly, and when he saw Shi Lei, his face showed a bit of joy.

"Is Jiang Chen dead?" Seeing the middle-aged man approaching, Shi Lei asked impatiently.

The middle-aged man's expression was slightly suffocated, and he nodded vigorously. Shi Lei smiled, turned his head, and looked at Meng Xiangyang in the room. Meng Xiangyang was sitting there motionless. On the surface, he seemed to be unresponsive, but in fact his heart was pounding. .

"Did you die?" Meng Xiangyang murmured in his heart, a little shocked and a little regretful.

As for why it was regrettable, it was probably because Jiang Chen died too easily.


At this moment, the sound of bullets firing rang in Meng Xiangyang's ears.

Hearing the sound, Meng Xiangyang's expression suddenly changed, and he instinctively raised his head to look at Shi Lei, just in time to see a blood hole between Shi Lei's eyebrows, and he fell straight to the ground.

"What are you doing?" Meng Xiangyang yelled loudly. At the same time, he had an extra pistol in his hand, aimed at the middle-aged man, and frantically pulled the trigger.


Xu Anqi didn't stay in the eastern suburbs villa for long, and was soon sent back to school by Jiang Chen.

After returning to school, Xu Anqi ran to the classroom non-stop to attend class, leaving Jiang Chen alone with a newly bought mobile phone, his whole expression was a bit dumbfounded.

"So that's what happened." Watching Xu Anqi walk into the teaching building, Jiang Chen's expression was slightly weird, and he finally understood why Xu Anqi dragged him to buy a mobile phone together.

Buying a mobile phone is just a cover, buying a mobile phone for him is Xu Anqi's real purpose.

"Squad Leader Xu, it's actually just a token of love, why are you so shy." Jiang Chen said with a smile, finding it interesting, and there was an inexplicable feeling spreading in his heart.

Jiang Chen took out the SIM card from his old mobile phone, installed it in the newly bought fruit phone, then put the mobile phone in his trouser pocket casually, and walked towards Weiming Lake.

After sleeping comfortably on the grass for a few hours, Jiang Chen showed up at the Yilan Hotel on time around six o'clock.

After drinking the medicine, Jiang Chen was burying his head in eating, when a figure suddenly jumped in front of him.

Wearing a straight uniform on a woman's body does not show heroism, but gives people a feeling similar to the temptation of a uniform. Perhaps the only flaw is that the woman's breasts are a little smaller, so that the temptation of that part It's a little short of heat.

At least for Jiang Chen, compared to the temptation of this woman, the temptation of food is much greater.

"Lingling, you're here, what do you want to eat?" Sister Lan was a little surprised when she saw the little beauty in uniform appear.

Speaking of which, Ding Lingling hadn't eaten here for some time, and Sister Lan was quite happy to see Ding Lingling appear.

"Hey, Sister Lan, what kind of cosmetics did you use recently? Your skin looks good, and you look a few years younger." Ding Lingling looked at Sister Lan giggling, also very happy, so pay attention When he saw Sister Lan's smooth face, he immediately woke up in surprise, and looked at Sister Lan with big eyes, burning hot, as if he had discovered something remarkable.

"No... no cosmetics." Sister Lan shook her head, a little embarrassed by Ding Lingling's eyes.

"Is it true? Sister Lan, don't lie to me." Ding Lingling refused to believe it.

"Really not." Sister Lan shook her head again.

Sister Lan doesn't have the habit of using cosmetics, and the actual situation is that she can't afford expensive cosmetics. Every penny she earns is carefully saved for Xiaodie's study.

However, Sister Lan also knew why Ding Lingling was so surprised. Speaking of which, Sister Lan was actually quite surprised by the changes in her own time in the past few days.

All the changes were naturally started by Jiang Chen half-coaxing and half-coercing to drink medicine a few days ago. At the beginning, Sister Lan was dubious about Jiang Chen's words. Take it easy.

Sister Lan knew that her skin had improved a lot, and the change after taking the medicine was not just a simple improvement in the skin, she could clearly feel that her body was becoming younger.

Although the time is short, such a change is not very conspicuous, but it has already brought a great surprise to Sister Lan, especially what surprised Sister Lan was not her own change, but Xiaodie's change.

In the past few days, Xiaodie has eaten a lot more than usual, which is the most gratifying thing for Sister Lan.

"Without using cosmetics, how could the skin suddenly get better?" Ding Lingling muttered, then suddenly turned her head and looked at Jiang Chen.

"Jiang Chen, you did a good thing, right?" Ding Lingling asked loudly.

"Hey, how do you know?" Jiang Chen asked vaguely with his mouth full of food.

"Ah..." Ding Lingling screamed, and suddenly felt that the whole person was not well.

"What's the name of the ghost?" Jiang Chen looked at Ding Lingling speechlessly.

So Ding Lingling screamed louder and spoke even louder, "Jiang Chen, how can you admit it so directly."

"Admit it or not?" Jiang Chen was a little puzzled.

"Of course it's to admit the relationship with Sister Lan." Ding Lingling spoke quickly and urgently, "Sister Lan said she didn't use cosmetics, but her skin has become so good, it must be because of you."

"Hmph, I heard that a woman's skin will get better after being moisturized by a man. So it's true." At the end, Ding Lingling hummed again.

Black lines popped up on Jiang Chen's forehead, while Sister Lan's face flushed with embarrassment.

"Lingling, don't talk nonsense, it's not what you think." Sister Lan said hastily.

"Okay Sister Lan, there's nothing to deny this kind of thing. I already knew that Jiang Chen was planning on you, but why did you agree to him so quickly, Sister Lan?" Ding Lingling said with a pouted mouth.

"Lingling, it's really not what you think. In fact, I just took some medicine." Sister Lan explained dumbfoundingly.

"Take medicine? Are you taking after-the-fact medicine? Damn rascal, you don't even take safety measures. Sister Lan, you must not take it in the future, or it will be bad for your health." Ding Lingling stared at Jiang Chen with an expression on his face. very angry.

"Ah, no." Sister Lan couldn't keep up with Ding Lingling's rhythm. She was ashamed and annoyed, and she stammered, "It's not that kind of medicine, it's traditional Chinese medicine."

"Can traditional Chinese medicine also be used to prevent pregnancy? Why haven't I heard of it before?" Ding Lingling blinked her eyes and looked confused.

Sister Lan was completely killed and stomped to the kitchen.

"Beast." Ding Lingling sat down opposite Jiang Chen and cursed.

"Little girl, I think you should take some medicine too." Rubbing his face, Jiang Chen said helplessly.

"Hmph, it's not enough for you to hit Sister Lan, but you still want to hit me. I won't take that kind of medicine until I die, so I must take protective measures." Ding Lingling said sternly.

So, following Sister Lan, Jiang Chen also died in battle!
(End of this chapter)

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