genius evil

Chapter 1374 Focus on Objects

Chapter 1374 Focus on Objects
Flying boats can be regarded as extremely common flying magic weapons in Zhenwu Continent, and their grades can vary from high to low, but under normal circumstances, as long as you have enough money, you can get them.

And this flying boat is astonishingly large, like a mobile palace, it is very obvious and extremely extraordinary.

Inside, the textures were intertwined, and the principles were vertical and horizontal. Jiang Chen's spiritual consciousness swept across and sensed, and he easily noticed several completely different aura fluctuations.

That kind of aura is left by powerful digital beings. They imprinted their marks and blessed this flying boat. On the one hand, it made the flying boat stronger, and on the other hand, it allowed the flying boat to have a limit speed. .

The flying boat flew in the air, and above the sky, the clouds and mist were torn apart easily. This is an incredible speed.

A figure in a purple robe stood proudly. It was an old man who looked to be in his fifties or sixties, with a fair face and an extraordinary bearing.

His name is Yue Dong, one of the top ten elders of the inner sect, with extraordinary cultivation and unfathomable combat power, this time, he accompanied him to the garden of all things.

Unlike Wantong, who always sees the head and never sees the end, this Yue Dong, because he is in charge of some specific matters of the inner sect, has dealt with many direct disciples.

At this time, those personal disciples surrounded him, humbly asking for advice, each with a respectful and cautious attitude.

In comparison, Jiang Chen, Ji Mobai, and Fang Qingxuan were ignored intentionally or unintentionally. Even since the flying boat set off, Yue Dong had never looked directly at the three of them. , as if they didn't exist.

Such a scene, in the eyes, no matter how indifferent the state of mind is, it will make Ji Mobai and Fang Qingxuan sigh with emotion.

It is said that personal disciples are blessed with various resources and enjoy endless benefits. It is really not just as simple as talking, but there is something to it.

Then Yue Dong, with his extraordinary status and haughty posture, how could ordinary people in the inner sect fall into his eyes?
Even though the three of Jiang Chen were among the top three in the Heavenly Ranking, Yue Dong still ignored them, and had no intention of taking a high view of them at all.

On the contrary, for the few direct disciples, Yue Dong let go of his airs, he smiled slightly, and answered all kinds of tedious little questions one by one, without the slightest bit of impatience.

How can this make Ji Mobai and Fang Qingxuan not feel emotional, in the eyes of others, they have reached the peak, but in the eyes of a powerful existence like Yue Dong, they can't even talk about the sense of existence.

"Brother Ji, hurry up and help me see, have I become handsome again?" Jiang Chen said to Ji Mobai, rubbing his face.


Ji Mobai was stunned and speechless. He had to say that Jiang Chen was very boring, and the questions he asked were also very boring.

"Brother Fang, then come and show me. You must tell the truth, otherwise I will turn my face at any time. After all, I have looked in the mirror before, so don't try to lie to me." Jiang Chen turned to ask Fang Qingxuan.

Fang Qingxuan laughed dumbfounded, and said, "Brother Jiang, you know, I've never been very keen on this aspect."

"That's right." Jiang Chen nodded, glanced at Fang Qingxuan, and said, "No way, who made you look so ugly."

The corner of Fang Qingxuan's mouth twitched, he didn't have to wait until Jiang Chen turned his face, he had the urge to turn his face now.

It is said that slapping people does not slap people in the face, but Jiang Chen is a slap in the face, he slapped him directly on the face. Is it necessary to remind him again and again that he is ugly?

After all, he doesn't want to be so ugly, does he?
It's really irritating, and I really want to turn my face.

"Extremely boring."

Over there, Jian Xiuming glanced over and said coldly.

Last time, in the arena, he fought against Jiang Chen, but was suppressed by Jiang Chen, causing his face to be disgraced. Therefore, Jian Xiuming was somewhat embarrassed when meeting this time, and deliberately ignored Jiang Chen's existence, so as not to , was kicked on the nose by Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen was talking to Ji Mobai and Fang Qingxuan, he was smug and narcissistic, he couldn't help it, Jian Xiuming's attention was attracted.

He sneered secretly, and really couldn't understand why a person like Jiang Chen would have unfavorable luck, and step by step, set foot on the peak of the first place in the list.

It's so unfair, isn't it?
"Jian Xiuming, tell me, what are you looking at?"

Jiang Chen immediately glanced at it, glared at it, and said bluffing.

Following Jiang Chen's words, Jian Xiuming immediately became furious, and the hairs on his back stood on end. This tone of speaking is too familiar, isn't it?As a result, Jian Xiuming was left with a psychological shadow. Hearing it, he felt scared and had a very bad premonition.

Jian Xiuming suddenly regretted that he was talking too much. Originally, just like he ignored Jiang Chen, he himself was also ignored by Jiang Chen. Between each other, well water does not interfere with river water, and they live in peace.

Now, being teased again made Jian Xiuming want to die, thinking to himself that he was too sad.

"Jiang Chen, don't you think you're too boring?" Jian Xiuming said coldly.

In front of so many people, especially Yue Dong here, Jian Xiuming naturally couldn't bow his head and give in just because of Jiang Chen's words.

"Can you answer my question? How idiot are you? Do you really not understand human speech? What are you looking at?" Jiang Chen said carelessly.

These words were undoubtedly irritating to death, and in an instant, Jian Xiuming's face flushed red, his eyes were bloodshot, and he wished he could rush forward and tear Jiang Chen apart.

Too much deception, is this trying to drive him to a dead end?
Little did they know that even if a rabbit was pushed into a hurry, it would bite people sometimes. Could it be that in Jiang Chen's eyes, he, Jian Xiuming, was not as good as a rabbit?

Jiang Chen was lazy to care about Jian Xiuming's thoughts. To him, this was Jian Xiuming's self-inflicted humiliation. If it wasn't for Jian Xiuming's talkativeness, how could he care about it?
Since he was humiliating himself, he would be embarrassed if he didn't humiliate him severely.

"Brother Jiang, enough is enough." Zhong Shenxiu spoke.

Jian Xiuming was so run on that he almost went crazy. From what he could see, Zhong Shenxiu couldn't bear it.

On the other hand, as the No.1 direct disciple, Zhong Shenxiu felt that she had the obligation to come forward, otherwise, letting Jian Xiuming be suppressed by Jiang Chen, wouldn't it be a joke for Yue Dong?
"Zhong Shenxiu, the so-called standing and talking without back pain refers to you. I think you must be the kind. When someone hits your left cheek, you take the initiative to send the right cheek to it?" Jiang Chen said with a smile .

"There's no need to get entangled in a little thing." Zhong Shenxiu said with indifferent eyes.

"I'm different from you. As a person, I always report my flaws." Jiang Chen said lazily.

While talking, Jiang Chen looked sideways at Zhong Shenxiu, and said, "I heard that you let people spread the news in the inner sect, saying that I am far from your opponent, and I am not qualified to fight with you. Is there such a thing? "

"Sure enough, flaws must be reported."

Hearing this, Zhong Shenxiu sighed inwardly.

Naturally, he would not be so boring. In fact, it was meaningless. Since it was meaningless, how could he do it?

Of course, I have heard such arguments, but I just didn't take them to heart. Just listen to them as a joke. There has never been a war. How to judge who is strong and who is weak?

Jiang Chen brought this matter up on the table. Obviously, this matter made Jiang Chen feel uncomfortable.

"Jiang Chen, what nonsense are you talking about, how could brother Zhong do such a thing?"

Before Jiang Chen could speak, someone couldn't sit still and jumped out. It was Luo Ding.

"It's just some gossip, but it's actually true. Jiang Chen, as the number one on the list, where is your magnanimity?"

Someone said again, it was Zhou Xinyu, who was talking in a strange way, ridiculing endlessly.

"You are so persistent about something that is nothing, are you afraid? From my point of view, it's just sternness."

Then Li Beiyuan also spoke, he said in a dark voice, his impression of Jiang Chen was terrible.

"What do you mean, this is, you want more people to bully you, don't you? Come on, let your horse come over and fight me, you'll be beaten all over the place." Jiang Chen yelled.

Suddenly, the three of Luo Ding were about to vomit blood.

When did they rely more on others and bully others less? They obviously couldn't stand it any longer, so they stood up to speak for Zhong Shenxiu. How could it be interpreted like this?

"Jiang Chen, you and I will have a battle sooner or later, don't be in a hurry, at that time, it will be natural to see each other." Zhong Shenxiu waved his hand, signaling Luo Ding and the others to back off, he said calmly.

"So that's why you poured dirty water on me?" Jiang Chen teased.

"It has nothing to do with me." Zhong Shenxiu explained, very seriously, unwilling to bear such a bad name.

It can be seen that Jiang Chen really must report his flaws, he is presumptuous and arrogant, and no one has ever paid attention to him.

"An explanation is a cover-up." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

Zhong Shenxiu's face changed, and in the depths of his eyes, there was a haze flooding quietly. He thought that he was low-key enough. Did this leave Jiang Chen with the impression that he was easy to bully?
Whether or not, it is necessary to act properly and deter them, otherwise, this trip will not be too peaceful.

"Ha ha……"

But at this moment, Yue Dong, who had never spoken a word, burst into laughter. He pointed at Jiang Chen, and said with a smile on his face, "Little guy, is that enough? Why bother playing with such small tricks."

"Elder Yue, is it really okay for you to slander me like this? Since when did I play tricks?" Jiang Chen refused to admit it.

"Before this trip, I met Mr. Wan once, and Mr. Wan told me to pay more attention to you." Yue Dong said.

There was a slight pause in the words, and he said with deep meaning: "Boy, do you know what this focus on means? And, why, you will become the object of focus."

"Probably because I'm too handsome." Jiang Chen said slowly.

Yue Dong's head is full of black lines, this bastard is really not a thing, in front of him, he is so unrestrained.

And at this moment, including Zhong Shenxiu and the others, their complexions all changed slightly, and the eyes they looked at Jiang Chen all became completely different...

(End of this chapter)

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