genius evil

Chapter 1347 Breaking Through the Golden Core Late Stage

Chapter 1347 Breaking Through the Golden Core Late Stage
At the beginning, Ji Mobai obtained the qualification to enter the fifth floor of the Seven Star Hall, and when the news came out, it spread throughout the Seven Star Martial Academy.

Whether it is the inner door or the outer door, as the news spread, all of them were excited about it for a while, and everyone gave him the highest praise, thinking that Ji Mobai had already stepped out of the crucial One step, life is about to start a completely different journey.

With the spread of such news, there are various signs that there is a hand behind it, fueling the flames.

On the surface, it looked like Fu Qingfeng, but in fact, it was Ji Mobai himself.

It's just that Ji Mobai's actions were very subtle, no one noticed it, even Fu Qingfeng was kept in the dark and didn't know about it.

This can be said to have soared into the sky, which means that Ji Mobai is already detached from everyone, and has his eyes on the Eastern Great Territory.

In terms of strength and vision, since then, Ji Mobai has been far away, leaving the rest of the people behind, and it is considered that no one can surpass it!
Accompanied by the circulation of such news, there were overwhelming voices of ridicule aimed at Jiang Chen. Countless people thought that the so-called rivalry with Ji Mobai was destined to become a joke.

When Ji Mobai rode Juechen, he had an unstoppable momentum, so what could Jiang Chen use to compete with him?

In private, some people have decided that Jiang Chen is just a joke.

Even if Jiang Chen is currently in the limelight, he is invincible in the sky, but he is not even a match for Duan Changfeng, which can be called astonishing.

But this was not enough, Jiang Chen dug a hole for himself, and, jumping into the hole, it was not so easy to climb out!

Jiang Chen has never been affected, and his heart and rhythm remain unchanged.

The fifth floor of the Seven Stars Hall was never his goal. His goal, from beginning to end, was the fourth floor of the Seven Stars Hall!
Among the inner gates, there are very few beings who have entered the fourth floor of the Seven Star Palace, but after all, there are people who have entered it, such as Fang Qingxuan, who took a method of visualization from the fourth floor.

Compared with the mystery of the fifth floor of the Seven Star Hall, the fourth floor of the Seven Star Hall has a lot of gossip circulating in the inner sect, which is widely known.

Jiang Chen has paid attention to this situation before, and has a certain degree of understanding of this situation, which is why Jiang Chen will not hesitate to exchange those medicinal materials immediately.

This is Jiang Chen's real purpose of entering the fourth floor of the Seven Star Hall, because it means whether he can successfully enter the late stage of Jindan.

For Jiang Chen to make alchemy, each of these medicinal materials is essential.

If it is said that the fifth floor of the Seven Stars Hall is an amazing opportunity for Ji Mobai, allowing Ji Mobai to go one step further, then the medicinal materials on the fourth floor of the Seven Stars Hall are very important to Jiang Chen. In other words, it is also a no-nonsense opportunity.

This is because Jiang Chen would have to wait until the Year of the Monkey if he hadn't gone through the Seven Star Hall to collect these herbs.

Although it is impossible for Jiang Chen to waste too much time on this matter, since there is a shortcut in front of him, why not take it?
Doesn't someone want to know why he is arguing with Ji Mobai?

Very good, soon, he will give an answer!

These herbs come from the Palace of Seven Stars, and they are of extraordinary quality, which makes Jiang Chen very satisfied. As for alchemy, it is a piece of cake for Jiang Chen. It is as simple as it gets. He only needs to put these herbs into Chunyang. Cauldron, and furthermore, by urging it, it is possible to independently refine it.

The pure Yang cauldron is extremely miraculous, it is used for alchemy, but it is just a trivial matter.

Back then, Jiang Chen relied on the Pure Yang Cauldron the most in the True Spirit Continent, across the world, and it was precisely this point.

This is astonishing, destined to go against the sky, alchemy, other monks spend their entire lives exhausting their essence and blood, but Jiang Chen only needs to get a pill formula and find all the medicinal materials, and he can get what he wants without any effort Any kind of elixir, and the level of that elixir, even the master of alchemy, is beyond the reach.

"It's been a long time since I felt this way. I'm really familiar with it, and I miss it inexplicably." Jiang Chen whispered to himself, and put many medicinal materials, one after another, into the Chunyang cauldron.

With a thought, Jiang Chen hooked up with the Chunyang Cauldron. Immediately, the inside of the Chunyang Cauldron was filled with golden light. It seemed that there was a raging flame burning, releasing an unparalleled brilliance.

That was too dazzling, the golden light was shimmering, frightening, and the naked eye could see that those medicinal materials were being tempered and then fused.

This is an unimaginable speed, and in just a few short breaths, such fusion is only half completed.

It can be clearly seen that inside the Chunyang Cauldron, there are wisps of strange and delicate fragrance, which is tangy and refreshing.

"Really, I miss it for a long time."

Taking a deep breath, Jiang Chen murmured.

The Chunyang Cauldron was once broken, and then returned, and it was repaired several times, and it is only now, with nearly [-]% of the repairs.

Along the way, the painstaking efforts and efforts that have been put in are not enough for outsiders to understand. Fortunately, it has finally arrived, the stage of reaping the fruits of victory, and the hard work is not in vain.

As time went by, inside the Chunyang Ding, the golden light became more and more blazing, various medicinal materials were rapidly merging, and the elixir gradually revealed its embryonic form.

Jiang Chen saw it and smiled slightly.

Speaking of which, this elixir formula was obtained by chance by him. Jiang Chen once refined it once in the late stage of breaking through the golden elixir, and it had miraculous effects.

This is an ancient prescription, which has been lost for a long time, even without a name, but Jiang Chen firmly believes that if it gets out, there will be a bloody storm in the True Spirit Continent.

With a [-]% success rate, it allows monks to break through the wall and advance. How amazing is this?
Although it is only effective for monks in the middle stage of Jindan, it is enough to drive people crazy.

That means that the value of those who can mass-produce the late-stage golden elixir is immeasurable.

Jiang Chen was used to being carefree, and had no intention of establishing a sect. For him, this pill was a one-time consumable, but how could he have expected that he would use it for the second time in this life.

Thinking of this, the smile on Jiang Chen's face froze slightly, but soon, that smile, once again, emerged from Jiang Chen's face.

"Those lost, I will definitely find them back, and those who owe me, I will definitely pay with blood." Jiang Chen whispered to himself, he was very calm, without any trace of resentment.

In fact, walking the path of cultivation again is not a tempering of the state of mind.

Jiang Chen's state of mind is free and unrestrained, but now, it is better than before. This can be said to be an unexpected harvest. Jiang Chen has absolute confidence. In this life, he will be able to go further!
Inside the Chunyang Cauldron, amidst the strands of golden light, a dark red elixir appeared, full and round, engraved with elixir lines, brimming with surging energy.

Jiang Chen waited patiently, until the elixir was completely formed, then he reached out and took it out.

"It's a little worse." After taking a few glances, Jiang Chen said.

This is because the Chunyang Ding has not been completely repaired, resulting in a certain degree of wear and tear during the refining process.

Of course, this is just Jiang Chen's opinion. This elixir is still perfect, even if it is the handicraft of Master Alchemy, it is still a bit inferior, and it cannot be compared.

Without hesitation, Jiang Chen took the elixir into his mouth, devoured it, and refined it!

Several hours later, Jiang Chen got up, pushed the door open, and walked out of the room.

In the courtyard, there was a figure standing quietly, with an outstanding and graceful appearance, which made people unable to restrain it at a glance, and filled with joy, it was Luo Xi.

Luo Xi has never been the kind of woman who would cater to a certain person. As a princess, a nobleman in the sky, with amazing background support, Luo Xi has indescribable pride.

The direct manifestation of such pride is that she always gives people a sense of alienation that can only be seen from a distance and not played with.

The time Jiang Chen and Luo Xi have lived together is not short, but this sense of alienation always exists. It is not that Luo Xi deliberately releases this breath, but this breath is deeply imprinted in her bones and blood. Change.

When Jiang Chen walked out and heard the sound of footsteps, Luo Xi was startled, turned around, looked over at Jiang Chen, glanced at him unintentionally, felt something inexplicable in his heart, and trembled slightly.


Luo Xi showed a look of astonishment. She clearly found that Jiang Chen had undergone a great change in just a few hours, and his temperament and charm were a little different.

"Luoxi beauty, let me guess, I must have become more handsome, so you should be caught off guard." Jiang Chen said with a smile, and walked over.

"Before I, I smelled the fragrance of medicine." Luo Xi said.

"Is there? It must be an illusion." Jiang Chen said.

"is it?"

Luo Xi sneered, she is not a three-year-old child anymore, can she be deceived so easily?Jiang Chen can't, take a little care?
Such casual perfunctory and deception, even if she wanted to believe it, she would doubt her IQ beforehand, whether it was really that low.

"He broke through." Luo Xi thought to herself, shocked.

"Absolutely." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"I'm hungry." So Luo Xi said, lazily entangled in this issue.

"You foodie." Jiang Chen yelled, expressing his dissatisfaction, but he ran to prepare ingredients in a nonchalant manner.

Luo Xi saw it, and couldn't help but smile knowingly. Even though this guy has always harbored ill intentions towards her, he would stare at her anytime and anywhere. What do you want?


The inner sect was not peaceful. To the surprise of many people, someone challenged Fang Qingxuan.

Although this challenge ended with the challenger being crushed by Fang Qingxuan, it still made it difficult for some people to calm down.

"Another lunatic appeared."

Someone said that, that is the second most powerful person on the list, who can be compared with Ji Mobai, but someone challenged him recklessly, so what is it if he is not a lunatic?
I really thought he was Jiang Chen, it was ridiculous to be able to achieve invincibility in horizontal pushing.

However, the more unexpected thing is yet to come. This challenge has opened a beginning, or it is an introduction. Above the top ten rankings, especially the top ten rankings, are subversive and drastically changing. ...

(End of this chapter)

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