genius evil

Chapter 1359 Inner Door Chapter 1

Chapter 1359
Ji Mobai conceded defeat and became number one in the rankings. Since then, he has changed course.

But it is precisely because Ji Mobai is too direct that many people find it difficult to accept it.

"How could this be? It is clear that we can fight again."

Someone said so, complaining about Ji Mobai.

That was number one on the list of heaven, she was peerless, and now, it just changed hands like this.

"Unexpectedly, within reason."

Some people also sighed, recalling the past, how high-spirited Ji Mobai was, but this day will finally come, history is always similar, isn't it?

Even the peerless Xeon cannot escape this curse.

Who can peak eternity?

However, it was still too fast. Back then, Jiang Chen entered the inner sect, as if it was just yesterday, but now, he has reached such a height.

"Jiang Chen, congratulations."

Looking over, Situ Aofeng said sincerely.

In the eyes of many people, this is an ending that is destined to be unexpected, but in Situ Aofeng's view, it is so natural.

"Jiang Chen, you have finally come to this step."

Luo Xi said silently, she was very excited, but she didn't show it.

"Number one on the list."

Fang Qingxuan whispered to himself, once, one step away, now look at it again, new people replace old people.

"It's hard to imagine, is this Ji Mobai hiding his clumsiness?"

Those powerhouses in the top ten of the Tianbang had ups and downs. They had thought about such a result, but when such a scene became a reality, they still couldn't accept it.

It was a banner, which could be called a monument to the inner sect, and now, Jiang Chen replaced it.

This means that the era belonging to Ji Mobai is over.

On this day, the inner sect is doomed, and it will be difficult to calm down.

This is because many people have complicated impressions of Jiang Chen. If it were other people, it might not be true, and there would be so many voices of doubt.

"Jiang Chen is too monstrous, does this count as a miracle?"

Someone raised such doubts.

And soon, such a statement attracted rebuttals. In fact, whether it was the outer sect or the inner sect, Jiang Chen had always been creating miracles, and there had never been an exception.

The obvious point is that when Jiang Chen first entered the outer gate, he said that he would pull Situ Aofeng off the altar, how many people believed it?
And when Jiang Chen had just stepped into the inner sect, he said boldly that he would be number one on the list, and if he wanted it, how many people would believe it?
Jiang Chen slammed upwards all the way, turning what he said into reality one by one!

"Ji Mobai cherishes his feathers too much. He is burdened by his reputation. This battle could have been even more exciting."

Some people expressed regret, but every battle is a battle of life and death when stepping into the arena of life and death, but this battle between Jiang Chen and Ji Mobai is more like a sparring, both sides, so stop.

This undoubtedly disappointed many people.

After all, Ji Mobai can still fight again. In the end, even if he loses, Jiang Chen will have to pay an incomparably tragic price, but there is suspicion of thunder and rain, which is very disappointing.

"Where is Yuan Chi, where is that guy, get over here quickly."

Some people were furious, thinking back to Yuan Chi's various performances before this battle, he was cheated by Yuan Chi again, still in the same way that he was pitted to death.

There is an uncomfortable feeling of eating a dead fly, it's too bad, I have to show Yuan Chi some color.


"No. [-] on the list, it's just something in my pocket. Why do so many people think it's incredible?" Jiang Chen was confused and asked Luo Xi.

"I understand, they must be jealous and jealous, that's why this happened." Before Luo Xi could respond, Jiang Chen said again, talking to himself.


Luo Xi was noncommittal about this.

"Miss Luoxi, did we do what we should do today?" Jiang Chen asked.

"What should I do?" Luo Xi was puzzled.

"Festival candles in the bridal chamber." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

Jiang Chen informed that the reason why he set his goal to be number one in the heaven list was to become the man of the princess, the son-in-law of the empire. Through his continuous efforts, he finally achieved his goal. Therefore, he can now be regarded as the son-in-law of the empire. , since he is a son-in-law, then he should enjoy the treatment that a son-in-law should have, right?
"Don't even think about it." Luo Xi was startled and almost ran away.

"Luo Xi beauty, this is your fault, why don't you even think about it, I have always thought so." Jiang Chen said, feeling very wronged.

"I never promised." Luo Xi said bitterly.

"Actually, I didn't say no to it." Jiang Chen said leisurely, very sure, this is, Luo Xi is sure.

"Anyway, don't think about it." Luo Xi thought for a while, it seems that this is really the case, but of course it is impossible to compromise.Otherwise, in terms of Jiang Chen's behavior style, it is impossible to let her go, and he will suffer a big loss.

The problem is, she is not ready yet, mentally prepared.

"Mental preparation?"

When this thought popped up in her mind, Luo Xi was immediately stunned.

God, why would she have such an idea?
Could it be that he really recognized the identity of Jiang Chen's son-in-law?
Otherwise, why would you think so?


In an instant, Luo Xi blushed. She lowered her head, her face was full of shyness, and she didn't dare to look at Jiang Chen again.Then, he turned around and left in a hurry, lest Jiang Chen would see the clue.


The inner door vibrated, it said everything, but uncharacteristically, Jiang Chen became low-key, and the low-key even made people feel a little hard to adapt.

The same is true for Ji Mobai. After the First World War, he disappeared from everyone's sight.

On the contrary, Fang Qingxuan's activities became more and more frequent, and his presence was constantly highlighted, but unfortunately, he is no longer the second in the list, but the third.

With the title of No. [-] on the Tianbang, Fang Qingxuan felt a great sense of accomplishment and tempered his character.

At the same time, several other top ten powerhouses in the heavenly rankings also showed their heads in public. .

"Is that Fang Qingxuan? What is he doing?"

Someone saw Fang Qingxuan, it was a bit weird, he was chatting up a female warrior, and he didn't know what he said, which made the female warrior tremble with laughter.

Such a scene caused many people to stare dumbfounded.

Has the world changed?
How can there be a strong intuition that since Jiang Chen replaced Ji Mobai forcefully and won the first place in the heaven list, the behavior of many people has become, not normal?
For example, Fang Qingxuan, who used to be number two in the celestial list, even though he was not outstanding, still attracted countless female warriors, but why did Fang Qingxuan ever pay attention to it?

At this time, it turned out to be the initiative to strike up a conversation and pick up girls, which made people messy. I wondered, did Fang Qingxuan take the wrong script?
"The weather is nice today, how about taking a walk together?" Fang Qingxuan sent out the invitation, but turned a blind eye to those strange eyes.

Retreat is to exercise the state of mind, and exit is also to exercise the state of mind.

Fang Qingxuan's state of mind is becoming more and more mysterious now.


The female warrior nodded repeatedly, but she didn't understand why she was favored by Fang Qingxuan.

Although Fang Qingxuan's appearance is not pleasing, who doesn't admire such a powerful person?
Moreover, this is Fang Qingxuan's initiative, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, no matter what, it is impossible to miss it, and it may lead to a beautiful marriage.


Fang Qingxuan took advantage of the opportunity to invite, he smiled slightly, his face was glowing, even if it was face control, it was inevitable to be nympho, so the female warrior was completely lost.

In his eyes, Fang Qingxuan was smiling, more warm and brilliant.

"Tsk tsk."

A discordant voice came over at this moment.

Looking over at the sound, Fang Qingxuan was stunned, and then smiled lightly, "So it's Brother Jiang."

"Brother Fang, I admire you so much, really, this is my truth." Jiang Chen looked at Fang Qingxuan with eyes of incomparable admiration.

"Oh? How do you say that?" Fang Qingxuan asked curiously.

"From you, I found out that it's okay to pick up girls like this." Jiang Chen was amazed, he touched his face, and said very dissatisfied, "Why am I so handsome, but I can't pick up girls?" Well, God treats me so unfairly."

"Brother Jiang was joking." Fang Qingxuan was a little embarrassed.

"I'm not joking." Jiang Chen said very seriously, "Brother Fang, I plan to ask you about the skills of picking up girls. You will definitely not hide your secrets, right?"

"This?" Fang Qingxuan was even more embarrassed.

He didn't have any skills in picking up girls, not to mention, he didn't think it was picking up girls, because he didn't plan to have a more in-depth communication with female warriors.

This is a kind of tempering of the state of mind. I am trying hard, and I have never tried things before, and the effect is remarkable.

"Is this intentionally ruining my good deeds?"

Soon, Fang Qingxuan realized.

Where did Jiang Chen ask him for advice on how to pick up girls? He clearly saw his intentions and was mocking him.

"Brother Jiang, if he needs it, he won't hide his secrets." After thinking about this, Fang Qingxuan said.

"Great, then let's do it tomorrow. Tomorrow will definitely come to visit." Jiang Chen said.

"Okay." Fang Qingxuan nodded.

"Then it's settled." Jiang Chen said nonsense.

In the end, the female warrior couldn't take it anymore, and left in embarrassment, thinking that she would have had more communication with Fang Qingxuan, but it was destroyed by Jiang Chen, and she hated Jiang Chen to death.

"I'm saving people from fire and water. In this world, there are too many people who don't know what's good and what's wrong." Jiang Chen said very hurt.

It wasn't just Fang Qingxuan who was abnormal, even more outrageous things were happening, which caused many people to be dumbfounded, completely confused.

In comparison, Jiang Chen became the most normal one.This is so abnormal, it makes people laugh and cry. After all, when did Jiang Chen live normally?
"Someone is crazy."

Someone concluded.

"No, there are many people who are crazy."

Someone further summed it up.

"Luoxi beauty, have you noticed that there are more and more lunatics." Jiang Chen said to Luoxi.

"The Garden of All Things is really about to open?" Luo Xi murmured as if she didn't hear Jiang Chen's words...

(End of this chapter)

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