genius evil

Chapter 1366 What are you

Chapter 1366 What are you

"It's really an idiot."

Jian Xiuming shot the second arrow, Jiang Chen couldn't help laughing out loud.

On the long arrow, textures were inscribed, and when it was shot, the power was unstoppable. Even if Jiang Chen had a pure sun cauldron on his head and an invincible golden body, he was not at the point of last resort, and would not choose to shake it hard.

If Jian Xiuming is aware of this, then he should know what kind of attack can pose the greatest threat to Jiang Chen.

Unexpectedly, Jian Xiuming was wrong.

At this time, the second arrow shot out, clearly visible, with a faster speed, like a shooting star in the sky, piercing the void in an instant, stirring up circles of ripples.

This is astonishing and terrifying. Faced with such an unbelievable speed, I am afraid that few people can react in the first time.

This also means that it is not easy for that one to refine the long arrow.

Unfortunately, Jian Xiuming's target is Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen's spiritual consciousness was released, and his spiritual consciousness was almost evolved. The trajectory of the long arrow piercing through the air was clearly perceived by him, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that it was completely exposed.

This can be called cheating, how can it be understood and imagined by Jian Xiuming?
The reason is that Jian Xiuming was wrong, and even because such absolute speed required the sacrifice of strength.

In other words, with Jian Xiuming's current cultivation level, he still has no way to perfectly control the balance between speed and strength.

Once the speed is forcibly increased, the power will be greatly reduced, and vice versa.

It is obvious that because he dodged the first arrow, Jian Xiuming was filled with resentment, and this is what sacrificed his strength to maximize the speed of this arrow, so that Jiang Chen would have nowhere to hide.

The abacus was played very loudly, but it turned out to be a wrong call.

This is pretending to be clever, destined to be mistaken by cleverness!

"Jian Xiuming, you want to kill me like this. May I ask, can you be more naive? Of course, if you say you can, then I am too. I have nothing to say." Jiang Chen said leisurely.

After the words fell, Jiang Chen controlled the flying sword and soared into the sky, but this time, it was not just as simple as dodging, he perfectly controlled the flying sword, Jiang Chen descended in front of Jian Xiuming in an instant.

Without any hesitation, Jiang Chen struck out with a single palm.

This is the third form of God Extinguishing Palm. Jiang Chen slapped Jian Xiuming's palm on the void above Jian Xiuming's head. The void collapsed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it was simply unbearable.

Then, I saw that at the place of the collapse, a vortex was generated, and it was a spiral force, sweeping towards Jian Xiuming.


The air is exploding, it's too powerful, and the manipulation of power like this must be beyond the understanding limit of the strong in the same realm.

As if pushing horizontally, in the void, there is a big palm print, with a hundred feet of golden light, so bright, it seems like a bright sun hanging in the sky, making people unable to open their eyes.

Jian Xiuming was stunned. He would never have thought that Jiang Chen would still dodge and launch an attack even though he forcibly increased his speed.

An indescribable annihilation aura enveloped him from the top of his head, making him feel as if he was in an extremely cold ice cave, and his blood was about to coagulate and freeze.

Raising his head and staring at that palm print, Jian Xiuming had no second thought in the back of his mind.

He trembled a little, and his figure moved quickly, darting to the rear. At the same time, he drew his bow and shot an arrow, and Jian Xiuming shot the third arrow.

It was too late to recall the long arrow that was shot. The arrow of this arrow is actually not ordinary, it is a magic weapon, but compared to it, it is too ordinary.

Without looking at it, Jiang Chen pressed down with his big palm, and the long arrow shattered in an instant, turning into powder.

The palm wind was as thick as a mountain, and then it was suppressed like that.

This is like the palm of the Tathagata Buddha suppressing Sun Wukong, the Great Sage Equaling Heaven. In fact, Jiang Chen's palm has the same effect, even if Jian Xiuming dodges at a high speed, he still cannot escape the attack range.

Finally, a palm fell.

That feeling is like a big mountain falling from the top of your head, how can you resist it?

Jian Xiuming tried his best to shoot, and even tried to shoot the fourth arrow, but he had no chance. He was suppressed, his clothes were torn, he was bleeding, he was seriously injured, and he was very embarrassed.


Jian Xiuming was screaming, extremely unwilling and unacceptable.

This battle, perhaps in the eyes of others, took a long time, but Jian Xiuming felt that the time was too short. This was because Jiang Chen had been passively defending before, and only made one move.

With Jiang Chen's palm strike, he was suppressed. With Jian Xiuming's pride, how could he bear such a feeling?
He wished he could fight Jiang Chen desperately. After being suppressed, he frantically formed his handprints and wanted to sacrifice his original magic weapon to fight Jiang Chen to the death.

"Xiu Ming, that's enough."

A cold voice came at this moment, and it was unmistakable, knocking into Jian Xiuming's ears.

It was like a basin of ice water poured down head-on, and Jian Xiuming's chaotic mind immediately became sober.

He lost his mind, then took a deep look at Jiang Chen, stopped making any further entanglements, turned around and swept off the ring, and then left straight away, blankly stunned.


Jiang Chen sighed again.

Although, because Jian Xiuming was too impatient, he pushed himself into a dangerous situation with one hand, which caused the defeat so quickly.

But Jiang Chen is looking forward to Jian Xiuming's bloody desperation, so that he can be upright, kill Jian Xiuming, isn't it?
After all, although this is considered revenge, how could Jian Xiuming understand it this way? When we meet in the future, conflicts will inevitably break out again. If we can solve everything at once, that would be, how wonderful.

"Why, Zhong Shenxiu wants to talk too much, this guy is always against me, what is it for?" Jiang Chen was very depressed.

He didn't know Zhong Shenxiu well, it wasn't a polite way of speaking, it was really unfamiliar, but what was the situation when he was regarded as a thorn in the side?
"Could it be that it's because I'm so handsome?" Jiang Chen murmured, couldn't help touching his face with his hands, and then secretly sighed that he was really handsome and unreasonable. Becoming handsome, this clearly does not leave a way for other men to survive.

Thinking of this, Jiang Chen looked towards Zhong Shenxiu.

Zhong Shenxiu also looked at Jiang Chen, his eyes were clear and calm, and he didn't seem to feel that there was anything unexpected about the result of this battle.

However, the rest of the direct disciples suddenly exploded, and the expressions of each of them became extremely ugly.

Previously they had sworn that Jiang Chen would lose, but now that Jian Xiuming has been suppressed, what they said was everything and turned into a joke.

"Jiang Chen, is he so strong?" Cao Xi said, as if he couldn't understand it.

Because, according to her idea, it should be the other way around, Jiang Chen should be suppressed by Jian Xiuming, but it turned out to be such an ending, which is unacceptable.

"Is this the strength of number one in the heaven list?"

Zhou Xinyu said that he is also more optimistic about Jian Xiuming. You must know that Jian Xiuming is taught by a famous teacher, but what does Jiang Chen have?
One must work hard to make progress in order to be able to exchange cultivation resources from the Seven Star Palace. This alone is far from being a direct disciple.

I have to say that Zhou Xinyu was impressed.

Even though it seemed unfair for Jiang Chen to be the number one in the heaven list, and Jian Xiuming, who was ranked the top three among the top ten personal disciples, Zhou Xinyu believed that the facts were fair.

It would be unfair if Jiang Chen fought Zhong Shenxiu.

"As expected of Jiang Chen, he is as overbearing as before."

The top ten powerhouses on the celestial list are all smiling, and that is Fu Qingfeng, who has a slight smile on his brows and eyes. It can be said that Jiang Chen's battle is to prove for the celestial list that he has made a breakthrough. A bad breath.

"Jiang Chen is Jiang Chen, who can fight against him?"

Someone said again, this is infinite flattery and flattery of Jiang Chen, who made Jiang Chen suppress Jian Xiuming, this is slapping his own disciple in the face.

"Don't be told that... Oh, what I mean is, don't stop, come on, praise me, keep complimenting me." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

These guys, usually, each of them had a grudge against him, but this was the first time they spoke good words for him, Jiang Chen naturally planned to listen to them all at once.

Otherwise, what should I do if I scold him again next time?

All the strong men in the Tianbang are full of black lines, and they can't stand Jiang Chen every minute.

"Is it really okay for you to boast like this? Is it interesting?"

Na Luoding said, Yin and Yang are very strange.

"Come on, come up for me, and see how I can suppress you." Jiang Chen waved his hand and said carelessly.

He also noticed in the battle with Jian Xiuming, the dispute between the strong man in the Tianbang and his direct disciple, that this Luo Ding was not pleasing to the eye for a long time.


Luo Ding glanced over and said coldly, "Jiang Chen, don't be so arrogant, do you think I'm afraid of you?"

"What I, Jiang Chen, admire most is a guy like you who is not afraid of death, come on, beat you to tears." Jiang Chen shouted.

Luo Ding's face was as black as charcoal. He was very impulsive and wanted to rush into the ring. Maybe he was not Jiang Chen's opponent, but he had to try how Jiang Chen beat him to tears.

"Have you had enough trouble?" Zhong Shenxiu's voice sounded again.

Obviously, all the direct disciples were deeply in awe and fear of him, and as soon as these words came out, Luo Ding immediately settled down.

"Zhong Shenxiu, are you telling me what you said?" Jiang Chen asked with a half-smile.

"The Garden of Everything is about to open, and the Seven-Star Martial Academy has ten places. These ten people will walk out of the Seven-Star Martial Academy in the future, and all the opponents they will meet will be a goddess." Zhong Shenxiu did not answer Jiang Chen's question, but slowed down. Said loudly.

He is very indifferent, his tone is indifferent, and he inadvertently reveals a strong pride, and that pride cannot be disobeyed.

"Infighting has no future. In the final analysis, the Seven Star Martial Academy is only limited to a corner of the Great Qin Empire. The Eastern Great Territory is so vast, and there is our stage there." Zhong Shenxiu said again.

Having said that, he looked at Jiang Chen and asked, "Jiang Chen, do you understand what I said?"

"Do I need to understand?" Jiang Chen asked sarcastically, and said unceremoniously, "Zhong Shenxiu, what are you, you dare to boss me around in front of me?"

(End of this chapter)

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