genius evil

Chapter 1365

Chapter 1365
The battle ensues instantly.

In other words, this is a battle that everyone is secretly looking forward to.

From the moment he appeared, Jiang Chen had been provoking all the time, with a high profile, and Jian Xiuming wasn't the only one who was disgusted?
These direct disciples all had their eyes above the top, and they thought that if they had the chance to hit the top of the list, Jiang Chen and the others would have nothing to do with them.

In their eyes, Jiang Chen, number one on the list, deserves at least a [-]% discount, perhaps more than that.

On the Tianbang, Jiang Chen was the most powerful and supreme existence, but they didn't have the slightest reverence for him.

In such a situation, he wanted to weigh Jiang Chen's weight a long time ago, so as to know whether the so-called No. [-] in the Heavenly List was suspected of being false.

However, the number one in the ranking list is constant, and there is no need to fight, but there is no chance to fight.

Jian Xiuming was enraged, and he attacked with anger. In such a situation, no one could fault it. They were looking forward to the final result of this battle.

If Jiang Chen wins in the end, it's okay to say, but if he is unlucky and loses to Jian Xiuming, it will undoubtedly mean that the entire Tianbang will be crushed.

That is, as Luo Ding said, the existence of the Tianbang is meaningless to direct disciples.

"Who will win and who will lose?"

Someone said, looked over and smiled knowingly, it was Zhou Xinyu.

Zhou Xinyu was ranked sixth among the top ten personal disciples. He had previously fought against the strong ones in the celestial list, and that kind of battle was quite exciting.

"Without a doubt." Cao Xi said.

"No doubt about what?" Zhou Xinyu asked with a half-smile.

"That Jiang Chen has sharp teeth and a sharp mouth, and his kung fu is all about his mouth, but Jian Xiuming is different, so Jiang Chen will definitely lose." Cao Xi said with incomparable certainty, optimistic about Jian Xiuming, thinking that Jiang Chen is bound to fail miserably, Humiliated.

"Merely Jian Xiuming, want to win against Jiang Chen? Idiots are dreaming!"

Someone sneered without concealing it. It was Fu Qingfeng.

Nine places were decided, and the top ten powerhouses in the list were almost completely defeated. As one of them, Fu Qingfeng's mood was naturally not comfortable.

At this time, hearing Zhou Xinyu and Cao Xi intentionally stepped on Jiang Chen to praise Jian Xiuming made Fu Qingfeng even more uncomfortable.

Even though Jiang Chen was not pleasing to the eye to some extent before, but Jiang Chen is the strongest person in the heaven list, and he is also the number one in the sky list, and he is the most powerful person in the sky list.

If this was suppressed by Jian Xiuming, wouldn't everyone in the Tianbang be looked down upon?

Unable to hold back, Fu Qingfeng spoke up.

"It's so naive. The third-ranked existence dares to compete with the number one in the heaven list. Is this a joke?" Immediately, a strong man in the sky list reacted and said sarcastically.

"That's right, even if Zhong Shenxiu took action himself, he was destined to be crushed by Jiang Chen. Jian Xiuming was completely humiliating himself."

Another person said that the tone of swearing made Jiang Chen suddenly elevate Jiang Chen to an unrivaled position. This was imitating Jiang Chen's way of speaking. Of course, the effect was remarkable.

No, on the side of the direct disciples, except for that Zhong Shenxiu who was always indifferent, the rest of the people were instantly enraged, their eyebrows were cold, and there were flames burning in their eyes.

All along, the direct disciples always look down on the strong ones on the list of heaven, and have the pride of being superior to others.

This person actually said that the existence of the number one personal disciple is also destined to be crushed by the number one in the heaven list. Doesn't that mean that the direct disciple is not as strong as the strongest in the sky list?
So what, can bear it!

Then Li Beiyuan sneered, and Yin Jiu said, "A group of guys sitting in a well watching the sky, how can I know what kind of methods my personal disciples have."

"Hmph, isn't it miserable enough to be suppressed before? Isn't it true that these nine places have all been taken away by my personal disciples, so you can feel comfortable waiting?"

Another voice sounded, it was one of the top ten personal disciples who lost a place in the battle just now, and he was very angry. At this moment, he had a fit and shouted.

"To tell you the truth, I've been merciful in waiting for six of them. Otherwise, you won't have a chance if you wait."

Furthermore, someone said, with an extremely positive tone, as if they had passed on their own disciples to the top ten. As long as they wanted to, except for the No. 1 spot in the Tianbang, the other nine places were all in their pockets.

"Every trash, but the tone is very big, if you have the ability, come and fight with me!" Fu Qingfeng said gloomyly.

At this time, it's not just a battle of spirits, it's about the face of everyone in the Tianbang, and we must stand up, and Fu Qingfeng knows that it's impossible for Ji Mobai or Fang Qingxuan to stand by and watch .

"You want to fight, right? I'll fight with you!" Luo Ding came out and said with a smile, completely unaware that he didn't take Fu Qingfeng to heart.

"Let's do it, I'll let you know for yourself that I'm waiting for someone on the list, and I won't allow you to be humiliated." Fu Qingfeng stared at Luo Ding and said slowly.

When Luo Ding moved his feet, he was about to strike.

"Wait." Zhong Shenxiu spoke, he looked at Ji Mobai, and asked, "Ji Mobai, what do you think?"

"If you want to fight, fight." Ji Mobai said.

Ji Mobai's pride, which used to be No. [-] in the heaven list, has not diminished even if he has been pulled down from the altar now.

Is the side of the direct disciple planning to ride on the head of the Tianbang side?Impossible to remain indifferent.

Zhong Shenxiu smiled, and said, "Brother Ji, you are still as domineering as ever, but today is not the time to do something. If you have the opportunity another day, so what?"

"I have no objection." Ji Mobai said lightly.

It's okay to fight, or not to fight, what Ji Mobai wants is to take the initiative.

Of course, Zhong Shenxiu's attitude seemed to be a concession, but Ji Mobai knew very well that it was because Zhong Shenxiu's identity was too sensitive.

As the chief direct disciple of the headmaster, Zhong Shenxiu's background is not surprising, but it is also destined to be subject to many restrictions, and often a trivial matter must be done in every possible way, so as not to leave any tongue-in-cheek.

"That's good." Zhong Shenxiu nodded, and then said, "Calm down, don't be impulsive."

On the side of direct disciples, everyone felt resentful, but they also knew that Zhong Shenxiu had to deal with the matter in this way, so they had to forcefully suppress the erupting fighting spirit, and looked in the direction where Jiang Chen and Jian Xiuming were.

There, the battle became intense within a very short period of time.

Jian Xiuming's patience was about to be exhausted. He made domineering moves, trying to suppress Jiang Chen in the shortest possible time, but Jiang Chen blocked all his attack methods.

With a pure yang cauldron on Jiang Chen's head and an undefeated golden body, Jian Xiuming felt aggrieved. He thought that if it wasn't for this, Jiang Chen would have been crushed long ago.

"Jiang Chen, do you only know how to defend?" Jian Xiuming said, sarcastically.

"How do you know?" Jiang Chen said in surprise, as if Jian Xiuming had seen through it.

Immediately, Jian Xiuming felt as if he had eaten a dead fly.

Even if he was an idiot, he wouldn't believe it. Jiang Chen could only defend. At best, he could only say that Jiang Chen's defense was almost invincible.

Otherwise, just relying on this point, it is impossible to win the first place in the list.

After all, no matter how much he looked down on the strong men on the Tianbang, Jian Xiuming would not be so stupid that he really thought that the Tianbang was extremely strong and vulnerable.

"Jiang Chen, let's make a move, you and I will fight quickly, don't waste time." Jian Xiuming scolded, forcing Jiang Chen to make a move.

"Didn't I make a move? As I said just now, I can only defend." Jiang Chen said solemnly, with the pure yang cauldron on his head and his whole body glowing.

Jian Xiuming was about to swear, he took a deep look at Jiang Chen, and said, "Since this is the case, then I want to see how strong your defense is."

As soon as the words fell, I saw again, a weapon sacrificed by Jian Xiuming.

It was a long bow. After the long bow was drawn out, Jian Xiuming stretched out his left hand, and a long black arrow appeared in his palm.

Without any hesitation, Jian Xiuming drew the bow and shot an arrow.

The arrow broke through the air, leaving a terrifying afterimage in the void, where an explosion occurred, like a piece of tofu, the air was completely torn apart, and the power of destruction was shocking.

In addition, that speed is even more astonishing. In the blink of an eye, he appeared in front of Jiang Chen, and it was impossible to guard against.


Jiang Chen's spiritual consciousness swept across to capture, and the trajectory of the arrow piercing through the air was completely controlled by him, but it has to be said that Jiang Chen was still surprised.

Because, on that long arrow, there are actually engraved textures. In fact, it is a trace of a certain brand that has left behind, which is what caused such terrifying destructive power.

As for the longbow, even though it is not a mortal thing, it can be regarded as a top-level magic weapon, but compared to the long arrow, it is much inferior.

"Is engraving the principles of the law the foundation of a direct disciple?" Jiang Chen said to himself.

Obviously, that kind of imprint cannot be left by Jian Xiuming's strength, but should be related to his identity as a direct disciple.

Passing on disciples personally, teaching by precepts and deeds, after all, there are still many benefits.

The long arrow was weird, and Jiang Chen didn't intend to fight it head-on. Although he didn't think it would be enough to break through the protection of the Pure Yang Cauldron, to a certain extent, it would cause shock and affect his body.

It was impossible for Jiang Chen to put himself in a dangerous situation, so without any hesitation, he just sacrificed the flying sword, and then, controlling the flying sword, he soared into the sky.

The arrow missed.

When Jian Xiuming thought it was impossible to fail, and was absolutely going to severely injure Jiang Chen, he failed in the end, not to mention hurting Jiang Chen, but he never even touched a corner of his clothes.

"How could he react so quickly?"

Jian Xiuming talked to himself, unable to understand it, it was too weird, and he couldn't figure it out.

He has absolute self-confidence, even Zhong Shenxiu, facing this arrow, can only defend passively and cannot avoid it, but Jiang Chen, however, perfectly dodges it.

Immediately, Jian Xiuming grasped the void with his big hand, and the long sword that was shot returned to his palm at an extreme speed.

The arrow was strung and the bow was fully drawn, Jian Xiuming said coldly, "Jiang Chen, let me see how you dodge this arrow! If you can't dodge, you will die!"


After the words fell, the big hand was released, and the arrow flew out like a shooting star...

(End of this chapter)

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