genius evil

Chapter 1362 Web Story Protagonist Template

Chapter 1362 Web Story Protagonist Template
"Brother Ji, can I say that this is taking the blame for you?" Jiang Chen suddenly became angry, staring at Ji Mobai, looking at that posture, as if wishing he could tear Ji Mobai apart.

Too wronged, very innocent, who is this provoking?
Sitting at home well, disaster will come from heaven!

This was originally Ji Mobai's trouble, but now, it happened to him inexplicably. If it's not a random disaster, what is it?
Jiang Chen was so angry. In the past, he was the one who tried his best to blame others, but now he was doing well, taking the blame for no reason.

If Ji Mobai doesn't give him some compensation for this, is he still a person?

"Brother Jiang, you misunderstood, I can only say that it was a coincidence, a coincidence." Ji Mobai couldn't understand the hidden meaning of Jiang Chen's words, he explained very seriously.

Ji Mobai informed that although Jian Xiuming has always had ambitions for the Tianbang, the Tianbang and the list of personal disciples do not intersect, and Jian Xiuming has no reason to cross the line.

This time, Jian Xiuming had the opportunity because the Garden of Everything was about to open.

Then, Ji Mobai said that this is definitely not his responsibility, it can only be said to be a coincidence, after all, who would have thought that the Garden of Everything would open at this time?

"Brother Ji, how can you be so irresponsible? Is it really okay to shirk responsibility so shamelessly? In fact, I just want a little compensation. For you, it's a trivial matter, not worth mentioning." Jiang Dust said.

The corner of his mouth twitched, inexplicably, Ji Mobai had a bad premonition, the eyes that looked at Jiang Chen like that, suddenly became vigilant.

"Brother Ji, don't be nervous. After all, I'm not an ordinary open-minded person, and I'm famous for being easy to talk. All I need is Brother Ji to give me the black and white millstone. I'm obliged to take the blame for Brother Ji. "Jiang Chen said awe-inspiringly.

"Brother Jiang, there is no need to say more about such things." Ji Mobai smiled wryly.

If he had known Jiang Chen would not give up, he seized the opportunity and immediately opened his mouth.

"Could it be, Brother Ji, do you have something better to compensate me?" Jiang Chen's eyes lit up, and he said quickly.

"Uh, no." Ji Mobai shook his head.

"Since there is no one, then quickly give me the black and white millstone, so as not to waste everyone's time." Jiang Chen urged.

Jiang Chen had always been coveting the black and white millstones. He was thinking about what kind of reason he should find to forcefully ask Ji Mobai for it. No, a great opportunity came to his door.

The reason for this is because the black and white millstone is a perfect match with Jiang Chen's flying sword. Controlling the black and white millstone, controlling the flying sword, and killing enemies with the sword, how many people can stop it?
In Jiang Chen's view, that was the correct way to use the black and white millstone. The black and white millstone fell into Ji Mobai's hands. Apart from increasing its speed, it was nothing but a waste of money.

"Brother Jiang, just give up. Black and white millstones are very important to me." Ji Mobai said helplessly. In the end, perhaps because he was worried that Jiang Chen would mess around, Ji Mobai said again, "Unless, one day, Jiang Chen can use A magic weapon that can make my heart beat, let’s exchange it.”

Ji Mobai left some room for his words.

No matter how shocking the magic weapon Jiang Chen brought out at that time, the prerequisite must be that he is moved.

If he doesn't move, he can't do anything.

In fact, it was a polite refusal.

Ji Mobai believed that Jiang Chen was smart enough to understand the hidden meaning of what he said.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Chen said happily: "Brother Ji, that's very good, I'll just wait for your words."

The black and white grinding disc is beyond the scope of ordinary magical artifacts. It is no exaggeration to say that it is a treasure. If Ji Mobai is allowed to give it away easily, no matter what, it will be impossible, and Jiang Chen is naturally impossible. He is so naive. .

What Jiang Chen was most afraid of was that Ji Mobai would not let go of his mouth. This letting go undoubtedly meant that he could take advantage of the opportunity, regardless of what Ji Mobai thought, and it was serious business to finalize this deal in one go.

Ji Mobai was stunned, stunned, and immediately stopped, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

He knew that he was pretending to be smart, and Jiang Chen had understood the hidden meaning of his words, but Jiang Chen couldn't stand it and pretended to be crazy.

Now it's all right, I dug a hole by myself and buried myself.

"In the Martial Academy, the most powerful exist, like crucian carp crossing the river, which also leads to a large number of direct disciples, but the list of direct disciples is very special, only the top ten." Cha Opening the topic, Ji Mobai continued the previous topic.

Then, Ji Mobai said, "Actually, any one of the top ten existences has the strength to compete for the first place in the list."

"Competition?" Jiang Chen said.

The existence of the Heaven List is to allow competition among the inner disciples, and the existence of the list of direct disciples is to allow competition among the direct disciples.

To some extent, handing down the list of disciples is even more cruel.

Among the crowd, the top ten will be selected, and the rest will be the same. There is no chance to be named. It is obvious how fierce the competition is.

After all, they are all geniuses, the favored sons of heaven. If you look at any sect, they must be the focus of training, but they have become unknown. How can they be reconciled?

It is natural to work hard and keep hitting!

"That's right, it's competition. After all, it's a means of cultivation." Ji Mobai nodded.

"Good trick."

Jiang Chen felt that perhaps, knowing the existence of the list of personal disciples, he could be regarded as understanding the hidden rules of the Seven Star Martial Academy in a real sense.

In this world, injustice is everywhere, and there has never been absolute justice.

It's just that someone, with an extremely clever method, tried to blur this unfairness as much as possible.

"On the Zhenwu Continent, martial arts compete for supremacy, and only the strong can be eternal." Ji Mobai sighed softly.

Jiang Chen smiled, and asked casually, "Jian Xiuming's ranking is just the third, so arrogant, even I, who is the number one in the heavenly list, dare to send people casually, pointing fingers, it makes me curious, the list of personally handed down disciples What kind of person is the first and second."

"The person who ranks second is named Qu Dingyuan. Compared with Jian Xiuming, he is quite low-key, and the person who ranks first is named Zhong Shenxiu." Ji Mobai said slowly, His face was a little dignified.

"Zhong Shenxiu's cultivation path has been bumpy. His talent is far from intelligent, and it is not an exaggeration to say he is stupid. In the door, all the direct disciples are so suppressed that they cannot raise their heads." Ji Mobai continued.

"There are such people?" Jiang Chen was surprised.

Isn't this the protagonist template of many web articles on the earth, full of legends?
"Because Zhong Shenxiu's experience is too strange, that's why the list of personally handed down disciples is also called the Shenxiu list by good people." Ji Mobai said.

"Named after Zhong Shenxiu? How did Zhong Shenxiu react?" Jiang Chen asked.

"There was no response, he acquiesced." Ji Mobai said.

"This person is so high-profile." Jiang Chen was slightly surprised.

Compared with Jian Xiuming, Zhong Shenxiu's high-profile is not only a little bit more, on the surface, there will be a name on the Shenxiu list, which is a way of saying for a good person, but since Zhong Shenxiu acquiesces, this is not true. It is difficult to express how proud this person is, and he is not worried about attracting ridicule.

"The chief direct disciple of the dean has mastered several supernatural powers, and his combat power is unfathomable. He has the qualifications to make a high profile." Ji Mobai said.

"Really?" Jiang Chen was noncommittal.

It is undeniable that Ji Mobai's words are very reasonable, regardless of his identity, background, and his own achievements, Zhong Shenxiu has no reason to keep a low profile. Even if he wants to keep a low profile, it is doomed. Can't keep a low profile.

However, Jiang Chen felt that the reason why Zhong Shenxiu was so high-profile probably had something to do with him being suppressed for too long before. extreme.

"Once the Garden of All Things is opened, the Seven Star Martial Academy will have ten places. Except for the first place in the heaven list, the other nine places will be among the top ten places in the sky list and the top ten personal disciples. It's time to decide." Ji Mobai said, very solemnly.

"Personal disciple is number one, but also participates in the competition?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Among the inner sect, the most authoritative list is the Tianbang. The list of personal disciples is just a convention and has no effect. Zhong Shenxiu is no exception." Ji Mobai explained.

"Brother Ji, you are in trouble." Jiang Chen suddenly grinned and looked at Ji Mobai gloatingly.

Ji Mobai wanted to share the stage with Zhong Shenxiu. After thinking about it for a while, Jiang Chen felt that it was very interesting.

"Thinking about it, my luck won't be that bad." Ji Mobai said, but very calmly, obviously, even if he really wanted to confront Zhong Shenxiu, he would have no fear.

This is the heart of the strong and will not be easily shaken.

"Then just wait and see. I am very curious about Jian Xiuming, and I am even more curious about Zhong Shenxiu." Jiang Chen said.


The news that the Garden of All Things is about to open spreads in the inner sect, attracting countless people, fascinated by it, but it is destined that they will not have the qualifications to participate in it.

Specifically speaking, this grand event was more like tailor-made for the top ten powerhouses in the heaven list and the top ten powerhouses of the personal disciples.In other words, this is a contest between Tianbang disciples and direct disciples.

This kind of contest has not yet begun, but it is full of the smell of gunpowder.

Finally, according to the past practice, the battle for the selection of places came.

On this day, including Jiang Chen, ten people in the top ten of the celestial list came to a martial arts arena under the leadership of a martial arts elder.

When Jiang Chen and the others appeared, there were already people waiting there. The moment Jiang Chen and the others appeared, immediately, there were several pairs of eyes that glanced over immediately.

Jiang Chen noticed that one of them was staring at him, looking up and down, as if he was looking at a prey, it was clearly visible, there was a strong evil taste in his eyes.

"Jian Xiuming, is that you?"

Jiang Chen glanced at it and said silently!

(End of this chapter)

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