genius evil

Chapter 1363 What are you looking at?

Chapter 1363 What are you looking at?

It was a young man with handsome features and quite an extraordinary charm.

"What are you?"

Suddenly, Jiang Chen yelled at the young man at the top of his voice.

This voice could be said to be earth-shattering, and instantly attracted everyone's attention, all of them, to Jiang Chen.

"Brother Jiang, what's the matter?"

Ji Mobai was confused, although he knew that Jiang Chen had always been straight and straightforward, but he just came here, could it be that someone offended him?
As he spoke, he followed Jiang Chen's line of sight, and when he saw the young man, Ji Mobai suddenly realized, and then, more or less, he couldn't laugh or cry.

That young man is Jian Xiuming.

Obviously, Jiang Chen recognized it.

Jian Xiuming stared at Jiang Chen like that, and now his eyes were slightly concentrated, and his brows were wrinkled. There was surprise, and even more surprise.

Jiang Chen was very rude, and he just yelled at him. Even though he didn't know what you were looking at and what meaning it had, it still made Jian Xiuming feel very uncomfortable.

"Boy, let me ask you, what are you looking at? Talking, are you dumb or something?" Jiang Chen said again, extremely arrogant and quite domineering.

"As expected of the number one existence in the heaven list, it's really domineering." With a cold snort, Jian Xiuming spoke.

"Aren't you dumb? It's a pity. I thought you couldn't speak." Jiang Chen said coldly, "It's a pity that although you are not dumb, you are an idiot who can't even understand human speech. Such a person , how did you get into the Seven Star Martial Academy, when did the threshold for the Seven Star Martial Academy become so low?"


Jian Xiuming was furious. He admitted that the way he stared at Jiang Chen just now had no good intentions, but Jiang Chen was so aggressive, and he didn't give any face in front of everyone, which inevitably made him ashamed.

"Isn't it?" Shrugging his shoulders, Jiang Chen said lazily, "I asked you the same question twice, but there was no response at all. If this is not an idiot, what is it?"

"Jiang Chen, you are going too far." Jian Xiuming couldn't stand it.

"Is it too much? Could it be that you want to tell me that you are not an idiot, then okay, answer my question, what are you looking at?" Jiang Chen pressed on, as if he must get the answer to this question, Otherwise, never give up.

"Shut up!" Jian Xiuming scolded.

"Can't prove it, right? An idiot is an idiot, no matter how much you argue, it won't change the nature of an idiot." Jiang Chen said calmly.

"Believe it or not, I killed you?" Jian Xiuming's face was gloomy, almost dripping water. This was an unprecedented humiliation, and it was absolutely intolerable.

"An idiot wants to kill me too? Jian Xiuming, don't you think highly of yourself? For an idiot like you, I can slap ten of them to death with a random slap!" Jiang Chen said jokingly.

"Then try it." Jian Xiuming said, and when he finished speaking, he moved his feet, just to make a move.

Originally, Jian Xiuming was thinking about how to find trouble with Jiang Chen today, but he failed to find trouble now, but Jiang Chen made trouble for him.

However, the process is not important, the important thing is that he got the result he wanted, he can take advantage of the situation, and make a move against Jiang Chen, weighing the weight of this so-called first place in the list!

A hand stretched out and stopped Jian Xiuming.

The man was wearing a gray gown, with a mature face, standing with a group of people, he had a somewhat out of place taste, but in fact, he was so different, easily giving people a sense of standing out from the crowd.

Even Jian Xiuming, inadvertently and inevitably, became his foil.

"Zhong Shenxiu, is that you?"

Looking at the outstretched hand, Jiang Chen whispered to himself.

Jiang Chen had never seen Jian Xiuming before, but it didn't hinder him, Jiang Chen recognized him at a glance.

In the same way, it is definitely not difficult to recognize Zhong Shenxiu when she has never seen Zhong Shenxiu before.

Looking at the inner sect, and even the entire Seven Star Martial Academy, there are existences with such a special temperament. Just ask, how many people are there?
"Xiu Ming, calm down." Zhong Shenxiu said casually.

Three short words, but the weight is self-evident. Jian Xiuming immediately calmed down, and even his face returned to normal in a very short period of time, as if nothing had happened.

"Are you Jiang Chen?" Zhong Shenxiu looked at Jiang Chen and asked.

In the end, without waiting for Jiang Chen's answer, and as if he didn't need Jiang Chen's answer at all, he said, "Apologize to Jian Xiuming, this matter will be considered exposed, what do you think?"

"Are you an idiot too?" Jiang Chen asked curiously with a sidelong glance at Zhong Shenxiu.


Someone was gasping for air. This was because they knew something about Zhong Shenxiu. Knowing that this person was definitely the kind of existence that should not be provoked.

Jiang Chen didn't care about it, and just opened his mouth to curse.

Of course, as the number one in the list, there was no room for challenge, but in front of Zhong Shenxiu, there were not many people who were optimistic about Jiang Chen.

"Give me some face." Zhong Shenxiu said this, but she wasn't angry because of it.

"What kind of thing are you? If you say you give face, you will give face? Don't I want face?" Jiang Chen sneered.

On the surface, Zhong Shenxiu intervened to calm down the situation and prevent a conflict from erupting, but such a domineering tone made Jiang Chen extremely unhappy.

What kind of situation is that inexplicably aloof?
Who gave Zhong Shenxiu a sense of superiority, thinking that he had the right to dictate in front of him?

So what if the direct disciple is the number one, if he offends Jiang Chen, he will be suppressed!
Zhong Shenxiu just laughed, and said mockingly, "It turns out that my face, Zhong Shenxiu, is so hard to use."

"An idiot, what face can he have? Don't overestimate yourself, or you will be embarrassed." Jiang Chenyu said earnestly.

"Perhaps you are right. I really overestimated myself." Zhong Shenxiu nodded, but turned around without saying anything more.

"Brother Jiang, you are too impulsive."

A strong man in the top ten of the Tianbang said anxiously, reminding Jiang Chen that offending Zhong Shenxiu is definitely an extremely stupid decision. While there is still a chance, apologize to Zhong Shenxiu, maybe there is still room for maneuver .

"When did there become so many idiots?" Jiang Chen wondered.

"Brother Jiang, that's all I said, without any malice." The man said coyly, his good intentions were taken as a donkey's liver and lungs, and he couldn't hold back his face.

"If there is no malice, then let Zhong Shenxiu apologize to me." Jiang Chen said slowly.

That person's face was instantly blackened with anger. In such a case, how dare he tell Zhong Shenxiu that he is impatient?

"Brother Jiang, you are really..." Ji Mobai sighed, and stopped talking in the middle of the sentence.

"Brother Ji, if you encounter this situation, how should you deal with it?" Jiang Chen asked with a half-smile.

Ji Mobai was stunned, and suddenly realized that Jiang Chen's reaction seemed too violent, but in fact, it was the best way to deal with it.

Zhong Shenxiu was proud, so why wasn't Jiang Chen proud?

Both are powerful existences, and it is impossible for one to make the other bow his head forcibly.

If Jiang Chen was persuaded by Zhong Shenxiu to apologize to Jian Xiuming, then it would not only be as simple as embarrassment, but also a matter of dignity, which would definitely cause cracks in Jiang Chen's state of mind.

In this way, offending Zhong Shenxiu became the best choice.

"Brother Jiang is wise." Ji Mobai was filled with emotion.

On the arena of life and death, in the battle with Jiang Chen, the number one in the list changed hands, but that battle was not enjoyed to the fullest, and in his bones, Ji Mobai might not be convinced.

Now, he has to obey.

"The draw has begun."

But when Jiang Chen and Ji Mobai were talking, an elder of the Martial Academy walked over quickly carrying two boxes.

The two boxes were tightly sealed. When the elder Wuyuan walked over, someone immediately grabbed a piece of paper with a number on it.

One after another, everyone began to draw lots, and soon after the lottery was drawn, according to the numbers drawn, they quickly determined who they would fight against.

There are nine numbers in each of the two boxes, and the numbers are the same. Let the top ten powerhouses and ten personal disciples draw lots respectively. When the same numbers are drawn, the two will be competitors. Will fight for those ten spots.

In this way, among the direct disciples, there should be one bye.

The person who has a bye, after nine places are decided, can choose one person to challenge at will. If he wins, he will replace him. If he loses, he will be eliminated.

In this way, once there is a bye, you will have a great advantage. If you choose one person to challenge at will, you will undoubtedly have absolute autonomy, and the hope of winning is too great.

"Well, is Zhong Shenxiu the bye?"

"What's going on, it's Zhong Shenxiu?"


In Zhong Shenxiu's hand, there was a number, it was number ten, and it was the bye number.

Such a result was beyond the expectations of many people, and they all lamented that Zhong Shenxiu's luck was really good. In the end, the top ten powerhouses in the heaven list were all lucky.

Among them, no matter who faced Zhong Shenxiu, there was no chance of winning. Now that Zhong Shenxiu had a bye, their moods suddenly changed, a little strange.

"Brother Ji, your luck is really good." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

His quota is constant, this is purely for watching, it is very relaxed.

"It was indeed an accident." Ji Mobai said.

He is not afraid of Zhong Shenxiu, but if he can avoid it, he is not willing to fight with him. Zhong Shenxiu has a bye, everyone is, and he is greatly relieved.

After determining their respective targets, the challenge will begin soon.

Jian Xiuming got the number one, so he will be the first to play and fight.

With a smile on his face, Jian Xiuming stepped out and walked towards the ring. While walking, he glanced in the direction of Jiang Chen, as if there was nothing there.

"What are you?"

The sound of loud drinking exploded in Jian Xiuming's ears in the next second, causing everyone to be in a mess.

"Damn idiot, tell me, what are you going to do, what are you looking at?"

Jiang Chen's voice sounded again...

(End of this chapter)

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