genius evil

Chapter 1360 Do I Owe You Money?

Chapter 1360 Do I Owe You Money?
The garden of all things is about to open. At the beginning, only a few people knew about such news. Even Luo Xi, the princess of the empire, could not be completely sure for a while.

However, in the past few days, there has been some news about this, which has been circulated in the inner sect, which has caused some waves.

"The Garden of Everything is about to open? Is it true or not?"

Some people feel suspicious. If the emergence of Qianbao River is a grand event in the Great Qin Empire, then once the Garden of Everything opens, it will definitely be a grand event that will sweep the entire Eastern Region.

That's not just about one empire, but about more than a dozen empires within the Eastern Territory!
At that time, the arrogance of heaven, the goddesses competing for glory, and the birth of mysterious family heirs, it is really unimaginable how gorgeous it will be!
"It's no wonder that the top ten powerhouses in the heaven list all show up in public. Is it related to the Garden of Everything?"

Some people said this, thinking about it, and thinking about it some time ago, Lin Fan, Gu Qingyu and others crazily rushed to the top list, in fact, it is very unreasonable.

Now, confirming each other, suddenly, there is a realization.

"Ten places!"

Some people said that in the past, when the Garden of All Things was opened, the Seven Star Martial Academy would have ten places to enter it. It can be said that, except for the first place in the list, the rest of the people are all for The remaining nine places will be fought for one head and bloodshed.

What's more, one thing is that the inner sect is far more complicated than what is usually seen. Often the top ten powerhouses in the heaven list can compete for five of them, which is considered quite remarkable.

The news spread slowly, and then, it caused a sensation, and everyone knew about it.

In this way, some seemingly strange things, that is, are no longer so strange.

For example, Fang Qingxuan's behavior of picking up girls, and also for example, all kinds of bizarre things done by other top ten powerhouses.

That is a kind of sharpening, tempering one's body.

"No. [-] in the ranking list, with a constant number of places, there is such a good thing?" Jiang Chen was very surprised. He didn't know about this before.

"Indeed." Luo Xi nodded.

Then, Luo Xi informed that being number one in the Heaven Rankings means No.1 in the inner sect, and at the same time, it can also be called No.1 in the Seven Star Martial Academy.

If there is such a thing and the number of places is not constant, how can we convince the public?

Another point is that this is a kind of respect. If even the number one in the list is denied, wouldn't it deny the authority of the list?
At that level, wouldn't the existence of the Tianbang become meaningless?

"No wonder Ji Mobai is so stingy, he must be jealous of me, so he refuses to give me the black and white mill." Jiang Chen yelled.

Luo Xi was stunned and speechless, thinking of Jiang Chen's performance in the arena of life and death, Jiang Chen blatantly asked for Ji Mobai's black and white millstone, and it was inevitable that he would complain about Ji Mobai.

The black and white grinding disc is miraculous and extraordinary. It has a speed several times faster than that of breaking through physical barriers. It is beyond the scope of ordinary magic tools. It can be called a magic weapon, which is rare in the world.

How could Ji Mobai be willing to give it to Jiang Chen?
On this day, someone came to the door.

It was a middle-aged man who introduced himself as Duan Jie. He looked Jiang Chen up and down, and then said coldly, "Jiang Chen, you are now number one on the list, and the Martial Academy will give you an extra chance .”

"What chance?" Jiang Chen said with narrowed eyes and a chuckle.

There was no expression on this guy's face, giving him the feeling that he owed this person 300 million out of nowhere. I have to say that the first impression he left on Jiang Chen was quite bad.

"That opportunity is the qualification to enter the fourth floor of the Seven Star Hall." Duan Jie responded coldly. He explained that this is an additional benefit, which is regarded as a reward. I hope Jiang Chen will continue to work hard and not let down the martial arts academy nourish.

Don't be arrogant, lest you go out in the future and lose the face of the Seven Star Martial Academy.

In an instant, Jiang Chen's nose was almost crooked by anger.

Jiang Chen admitted that he had gained a lot of benefits, and this was regarded as the cultivation of the Seven Star Martial Academy, so he must appreciate it.

But what is the tone of this guy's speech?

This is not a question of owed 300 million, it is estimated that it is owed 3000 million, so that is not the case, is it such an attitude?
So, did he offend him?

"Brother Duan, do I owe you money?" So Jiang Chen asked suspiciously.

"What do you call me?" Duan Jie's face darkened suddenly, and he scolded, "It doesn't matter if you are old or young, call me Elder Duan."

"Okay, Brother Duan." Jiang Chen expressed his acceptance.


Pointing a finger at Jiang Chen, Duan Jie's expression changed for no reason, and became even uglier.

Seeing Jiang Chen's humble appearance, he thought that Jiang Chen had really listened to his words, so he felt a little proud of it.

Who knew that Jiang Chen had no intention of changing at all, and the second call, brother Duan, became even more fluent.

"Brother Duan, you haven't answered my question yet. Have you ever owed you money? How much? If it's not much, I'll pay you back right now." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

This was only half said, and Jiang Chen didn't say the other half, that is, if he owed a lot, then he would definitely renege on the debt.

"No." Duan Jie said coldly.

He would not bother to take advantage of this little advantage.

Moreover, this is the first time meeting with Jiang Chen, and they have never dealt with each other before, so how could there be any financial entanglements?
"That's it, I'm relieved." Hearing this, Jiang Chen breathed a sigh of relief, but he said in confusion, "Brother Duan, since you've said everything and I don't owe you money, then can you The explanation is the same, show me a stinky face, what do you mean?

"Oh, you may want to say that you are born this way, of course, I will definitely not believe it, so, in order to avoid embarrassment, it is best to put it another way... It can be used as an excuse, I don't care anyway .”

Before Duan Jie could respond, Jiang Chen said in a leisurely manner.

In an instant, Duan Jie had learned what Jiang Chen felt like when his nose was twisted by anger. He stared at Jiang Chen closely and said, "Jiang Chen, do you think it's very easy to step on the top of the list?" Amazing?"

"Naturally, it's quite remarkable." Jiang Chen said proudly.

What are you kidding?

If none of this is great, then, dare I ask, what else is great?

Jiang Chen had never been that kind of modest person, and when it came to this kind of issue that didn't require modesty at all, it was even more so. He didn't know what modesty was.

"Childish, ridiculous!"

Duan Jie snorted coldly, and said with a sneer, "It's just a frog at the bottom of the well. Relying on a little bit of luck, he barely climbed to the top of the list. He is self-righteous and treats himself as a character. As everyone knows, he is still a humble poor bug. In my section In Jay's eyes, nothing."

"Number one on the list, poor man? So it turns out that the so-called list is actually a scam, right?" Jiang Chen said, but he didn't get angry.

"In the past, the number one in the heaven list, the strongest in the inner sect, which one was not one of the characters, the poor guy I'm talking about, I'm referring to you." Duan Jie said.

Naturally, he would not be easily fooled, denying the authority of the Tianbang would be tantamount to slapping himself in the face, and if such words spread, he would be in big trouble.

That means denying the tradition of the Seven Star Martial Academy, and even having the possibility of being expelled!

"Brother Duan, even if you think I'm a pitiful wretch from the bottom of your heart, is it really okay to say it so bluntly?" Looking at Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen looked helpless and deeply doubted this person's IQ.

After all, as long as you have a little brain, wouldn't it be better to keep such thoughts in your heart?
Why speak out and offend others?

Perhaps Duan Jie didn't mind offending him at all, but even a bug or an ant can sometimes burst out with unexpected energy.

"Why can't you say it? What are you? Do I need to cover up in front of you?" Duan Jie said, his eyes were very mocking and contemptuous.

Afterwards, Duan Jie said, "I've finished what I have to say. Remember, you only have three days. If you don't go to the fourth floor of the Seven Star Hall within these three days, you will automatically give up."

After finishing speaking, Duan Jie turned around and left.

"Hold on."

Jiang Chen waved his hand, signaling for Duan Jie to stay.

"Brother Duan, as far as I know, there seems to be no so-called three-day deadline. Am I that special?" Jiang Chen asked lazily.

"I actually understand something." Duan Jie was a little surprised, thinking that Jiang Chen knew nothing about it.

His attitude was very domineering, and he questioned, "Jiang Chen, are you doubting my words? Then, you can give it a try. After three days, you can still step into the fourth floor of the Seven Star Palace."

"I'm just doubting your words." Jiang Chen said like this. In the end, he seemed to be worried that Duan Jie wouldn't understand. Jiang Chen explained in detail and told me, what kind of thing are you? , Believe it or not, I will kill you!
"Kill me?"

Duan Jie almost thought he heard it wrong, he was stunned, and immediately, a stern look shot out from his eyes, and he said gloomyly, "Jiang Chen, are you going to fight against the martial arts academy? There will be no way out!"

"If someone like you can represent the Seven Star Martial Academy, then what if the Seven Star Martial Academy is sentenced?" Jiang Chen was noncommittal.

Regardless of the reason why Duan Jie targeted him like this, but if you want to leave so easily, isn't it too beautiful?


Duan Jie couldn't bear it, so he made a move.

It seemed that he had been prepared for a long time. As soon as he made a move, he sacrificed his weapon, slashed fiercely, and blasted forward. He had no plan and asked his subordinates to show mercy.

"court death!"

Jiang Chen sneered, he was afraid that this guy would not take the initiative to attack, but now, he did what he wanted, how could he be polite, summoned the Chunyang cauldron, moved with thunder, and killed Duan Jie.

Just like Duan Jie, he had no intention of showing mercy, and Jiang Chen was even more merciless. He was very domineering and used the strongest means to crush Duan Jie.

In the end, Duan Jie became mad with hatred, he was suppressed, Jiang Chen held up a tripod and smashed him into serious injuries...

(End of this chapter)

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