genius evil

Chapter 1373 The Builder of the Garden of Everything 1

Chapter 1373 One of the builders of the Garden of Everything
"To shut up!"

The woman went into a rage, Jiang Chen's ability to talk nonsense was fine, but he said such a thing, this is telling her, is she old?
How could this be endured? It caused the woman's calm state of mind to be torn apart, and a crack appeared.

"I'm serious, I'm really sorry." Jiang Chen said, feeling very sad, he looked at the woman and said, "Big beauty, don't worry, in the future, whoever dares to bully you, go to heaven or earth, I will take it!" Kill him all over the house."

What Jiang Chen said was very vicious, arrogant and high-spirited. Impressively, he became the protector of women, arrogant and conceited.

The woman called one, dumbfounded.

It has to be said that Jiang Chen's words are extremely beautiful and seem to be full of sincerity. It can be regarded as a domineering declaration. It is not a love word but it is better than a love word. It is only a little bit, and it will move her.

"Are you kidding me? I want to know what happened back then?" the woman said.

This is not the first time, Jiang Chen has tried this matter, but it is more clever, it is impossible to guard against, if he is not careful, he will be tricked.

"How could it be? I'm just showing my heart, I can't help it." Jiang Chen said, refusing to admit it.

"I still say the same thing. With your current strength, you know too much. It's no different from courting death." The woman said.

"Big beauty, please don't misunderstand me. Look at me, I'm living a good life. Do I look like the kind of person who wants to die?" Jiang Chen yelled loudly, extremely wronged.

"If you don't want to die, don't try again. My patience is limited." The woman warned, very sternly.

What happened to her was destined to exceed the limit that Jiang Chen could imagine.

Jiang Chen is now No. [-] in the Heaven Ranking, looking at the invincible opponents of the Seven Star Martial Academy, it seems that they are very powerful, but in her eyes, they can still be crushed with a raised palm.

The gap is too big, even enough to make people despair, the more you know, the less good you will be.

"Big beauty, I suddenly discovered that no matter what, you are so good-looking. This is too unfair. You are clearly not giving other women a chance to live." Jiang Chen said.

"Low taste." The woman disagreed.

Jiang Chen smiled and said, "Beautiful beauty, how can this be low-level taste, it is clearly, very high-level."

"Have you finished talking nonsense?" The woman said with a sidelong glance at Jiang Chen.

She wanted to hurry up and study the secret method of tempering the power of the soul in the beast control technique, not wanting to waste her time.

"What did I just say, did I say, kill him all over the house?" Jiang Chen said, and then he said, "Now, there is an excellent opportunity, I will soon be invincible in the world, without a trace. To put it bluntly, the end of the Tianjiao Goddesses of the entire continent is coming."

"It's very sad, isn't it? I was born in the same era as Jiang Chen, and it is destined to be a great tragedy. I will crush one by one, and I will never have a bright future."

Jiang Chen said again, he was very narcissistic, and he spoke with certainty, as if, all of these would soon become reality one by one, he was invincible.

"The Garden of Everything?" the woman said.

"That's right, it's the Garden of Everything." Jiang Chen nodded, and asked with a smile: "Big beauty, you must understand, right?"

Regarding the Garden of Everything, Jiang Chen has learned a lot of inside information from Luo Xi, and has also read the classics, but so far, he only knows the superficiality, which is far from enough.

Originally, Jiang Chen planned to summon this woman and inquire carefully. Since the woman showed up on her own initiative, how could he miss this opportunity?

"What do you want to know?" the woman said.

"All." Jiang Chen said bluntly.

The woman was silent for a while, and then sighed softly, "I have had a relationship with that garden of all things."

"It sounds very emotional. Could it be that you have entered the Garden of Everything?" Jiang Chen asked.


Unexpectedly, the woman shook her head, and just when Jiang Chen felt so astonished and couldn't understand why she was emotional, he heard the woman's voice, "I am one of the builders of the Garden of Everything."


Hearing this, Jiang Chen's expression changed, and he was horrified.

This woman turned out to be one of the builders of the Garden of Everything. Then, when she was at her peak, how powerful was she?
Is it really just a strong man?

And, what happened back then that caused her to become what she is today?

In an instant, Jiang Chen thought a lot, and the more he thought about it, the more moved he felt.

He has a strong intuition that the woman has been reluctant to talk about the events of the year, although on the one hand he thinks that he is not qualified enough to contact.

But on the other hand, it must involve a certain shocking secret, which affects countless Xeon existences.

And that kind of secrecy must have swept the entire Zhenwu Continent.

"Don't be too surprised. It all happened many years ago. If it weren't for the opening of the Garden of Everything, I would have forgotten it," the woman said.

All her emotions were restrained, and her tone of speech was no longer turbulent, and she became extremely calm. From the perspective of a bystander, she was looking at issues related to the Garden of Everything.

In fact, how is it possible to really forget?
It's just that he was deliberately suppressing that emotion. Jiang Chen could understand it. After all, he also fell from the peak to the bottom.

"So, if you want to know, there is no need to say more about the Garden of Everything. You will naturally know when you go." The woman said, her figure faded away when she finished speaking. From Jiang Chen's eyes, Disappear.

Obviously, the emotions were not completely calmed down, and they were unwilling to show too much in front of Jiang Chen. This was the choice to enter the Goddess Picture Scroll.

"The Garden of All Things, Builder?"

Seeing the woman disappearing, Jiang Chen whispered to himself, intentionally or not, the woman's identity had already been uncovered the tip of the iceberg.

You know, the existence of the Garden of Everything is related to the entire Eastern Territory, including more than a dozen empires. It is a strange space with countless unknown mysteries.

To a certain extent, the Garden of Everything is a secret treasure, and a woman participated in the construction of this secret treasure. Isn't her identity ready to be revealed?
After all, as long as one inquires about it, it is clear at a glance who the strong men who built the Garden of Everything were.

What's more, those powerful existences are definitely rare existences, and they will not exceed, a handful of them. Through this point, it is extremely easy, that is, to be able to find out some inside information.

Jiang Chen was impulsive, but finally gave up.

His every move now cannot escape the woman's perception. If he really wants to do these things, it will be against the woman's wishes, and he will definitely interfere.

However, even if you don't go to find out about it for the time being, knowing that the woman has participated in the construction of the Garden of All Things is enough to satisfy Jiang Chen.

"The Garden of All Things, my blessed land." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

As the builder of the garden of all things, it is no exaggeration for a woman to say that it is a living map once she enters it, but if there are any good things, aren't they all his?

This is against the sky, it can be called a plug-in.

"Who else can resist my advance?" Jiang Chen was very proud, but also embarrassed.


After the ten places were decided, it caused some heated discussions among the inner sect.At the same time, the existence of the personal disciple list was quietly revealed.

Many people were astonished. It was the first time they had heard of the existence of direct disciples, but they were even more ashamed and cruel, because the direct disciple side was so strong, and it had a huge advantage to take seven out of ten places.

"Jiang Chen, Ji Mobai, Fang Qingxuan... Is there no one on my list except these three?"

Someone said, the words are sad.

In the past, because of how invincible it was to be on the top of the list, one mountain was higher than another, and the existence of a direct disciple cast a shadow over the minds of countless people.

"The number one personal disciple Zhong Shenxiu, he and Jiang Chen, who is stronger and who is weaker?"

Some people also said that they are more curious about this.

Of the two, one is the strongest in the heaven list, and the other is the number one personal disciple. It is also very difficult to prevent people from being curious about this.

"There is no doubt that Jiang Chen is stronger."

Someone said it swearingly, and then told them that the first place in the list and a constant number of places is destined, Jiang Chen is a powerful existence and cannot be provoked.

"That Zhong Shenxiu is the principal's chief disciple. Even if Jiang Chen is number one on the list, he probably won't be able to fight."

Some people are more optimistic about Zhong Shenxiu, with an amazing background, how can it be easy to follow a powerful existence and subtly influence her?It can be said that it is the No.1 inner door in the true sense.

It's just that before, being invisible and not being known by others, this was ignored by others, making Jiang Chen stand out from the crowd.

Now, the situation has changed. The list of personal disciples has gradually become public. Let me ask you, what advantage does Jiang Chen have?
He even said that if Jiang Chen hadn't been number one on the Heavenly Ranking List, with a constant number of places and no need for a final battle, he would have been in a terrible embarrassment.

Such arguments eventually turned into disputes.

In particular, Jiang Chen's popularity was too bad. Many people had deep opinions on him, and they spared no effort to smear him and flatter Zhong Shenxiu.

More people turned their attention to the Garden of Everything.

The Garden of Everything is about to open, which is a once-in-a-hundred-year event. As the opening time approaches, countless gossip rumors spread.

Ten places will be determined, which means that there will be ten people from the Seven Star Martial Academy going to participate in this grand event. How exciting and lively it will be, it will fascinate people.

Finally, the three-day period came. On this day, Jiang Chen, Ji Mobai, Fang Qingxuan, and Zhong Shenxiu joined the seven. They were about to set off for the Garden of Everything.

A gigantic flying boat stood upright. Under the leadership of an elder of the martial arts president, ten people boarded it, and then, the flying boat floated into the air and flew away...

(End of this chapter)

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