genius evil

Chapter 1356 You Are Clearly Joking

Chapter 1356 You Are Clearly Joking
That year, Ji Mobai entered the inner sect for the first time, and exchanged a sword in the second floor of the Seven Star Hall, and got a broken sword manual.

Then, within a very short time, Ji Mobai held the sword in his hand and charged into the heaven list, invincible.

That sword is the sword in Ji Mobai's hand at present.

And that dilapidated sword manual was called Zixiao Sword Jue, therefore, the sword in Ji Mobai's hand also had a name--Zixiao Divine Sword!

The sword manual was broken, but it was completed by Ji Mobai in the end. With a single strike, countless people were terrified by it.

Fang Qingxuan and the others had personally witnessed Ji Mobai's horizontal attack on the Tianbang, and they were too familiar with the Zixiao Excalibur, and their impression was too deep.

As Ji Mobai's ranking on the celestial list got higher and higher, one after another, Ji Mobai entered the third and fourth floors of the Seven Star Hall.

Gradually, Ji Mobai rarely used the Zixiao Excalibur.

This is because he is stronger.

Until later, when Ji Mobai came to the top of the list, no one could fight, but even less had the chance to make a move.

But in any case, from Fang Qingxuan's point of view, this Zixiao Excalibur can be regarded as a witness of Ji Mobai's rise all the way, and it appeared in Ji Mobai's hands at this time, linking up many memories of them and feeling a lot of emotion.

"Is that the Purple Cloud Excalibur? It's a big tone, watch me suppress it all."

Jiang Chen said, that's called one, he dismissed it.

Naturally, Jiang Chen would not know the origin and history of the Zixiao Divine Sword.

Ji Mobai made a strike with a sword, and the person and the sword merged. In fact, he had never heard that Ji Mobai had practiced swordsmanship before, which was somewhat beyond Jiang Chen's expectations.

"No. [-] on the list, is this the so-called background? It really is not bad!" Jiang Chen said secretly.

"Jiang Chen, I haven't used a sword for a long time." Ji Mobai's voice reached Jiang Chen's ears, and he was also emotional.

"This probably means that you are very self-aware, and you are really not suitable for using a sword." Jiang Chen said lazily.


Countless people were in a mess, did Jiang Chen say something wrong?Or, did they get it wrong?Or is it an auditory hallucination?

Jiang Chen actually said convincingly that Ji Mobai is not suitable for using a sword?

What could be more outrageous than this?
Those who knew the origin of the title Zixiao Excalibur were stunned.

Soon, they became even more messy, because Ji Mobai actually agreed with Jiang Chen's statement.

"Brother Jiang, what you said is right, I am indeed not suitable for using swords." Ji Mobai said.


A thought popped up, and countless people were going crazy.

What kind of situation is this? It doesn't matter if Jiang Chen is talking crazy, but what is going on with Ji Mobai?

You know, back then, Ji Mobai held the Zixiao Excalibur and crushed it with all his strength. His talent in the way of swords had been recognized by the elders of the Martial Academy.

"Oh, you believe everything I say?" Jiang Chen looked at Ji Mobai with a half-smile, quite surprised.

"Brother Jiang, your vision is admirable." Ji Mobai said indifferently.

In fact, deep in Ji Mobai's heart, there were shocking and inexplicable emotions surging.

He completed the Zixiao Sword Art, successfully practiced it, and showed a terrifying talent in the way of swordsmanship. Anyone would think that he has the potential to be a master of swordsmanship.

At one time, Ji Mobai thought so too, until later, when he realized that he had fallen into shackles in the practice of swordsmanship, it was only when he realized that the Zixiao sword formula he had completed was full of flaws, once he continued to practice , his whole person is bound to be destroyed.

This is also the reason why Ji Mobai no longer used the Zixiao Excalibur.

Of course, because he is stronger, but how does the world know that the reason why he became stronger until the end, and won the first place in the heaven list is precisely because he abandoned the Zixiao Excalibur.

Otherwise, no matter what, it is impossible for him to achieve what he is today.

"This sword is quite good, give it to me, I will reluctantly accept it." Jiang Chen said.

"Yes." Ji Mobai nodded, and casually gave the Zixiao Excalibur to Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen was not polite, took it over, put it in the storage bag, and then said with a smile, "Brother Ji, you don't intend to, thank me?"


Ji Mobai made a bow, and said seriously, quite pious and full of sincerity.

Ever since, the crowd of onlookers below the life-and-death arena became chaotic again, completely unable to understand which game Jiang Chen and Ji Mobai were playing.

"A genius, a monstrosity, that Jiang Chen is indeed a strong man on par with Ji Mobai, and Ji Mobai is indeed unshakable, number one on the list."

Fang Qingxuan said to himself, sighing from the bottom of his heart.

Ji Mobai admitted that it is not suitable to use a sword. Many people couldn't understand this and felt very confused, but Fang Qingxuan understood and understood.

Ji Mobai, who admits that he is not suitable for using swords, was born unlucky, and today he sacrificed the Zixiao Divine Sword. This seems quite weird, but Fang Qingxuan couldn't see it. This is because Ji Mobai has always been Have a knot.

Back then, Ji Mobai completed the Zixiao Sword Jue with great vigor and arrogance, and finally abandoned it. The reason is unknown to outsiders, and he must have been depressed for a long time.

Therefore, when Jiang Chen pointed at the phantom sword, Ji Mobai almost instinctively sacrificed the Zixiao Divine Sword. It is not difficult to see how deeply this obsession has affected Ji Mobai.

Jiang Chen asked for the Zixiao Excalibur, and Ji Mobai gave it away without hesitation. Such a knot was untied so easily, how could Ji Mobai not sincerely thank you?
"Brother Jiang, I will fight with all my strength today." Then, Ji Mobai said again, with serious eyes, this is the best respect for Jiang Chen.

"Brother Ji, do you like joking so much? Why, I can't laugh at all?" Jiang Chen said with a bitter face.

Once the knot is untied, Ji Mobai will only become even more terrifying.

Of course, Jiang Chen's request for the Zixiao Excalibur was just a matter of favor, even if he didn't do so, Ji Mobai's knot in his heart would soon be untied.

But Jiang Chen couldn't accept Ji Mobai's way of thanking him, and he didn't deserve a beating. Is it necessary for Ji Mobai to frighten him like this?

"Brother Jiang, it's not a joke." Ji Mobai said, extremely serious.

The relationship between him and Jiang Chen was a bit complicated, and some people thought that they were sympathetic to each other, but of course the truth was not the case.

Jiang Chen held grudges very much, why didn't he?

But at this moment, the knot in his heart was untied, and Ji Mobai looked at Jiang Chen with admiration in a real sense.

"You are clearly joking." Jiang Chen was very angry, and said earnestly, "Brother Ji, if you want to prove that you are not joking, then stand still and let me beat you up, otherwise I cannot believe your sincerity .”

Ji Mobai smiled slightly and said, "Brother Jiang, you are only joking."

All of a sudden, Jiang Chen's nose was almost crooked.

What he said was so serious and serious, did he look like he was joking?

"Otherwise, you just admit defeat." Jiang Chen said unwillingly.

Whether standing still and being beaten, or taking the initiative to admit defeat, in Jiang Chen's view, this is the correct gesture of gratitude.

"Brother Jiang, you are very humorous." Ji Mobai smiled.

"Humor your sister."

Jiang Chen cursed viciously in his heart, and even if a gust of cold wind was brought up, he made a move, otherwise Jiang Chen would be very suspicious, and if he continued, he would be paralyzed from anger.

In order to prove that he was not humorous at all, Jiang Chen performed the second form of cutting the sky finger, cutting the stars!
The second form of the Heaven-cutting Finger, which Jiang Chen performed before, was just a prototype, and he failed to comprehend the true meaning, but now it is, integrated and integrated, and its power is manifested.

In the void, a huge long sword condensed and stretched across, was urged by Jiang Chen, wrapped in astonishing destructive power, and slashed down.

Impressively, it can be felt that the void is violently shaking and shattering.

However, Jiang Chen still couldn't understand his hatred. After the second move, Jie Tianzhi made the third move.

Void crack!
There are a total of three types of cutting fingers.

After Jiang Chen successfully broke through to the late stage of Jindan, all of them were successful in cultivation.

Compared with the second form of cutting the stars, the third form of Cutting the Sky Finger is more domineering. The void is completely smashed, not the kind that is fragmented, but turned into nothingness.

"No wonder, it can be seen at a glance that I am not suitable for using a sword." Ji Mobai said silently.

The so-called eyesight, in the final analysis, is the embodiment of strong strength. Some words, even if they are right, but if they are not strong enough, what is right will be wrong.

Conversely, as long as it is strong enough, it is okay to be wrong and become right, and it cannot be questioned or refuted.

Ji Mobai agreed with Jiang Chen's statement, but it is impossible to say that there is no grudge deep in his heart, but now, the only remaining grudge also no longer exists.

The state of mind, unknowingly, changes and completes the transformation.

Ji Mobai clasped the five fingers of his right hand together and made a fist. He punched out several times.



Seeing that the life-and-death arena under Jiang Chen and Ji Mobai's feet could not bear the impact caused by the simultaneous attacks of both sides, it was torn apart, and the cracks like spider webs quickly spread.


There was a sound of cracking, until it collapsed completely.

Jiang Chen and Ji Mobai stepped into the void, Jiang Chen controlled the sword across the sky, and under Ji Mobai's feet, at some point, there was one more, a black and white grinding disc.

"Brother Ji, do you still remember what I said just now, three palms, I will make you cry." Jiang Chen grinned and said.

The third form of Jietian Finger was so unsurpassed and domineering that it was actually resisted. During the whole process, Ji Mobai remained unmoved.Even, under the wind of the fist, he almost got punched.

It had to be said that Ji Mobai was thanking him sincerely in his own way, but Jiang Chen became more and more reluctant, like eating a dead fly.

Therefore, Jiang Chen decided to use his own way to pervert his body, disgusting Ji Mobai.

"I remember." Ji Mobai said.

"Take my palm." Jiang Chen shouted loudly, controlling the flying sword, charged forward, pierced the air with one palm, and pulled the energy between the heaven and the earth. The huge golden palm print, in the next second, shrouded Ji Mobai's body above the head...

(End of this chapter)

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