genius evil

Chapter 1340 I'm Invincible

Chapter 1340 I'm Invincible

In the next few days, the rankings in the Heaven Rankings fluctuated. Jiang Chen was impacting, and the rankings rose rapidly, causing many people to complain about it.

"Jiang Chen, number 30!"

Impressively, he saw that among the inner sect, ranked above the Jade Bi, the word Jiang Chen shone brightly, attracting attention.

A few days ago, Jiang Chen bombarded and killed Chang Yulong in a crushing manner. Some people thought that Jiang Chen would definitely not be willing to be alone, and would continue to hit higher rankings.

However, it still exceeded many people's expectations.

Jiang Chen was unrivaled in strength, no matter who the opponent was, whether the ranking was high or low, he would directly crush him, and then win the victory in an overwhelming way, simple and rude.

This left many people speechless. With the power of one person, he stirred up the entire celestial list, and made countless people panic. It is estimated that only Jiang Chen can be so heaven-defying, making people want to complain. , were all lost, and watched Jiang Chen perform alone.

"It's crazy how long it's been."

Someone exclaimed.

The speed of Jiang Chen's impact was too fast. Not to mention that there was no one who came after, there was absolutely no one before. All the way forward, no one could stop his footsteps. It gave people the feeling that he was going straight to the number one in the list.

Some people even said that, except for Ji Mobai, no one on the top of the list could stop Jiang Chen's way forward!
Jiang Chen's invincible demeanor, the protection of the Pure Yang Cauldron, and his undefeated golden body made many people discouraged. As a result, only Jiang Chen challenged others. From the beginning to the end, no one dared to challenge Jiang Chen.

"It's not crazy, it's crazy."

Someone corrected him by saying that Jiang Chen's behavior was no different from that of a lunatic.

"Is Jiang Chen stimulated? No matter how hard he tries, he is still inferior to Ji Mobai, so he is venting?"

Someone said again, implying that the reason why Jiang Chen was like this was because of Ji Mobai.

This kind of statement has been agreed by many people. They all think that Ji Mobai's qualification to enter the fifth floor of the Seven Star Hall has brought great pressure to Jiang Chen.

Some people feel sorry for Jiang Chen, because if there is no Ji Mo Bai Zhuyu in front, then the entire inner sect will become a stage for Jiang Chen to perform.

However, Ji Mobai's radiance was too strong, and under the radiance, no matter how stunning and invincible Jiang Chen was, he was doomed to be eclipsed and lacked contrast.

"Fortunately, Youji Mobai."

Someone said, feel lucky.

It's hard to imagine what would have happened with Jiang Chen's personality if Ji Mobai hadn't been in command of the Tianbang.

Many voices of discussion came out, and Jiang Chen was regarded as Ji Mobai's No. 1 in the heaven list, and he went hand in hand with Ji Mobai.

"You're only No. 30, so you think you're number two?" Duan Changfeng sneered, and he said, "It's good to have ambitions, but if you don't have the strength to match your ambitions, you're doomed to become a joke. , I don’t even know how I died.”

Opposite Duan Changfeng, sat Fu Qingfeng.

Fu Qingfeng was drinking, this wine was prepared by Duan Changfeng, it was the secret brew of the Daoist sect, it was very suitable for Fu Qingfeng's taste.

"Don't worry about it." Fu Qingfeng said after waving his hand.

"Maybe, Jiang Chen is trying to create public opinion on purpose." Fu Qingfeng said, he was very indifferent, and never paid attention to the voices of discussion from the outside world.

"Brother Fu, can you bear this breath?" Duan Changfeng asked.

Jiang Chen had an old grievance with Dao Daozong, and now, Duan Changfeng wanted to settle that account with Jiang Chen as it should be.

"Ha ha……"

Fu Qingfeng laughed loudly and said, "Brother Duan, you invited me to drink today, your purpose is not pure."

"To be honest, I invited Brother Fu to come here because of Jiang Chen." Duan Changfeng said, and he said that it was time for someone to stand up and deal with Jiang Chen.

If Jiang Chen was allowed to hop around so recklessly, the huge inner courtyard would be full of smoky atmosphere.

"This matter is actually very simple. When Jiang Chen challenges you, Brother Duan, you just need to defeat him." Fu Qingfeng said.

"Brother Fu, you are so optimistic about Jiang Chen, thinking that he will have a chance to challenge me?" Duan Changfeng said in surprise.

Stretching out a finger, pointing to the top of the head, Fu Qingfeng said: "Brother Duan, don't forget what Jiang Chen's ultimate goal is."

That finger pointed at Ji Mobai!
"Brother Ji, what do you think about this?" Duan Changfeng took advantage of the situation and asked.

Taking a deep look at Duan Changfeng, Ji Mobai knew that this was the real purpose of Duan Changfeng's invitation.

Inexplicably, he sighed softly in his heart, maybe Duan Changfeng himself didn't realize that he was afraid of Jiang Chen after all, otherwise, why would he need to know Ji Mobai's attitude?
But Duan Changfeng himself didn't realize it, and Fu Qingfeng didn't remind him either, he said: "Brother Ji is preparing to enter the fifth floor of the Seven Star Hall, so he doesn't have time, so pay attention to this."

"So that's how it is." Duan Changfeng's eyes lit up, he hesitated for a while, and he said, "I heard something, I don't know if it's true or not...that is, the matter of ten places..."

Hearing this, Fu Qingfeng's complexion changed suddenly, and he warned, "Brother Duan, you should probably go directly to talk to Brother Ji about this matter. Besides, I think the most important thing right now is Brother Duan, you should think about it carefully. How to deal with Jiang Chen."

Fu Qingfeng left soon without finishing the wine.

Duan Changfeng picked up the wine glass, took a sip of the wine, and a sneer emerged from the corner of his mouth.

"Fu Qingfeng, you are number three on the list. In the final analysis, you are just Ji Mobai's lackey. If you didn't ask for something, do you think you are qualified to drink this wine?"


"Is Fang Qingxuan, the only strong man on the heaven list, so insignificant? Or, I, Fang Qingxuan, have practiced in seclusion for too long this time, and it has been so long that people have forgotten it. In the inner sect, And the existence of me, Fang Qingxuan?"

In the secret room, a voice sounded.

A young man stood proudly with his hands behind his back, looking at the scenery outside the window.

Fang Qingxuan is number two on the Heaven Ranking!

All kinds of discussions were flying all over the sky. Fang Qingxuan, who had always lived reclusively, was shocked.

On this day, someone saw Fang Qingxuan walking in the inner gate. It didn't seem to have any deep meaning, but it was the first time that caused waves.

"Fang Qingxuan, such a super strong man who doesn't have any sense of existence. He doesn't have time to hide his face. How many people still remember him?" Someone said this, feeling very embarrassed.

It has to be said that being born in the same era as Ji Mobai itself means great sorrow.

Not to mention that Fu Qingfeng, the third in the celestial list, was eclipsed in front of Ji Mobai, and the second in the celestial list, Fang Qingxuan, simply had no sense of existence.

The second place on the Tianbang, with such a ranking, I don't know how many people will look up to it, but how many people are there, remember?
"Fang Qingxuan has disappeared for a long time. If he appears at this moment, is something important going to happen?" Someone made a guess, because the timing of Fang Qingxuan's appearance is too sensitive, and it is difficult for people to think about it. .

"Is this, the return of the king?" Someone also said.

In the past, before Jiang Chen came to the Seven Star Martial Academy and stirred up the situation of the heavenly list alone, the list seemed to be quiet that day, but in fact, it was also undercurrents.

Fang Qingxuan was once considered to have a great chance to replace Ji Mobai and win the first place.

In the end, Fang Qingxuan sadly retreated to practice, and after that, no one could shake Ji Mobai.

"Fang Qingxuan?"

The news reached Jiang Chen's ears.

Luo Xi simply introduced something to Jiang Chen about Fang Qingxuan, and told Jiang Chen that Fang Qingxuan was not simple. Back then, he was just a little bit unlucky.

On the top of the list, the strong compete for supremacy, the strong will always be strong, and the weak will always be weak. If you don’t go up, you can only go down. It’s like sailing against the current. The rules are cruel.

That ranking, in the final analysis, is the result of a combination of various factors such as strength and luck.

For example, if there was no Ji Mobai, then Fang Qingxuan would have been number one in the heaven list for sure.

Therefore, when Luo Xi said such words, Jiang Chen seriously corrected him. It wasn't that he lost a little luck, but that he lost a lot of luck.

Furthermore, Fang Qingxuan's bad luck has not ended so far, because meeting him again, this is a great tragedy, destined to become a foil.

Luo Xi was stunned and speechless, and secretly scolded Jiang Chen for being shameless.

The way the two get along has become more casual, and Luo Xi expresses any dissatisfaction directly.

"Miss Luo Xi, please trust me, as a man who aims at the princess' son-in-law, I am invincible." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"Haven't you ever thought about why Fang Qingxuan would suddenly show up?" Luo Xi asked lazily, ignoring Jiang Chen's teasing.

"It must be that I have too much resentment towards Ji Mobai, I want to see for myself how unlucky Ji Mobai is." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"How do I feel? It's because of you." Luo Xi was suspicious.

She did not deny that Fang Qingxuan was dissatisfied with Ji Mobai, but if that was all, why did Fang Qingxuan choose to show up at such a sensitive time?
"As the old saying goes, an enemy's enemy is a friend. Fang Qingxuan must have admired me for a long time and wants to make friends with me." Jiang Chen said calmly.

"Perhaps Fang Qingxuan will be your biggest enemy." Luo Xi said solemnly, reminding Jiang Chen not to be careless.

How could Fang Qingxuan be weak when he once competed with Ji Mobai? His talent and potential have been fully verified. After a long period of retreat, no one knows what step Fang Qingxuan has reached now.

"Luoxi beauty, is it really okay for you to look down on your man so much?" Jiang Chen was dissatisfied and shouted.

Fang Qingxuan's appearance aroused some heated discussions, but it had nothing to do with Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen's rhythm and plan remained the same, and he was always making his way up the celestial list. His ranking was getting higher and higher.

"Duan Changfeng, do you dare to fight me?"

A few days later, Jiang Chen made a sound, bluntly saying that he wanted to challenge Duan Changfeng.

"Has this day finally arrived?" Duan Changfeng said to himself.

Duan Changfeng knew very well that once the opportunity arises, Jiang Chen will never let him go, just like him, Jiang Chen will never let go, he has been waiting, waiting for this day to come.

As he wished, this day, in the end, still came.

"Accept your challenge!"

Without hesitation, Duan Changfeng responded, simply and straightforwardly...

(End of this chapter)

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