genius evil

Chapter 1355 I Changed My Mind

Chapter 1355 I Changed My Mind
Jiang Chen punched out the spiral force, so fierce and domineering, it made countless people gasp in amazement.

Between the blowing and blowing of that strong wind, the void sank, and it directly became a vacuum.

"This Jiang Chen, really, can't be underestimated."

Eyes opened and closed, Fang Qingxuan was thoughtful.

It seems to be laughing and cursing, because the desire to express is too strong, it is very easy and disgusting, but in Fang Qingxuan's view, seriously, is it not a trick?
Just like, because he disappeared for too long, when he returned this time, many people lacked the awe they should have when facing him.

Looking at the inner sect of the Seven Star Martial Academy, there are so many people, facing Jiang Chen's unparalleled terrifying power, how many people are in awe of Jiang Chen?
Naturally, Jiang Chen was deliberately guiding and subtly influencing countless people, all of whom were blinded by the illusion carefully arranged by Jiang Chen.

Reminiscent of what Jiang Chen said just now that he had no scheming, many people subconsciously believed it, Fang Qingxuan was terrified, thinking it was simply terrifying.

"Absolutely the most powerful enemy, Ji Mobai is in danger." Fang Qingxuan said silently.

"Jiang Chen, that guy is really the same as before, and his will never change."

Fang Qingxuan thought this way, but the rest of the people thought completely differently.

Several powerhouses in the top ten of the celestial ranking gathered together to comment on the battle between Jiang Chen and Ji Mobai.

From their point of view, Jiang Chen's punch with a spiral force was remarkable, but it was suspected of being too forceful. Is this going to give up all the cards?

You know, the battle has just begun, and when the means are exhausted, then, what else can we do to fight Ji Mobai?

"Jiang Chen is very strong, and he poses a great threat to us. If he is not careful, he will be suppressed, and he may not be safe at the end of the day. Unfortunately, he met Ji Mobai."

Someone said shaking his head again.

They have been in the top ten of the Tianbang for a long time, and Ji Mobai has more or less learned many methods.

In their view, the most terrifying thing about Ji Mobai is not the talent potential, but that Ji Mobai always has unexpected things, and many methods emerge one after another, seemingly endless, and no one can touch it. The ultimate hole card.

Therefore, Jiang Chen was so domineering, and in their eyes, they all felt that it was destined to be a thankless effort, and if it took longer, they would be at the end of their rope.

"That's right, Ji Mobai hasn't made a move for a long time on the top of the list. It is estimated that many people don't know how terrifying he is."

Some people said that recalling the past, he and Ji Mobai entered the inner sect together, hit the heaven list together, conceited of his status as a genius, but all his pride was crushed.

It was a time of darkness, and thinking about it until now, there are still one or two wisps of lingering haze in my heart.

Seven Star Martial Academy, every year, there will be newcomers who will accept the assessment in the outer sect, and similarly, there will be newcomers who will pass the assessment and enter the inner sect.

Year after year, but for the latecomers, the moment they entered the inner sect, Ji Mobai stood at the top, a monument that was beyond reach.

In this way, the latecomers all know how powerful and terrifying Ji Mobai is, but it is difficult to have a specific perception of how powerful and terrifying Ji Mobai is.

The spiral force strikes four times, containing terrifying destructive power.

Ji Mobai lazily paid attention to the thoughts and opinions of outsiders.

This is because, having never had a battle with Jiang Chen, it is not enough to make any judgment on Jiang Chen, any judgment will be wrong.

What's more, Jiang Chen defeated Lin Fan, and now he is ranked fifth on the top of the list, how could he be able to do it by luck?

In the final analysis, those guys, one by one, stayed in the top ten of the heaven list for too long. Facing the latecomers, even if they understand the strength of the other party, they are inevitably arrogant.

Ji Mobai flipped his right palm, and there, purple air rose, and immediately, Ji Mobai struck out with a palm, a purple light curtain, and suddenly, the void filled, forming a purple barrier.

That kind of spiral force is invincible, but it is still resisted and collapsed.

The purple light is shimmering, very magical.

This is actually a powerful secret method, which contains traces of Tao and reason, and the laws are intertwined.

But when that purple barrier emerged, the rules of the void were forcibly reversed.

"Brother Ji, I still have two punches, let's take it." Jiang Chen's voice came out, very brave, with the Chunyang cauldron on his head, he jumped up, and the big fist hit again.

With this punch, there was an explosion sound, and the air exploded, but the purple barrier was so mysterious that it was difficult to shake.

"One last punch left."

Jiang Chen said, the words fell, Jiang Chen did it, and punched the third time.

Countless people's attention was instantly attracted, and their eyes were burning without blinking.

Jiang Chen had said that Ji Mobai would be suppressed with just three punches, and this was the last punch, and we had to see if Jiang Chen could succeed.


At the same time as Jiang Chen punched out, he saw that the Pure Yang Cauldron, which was originally suspended above Jiang Chen's head, flew out of the air.

Jiang Chen's punch hit the Chunyang cauldron.

The Chunyang Ding flew towards Ji Mobai like a small sun, and then, like a meteorite across the sky, it rushed past.

The purple light curtain shattered instantly.

A figure flew out, Ji Mobai.

The impact of the Chunyang cauldron was too amazing and irresistible. Moreover, it formed its own domain and was as powerful as Ji Mobai. They were all caught off guard and injured.

The qi and blood were a little vain, Ji Mobai's face was a little pale, his pupils shrank for a while, and he felt the meaning of panic.

"Brother Ji, I'm really sorry, I changed my mind." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"I thought about it a long time ago." Ji Mobai said in a deep voice, and at the end, looking at Jiang Chen, Ji Mobai said helplessly, "Brother Jiang, you really have a deep prejudice against me."

"How could it be? Brother Ji and you, I love each other very much. This is not what I said, but it is recognized by everyone. People have sharp eyes, don't they, and they will never lie." Jiang Chen said solemnly .

Regarding this, Ji Mobai was noncommittal.

Some things, he knows, Jiang Chen knows enough, there is no need to say it too bluntly.

At the beginning, in Qianbao Hanoi, he forced Chang Yulong to stand out and offended Jiang Chen. Now, with Jiang Chen's performance, it was as expected, and he held a grudge very much.

Ji Mobai was not surprised, but he was still extremely uncomfortable. This is, he was calculated.

After three palms and three punches, Jiang Chen's words didn't have the slightest credibility. He was on guard, and he was still hit, but he couldn't show it too clearly, it was hard to say.

"This is cheating!"

Seeing that Ji Mobai was injured, many people below the stage of life and death started clamoring for Ji Mobai, thinking that such an accident should not have happened.

It was too unexpected, who would have expected that Jiang Chen would be so insidious?

If it were someone else, they probably would have no power to fight.

"No need to say much." Ji Mobai shook his head.

It is true to be calculating, but apart from Jiang Chen, looking at the huge inner sect, is there a second person who can calculate him?

In the final analysis, calculation is also a manifestation of strength, and it is a manifestation of Xeon's strength.

If Jiang Chen is very weak, then Jiang Chen's various calculations will be a big joke in the end, won't they?
"Brother Ji, Jiang Chen is too cunning, we can't give him another chance and suppress it quickly."

Someone then said, let Ji Mobai do his best, otherwise, Jiang Chen will plot against him again, what should I do?

Frowning sharply, Ji Mobai's face darkened.

He couldn't understand the hidden meaning of these words. Although it was for his consideration, it was too harsh and made Ji Mobai very uncomfortable.

"Suppression ass, next, I will point my hand three times, let you see what is, what is the real suppression. It will definitely open your eyes and surprise you!" Jiang Chen said, boasting very shamelessly. .

"This set again?"

After hearing the words, everyone was covered with black lines, and looked at Jiang Chen strangely, couldn't they be a little more innovative?
Is it true that after three fingers, there are three feet?
"Brother Ji, I swear, this time you are serious, you must be careful." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

Ji Mobai also had a strange expression on his face, but he still nodded.

Just as Jiang Chen made a move, he stretched out a finger, turned into a sword in the void, and the sword intent swept across the sky, raging and sweeping, and then, that sword slashed towards Ji Mobai.

This is the first form of Heaven Breaking Finger, and Jiang Chen has used it many times, but with Jiang Chen's current strength in the late stage of Jindan, when he uses it now, the power will naturally be very different.

It can be said that this is the true sense of breaking the mountains and rivers. Once pointed out, the mountains and rivers are broken.

After breaking through the Golden Core Late Stage, the long-lost power returned to him. Jiang Chen never forgot to explore such a familiar power.

In today's battle with Ji Mobai, Jiang Chen's various performances were deviant, but it was just a process of Jiang Chen's self-familiarity.

Of course, if he didn't say anything about this issue, even Ji Mobai would not be able to, just be aware of it.

I saw a sword across the sky, and in the void, a huge sword shadow was condensed like a substance, with unparalleled sharpness, and the air was as fragile as tofu, which was cut open.

This finger possessed the true meaning of Jietianzhi, and contained Jiang Chen's original sword intent. To a certain extent, it surpassed the original shackles of Jietianzhi, and it was even more extraordinary and incomparable.

"Jiang Chen, are you finally serious?" Ji Mobai said silently.

Without hesitation, Ji Mobai sacrificed a magic weapon. It was a sword with purple light all over its body.

The long sword was thrown out, and Ji Mobai slashed out with one sword.

Brilliant purple light shines in the sky, this sword can be called weird and unpredictable, the sword energy is like a rainbow, straight up to the sky, and cut the sword shadow in the void to pieces.

"That's the Purple Firmament Sword!"

Someone was exclaiming, recognizing the long sword in Ji Mobai's hand, and the expressions in their eyes instantly became strange.

Especially Fang Qingxuan and the top ten powerhouses in the Tianbang. Their breathing became heavy without knowing it. They looked over and looked at the purple long sword in Ji Mobai's hand, and their expressions were all involuntary. , change...

(End of this chapter)

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