genius evil

Chapter 1346 Unlocking new poses

Chapter 1346 Unlocking new poses

"As far as I know, Fang Qingxuan was a low-key and humble person before. Except for the battle against Ji Mobai, where he showed his sharpness, the rest of the time was quite silent."

After the battle was over and the topic was successfully raised, Jiang Chen returned to his residence.

It was Luo Xi who was talking, telling Jiang Chen what she knew about Fang Qingxuan.

This is naturally not a secret. Many people in the inner sect know about it, but Luo Xi knows Jiang Chen too well, and he knows it very well. Jiang Chen will never take the time to understand these things, which are not important to him at all. Side note.

As a last resort, Luo Xi could only act temporarily as a military adviser and serve as Jiang Chen's staff.

While speaking, Luo Xi took a deep look at Jiang Chen.

"Luoxi beauty, is it because I have flowers on my face, or, have I become handsome again? Or, am I both beautiful and handsome?" Jiang Chen said with a playful smile.

Rolling her beautiful eyes, she couldn't help but roll her eyes, Luo Xi was deeply speechless.

But who is not a peerless strong man, full of personality?
Who else is like Jiang Chen, laughing and cursing without seriousness?Don't you have the demeanor of a master at all?

Of course, Luo Xi also understands that this is what makes Jiang Chen different. Even, the longer she lives with Jiang Chen, the more difficult it is for Luo Xi to imagine that if Jiang Chen is the kind of serious, taciturn person If so, how should the two get along?

Thinking about it for a while, it was full of embarrassment.

"Someone pushed Fang Qingxuan before. If, according to Fang Qingxuan's behavior style, it was impossible for Fang Qingxuan to express his opinion on this, but he did express his opinion. He is very active and proactive. It seems that he is eager to fight." Luo Xi said again.

"So?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Fang Qingxuan had been in seclusion for too long before, and almost lost his sense of existence. Therefore, he desperately needed a battle to declare his return. And you are the best choice." Luo Xi said seriously, analyzing Fang Qingxuan intention of.

Then, Luo Xi said very seriously, "You are not impulsive. It is right to be hotheaded. Fang Qingxuan is definitely not the best choice."

"Beauty Luoxi, do I look that bad to you?" Jiang Chen was dissatisfied,
What does it mean to be hot-headed? Has Jiang Chen ever had such a time?

In Luo Xi's eyes, how bad is his own image that would cause such a misunderstanding?

"This may be the most sensible thing you have done since you entered the inner gate." Luo Xi said noncommittally.

"Miss Luoxi, what you said is wrong. Obviously, the most sensible thing I did was to live with you." Jiang Chen corrected.

"You're talking nonsense again." Luo Xi was annoyed.

She took great pains to think about Jiang Chen. This guy is a good guy. He tried every means to take advantage of her, and inexplicably made Luo Xi wronged. Is it really necessary for him to make such a sacrifice?
"Luoxi beauty, I am sincere. If I hadn't lived with you, how would I know that you are so understanding, gentle and virtuous." Jiang Chen said.


Luo Xi's small face suddenly turned red.

It turned out that Jiang Chen didn't fail to see her sacrifices, but he saw everything in his eyes and kept it in his heart.

But, understanding, gentle and virtuous, is that really her?
Why has she never discovered that she has such potential?

Or is it because of Jiang Chen's existence that these hidden potentials of hers were stimulated and unlocked?
"Fang Qingxuan gave me a bit complicated feeling." Jiang Chen said immediately.

The aura on Fang Qingxuan's body was so mysterious that it was hard to see through, giving Jiang Chen a feeling that it might even be stronger than Ji Mobai.

Of course, this was not the reason Jiang Chen rejected Fang Qingxuan, the real reason Jiang Chen rejected Fang Qingxuan was that Fang Qingxuan was too ugly.

A guy with such a temperament is so ugly that he can't bear to look at it. He is really blind.

"Before Fang Qingxuan retreated, he took a door from the fourth floor of the Seven Star Hall and used the method of visualization. It seems that he has succeeded in cultivation, so he broke through the closed door." Luo Xi said.

Secret technique, supernatural power, technique of visualization, these three are difficult to distinguish, which is stronger and which is weaker, in a sense, it is only a distinction in name, similar in nature and interlinked.

The secret method can be supernatural powers or visualization techniques, and vice versa, supernatural powers and visualization techniques.

But it is not difficult to see that the visualization method that Fang Qingxuan took from the fourth floor of the Seven Star Hall is very suitable for his cultivation, and it has a dusty aura, which is extremely mysterious.

If it was true, Fang Qingxuan had achieved success in cultivation and had broken through, then it would undoubtedly be extremely terrifying.

"It's an opponent worthy of a fight." Jiang Chen said to himself.


"Oh, Fang Qingxuan has left the customs. To be blunt, you can accept Jiang Chen's challenge?" Ji Mobai said.

Opposite Ji Mobai, there was a person sitting, it was Fu Qingfeng. Fu Qingfeng was pouring tea. He came to Ji Mobai immediately and said something about Fang Qingxuan's situation.

"Fang Qingxuan has become high-profile." Fu Qingfeng said.

"Really?" Ji Mobai smiled.

"The country is easy to change and the nature is hard to change. Fang Qingxuan's change is not a good thing." Fu Qingfeng reminded.

"It doesn't matter." Waving his hand, Ji Mobai said indifferently, not taking it to heart.

Surprised, Fu Qingfeng stared at Ji Mobai and took a look.

The reason why he rushed over at the fastest speed was because he thought that Ji Mobai should be very interested in Fang Qingxuan. opponent.

At the beginning, Fang Qingxuan and Ji Mobai were fighting for supremacy in the Tianbang. Although Fang Qingxuan regretted losing in the end, as a witness to this incident, Fu Qingfeng knew very well how big a threat Fang Qingxuan was to Ji Mobai. .

But right now, Ji Mobai's reaction is undoubtedly quite intriguing.

This clearly shows that Fang Qingxuan, who was qualified to be his opponent at the beginning, has already lost such qualifications and can no longer be in his eyes.

"It's really proud." Fu Qingfeng smiled wryly.

Even Fang Qingxuan couldn't fall into Ji Mobai's eyes, so wouldn't he be even worse.

"Jiang Chen?"

Fu Qingfeng thought of Jiang Chen again, and the expression on his face changed slightly, because Fu Qingfeng suddenly realized that he was as proud as Ji Mobai, but paid extra attention to Jiang Chen. What is going on?


Jiang Chen raised a question, which sparked heated discussions. In the end, these topics were all directional, pointing to Fang Qingxuan.

"The strong return."

Some people regarded Fang Qingxuan's statement as the return of the most powerful, and it was not as simple as simply seeking attention from a blogger.

Because Fang Qingxuan came to watch the battle between Jiang Chen and Duan Changfeng in person, if he wanted to seek attention from Jiang Chen, it would be a shame if he did something wrong.

Obviously, Fang Qingxuan is not that stupid, which means that Fang Qingxuan must be full of confidence and conceited.

"If Jiang Chen and Fang Qingxuan fight, who will win and who will lose?"

Someone asked such a question, looking forward to a battle between the two, but unfortunately, Jiang Chen didn't intend to challenge Fang Qingxuan.

"The up-and-coming star and the veteran powerhouse, both of them have the potential to become number one on the list. Ji Mobai is in trouble." Someone also said.

This may indicate that the structure of the Tianbang is about to undergo earth-shaking changes. Some people rise to the top, and naturally some people will fall.

But in the end, who will be on top, and who will be down?
For this reason, the entire inner sect was looking forward to Jiang Chen's next challenge, because that would be a crucial battle.

Jiang Chen was not in a hurry to solve the mystery.

At this time, in the room, Jiang Chen sat cross-legged quietly, hooked up his identity jade badge, and entered the fourth floor of the Seven Star Hall.

On the fourth floor of the Seven Star Hall, the space is even smaller, and the internal layout and display have also become simpler and clearer at a glance.

Seven Star Hall has seven floors in total, but anyone who can enter the third floor is already quite remarkable, and it is very rare to enter the fourth floor.

As for entering the fifth floor of the Seven Star Hall, Ji Mobai was the only one for so many years, and the rest of the people could only look up, unable to reach.

A long time ago, Jiang Chen had the contribution value that allowed him to obtain the qualification to enter the fourth floor of the Seven Star Hall. At this time, Jiang Chen was the one who entered it.

Jiang Chen's spiritual consciousness swept across, and he directly focused on the medicinal material area.

The medicinal materials here are all rare and precious, very rare, and some of them belong to the type that even money can't buy.

This is exactly the benefit of entering the Seven Star Martial Academy. Here, as long as there are enough contribution points, everything is not a problem.

The so-called leaning against a big tree to enjoy the shade is nothing more than that.

Jiang Chen found a big tree for Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing to enjoy the shade, while he himself chose the big thick leg of the Seven Star Martial Academy, and hugged it tightly.

One kind of medicinal material after another was taken down by Jiang Chen and exchanged. Jiang Chen's contribution value was rapidly consumed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In the end, when Jiang Chen had exchanged all the medicinal materials he needed, the contribution value he had, that is, was very little left.


Jiang Chen sucked in a breath of air. He had so much contribution value. He thought that after the exchange was completed, there would be quite a lot left, but there was only a few dozen contribution points left. It was almost impossible. Complete the exchange.

"I'm a fool." I couldn't help but yelled, Jiang Chen was teleported out.

This is not over, Jiang Chen is very straightforward, in the room, continue to yell, it is really too cheating, cheating people will not pay for their lives.

You know, he worked so hard, joined forces with Yuan Chi, and almost cheated the entire inner courtyard. He succeeded in cheating so much contribution value. Right now, he was cheated all at once, how could he bear it?

After cursing, Jiang Chen's mood calmed down a little bit.

He opened the storage bag and took out the medicinal materials he exchanged for one by one. In an instant, a strange medicinal fragrance filled the entire room.

"The age and appearance of these medicinal materials are pretty good." Jiang Chen checked, nodded in satisfaction, and calmed down a bit.


A golden light emerged, and the Pure Yang Cauldron was taken out by Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen took a light breath, took a medicinal herb, and put it into the Pure Yang Cauldron...

(End of this chapter)

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