genius evil

Chapter 1349 I came from outside the sky

Chapter 1349 I came from outside the sky

The breeze is blowing, and the water is rippling.

A figure stood proudly, wearing purple clothes like the wind, with a strange aura flowing around him, extraordinary, it was Ji Mobai.

Jiang Chen stood in another direction, his legs were spread apart, his posture was slack, and there was a piece of grass in his mouth. The grass was slightly bitter, so Jiang Chen's face was also slightly bitter.

The two, one serious and the other casual, form a stark contrast unintentionally.

"Ji Mobai, do you know what this posture of yours means in my hometown?" Finally, Jiang Chen couldn't bear it anymore, and shouted.

"Your hometown? Where is it?"

With a movement in his heart, Ji Mobai took advantage of the situation and asked.

Everyone has an identity. This does not mean that that identity must be related to a strong background and background, but it is related to a person's origin.

Of course Ji Mobai has such an identity, moreover, such an identity, if you look at the inner sect, everyone can get it.

The same is true for the rest of the people.

Only Jiang Chen, who was peculiar and different, could be called a different kind.

This is because no one knows what identity and origin Jiang Chen has.

This is undoubtedly not normal. In fact, there have been many discussions and speculations about Jiang Chen's identity and background in private.

Some people even stated with certainty that Jiang Chen came from a certain place, an unknown place.

Ji Mobai didn't think that way, it was an absolutely taboo place, and the strong were like clouds, if Jiang Chen came from that kind of place, how could it be possible to enter the Seven Star Martial Academy without leaving the basics?

In fact, this is an association that is most in line with the actual situation. After being denied, it is inevitable that Jiang Chen's origin will become confusing.

Today, Ji Mobai took the initiative to come to Jiang Chen because he had other matters to discuss.

But right now, hearing Jiang Chen mention the words "hometown" inadvertently, Ji Mobai couldn't help but became interested and wanted to inquire more.

Looking at Ji Mobai, Jiang Chen laughed twice, stretched out a finger, and pointed towards the top of his head.

Following the direction pointed by Jiang Chen's finger, Ji Mobai looked up and looked at the sky above his head, where the clouds were floating, magnificent and bright.

"What do you mean?" Ji Mobai asked, puzzled.

"I came from outside the sky, and my hometown is in the direction pointed by my finger." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

This is true, I am not lying, whether it is the earth or the True Spirit Continent, for this continent, it is the outer world.

As for whether Ji Mobai could understand, that was not Jiang Chen's concern.

After all, who made Ji Mobai almost write these four words of ulterior motives on his face when he asked such a question?

If Jiang Chen couldn't even see through Ji Mobai's thoughts, he could buy a piece of tofu and kill him.

"Really?" The corner of his mouth twitched, Ji Mobai's face was a little ugly, with faint anger.

From Ji Mobai's point of view, this is not just perfunctory, it's basically a fool to treat him like a fool, Jiang Chen can choose not to answer, why bother to tease him like this?

"You don't believe it?" Jiang Chen smiled.

"Should I believe it?" Ji Mobai asked.

"Whether you believe it or not, you must understand that lying to you is meaningless." Jiang Chen said leisurely.

As a result, Ji Mobai's face became even uglier.

Since Jiang Chen knew that deceiving him was meaningless and would be exposed immediately, why did he spread such a clumsy lie?

Is this fun?
"This guy is really stubborn." Ji Mobai said to himself.

Looking at the inner sect, Jiang Chen's popularity can be said to be as bad as it needs to be. If Jiang Chen is more modest and willing to take the second place, then no one will dare to call it number one.

The rest of the people, at best, disliked Jiang Chen, but Ji Mobai somewhat disliked Jiang Chen.

This is because Jiang Chen repeatedly named him. As the saying goes, clay figurines are also somewhat angry, let alone being proud of him?

Ji Mobai never showed it, nor did he openly express his stance on this issue, but he never said that Ji Mobai didn't mind.

Ji Mobai was able to cover up very well in front of Fu Qingfeng. In fact, he was willing to cover up in front of Jiang Chen, but Jiang Chen was so obviously fooling him that he almost pointed at his nose and called him a fool. , how can it be concealed?

"Angry? Why are you angry? I'm telling the truth, but you think I'm joking. I'm not angry. What right do you have to be angry?" Jiang Chen said angrily.

Hearing this, Ji Mobai's nose was almost crooked.

He looked at Jiang Chen like he was insane, he knew that this person had escaped, and only after close contact with him did he truly understand how far he had escaped!

Such a brazen slap made Ji Mobai feel like slapping Jiang Chen to death.

"You said earlier that there is another way to say my posture just now in your hometown?" Ji Mobai just changed the subject, not wanting to be teased as a fool all the time.

But soon, Ji Mobai regretted it.

Because, after he asked this question, he felt the strong malice from Jiang Chen.

"I didn't intend to say anything, do you really want to know?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"That's all." Ji Mobai said.

He wasn't really stupid, Jiang Chen's malice was too obvious, almost exaggerated, which made Ji Mobai feel bad.

"No, I can't help it anymore, I have to say it." Jiang Chen yelled and told Ji Mobai that his posture just now was too pretentious. Someone had already slapped Ji Mobai's face so hard that he couldn't tell the difference between east, west, south, and north.

"To shut up!"

Ji Mobai yelled loudly, his face was ashen, and his eyes were red.

He didn't understand what the word pretense meant, but what Jiang Chen said, he slapped him in the face, which made Ji Mobai go crazy, and he really wanted to slap Jiang Chen in the face.

"Brother Ji, this is your fault. I've said it all, and I didn't plan to say it. It's because you repeatedly forced others to make things difficult, so I reluctantly told you." Jiang Chen was extremely dissatisfied.

"Are you telling me that I am bringing shame on myself?" Ji Mobai asked coldly.

It was clear that Jiang Chen had dug a hole in advance, waiting for him to jump down, but now he was pushing, two, four, five, with an unrelated posture, which made Ji Mobai extremely annoyed.

"The word self-inflicted humiliation is quite good." Jiang Chen nodded and commented.


Ji Mobai had no choice but to interrupt this topic as well. Jiang Chen was really too irritating, and he had no intention of having a serious talk with him.

Looking at the entire inner sect, no, it is the entire Seven Star Martial Academy, but who dares to be presumptuous and rude in front of him, Jiang Chen can be counted as No.1.

"It's really good." Jiang Chen said unhurriedly, pissed off.

"On the Tianbang, the rankings have changed frequently and strangely in the past few days. I believe you have noticed." Ji Mobai said indifferently.

"That's why you came here today to find me?" Jiang Chen asked.

"I came to you because I have a question to ask you." Ji Mobai said, and then, without waiting for Jiang Chen to speak, Ji Mobai said, "If someone bullies you, what will you do?"

Jiang Chen looked at Ji Mobai suspiciously, thinking that this guy asked such a question, didn't he really come for himself?
"Call him, beat him, kill him, crush him, kill his whole family!" Jiang Chen responded, very bluntly, showing arrogance and domineering.

"You really didn't surprise me." Ji Mobai said, his face finally looked better.

"Everyone strives hard, competes for supremacy in the celestial list, and shows themselves. This is the original intention of setting up the celestial list. The two of them, but someone took advantage of the loopholes and disrupted the celestial list. As a result, people panic. Regarding this matter, Jiang Brother, what do you think?" Ji Mobai asked.

"Is there such a thing?" Jiang Chen looked confused, as if he didn't know anything about it.

"Brother Jiang, you are the client." Ji Mobai reminded after staring deeply at Jiang Chen.

"So the person you are referring to who disturbed the heaven list is me?" Jiang Chen suddenly realized.

"Of course not." Ji Mobai gritted his teeth.

"That's it, I'm relieved." Jiang Chen heaved a sigh of relief.

"The rules cannot be broken, and the strong cannot be humiliated. Some people use the rules as an excuse to attack wantonly. If you and I do nothing, the existence of the Tianbang will become meaningless." Ji Mobai solemnly said Said.

"You are you, I am me, I am not as glorious and upright as you think." Jiang Chen said hastily, shirking responsibility.

"Brother Jiang, don't forget what your goal is." Ji Mobai said in a deep voice.

"Hey, are you planning to abdicate to Xian?" Jiang Chen was overjoyed.

Ji Mobai's head was full of black lines, he said in a cold voice, "If the existence of the Tianbang becomes meaningless, then what is the need for the existence of the number one in the Tianbang?"

"It is precisely because of this, Brother Ji, you should quickly abdicate and give way to the virtuous. In other words, I have been coveting the number one spot on that day's list for a long time." Jiang Chen said leisurely.

"You and I cooperate, and the atmosphere is clear. I, Ji Mobai, will definitely not treat you badly." Ji Mobai had no choice but to say, promising to persuade Jiang Chen with benefits.

"It's really exciting, but I'm really curious, why me." Jiang Chen asked.

"To put it bluntly, only you in the entire inner sect are qualified to let me in." Ji Mobai said proudly, on this issue, he didn't mind at all, and outsiders knew his attitude.

"It's an honor." Jiang Chen was elated, and then, Jiang Chen said very seriously, "Seven Star Martial Academy is my family, and I love this family deeply, Brother Ji, you can rest assured, I will definitely not let you You are disappointed."

Ji Mobai left, and on this day, Ji Mobai made a voice and announced one thing, Tianbang suspends all challenges, and anyone who refuses to follow is his enemy!
This is very strong, very domineering.

Then, Jiang Chen also spoke up...

(End of this chapter)

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