genius evil

Chapter 1350 It's time to act

Chapter 1350 It's time to act
But every time Jiang Chen made any noise, it was extraordinarily eye-catching and people talked about it!

This even made some people feel that if Jiang Chen suddenly stopped doing anything one day, it would be difficult for him to adapt, and he always felt that something was missing.

Jiang Chen spoke, as familiar as ever, with the same taste as always.

Ji Mobai is very domineering, but Jiang Chen is even more domineering!

Jiang Chen declared that if someone disrupts the order of the Tianbang, he will be his enemy and Ji Mobai's enemy. They will be suppressed and crushed, and there will be no bones left!
"Jiang Chen, who are you to dare to say such a thing?"

Following Jiang Chen's voice, someone jumped out immediately.

Ji Mobai is number one in the heaven list, he can be called No. 1 in the inner sect, even if he is wild and domineering, Jiang Chen is even more arrogant than Ji Mobai, what is this?
"Jiang Chen, if you want to disturb the order of the heaven list, you will bear the brunt of it."

Some people also said that there was no reason or standpoint to criticize Jiang Chen, thinking that Jiang Chen only allowed the state officials to set fires and not allow the common people to light lamps.

"Jiang Chen, you are only tenth in the celestial list, don't be ignorant of good and bad, so as not to mistake yourself."

Some people also said that directly threatening Jiang Chen and letting him know that Jiang Chen was too far behind was asking for humiliation and would not end well.

Therefore, Jiang Chen finally understood Ji Mobai, and deeply understood what it feels like to have a crooked nose.

"Shut up all of them, or they will all be suppressed and killed." Jiang Chen was furious.

Ji Mobai could say these words, but couldn't he?

A group of people who don't know how to live or die dare to yell in front of him. They treat him like a persimmon and want to take advantage of it, right?

"Jiang Chen, it's you who should shut up the most."

Immediately, someone confronted them, and then said that Jiang Chen had already entered the fourth floor of the Seven Star Hall.

They even pushed Yuan Chi out, and fully disclosed Jiang Chen and Yuan Chi's joint deception.

"The fourth floor of the Seven Star Hall?"

When such news was released, the entire inner sect was immediately stunned.

You know, in comparison, the time for Jiang Chen to enter the inner sect is really too short.

And within such a short period of time, Jiang Chen actually obtained the qualification to enter the fourth floor of the Seven Star Hall. How could this not be a deep surprise?

This is amazing, beyond imagination.

It can be said that compared to Ji Mobai's qualification to enter the fifth floor of the Seven Star Hall, it is even more shocking.

To enter the fourth floor of the Seven Star Hall, there is a threshold that cannot be bypassed no matter what, and that is to have a lot of contribution points.

This threshold keeps countless geniuses out of the door. As a result, there are many people who enter the third floor of the Seven Star Hall, but those who enter the fourth floor are rare and rare.

Jiang Chen did it, and no one knew about it beforehand, but now, it was revealed, shocking everyone.

"Even this matter, do you know everything about it?" Jiang Chen frowned slightly, thoughtfully.

Ji Mobai's concerns are not unreasonable. Although it is actually difficult to keep everything he and Yuan Chi have done completely secret, even the details are so precious. It is conceivable that he has long since was targeted.

"It's interesting." Jiang Chen said to himself.

Jiang Chen was naturally reluctant to cooperate with Ji Mobai. In fact, he didn't think that there was such a need. In the end, he would be persuaded by Ji Mobai, not because he was persuaded by Ji Mobai, but because , as Ji Mobai said, he is the person involved.Even if you want to stay out of it, it is impossible.

The current situation, indeed.

Someone had been watching his every move in the dark, waiting for the right moment to explode.

However, there were some deviations after all, because Jiang Chen took the initiative, and was not caught off guard after being exposed.

"A group of idiots, this is the real thing, they don't know how to live or die." Jiang Chen said coldly to himself, enraged.

With the news that Jiang Chen had entered the fourth floor of the Seven Star Hall was revealed, the effect was explosive. Those who originally had no good feelings for Jiang Chen seized this opportunity to attack Jiang Chen wantonly.

"Whoever refuses to accept, come and fight!"

Jiang Chen said that, to him, this was just a trivial matter, and he would not take it to heart, but it was naturally impossible for Jiang Chen to be tricked by others, so he let it go.

"Jiang Chen, it's everyone's right to hit the heaven list, get contribution points, and then get cultivation qualifications. If you are so overbearing and forcibly cut off the way forward for others, you deserve death."

Some people said that Jiang Chen should be pushed to the opposite of everyone in one fell swoop, and become the target of public criticism.

As for Ji Mobai, he was not let go, and was attacked by many people, revealing some unknown secrets, and some people swore that Ji Mobai's method of setting foot on the top of the list back then was very disgraceful, and then He said that the reason why Ji Mobai was able to obtain the qualification to enter the fifth floor of the Seven Star Hall was due to unknown insider trading.

All of a sudden, Jiang Chen and Ji Mobai were pointed out by Wan Fu.

Fortunately, Jiang Chen felt balanced at this moment. Anyway, he was not the only one who was hacked, and it was fair to have Ji Mobai by his side.


"Jiang Chen, is this a conspiracy?" Luo Xi asked softly, with a hint of worry in his eyes.

What Jiang Chen did, Luo Xi knew better than anyone else, it was actually taking advantage of the loopholes in the rules, but this kind of thing can be done or not.

"Of course." Jiang Chen said.

"What's the purpose?" Luo Xi asked.

"I don't know anything." Jiang Chen shook his head.

The outbreak of the whole incident was very sudden, obviously it was planned for a long time. On the surface, it was to compete for cultivation resources, but Jiang Chen naturally wouldn't, seeing this matter as so simple.

After all, whether it's him or Ji Mobai, how can anyone provoke them?

"Could it be related to that incident?" Luo Xi pondered, making an analysis.

"Luo Xi beauty, you are not kind, you actually have a little secret, you are too bad-behaved." Jiang Chen yelled.

"It's not a little secret." Luo Xi was a little embarrassed, mainly because what Jiang Chen said was too nasty, which made her goosebumps pop out.

"Besides, it's hard to say about that matter now, so I haven't told you." Luo Xi said again.

"What's the matter?" Jiang Chen was curious.

"The Garden of Everything!" Luo Xi spat out these three words.


When these three words came out, Jiang Chen's expression couldn't help but change.

"Is that so?" Jiang Chen whispered.

Last time, when Qianbaohe was alive, Jiang Chen browsed through some classics and cases, and inadvertently dabbled in some information about the Garden of Everything.

It can be said that once the Garden of All Things opens, it will be a grand event in the Eastern Region.

"Could it be this reason?" Jiang Chen thought, and found that only this factor would cause such a huge shock in the Tianbang.

"Someone is ambitious." Jiang Chen said.

"To be precise, I am imitating you." Luo Xi reminded, she said, "You are too reckless, and you have become the target of everyone. I think some people are very happy to see this."

Jiang Chen smiled, and said nonchalantly: "I'm not joking, if you agree to suppress everything, then suppress everything. If it doesn't work, let Ji Mobai suppress it. In short, we can't let him be too idle, right? .”

Jiang Chen was not so naive as to think that Ji Mobai didn't know anything about the upcoming opening of the Garden of Everything, otherwise, Ji Mobai would not be so sensitive, and even took the initiative to show up and seek cooperation for the first time.


Ji Mobai and Jiang Chen uttered their voices one after another, revealing their domineering intentions, which aroused countless fantasies and speculations.

Just when many people thought that the Tianbang would finally stop for a while, it was unexpected, and it didn't.

The challenge is still happening, and it seems that it is intentional to show Jiang Chen and Ji Mobai, and it is even more unscrupulous.

The fluctuations in the rankings on the Heavenly List became more intense. This situation can be said to have exceeded many people's expectations. It was clear that Ji Mobai and Jiang Chen were not taken seriously.

"These people are too courageous."

Some people were amazed, and the whole person was stunned. Are they going to be enemies with Ji Mobai and Jiang Chen?This is a blatant provocation, Ji Mobai is powerful, needless to say, Jiang Chen is a simple person?
"Is this courting death?"

Some people were dumbfounded and their heads were broken, but they couldn't figure out why this happened.

If it is just provoking Ji Mobai or Jiang Chen alone, it is okay to say, this is offending all at once, is there any way to survive?
"Crazy, all crazy."

There are also people who are in a mess, although they are not afraid of big things when watching the excitement, but this matter is beyond expectations, beyond understanding, people can see it, and they are very confused.

However, when these people were waiting for Ji Mobai and Jiang Chen, when Lei Ting was furious, Ji Mobai and Jiang Chen had a tacit understanding, and no news came out.

Until, a few days later, a piece of news broke out suddenly, which made the inner sect boil again.

"Gu Qingyu, entered the fourth floor of the Seven Star Hall?"

The news spread loudly, and there was an uproar.

First, it was revealed that Jiang Chen had entered the fourth floor of the Palace of Seven Stars, and in just a few days, the ancient green jade had also entered the fourth floor of the Palace of Seven Stars.

This is astonishing. When did it become so easy to enter the fourth floor of the Seven Star Hall?
Gu Qingyu's previous impact on the top of the celestial list, and the strong pull down of Mo Wei, who was eighth on the celestial list, can be said to be in the limelight, and it is the time when the limelight is in full swing.

Now, when such a news spread, it pushed Gu Qingyu's reputation to the peak in one fell swoop, and it was considered that after Jiang Chen, he was the most likely person to win the first place in the list.

"Brother Ji, are you angry?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile, quite gloating.

"I'm angry." Ji Mobai responded coldly.

"Then what are you waiting for, scold him, beat him, crush him, kill his whole family." Jiang Chen instigated.

"Perhaps, it's time to take action." Ji Mobai said slowly, turned and left.

On this day, Ji Mobai uttered his voice again, accepting Gu Qingyu's challenge.

Does Gu Qingyu want to challenge Ji Mobai?No, but the weight of these words is beyond doubt, Ji Mobai is really angry, he will not give Gu Qingyu any chance...

(End of this chapter)

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