genius evil

Chapter 1351 Wrath of the Strong

Chapter 1351 Wrath of the Strong

"It's crazy that Gu Qingyu challenged Ji Mobai."

Following Ji Mobai's voice, the entire inner gate erupted, and exclamations came and went, countless people were stunned.

Even though such words came from Ji Mobai's mouth, they always felt that they were too illusory and unrealistic.

No. [-] in the heaven list, tyrannical and invincible, that is the strongest in the absolute sense, standing on the top.

Although, for a long time, countless people, with Ji Mobai as the goal, hit the sky list and forged ahead, but in fact, they all knew that it was almost an untouchable height, and they were destined to be suppressed to death.

Jiang Chen has always been arrogant and invincible, and he is praised as the most likely to win the first place in the list, but so far, he has never confronted Ji Mobai head-on.

In the inner sect, many people were secretly looking forward to the battle between Jiang Chen and Ji Mobai.

They believe that this battle between the veteran powerhouse and the new powerhouse, no matter who loses or wins in the end, is inevitable and exciting. Maybe it will leave a strong mark on the history of the Seven Star Martial Academy. Heavy pen.

But before Jiang Chen formally challenged Ji Mobai, someone took the lead and initiated the challenge, and it was Gu Qingyu.

It has to be said that this was unexpected, extremely unexpected, who would have thought that Gu Qingyu's road to rise would be so fast?

In this inner sect, Gu Qingyu was not an unknown person. Before Mo Wei, who was the eighth in the ranking, was also well-known and should not be underestimated.

But the ranking of around [-] is neither low nor high, and it is bleakly suppressed by the top ten powerhouses.

Afterwards, Gu Qingyu was even more generous, entered the fourth floor of the Seven Star Hall, and his fame almost surpassed Jiang Chen's.

Soon, such reveries will become reality!

"Is Gu Qingyu so confident? Could it be, too anxious?"

Some people said that no one would deny Gu Qingyu's talent potential, entering the fourth floor of the Seven Star Hall, the future is boundless.

If Gu Qingyu hadn't challenged Ji Mobai so quickly, but had secretly gathered momentum, perhaps one day in the future, it would really be possible to aspire to be number one on the list.

Too anxious, fledgling, this is the way forward.

"If I remember correctly, it has been a long time, and Ji Mobai has never made a move."

Some people also said, I remember very clearly, since Ji Mobai reached the top strongly, he has been invincible, and there are very few battles.

Ji Mobai uttered his voice and bluntly accepted Gu Qingyu's challenge, which meant that the wrath of the strong would make it impossible for people to be optimistic about Gu Qingyu.

"Too deceiving!"

Upon hearing such news, Gu Qingyu was furious.

In fact, when he entered the fourth floor of the Seven Star Hall, he did it very covertly, but he was still exposed, which Gu Qingyu never expected.

What was even more unexpected was the target from Ji Mobai.

That's right, in Gu Qingyu's view, this is being targeted.

He can swear that he never challenged Ji Mobai, that would be an extremely stupid behavior, and he is not stupid, how could he do that?
But these words came from Ji Mobai's mouth, so it doesn't matter whether he challenges Ji Mobai or not.

Because, under Ji Mobai's forceful persecution, he has no way out.

"Damn it."

Gu Qingyu was roaring hysterically, not understanding why this happened.

This is being treated by Ji Mobai as a soft persimmon, and he needs to use it to frighten others. In other words, he has become a chicken, and Ji Mobai wants to kill the chicken to scare the monkey.

Gu Qingyu even felt hopeless. His way forward has just been opened. Entering the fourth floor of the Seven Star Hall, he will fly to the sky and reach it in a day. Given time, he will be fearless in the face of Ji Mobai.

But there is no time, Ji Mobai not only wants to kill chickens to warn monkeys, but also wants to curb his way forward in one fell swoop.

"Ji Mobai, I never challenged you."

In the end, Gu Qingyu still spoke up, and had to compromise and give in. It was very clear that 80.00% of the possibility was useless, and Ji Mobai would not let him go easily, but he still had to fight for it.

"Gu Qingyu, I have already accepted your challenge, and the time is only one hour later."

Soon, on Ji Mobai's side, the time for the challenge was fixed, and the purpose was to be extremely domineering and not leave a way for Gu Qingyu to retreat.

Gu Qingyu is mad with hatred, this is pressing every step of the way.

"Ji Mobai, I can swear that I never challenged you, do you dare to swear? I will confront you publicly, how about it?"

Gu Qingyu said, making another sound.

This is very humiliating, because in the past few days, he was so high-spirited and arrogant, but now, he is forced to bow his head and lose face, which has become a joke in the eyes of countless people.

"In the arena of life and death, I'm waiting for you to fight."

Ji Mobai is very indifferent, he has already decided to kill Gu Qingyu, and eliminate the atmosphere of the whole day's list.

Gu Qingyu jumped the most, so Ji Mobai naturally wanted to take Gu Qingyu's knife. Perhaps in some people's eyes, Gu Qingyu was too unlucky.

But in Ji Mobai's view, this is his own fault.

The rules cannot be broken, and the strong cannot be humiliated.

He gave Gu Qingyu and others a chance, no matter whether Gu Qingyu and others were lucky or had other plans, that had touched his bottom line, how could he tolerate it?

"Ji Mobai, I, Gu Qingyu, gave up my life to fight with you. If I die, you will never get better."

Gu Qingyu was like a trapped beast, baring her fangs and threatening with hatred.

On this day, Gu Qingyu died.

On the arena of life and death, Ji Mobai just pushed horizontally, and the Gu Qingyu he hit had no power to fight back, and could only drink hatred.

At the juncture of life and death, Gu Qingyu sacrificed the original magic weapon, and even played a magic weapon taken from the fourth floor of the Seven Star Hall, but the gap was too big, and Ji Mobai beat them all.

This can be said to be a battle without any suspense. At that time, almost no one was optimistic about Gu Qingyu.

"Gu Qingyu's death is not a pity, and there will be no mercy for those who come later."

At the end of the First World War, Ji Mobai said so.

He was not willing to make a move, moreover, Jiang Chen was eyeing him, but he didn't have any more choices. The heaven list was in chaos, turbulent, and people panicked. If he didn't do anything, what's the use of being number one?

"Gu Qingyu is dead, where is Lin Fan?"

Someone asked and pushed Lin Fan out.

Gu Qingyu and Lin Fan made a strong impact and ranked eighth and fifth in the ranking respectively. Compared with them, Cheng Yunqi was even stronger.

After all, on the surface, there are only three places between eighth and fifth. In fact, the gap is astonishing. Even if there is only one place difference, it is almost insurmountable.


Lin Fan's nose was almost crooked.

what is this?
If a person sits at home, does disaster come from heaven?

He considered himself to be quite low-key, not as adventurous as Gu Qingyu, but he was not forgotten, and was pushed out at a critical moment.

"That's right, what about Lin Fan? Gu Qingyu is dead, how can he stay out of it? Is this fair? It's too unfair, we must treat everyone equally!"

Someone said again, adding oil and vinegar is going to add insult to injury.

Normally, the top ten rankings in the Tianbang are almost constant. In the past few days, there have been ups and downs, and many people's moods are not calm.

Some people are eager to move, eager to try, anyway, they have their own ghosts, if it is possible to reduce a powerful opponent quietly, why not do it?
"Jiang Chen, it's your turn to crush Lin Fan."

Someone pushed Jiang Chen out, fueled the flames, and spoke in exactly the same tone as Jiang Chen.

"Jiang Chen, Ji Mobai has already made a move to fight for the dignity of the strongest. You are a strong man who keeps pace with Ji Mobai. What are you waiting for?"

Someone appealed that they had seen the inside story a long time ago and knew that the reason why Ji Mobai crushed and killed Gu Qingyu was not simple, and it was completely to cut off Gu Qingyu's way forward.

At this time, the secret was revealed, and Jiang Chen was encouraged to fight Lin Fan.

"Shut up!"

Lin Fan went crazy. These guys spared no effort to get Jiang Chen to take action. Unfortunately, no matter how dissatisfied he was, no matter how angry he was, he didn't dare to speak out. He could only keep this account firmly in mind and leave it for the future. .

"Jiang Chen, I don't intend to be your enemy, let alone offend you."

Lin Fan came to the door, faced Jiang Chen, and said so.

He is very sincere, extremely humble, smiling, and talks eloquently. He wants to leave a good impression on Jiang Chen and try to keep Jiang Chen from being encouraged.

It wasn't because he was really afraid of Jiang Chen, in fact, Lin Fan was extremely conceited, he won the fight with Cheng Yunqi without giving Cheng Yunqi too many chances at all.

Jiang Chen was indeed strong, but he was only ranked tenth, but he was several places behind him, so why should he be afraid?
What Lin Fan was worried about was that Ji Mobai would be alarmed. Ji Mobai crushed and killed Gu Qingyu, proving once again that his strength was the root of Lin Fan's fear.

"You have offended me." Jiang Chen said lazily.

Jiang Chen hadn't paid attention to Lin Fan beforehand, but this person was not simple, and he actually approached his door to intercede, he was flexible and ambitious.

"I can apologize, but it was not intentional." Lin Fan explained, he told him that he had wanted to challenge Cheng Yunqi for a long time, but he had no chance before.

"Apologize publicly, and I'll let adults ignore villains." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Playing tricks and tricks, he is a master-level character. Lin Fan, playing tricks in front of him, is undoubtedly a big tiger in front of Lu Ban.

"Jiang Chen, stay on the sidelines in life, so we can meet later." Lin Fan's face turned dark, and it was impossible to agree to Jiang Chen's conditions.

He could bow his head in front of Ji Mobai like Gu Qingyu, but how could he bow his head in front of Jiang Chen?Don't forget, Jiang Chen's current ranking in the Heavenly List is lower than him.

If you bow your head, you are destined to be nailed to the pillar of shame. It is a humiliation that cannot be washed away in your life. How can you agree?

"Then there is nothing to say, let's fight." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Jiang Chen, you are too confident. I will let you learn how big the gap is between you and me." Lin Fan turned his face and said in a vicious voice.

The news soon spread that Jiang Chen wanted to challenge Lin Fan, and Lin Fan agreed to the challenge, another storm swept through the inner sect...

(End of this chapter)

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