genius evil

Chapter 1341 1 Big Fish

Chapter 1341 A Big Fish

Among the inner sect, ranked above the jade bi, there are ten names that last forever.

Those ten people are the top ten in the heaven list, and they are the most powerful people in the inner sect.

If Tianbang is described as a high mountain.

Ji Mobai stands alone on the top of the mountain, which can be called a monument.

The other top ten powerhouses are scattered on other mountain peaks, and together with Ji Mobai, they build the spectacular scenery of the Tianbang.

That kind of scenery, looking at the inner door, everyone wants to climb up to have a look, but in the end, they are firmly suppressed and hard to shake.

Not to mention that Ji Mo was number one in the daytime list, crushed countless people, and Dugu Qiuqiu was defeated. Even Duan Changfeng, who was ranked tenth, was also unpredictable and hard to guess.

In a way, they mean the unsurpassable.

In fact, the top ten rankings in the Tianbang have not changed for a long time.

They are all extremely powerful, possessing the terrifying combat power to push across a large realm, and they will not make a move easily, but every time they make a move, it will inevitably cause violent shocks, and there has never been any one, except.

On this day, the top ten rankings will eventually change, all because of Jiang Chen.

"Challenge Duan Changfeng? After all, Jiang Chen has taken this step?"

Some people lamented it.

Jiang Chen's record is astonishing, even if Jiang Chen's popularity is outrageous, no one will deny Jiang Chen's strength.

The inner sect of Seven Star Martial Academy is a small society, just like the universal law of Zhenwu Continent, the strong is king!
Many people are secretly looking forward to Jiang Chen's challenge to the top ten powerhouses in the celestial rankings. In their view, only Jiang Chen will be recognized in the true sense if he competes with the top ten powerhouses in the celestial rankings.

Otherwise, even if Jiang Chen made a big noise, it would be nothing more than a small disturbance.

Not disappointing them, Jiang Chen directly challenged Duan Changfeng.

"Who will lose? Who will win?"

Someone secretly discussed.

Jiang Chen was very strong, but how could Duan Changfeng be a simple character?
It can be said that the top ten of the Tianbang is a clear watershed. Since the establishment of the Tianbang, countless geniuses and powerhouses have made great strides on the top of the Tianbang, but in the end, they all stopped in the top ten. field.

This can be said to be a gold-testing stone, and what is verified is the strongest in the ultimate sense. As long as they pass this verification, in the future, looking at the Eastern Territory, there will be a place for everyone.

"I've made a bet, I'm sure I'll leave, I'm innocent..."

However, suddenly, there was a loud voice, and Yuan Chi shuttled through the crowd, drinking.

"It's this one again!"

Below the arena of life and death, all the onlookers who were waiting for Jiang Chen and Duan Changfeng to appear saw Yuan Chi's appearance, and all of them were itching with hatred.

Some of the hot-tempered ones wished they could tear Yuan Chi apart.

This is because, recently, they have been cheated one after another, which is too miserable, absolutely, horrible.

Seeing Yuan Chi appearing at this time, without exception, this is to deceive people again, how can everyone be furious.

Yuan Chi had a sullen face, as if he didn't notice it at all. In this situation, he was talking to himself there, explaining the odds of winning or losing the battle between Jiang Chen and Duan Changfeng.

"Buy Jiang Chen to lose!"

After all, someone couldn't bear it anymore and said angrily.

This is a person who bought Jiang Chen many times and wanted to lose. As a result, he was beaten in the face every time, not to mention his face was swollen, almost bankrupt.

But he didn't believe in evil, and he didn't think that Jiang Chen was invincible and would inevitably suffer a disastrous defeat, very likely, today.

As long as Jiang Chen loses the last time, even if it is difficult to make up for the contribution value he lost before, it can be regarded as a solution to the hatred in his heart.

There are obviously many people who have such thoughts, one person bets, and the rest follow suit. After a while, dozens of people bet, without exception, they all bought Jiang Chen and lost!
They were frightened by Yuan Chi's cheating, but they were lucky, thinking that they would win the last time, and Yuan Chi would definitely go bankrupt.

Another point is, whether it is Duan Changfeng's tenth reputation in the Tianbang, or Duan Changfeng's popularity, they are much, much better than Jiang Chen.

Even if they wanted to have some confidence in Jiang Chen, it would be very difficult!
Afterwards, betting was overwhelming. 90.00% of the onlookers who were over eight were willing to spend a lot of money, buying Jiang Chen to lose, and they were even more optimistic about Duan Changfeng.

"Don't you think about it? I think Jiang Chen will push and crush Duan Changfeng as before." Yuan Chi put on a face, smiling like a flower, and said pretendingly.

"To shut up!"

Some people don't want to hear Yuan Chi talking nonsense.

"I'm serious. Jiang Chen is too powerful. He is invincible in the inner sect. He is destined to be number one on the King's Landing Ranking." Yuan Chi said solemnly, his eyes were fanatical, like Jiang Chen's die-hard fan.

Unfortunately, Yuan Chi's sales failed.

It was fine if he didn't say that, but if he said that, it would be thought that he had lost confidence in Jiang Chen and was afraid of losing his fortune, so more people began to spend a lot of money to buy Jiang Chen to lose.

"Are you all idiots? Let everyone see that Jiang Chen is undefeated. He's just as strong as he is. How dare he fight Jiang Chen?" Yuan Chi sneered, dismissively.

He worked very hard to sell, and he didn't care about the way everyone looked at him, as if they were looking at a fool.

"Duan Changfeng is too miserable. This is a person sitting at home, and the disaster comes from the sky. I hope Jiang Chen can be kind and don't kill him. Otherwise, Duan Changfeng is definitely a member of the inner sect. He is the first in history. Miserable people!" Yuan Chi said in a pitiful tone.

"Dare to speak again, kill you?"

Someone glared at him and said in a vicious voice.

Yuan Chi is too shameless. He spared no effort to mislead them. If they really believed Yuan Chi's words, they were fools and deserved to be tricked all the time.

"Jiang Chen is undefeated? Really?"

There was a voice, filled with the taste of calm and breezy.

"Fang Qingxuan!"

As the voice fell, someone couldn't help but exclaimed, and quickly looked at the person who spoke.

I saw a man in a white robe walking slowly, his aura was ethereal and pure, easily making people feel good about him.

It was Fang Qingxuan, who smiled slightly, looked at Yuan Chi, and waited for Yuan Chi's answer.

"This is a big fish." Yuan Chi swallowed.

In the past, in the face of such an existence as Fang Qingxuan, Yuan Chi's legs would probably weaken from fright.

You know, he is just an inconspicuous little character in the inner sect, and it is entirely because of Jiang Chen that he is forced to show off.

But now, unfortunately, when Yuan Chi looked at Fang Qingxuan, what he saw was full of contribution points.

Thoughts were spinning, Yuan Chi was already thinking about what method to use to lure Fang Qingxuan into the bait.

"That's for sure. The title of Invincible Inner Sect is not as simple as just talking about it." Yuan Chi said, extremely proud.

Then, Yuan Chi said in a domineering tone: "Fang Qingxuan, you shouldn't be leaving the customs at this time. If you are caught by Jiang Chen, you will lose your life at the end of the day."

Yuan Chi's words were very forceful, and he even squinted at Fang Qingxuan, never looking directly at him.

"Is this guy stupid?"

All the onlookers were stunned and wanted to petrify.

Why, from Yuan Chi's tone of voice, they could faintly see Jiang Chen's smell, is this the so-called, those who are close to Zhu are red, and those who are close to ink are black?

But Yuan Chi's blackening is too exaggerated. In the face of Fang Qingxuan, he is brave and speaks nonsense. Isn't he afraid that Fang Qingxuan will be enraged and slap him to death?

This is the second strongest man on the list, even if he is suppressed by Ji Mobai and his halo is dim, how can Yuan Chi be able to point his fingers?
This is clearly looking for death, it is too long.

"It's a long life!"

Of course, the timing of Fang Qingxuan's exit is very sensitive, and there is a suspicion of trying his best to seek attention, but just think about it in your heart, is it necessary to say it so directly?
In the final analysis, the second place in the Tianbang is worthy of the name. With Yuan Chi's identity, what qualifications does he have to be arrogant in front of Fang Qingxuan?
"Are you imitating Jiang Chen's style? Painting a tiger is not a dog!"

Some people also said that they were unceremoniously ironic and looked down on Yuan Chi's actions.

Jiang Chen was arrogant, that was his confidence, and Jiang Chen had repeatedly proved that he was qualified to be arrogant.

And what about Yuan Chi?
I don't know the so-called arrogance, that is courting death. To put it bluntly, if Fang Qingxuan shot him to death at this time, no one would feel sorry for Yuan Chi, and would only think that he deserved to die!

"What do you all mean by such reactions? Am I wrong? Don't forget, these are Jiang Chen's original words." Yuan Chi yelled.

In the end, he seemed to realize that he had gone too far, and said again, "Jiang Chen's goal has always been the number one in the ranking, not the second in the ranking. You all know this clearly, so why should I say more."

"Sure enough, the time for me to disappear is too long!"

Fang Qingxuan sighed softly, his brows were slightly frowned, as if he was annoyed, not angry.

"You guys, today, let me have a good look at the demeanor of an invincible inner sect." Fang Qingxuan said, he was very gentle, with a mysterious and mysterious aura about him.

This is clearly a powerful method of visualization, which has already affected Fang Qingxuan's character, but no one can see it.

"Buy Jiang Chen to lose."

Finally, Fang Qingxuan said so, his eyes slightly closed, looking forward to it.


Yuan Chi breathed a sigh of relief, he was indeed learning from Jiang Chen, the typical style of not dying if you don't die, the pressure was too great, Yuan Chi regretted it terribly, and after vowing, he would never dare to follow suit, otherwise what would he do? The sky is dead, probably don't know how he died.

"Duan Changfeng is here!"

Suddenly there was an uproar from the crowd, and in the distance, a handsome young man came quickly like a arrow, it was Duan Changfeng.

In an instant, Duan Changfeng stepped onto the arena of life and death and looked around.


At a glance, Duan Changfeng saw the existence of Fang Qingxuan, and his pupils shrank. Soon, his eyes shifted like that, and he didn't pay much attention.

"Jiang Chen, are you still not showing up?" Duan Changfeng said in a loud voice.


There was a sound of the wind, and another figure appeared and rushed towards the arena of life and death. It was Jiang Chen!

(End of this chapter)

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