genius evil

Chapter 1342 The Battle of Fate

Chapter 1342 The Battle of Fate
"Is that guy Jiang Chen?"

Looking up, Fang Qingxuan looked at it interestingly.

Duan Changfeng is an old acquaintance of Fang Qingxuan, a frequent visitor to the top ten of the Tianbang, and has always been No.10.

In this situation, in some people's eyes, Duan Changfeng is suspected of not thinking about making progress, but Fang Qingxuan is very clear about what kind of freaks those guys in the top ten of the heaven list are.

However, because they are too familiar with each other, just like when Duan Changfeng found Fang Qingxuan, he looked away at a glance, Fang Qingxuan also glanced at Duan Changfeng, but he no longer had any interest.

On the contrary, Jiang Chen appeared, arousing Fang Qingxuan's strong desire to explore.

He wants to see what makes this guy who Yuan Chi calls invincible in the inner sect different from others.

In fact, being extremely extraordinary and having an invincible aura did not disappoint Fang Qingxuan.

"What a firm heart of a strong man."

Fang Qingxuan said silently.

As far as his cultivation level is concerned, in his eyes, strong men in the same level have nothing to hide and no secrets to speak of.

Jiang Chen's blood was boiling like a raging flame, and the breath around his body was endless. It was very miraculous, extremely astonishing, beyond Fang Qingxuan's expectations.

With just one glance, Fang Qingxuan knew that Jiang Chen was far more difficult than he imagined.

"The inner sect is invincible, no wonder he is so confident, he speaks out to provoke Ji Mobai, and doesn't take me seriously." Fang Qingxuan said to himself.


After a while, Fang Qingxuan was stunned and speechless, because he found that Jiang Chen was squinting at Duan Changfeng, which was too familiar, because Yuan Chi had also looked at him like this before.

However, even though the way of looking at people is exactly the same, compared to Jiang Chen, Yuan Chi has only learned a little bit of superficiality, which is completely incompatible and cannot be compared.

"Jiang Chen, I have been waiting for this day to come, do you know?"

On the stage of life and death, Duan Changfeng said softly.

He is a disciple of the Dao Sect, and he received orders from the sect to kill Jiang Chen.

This means that his battle with Jiang Chen is a battle of fate, no matter what, it is inevitable, it is nothing more than a matter of time.

"As far as I know, Ye Ning has the reputation of being the number one disciple in the Dao Sect." Jiang Chen said with a faint smile.

Duan Changfeng said these words without beginning or end, and outsiders could not understand them. Jiang Chen naturally understood the meaning of these words.

"To sow dissension, right?" Duan Changfeng also smiled.

"It's pure curiosity, absolutely no malice." Jiang Chen said solemnly, refusing to admit it.

"Before, when I was in Dao Dao Sect, I was not very eye-catching." Duan Changfeng said simply.

Different from Ye Ning, who has a prominent halo, Duan Changfeng is far from being a first-class disciple in the Dao Sect. After coming to the Seven Star Martial Academy, he found a suitable path for him, and then he rose rapidly.

"It turned out to be another story that may not be good after a while." Jiang Chen suddenly realized.

"It's kind of interesting what you said, but Ye Ning died too early, and he is doomed not to see his future achievements." Duan Changfeng said.

"Actually, Ye Ning should thank me. Otherwise, sooner or later, he will be so ashamed that he commits suicide. I killed him, but he fulfilled his reputation." Jiang Chen said.

"In that case, I would like to thank you, is that what you mean?" Duan Changfeng stared at Jiang Chen, and said slowly.

"I, Jiang Chen, do good deeds, and I never leave a name." Jiang Chen waved his hand, quite generously, telling Duan Changfeng that there is no need to thank him, and then asked again, are you really not angry at all?

After all, Duan Changfeng was not taken seriously in Dao Dao Sect. His current achievements have little to do with Dao Dao Sect. Now, he wants to avenge Ye Ning. This is too humiliating and unbearable.

"You don't understand." Duan Changfeng shook his head, unmoved, he said, "I want to kill you, it has something to do with Dao Sect, it has something to do with Ye Ning, and more importantly, I want to kill you."

Duan Changfeng said that if he is not willing, no one can force him to kill Jiang Chen, but he is willing.

"Why bother, is it fun to make excuses for yourself like this?" Jiang Chen sneered, and said, "You are not fair, so you want to kill me, prove yourself, and let the elders of the Daoist sect know that you How outstanding it is. But even if you successfully killed me, the title of the number one disciple of the Dao Sect is still not your turn, and it is completely useless."

"To shut up!"

Duan Changfeng was so easily seen through his mind, he suddenly became angry and scolded.

"In the final analysis, you are also a poor person. Then, I will show mercy and let you choose a decent way of death. How about it, I am very generous." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Pity me?"

Duan Changfeng's face was very heavy, almost dripping water.

He was mad with hatred, what kind of person was Jiang Chen, and what qualifications did he have to say such things in front of him?
Even if he needs sympathy, he absolutely doesn't need it, Jiang Chen's sympathy!
Because, rather than sympathy, it's more like an all-round humiliation. This is uncovering his scars and exposing his privacy to the sun!

Jiang Chen and Duan Changfeng were talking, and the crowd of onlookers listened to them and were confused.

"Is what Jiang Chen said true? Or, mind attack?" Someone asked in confusion.

Anyone can tell that Duan Changfeng is deeply affected.

Jiang Chen was too sharp, pointing directly at his heart, disturbing Duan Changfeng's state of mind.

"It's too cunning. If Duan Changfeng loses this time, it won't be due to a battle." There were also people who gritted their teeth and cursed Jiang Chen for being shameless.

This is a very dishonorable method, and it is suspected of stealing and cheating.

"I have a hunch that this time, I've been tricked again." Someone said, looking towards Yuan Chi.

"It has nothing to do with me. I said earlier that Jiang Chen is invincible. It's because you don't believe it." Yuan Chi defended, a little worried that he would be attacked by a crowd.

Before the battle even started, the atmosphere above the arena of life and death has become extremely subtle.

At this time, Duan Changfeng also realized Jiang Chen's intentions, and understood that he had been tricked by Jiang Chen without knowing it.


Duan Changfeng shouted loudly, he made a move, and with a movement of his figure, he rolled the air and charged towards Jiang Chen.

The invisible gangster, with Duan Changfeng's body as the center, swept across, it was so domineering that the air was torn apart.

Duan Changfeng was impacting, pulling out phantoms one after another, there was a big explosion, and the void was collapsing.

Duan Changfeng punched, and a powerful aura erupted. Immediately, with the eruption of the fist wind, a gray shadow quickly condensed, evolved, and took shape in an instant.

"Spiral strength?"

The people watching the battle gasped.

That was the spiral force, Duan Changfeng punched out, and the power manifested.

It seemed like a mountain was flying towards Jiang Chen, crushing it, and the spiral force was surging, trying to tear everything apart.

"As expected of the top ten powerhouses in the Heaven Rankings." Jiang Chen said sincerely.

After he entered the inner sect, he attacked the heaven list and fought one after another. He had the most real experience of the respective strengths of the strong men in the sky list.

But it has to be said that even the top [-] powerhouses in the celestial list, compared with the top [-] powerhouses in the celestial list, the gap is too big to be measured.

"No wonder some people say that the top ten in the list is a watershed." Jiang Chen thought.


The air buzzed and trembled, and a golden light emerged from Jiang Chen's body surface. A small golden tripod appeared above Jiang Chen's head, and the light fell down.

Then, with a bang, the ground shook.

Duan Changfeng's punch directly hit the Chunyang cauldron, and the gray wind of the fist exploded in an instant, like thunder from nine heavens, and exploded in everyone's ears.

Many people were unbearable and vomited blood.

More people, their minds almost collapsed by the shock, retreated one after another, away from the arena of life and death.

Their faces were pale, their vitality and blood were weak, they were greatly frightened, their courage was a little bit weak, their legs were trembling, and they almost fell to the ground.

It was just a punch, and after the explosion, strong winds shot out, smoke and dust billowed, and the ground of the life and death arena showed big pits and exploded.

The golden light shone, and Jiang Chen remained motionless, unaffected in the slightest.

Standing on the arena of life and death, he directly shook Duan Changfeng's punch. The punch exploded, but the golden light was even more dazzling, making it hard to look directly at.

"The little cauldron?"

Fang Qingxuan looked over, his eyes flickered.

Duan Changfeng's punch was not easy. Even if he met him, it would be unavoidable, and it would be a little troublesome. If he had to, he would not collide head-on.

Jiang Chen, on the other hand, neither dodged nor evaded.

Fang Qingxuan could naturally see that the reason why Jiang Chen was like this was all due to relying on the Pure Yang Cauldron.

"What is that, from the Palace of Seven Stars?" Fang Qingxuan murmured.

Under the protection of the Pure Yang Cauldron, Jiang Chen was born invincible.

But all powerful magic tools often have amazing origins, leaving all kinds of legends in the world, but this is the first time I have seen Chunyang Ding, as if it appeared out of thin air.

This made Fang Qingxuan feel puzzled, because he believed that the existence of the Chunyang Cauldron, logically speaking, it was impossible for Jiang Chen to obtain it.

Too bad, ignore the attack!

"Duan Changfeng, you are too eager to prove yourself. In fact, the two of us can shake hands, talk and laugh, and sit down and drink together." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

He talks and laughs happily and is very talkative.

I have verified the power of the undefeated golden body earlier, the collision of pure power, the power of the mortal realm, is helpless, let alone Duan Changfeng?
"When you die, I will toast you three times." Duan Changfeng said.

Jiang Chen rushed forward in the Tianbang, hitting and crushing all the way. The Chunyang Cauldron has long been known to everyone, so Duan Changfeng did not have too many surprises that the Chunyang Cauldron could resist his own attack. .

"You are too stingy. When you die, I will toast you thirty cups." Jiang Chen said.

"You won't have that chance." Duan Changfeng said.

After the words fell, a magic weapon was sacrificed. It was a small drum, the size of a palm, made of unknown material, and exuded a simple and simple atmosphere.

After the snare drum was sacrificed, Duan Changfeng struck it violently, and a dull sound came out. Accompanied by Duan Changfeng's every strike, it seemed, again and again, directly hitting the depths of the soul, making the People, shudder!

(End of this chapter)

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