genius evil

Chapter 138

Chapter 138

"Little girl, is it really okay for you to be so shameless?" Jiang Chen said dumbfounded.

"Why am I not ashamed or irritable? You are the one who is shameless... Well, no, what did I say just now?" Ding Lingling has always been confused and couldn't grasp the point. At this moment, It was only after a trance that I realized, belatedly, that I seemed to have said something wrong.

"I'm just talking about it. Don't take it seriously. Only Sister Lan will take a fancy to you. I don't care about you at all." Immediately, Ding Lingling tried to correct her words.

"Don't worry, I won't take it seriously." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Damn rascal, my breasts are not as big as Sister Lan's. Why do you despise me so much?" Ding Lingling quit immediately.

"This, doesn't seem to be the point?" Jiang Chen couldn't help reminding after all.

"That's right... What's the point? The point is that Sister Lan's skin got better under your nourishment... Eh, that's not right, it's that Sister Lan's skin got better after taking the medicine." Ding Lingling muttered , Jiang Chen was a little suspicious, this girl with no breasts and no brains, would she go to the pharmacy to buy a few boxes of after-the-fact medicines and eat them like crazy? The picture was so beautiful, Jiang Chen shuddered just thinking about it.

"That's not the point, the point is what medicine Sister Lan took." Jiang Chen corrected.

"Isn't it just after-the-fact medicine? Could it be that what brand is there?" Ding Lingling frowned and looked at Jiang Chen.

"You really should take your medicine." Jiang Chen looked at Ding Lingling like an idiot.

"Actually, my skin is pretty good, and I don't seem to need to take that kind of medicine...but I can try to see how it works, but, is there something wrong?" Ding Lingling said a little coyly.

"What's wrong?" Jiang Chen asked with interest as it was rare to see such a side of Ding Lingling.

"I'm missing a man." Ding Lingling's eyes were a little evasive, not daring to look directly at Jiang Chen.

Sister Lan fried a dish and brought it out, just when she heard Ding Lingling's words, her feet softened and she almost threw the plate out of her hand.

"Lingling, come with me." Sister Lan grabbed Ding Lingling's arm and dragged her towards the kitchen. Otherwise, what words would come out of Ding Lingling's mouth.In that case, the relationship between her and Jiang Chen would not be cleared even by jumping into the Yellow River.

Ten minutes later, Ding Lingling, who understood the cause and effect, came out of the kitchen.

After listening to Sister Lan's detailed explanation, she was ashamed and annoyed when she knew that she would have the wrong expression from the beginning to the end, and felt that she was ashamed to see Jiang Chen.

"Jiang Chen, Sister Lan told me everything." Ding Lingling said shyly, but at the same time she was inexplicably happy.

"Have you eaten yet? Would you like to have some together?" With Jiang Chen's thick skin, he naturally wouldn't take such a small misunderstanding to heart.

"Okay, I'm just hungry." Seeing that Jiang Chen didn't seem to be angry, Ding Lingling grinned, filled a bowl of rice, and then kept stuffing it into his small mouth.

While eating, Ding Lingling smiled wickedly at Jiang Chen and said, "Jiang Chen, I want to discuss something with you."

"You want to take medicine too?" Jiang Chen said casually.

"Yeah, I want to take medicine too, but I want to take it..." Ding Lingling looked down at her chest, her voice gradually trailed off.

"Breast enhancement medicine, right?" Jiang Chen said amusedly.

"Yes, yes." Ding Lingling nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

"Little girl, your chest shape is pretty good, you don't need to take medicine." Jiang Chen rarely hit Ding Lingling again.

"But it's not big enough." Ding Lingling said dejectedly.

"It doesn't necessarily look good when it's big." Jiang Chen carefully stared at Ding Lingling's sensitive parts for a few times.

"No, haven't you always disliked my small breasts?" Ding Lingling stared.

In other words, she didn't think there was anything wrong with having smaller breasts. After all, it is very convenient to buy clothes, and the clothes look good, but Jiang Chen always looks very disgusted, which makes her suffer a lot. , an extreme lack of self-confidence.

"I still despise your small butt." Jiang Chen said speechlessly.

"Then what medicine do you have, can it make my butt bigger?" Ding Lingling looked expectant.

"There is no medicine, but there is a way to quickly make your breasts big and your butt up, that is, you go to a man and let that man rub it for you more." Jiang Chen said slowly.

"What kind of solution is this? There's no sincerity at all. It's fine if you don't want to. Don't think I don't know that the man you're talking about is yourself." Ding Lingling had an expression that saw through Jiang Chen's perverted nature.

With a helpless expression on his face, Jiang Chen said, "What do you want me to do here?"

"Jiang Chen, do you know that you changed the subject very abruptly?" Ding Lingling gave Jiang Chen a blank look, and said, "Shi Lei is dead, do you know?"

"Oh?" A gleam flashed in his eyes, and immediately, Jiang Chen shook his head.

"I heard that someone hired a killer to kill him." Ding Lingling said again.

Jiang Chen smiled and said, "What does this matter have to do with me?"

"Some people suspect that you hired the killer, but in my opinion, it must be slander, maybe it's a thief calling for a thief." Ding Lingling finally got to the point.

"Who is that person who doubts me?" Jiang Chen asked curiously.

"Meng Xiangyang." Ding Lingling said the name.

"Meng Xiangyang? It's interesting." Jiang Chen nodded slightly, and then didn't speak any more.


Charity Hospital.

After the shooting at Chunxiao teahouse, Shi Lei was sent to Ren'ai Hospital, but he was sent directly to the morgue.

"Uncle Shi, it's my fault that I didn't take good care of Shi Lei." Meng Xiangyang stood in front of a middle-aged man who looked seventy percent like Shi Lei with a look of shame on his face, and said under his breath.

The middle-aged man was Shi Lei's father, Shi Qingping. Standing beside Shi Qingping was a middle-aged woman with a sad face, Shi Lei's mother, Yao Xiaoqian.

"Xiangyang, this matter is not your fault, so there is no need to blame yourself." Shi Qingping patted Meng Xiangyang's shoulder to express his comfort.

"No matter what, I have an unshirkable responsibility for this matter. If I hadn't asked Shi Lei to drink tea, he wouldn't have died." Meng Xiangyang said sadly.

"Xiangyang, Xiaolei is lucky to have a friend like you, but unfortunately, he doesn't have this life." Sighing, Shi Qingping looked at Shi Lei's body, his tone gradually turned gloomy.

"Xiangyang, you mean, you suspect that someone deliberately murdered Xiaolei?" Shi Qingping asked.

"That's right, I do have such suspicions." Meng Xiangyang nodded and said, "It happened so suddenly. After the man rushed over, he shot without saying a word. It seemed that he was ordered by someone. Moreover, I have had people investigate, and the murderer is a desperado, and this can never be an accident."

"The person you suspect is Jiang Chen, right?" Shi Qingping asked again.

"There have been several conflicts between Shi Lei and Jiang Chen, and Jiang Chen is notorious for his flaws. I am not surprised that he would do such crazy things, but so far, there has been no The evidence is enough to correct Jiang Chen, so we can only let Jiang Chen get away with it!" Meng Xiangyang said regretfully.

"Evidence?" Shi Qingping chuckled, the laughter was extremely piercing, and he said, "I don't need evidence, all I know is that my son is dead, and someone must pay for it."

"Uncle Shi, don't be impulsive. Murder is a crime. The police will handle this case and give you a satisfactory explanation." Meng Xiangyang said hastily.

"Xiangyang, you can rest assured that I will not be impulsive, and I don't know how to kill people... Killing people should naturally be left to those who are good at killing people." Shi Qingping was very calm.

"Uncle, you mean, invite a killer?" Meng Xiangyang pretended to be surprised.

"That's right, just invite an assassin. Since Jiang Chen can ask an assassin to kill my son, why can't I ask an assassin to kill him." Shi Qingping said as a matter of course.

"Uncle, I can understand your grief, but you may not know Jiang Chen very well. He is not an easy person to deal with. An ordinary killer may not be able to kill him. Moreover, it must be hit with one blow, otherwise, Once Jiang Chen counterattacks, the consequences will be very serious!" A subtle light flashed in his eyes, and on the surface, Meng Xiangyang looked like he was thinking about Shi Qingping.

"Xiangyang, thank you for your reminder. I know this matter well." Shi Qingping looked at Meng Xiangyang with relief, admiring him very much, and when he looked at his dead son, the more he admired Meng Xiangyang, the more sad he felt.

Shi Lei died, Shi Qingping needed to deal with the affairs behind him, Meng Xiangyang stayed in the hospital for a while, then left.

Outside Ren'ai Hospital, a car was waiting for Meng Xiangyang. Meng Xiangyang strode over, opened the door and got into the car.

The driver was none other than Meng Xiangyang's father, Meng Xingnan.

"Does Shi Qingping doubt you?" Meng Xingnan asked in a low voice after driving on the road.

"No, but this matter is full of weirdness. I still can't figure out why the assassin who killed Jiang Chen would kill Shi Lei instead." Meng Xiangyang asked suspiciously.

"Xiangyang, you are too young after all, you need to know, since Shi Lei can buy that killer, Jiang Chen can of course buy that killer in turn." Meng Xingnan scolded with a sullen face.

"It's true that I haven't considered it thoroughly enough." Meng Xiangyang responded, but for some reason, he still had reservations about Meng Xingnan's judgment.

"Next time, you must not make such a mistake. You should feel lucky about what happened this time. If Shi Lei didn't come forward to contact the killer, but you did it yourself, then the one who died would not be Shi Lei, but you." Meng Xingnan warned.

"I understand. Fortunately, there is finally a chance to make up for it." Meng Xiangyang said coldly.

"Borrowing a knife to kill people is a good way, but it must be done quickly. Shi Qingping is not a fool. Once he figured out something, we will be in trouble." Meng Xingnan reminded.

Nodding his head, Meng Xiangyang said ruthlessly, "This time, I will never give Jiang Chen any more chances."

(End of this chapter)

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