genius evil

Chapter 1348 Doomed to Tragedy

Chapter 1348 Doomed to Tragedy
That scene, aimed at Fang Qingxuan's challenge, was like a lead ~ fire ~ thread.

Fang Qingxuan crushed strongly and announced his return, which means that the strong returned, with the same demeanor, which should not be underestimated.

Of course, I still have some regrets, because it was a battle without any suspense, and it was not expected and valued in advance. There were very few people who cheered and watched, and they knew it well, and the ending was already set.

That is a veteran powerhouse, how can it be so easy to shake?

Following Jiang Chen's example and attacking the top rankings, the courage is commendable, but the behavior is extremely stupid, and it is destined to make a joke and leave a laughingstock.

To a certain extent, this was to complete Fang Qingxuan, and made Fang Qingxuan issue a comeback announcement in a disguised form.

But then, Mo Wei, who was eighth in the ranking, and Cheng Yunqi, who was fifth in the ranking, encountered a challenge respectively, which made people realize that something was wrong.

Mo Xiu practiced a strange secret technique and possessed the body of a diamond, but he failed miserably and almost died.

And Cheng Yunqi was also suppressed, bleeding and seriously injured.

These two challenges happened very suddenly without warning, but the final result caused the entire inner sect to go into an uproar.

When did a monstrous character appear on the heaven list?
One Jiang Chen is not enough, could it be that there are a few more to turn the heaven list upside down?
This was a result that was destined to be unexpected. Two of the top ten powerhouses were pulled down from the altar just like that. It was too sudden and unexpected.

"What's the situation?"

Someone said, puzzled.

It is undeniable that on the top of the list, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon has many people, hiding their strength and cards.

But the top ten on the Tianbang, not to mention constant, is it so easy to hit success?
Jiang Chen is an anomaly, a variable, so Jiang Chen succeeded, but immediately after Jiang Chen, someone rushed into the top ten rankings, and there were still two.

When did the top ten powerhouses become so weak?

"It's going to change."

Some people also said that they smelled the wind and rain.

Obviously, since the first challenge against Fang Qingxuan, it was premeditated, and the next two challenges against Mo Wei and Cheng Yunqi were even more prepared.

The old strong fell, and the newcomers rose to the top. The situation was turbulent. It was amazing. How could such a situation happen in hundreds of years?

"Ancient Qingyu? Lin Fan? These two are hiding very deeply."

Some people expressed emotion, sighed and sighed.

Gu Qingyu and Lin Fan are both strong players on the top of the list, but before they challenged Mo Wei and Cheng Yunqi respectively, they did not receive much attention. The top ten powerhouses are bleak.

However, becoming famous in the first battle covered up Fang Qingxuan's demeanor.

Some people even compare these two with Jiang Chen, and finally think that the two are not just as simple as imitating Jiang Chen.

This is because Jiang Chen fought countless battles in the Tianbang, and he was able to rank among the top ten, while Gu Qingyu and Lin Fan were straightforward, skyrocketed, and became famous.

In the next few days, the huge inner sect was full of uproar because of such a change.

"Jiang Chen, why haven't you made any movement these days?"

Situ Aofeng came to the door and asked with a strange face.

After the battle between Jiang Chen and Duan Changfeng, there was silence.

You know, Situ Aofeng originally thought that Jiang Chen would continue to attack without stopping, so he couldn't help it and came to him.

"It's exciting to watch, why don't you watch it?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Watching the fun?"

Hearing this, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, Situ Aofeng couldn't laugh or cry, and it was difficult to adapt.

In the past, they were all watching Jiang Chen's excitement, but now, Jiang Chen has become a spectator, which is really weird.

"I have a hunch that you will be in some trouble." Situ Aofeng reminded.

"Whoever dares to trouble me, beat him to the ground." Jiang Chen grinned and said fiercely.

"Jiang Chen, do you dare to fight me?"

On this day, a person made a voice, declaring that he wanted to challenge Jiang Chen.

That man was called Lei Peng, the top [-] powerhouses in the Heaven Ranking, compared to Gu Qingyu and Lin Fan, he was even more inconspicuous, but now he said that he wanted to challenge Jiang Chen, which caused an uproar.

"Crazy, everyone is crazy."

Someone was yelling and breaking their heads, and they couldn't figure out why this happened.

There are more and more lunatics, and they actually want to provoke Jiang Chen. This is a comparison, who is more crazy?
"The guy in the top [-] of the Tianbang, let's challenge Jiang Chen, what's wrong with this world?"

Some people can't laugh or cry about this.

How fierce Jiang Chen was, like a complete freak, if he didn't bother anyone, he should burn incense and worship Buddha, but someone actually wanted to trouble Jiang Chen, did he get the wrong script?
"Will Jiang Chen accept the challenge? For some reason, I am inexplicably looking forward to it."

There are also people who are teasing and joking.

Jiang Chen was silent for several days, and many people were not used to it, expecting Jiang Chen to strike again.

"Boy, do you want to die?" Jiang Chen said in a vicious voice, unceremoniously, cursed Situ Aofeng over and over again.

It's really a crow's mouth, good but not bad.

"Jiang Chen, you haven't answered my question yet, do you dare to fight me?" Lei Peng said, without any fear, very forceful, asking Jiang Chen to give a response.

"You're dead." Jiang Chen said, becoming even more angry.

These guys are not crazy, but, they have lost their minds.

No matter what the reason is, this situation has happened, but if you dare to shout in front of him, you are doomed to have no way out.

On this day, Jiang Chen walked out of the room hand in hand with Luo Xi, and stepped into the arena of life and death once again.

There was no suspense in the result, Jiang Chen didn't even use the Chunyang Cauldron, just suppressed Lei Peng.

Lei Peng was not weak, he dared to yell in front of Jiang Chen, and he had absolute confidence in his own strength. However, the person he wanted to challenge was Jiang Chen, and he was destined to be tragic.

Jiang Chen had no intention of showing mercy at all, and directly beat Lei Peng to pieces.

"Jiang Chen is Jiang Chen, except for Ji Mobai, who can beat him!"

There are many people paying attention to this battle, because with the lessons learned from Mo Wei and Cheng Yunqi, they all want to see with their own eyes where the confidence to challenge Jiang Chen in the ring comes from.

The battle was not exciting, Jiang Chen was in a panic, and with a few punches, Lei Peng was blown away.

"Fart, even Ji Mobai can't beat him." Jiang Chen said loudly.

What nonsense are you talking about?

Sooner or later, he will beat Ji Mobai until he cries for his father and mother, so that this dog who sees people as inferior will know what it means to be truly powerful.

Naturally, everyone was speechless. Is it necessary to be so naked?
Ji Mobai has entered the fifth floor of the Seven Star Hall, although no one knows what Ji Mobai got, but it must be stronger.

"The situation is very strange."

Luo Xi said softly, pondering.

Many people are aware of this, and they are all confused.

The rankings in the rankings fluctuated violently, and the top ten were unavoidable, causing many people to panic.

"Don't think too much." Jiang Chen waved his hand, and said, "Whoever comes, blow it up with one punch."

Jiang Chen is now a strong man in the late stage of Golden Core. It seems that he has only broken through a small realm with the middle stage of Golden Core, but his physical strength and speed are not the same.

Now, without using the Chunyang Cauldron, he can fight against Duan Changfeng. Once he is supported by the Chunyang Cauldron, he will be even stronger.

"Maybe, something happened." Luo Xi said.

"Really?" Jiang Chen smiled and said leisurely, "The only thing I'm curious about now is whether someone will challenge Ji Mobai? If so, I will definitely laugh three times, and then applaud him !"


"Why does this happen?"

Ji Mobai was questioning sharply, and the person he was questioning was Fu Qingfeng.

Fu Qingfeng's face was ugly, it was gray and black. Facing Ji Mobai's questioning, cold sweat overflowed from his back.

"I don't know." Shaking his head, Fu Qingfeng said. Finally, he explained, "It seems that someone is deliberately spreading news. In the next few days, if there is no accident, the battle for the top ten in the list will be more intense."

Speaking of this, Fu Qingfeng's expression became even more ugly.

He remembered that he could and would be hit, that although he was fearless, it would always be trouble.

"You know, I have never allowed the top ten in the list to change too much." Ji Mobai said coldly.

"I understand." Fu Qingfeng nodded repeatedly.

Ji Mobai didn't pay attention to the other people on the top of the list, but the top ten were regarded as forbidden places in the field, and some people acted rashly, which meant that they were provoking Ji Mobai's threat.

This is why Ji Mobai is so angry.

"Tell me what I say, and let them all settle down for me." Ji Mobai said again, with a strong tone that cannot be doubted.

"it is good!"

Fu Qingfeng didn't dare to refute, and left embarrassingly.

"Do you want to touch my interests, Ji Mobai? No matter who you are, you will surely die." Watching Fu Qingfeng leave, Ji Mobai said darkly.

He was really angry, even if he was provoked again and again by Jiang Chen before, he was calm and unmoved.

Now, I can't restrain my anger, and my heart is burning with anger, because this is ignoring him, how can I bear it?
Fu Qingfeng conveyed Ji Mobai's attitude truthfully, which was amazing.

"Luoxi beauty, do you have a strange premonition?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"What premonition?" Luo Xi was astonished, puzzled.

"I have a hunch that Ji Mobai is coming to cooperate with me." Jiang Chen said.

"can you?"

Luo Xi looked at Jiang Chen inexplicably, unable to understand how Jiang Chen had such a premonition.

cooperate?is it possible?

No matter how broad-minded Ji Mobai is, it is impossible to cooperate with Jiang Chen, right?
But soon, Luo Xi's beautiful eyes just widened, and suddenly saw, outside the gate, a purple-clothed figure appeared, and walked in slowly, it was Ji Mobai.


Luo Xi was dumbfounded, and gave Jiang Chen a very strange look. This could be regarded as, did the premonition come true?

She was very messy and racked her brains, but she couldn't figure out why this happened...

(End of this chapter)

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