genius evil

Chapter 1375 Be Low-key

Chapter 1375 Be Low-key

Yue Dong said that Jiang Chen was the focus of his attention. These words are undoubtedly extremely thought-provoking and make people daydream.

This sentence can have many interpretations, for example, focus on monitoring Jiang Chen, and for example, focus on protecting Jiang Chen...

Whether it is supervision or protection, it undoubtedly highlights the importance of Jiang Chen. After all, even Zhong Shenxiu does not have such treatment.

At this moment, the mood of a group of people has become extremely complicated.

For Ji Mobai and Fang Qingxuan, it's okay to say that Jian Xiuming and the other six had a feeling of suffocation as if they had eaten dead flies.

As direct disciples, they had always looked down on the Heavenly Ranking, and Jiang Chen being number one on the Heavenly Ranking was not enough to make them have the slightest sense of awe.

Who would have thought that the importance of Jiang Chen's existence would be exalted so much, which is unacceptable.

"Elder Yue, that Elder Wan, but Elder Wantongwan?" Hesitating, Zhong Shenxiu asked.

"Exactly." Yue Dong nodded.

As one of the top ten elders in the inner sect, he also wanted to address him as Wan Lao to show respect. It was obvious how detached and extraordinary the other party's identity was.

Zhong Shenxiu heard Yue Dong mention Wan Lao, and had some associations, but he couldn't be sure, so he asked at this time, and when he was sure, he quietly took a deep breath.

That is the Seven Star Martial Academy, the first sequence of characters, the background is astonishing, comparable to the head of the martial arts academy.

This made Zhong Shenxiu puzzled, because after hearing that Wantong had a withdrawn personality, it was very difficult to deal with, but how could he repeatedly tell Yue Dong to focus on Jiang Chen?
What happened that was unknown that made Wantong value Jiang Chen so much?

"Wantong Wanlao?"

When Jian Xiuming and the others realized it, they were also gasping.

They have never dealt with Wantong, but they all know the existence of this person. He is the top three figure in the Seven Star Martial Academy. This is Jiang Chen. Has he got shit luck?

"It's really bad luck!"

Jian Xiuming almost blurted out a swear word, it's too embarrassing, isn't it?How can Jiang Chen enjoy such treatment?

It's confirmed, so what's the supervision, it's clearly to protect Jiang Chen.

Originally, Jiang Chen was arrogant and domineering, so wouldn't he want to go to heaven?

"That old man has no good intentions. He focuses on what I do. I'm such a low-key person, and I don't like high-profile people." Jiang Chen said.

"Bad old man?"

The corners of Yue Dong's eyes twitched, his whole body felt a little bad, did he hear wrong?Jiang Chen actually called Wantong a bad old man?
In fact, Yue Dong was deeply confused and curious about Wantong's instructions.

The first place in the Heaven Rankings certainly means that Jiang Chen's potential is astonishing, but it is far from enough for Wantong to pay attention to it, unless something unknown has happened.

However, since Wantong ordered it, Yue Dong must obey, and he will strictly follow Wantong's instructions.

This time, they went to the Garden of All Things together. This was the first time Yue Dong had dealt with Jiang Chen, and it could be said that he left a very deep impression... Naturally, it was Jiang Chen's intention to create a sense of presence.

That's right, what Jiang Chen did just now was to create a sense of presence.

This point, others can't see it, Yuedong people are old and sophisticated, how can they not see it because of their vicious eyes?
"Acting in a low-key manner is the right way." Not to delve into the issue of Jiang Chen's title, Yue Dong said seriously.

"This is exactly my usual style of doing things. Everyone knows how low-key I am." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"Is that really the case?" Yue Dong was somewhat a little bit dumbfounded.

He was telling Jiang Chen that if a tree is beautiful in the forest, the wind will destroy it, but Jiang Chen is good, so narcissistic.

This is the first time dealing with Jiang Chen, yes, but Jiang Chen, as the number one in the heavenly list, is highly anticipated, and the entire inner sect is all betting on it.

Yue Dong was naturally the same, he had heard many stories about Jiang Chen, which all showed that Jiang Chen was insulated from keeping a low profile.

"It's too shameless."

Jian Xiuming cursed in his heart, wishing he could rush up and point at Jiang Chen's nose to expose Jiang Chen's hypocritical mask. He thought that if Jiang Chen could be called low-key, I'm afraid no one would be high-key anymore.

"Of course, Lu Yao knows the horsepower, and sees people's hearts over time. Elder Yue, you don't know me well enough. When you get to know me better, you will know how humble I am." Jiang Chen was serious.

"It's so good." Yue Dong realized that he had nothing to say.


The flying boat shuttles through the void, tearing the void along the way, with extreme speed.

Unlike ordinary flying boats, which require a lot of energy to drive, this flying boat is engraved with the law, which can be called a battleship and does not need to consume any energy.

In this way, they hurried on their way non-stop for three full days, crossing the small half of the Eastern Great Territory. In the end, Jiang Chen and others appeared in Tianhai City, the capital of Tianfeng Empire.

Within the Eastern Great Territory, more than a dozen empires are side by side, and the Tianfeng Empire is one of them, located in the center of the Eastern Great Territory.

This time, the Garden of All Things was about to open, and people from all walks of life gathered in the Tianfeng Empire. On that day, Haicheng became very lively, and there were often strong fluctuations that attracted people's attention.

"Jiang Chen, remember, keep a low profile." After stepping off the flying boat, Yue Dong said.

"You can rest assured, I will keep a low profile to the end." Jiang Chen promised.

Then, Yue Dong said: "This wind and cloud gathering, the gathering of talents from all over the Eastern Great Region is a god-sent opportunity. You must seize the opportunity and form good karma. It will have infinite benefits for your future cultivation." the benefits of."


Zhong Shenxiu and others responded.

In fact, after stepping off the flying boat, they could all deeply feel how deep the water is here, even if it is a real dragon, it must be coiled.

The opening of the Garden of All Things is related to the entire Eastern Great Territory, and the Tianjiao Goddesses of more than a dozen empires have all descended. In this case, even if they come from the Seven Star Martial Academy, it can be said that they have no sense of superiority at all.

If one is not good, if one offends a powerful existence of a certain party, it will suffer a big loss.

This is also the reason why Yue Dong wants everyone to form good karma. He knows in his heart that these are geniuses, arrogant and energetic, and they must be beaten appropriately.

"Elder Yue, is that you? Haha..."

Suddenly, there was a sound of laughter, and immediately after that, an old man in gray robes, leading ten young men and women, came over.

The grey-robed old man had a smile on his face, as if seeing an old friend, very familiar and kind.

"Elder Dong, long time no see."

Looking at the sound, his pupils narrowed slightly, Yue Dong said.

Afterwards, Yue Dong introduced: "Elder Dong is the elder of Senluo Martial Arts Academy. He is highly respected, and his cultivation is unfathomable. Even I am invincible."

"It's too much, it's really too much." Dong Yunhai said with a smile, seemingly modest, but in fact, very arrogant.

"Sen Luo Martial Arts Academy?"

Jiang Chen and the others looked over.

The Senluo Martial Academy is the number one martial academy in the Black Dragon Empire. Because the Black Dragon Empire borders the Great Qin Empire, the Senluo Martial Academy and the Seven Star Martial Academy have communicated from time to time. .

Generally speaking, this Senluo Martial Arts Academy is an existence no less profound than the Seven Star Martial Arts Academy. During the exchange process, it has achieved good results several times.

Dong Yunhai can be regarded as an old acquaintance of Yue Dong. Of course, the relationship cannot be as good as it seems on the surface, which is quite grudge.

After all, from a certain point of view, Senluo Martial Academy and Seven Star Martial Academy are in direct competition. No matter how friendly they are on the surface, it is too common for them to turn around and get stabbed in the back.

Undoubtedly, those young men and women who came with Dong Yunhai are the ten strongest people in Senluo Martial Academy.

They are all the favored sons of heaven, so it is inevitable that their eyes are higher than the top. Since they came here, those ten people have all looked very arrogant, as if they can't learn to look people straight.

"Brother Zhong, I found that these guys have eye problems just like you." Jiang Chen said carelessly.

"Really?" Zhong Shenxiu smiled.

As soon as Jiang Chen opened his mouth, Zhong Shenxiu knew that something was going to happen, but he was extremely willing to cooperate.

No way, who made those ten guys all have eyes that grew to the top of their heads? Not only was Jiang Chen unhappy, but he was also very unhappy.

Since the eyes grow to the top of the head, it is undoubtedly reasonable to say that there is a problem with the eyes, isn't it?
"That's true." Jiang Chen nodded, "It's a pity, they are all blind. Could it be that Senluo Martial Arts Academy recruits students without any threshold at all? Any kind of kitten or puppy can enter?"

"Shut up for me, or I will kill you?"

Someone was furious, it was a thin young man, he was staring at Jiang Chen, his eyes almost burst into flames.

When Jiang Chen said these words, the scope of the blow was not too wide. He directly ridiculed all ten of them. How could he bear it?

"Be low-key, little brother, look at me, don't you just keep a low profile?" Jiang Chen said calmly.

The skinny boy looked at Jiang Chen, as if seeing a ghost in broad daylight, did Jiang Chen keep a low profile?

Saying something out of the mouth is almost an open provocation. If so, it can be called low-key, so how can it be high-key?
"Apologize, otherwise, you will be very miserable." The skinny boy said.

"It's said that one should keep a low profile, don't you understand? Could it be that not only the eyes have problems, but the ears also have problems?" Jiang Chen said slowly, completely not taking the thin boy's threat to heart.

"It's such a pity, could it be that there is no one in the Black Dragon Empire? This kind of guy with problems all over his body can also enter the Senluo Martial Arts Academy. It's too depraved." Jiang Chen said with hatred.

"You are courting death!"

A thin and small boy, extremely angry, eloquent, ten of him added up, it is impossible for him to be Jiang Chen's opponent.

"Cui Ning, calm down." Dong Yunhai said aloud, he took a deep look at Jiang Chen, and said in a deep voice: "Little guy, you have a sharp mouth."

"You are wrong, I am very low-key." Jiang Chen corrected seriously.

"Hmph!" Dong Yunhai sneered, and said to Yue Dong: "Elder Yue, your Seven Star Martial Academy is really, getting more and more amazing."

After the words fell, Dong Yunhai led his people away, and Yue Dong was also shot while lying down. He finally understood the meaning of focusing on Jiang Chen.

This guy is a bomb, if you don't pay attention, it will explode...

(End of this chapter)

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