genius evil

Chapter 1376 Fortune Jade Plate

Chapter 1376 Fortune Jade Plate
"Jiang Chen, you brat, you are truly lawless."

Pointing a finger at Jiang Chen, Yue Dong blew his beard and stared. Of course, he didn't have a beard, so the corner of his mouth was twitching. It seemed that he had endured very hard, otherwise he would have yelled at him.

Yue Dong felt helpless and had a bad premonition that this trip was destined not to be too peaceful.

Jiang Chen had just come to Tianhai City, and he had completely offended the Senluo Martial Academy. This kind of skill in mobilizing hatred is not incompetent. It is really unimaginable. How many people will be offended by Jiang Chen in the future?

In that way, even if he wanted to clean up the mess, he probably couldn't.

"Elder Yue, how can such a low-key person like me do lawless things." Jiang Chen was extremely innocent, and said with a smile, "Elder Yue, you must know good from bad, I am clearly venting my anger on you ah."

"Are you venting your anger on me?"

Yue Dong was stunned, how could Jiang Chen's words mean it was for his own good?

"Naturally, I want to vent my anger on you, Elder Yue. That Dong Yunhai is like [-] yuan. Presumably, you have been angry with Elder Yue in the past, right? I just can't stand it anymore. This is the way to stand up. The voice of justice." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

In the end, Jiang Chen said that in fact, he is a very low-key person, even if someone rides on his head to shit and pee, he can bear it as long as he can.

This time, it was all because of Yue Dong.

Yue Dong was so angry, his face was blue and purple, and he had a strong urge to suppress Jiang Chen with a palm.

This kid is really eloquent. After all, even if the blame falls on him, he has to recite it, and he has to recite it if he doesn't.

"You must keep a low profile." Gritting his teeth, Yue Dong said bitterly, warning Jiang Chen again and again, and then admonishing him, if there is a next time, he will never be merciless.

"There won't be a next time. I'm really keeping a low profile." Jiang Chen said, looking at that posture, he almost raised his right hand to swear, it was so sincere that people couldn't find faults.


The Molong Empire borders the Great Qin Empire, and Senluo Martial Academy and Seven Star Martial Academy had a lot of exchanges in the past. The two sides have contacts with each other, but it is hard to say which one is stronger and which is weaker.

The people from the Senluo Martial Academy showed up, all arrogant and defiant, which made everyone in the Seven Star Martial Academy very unhappy.

After all, if an outsider who doesn't know the inside story sees this scene, he probably thinks that the Seven Star Martial Academy is not as good as the Senluo Martial Academy, right?
It was rare for the strong man on the Tianbang and his personal disciples to share a common hatred, and that was Jian Xiuming, who looked at Jiang Chen with a feeling, which was much more pleasing to the eye.

After a while, Yue Dong led ten people to a restaurant.

However, before he could enter, Jiang Chen noticed that a pair of eyes that were bigger than copper bells were angrily scanning him.

The owner of those eyes is none other than Cui Ning, a skinny young man from Senluo Martial Arts Academy.

"Boy, your eye problem is getting more and more serious, hurry up and get it fixed." Jiang Chen said in a good tone.

"Before, because Elder Dong was here, I gave Elder Dong a face. Now, if you dare to offend me again, I will kill you." Cui Ning said darkly.

He had been offended by Jiang Chen before, but now he was very surprised that he met him again so quickly. It was inevitable that he looked at Jiang Chen with strange eyes.

"I'm very low-key, you'd better not shout and kill in front of me." Jiang Chen said slowly.

"Are you afraid? Then apologize to me. Maybe you can spare your dog's life. Remember, what I said is, kneel down and beg for mercy, and knock three times, otherwise, it won't count." Cui Ning teased endlessly said.

"It turns out that you also have brain problems." Jiang Chen suddenly realized.


Cui Ning was furious, and with a movement of his feet, he rushed towards Jiang Chen. He was very domineering, and his seemingly thin body actually contained terrifying energy.

Under this movement, the energy exploded, extremely ferocious. Judging from the situation, it was clear that Jiang Chen was going to be suppressed in one fell swoop. It could not be said that he was not arrogant.

"Elder Yue, can I make a move? After all, I'm too low-key." Jiang Chen sighed and asked Yue Dong.

The corners of Yue Dong's mouth twitched again. In fact, he was extremely displeased at the moment. This Cui Ning, alone, dared to act presumptuously under his nose.

In his eyes, there is still the Seven Star Martial Academy, but there is still him, the elder of the martial arts academy?
Even if Dong Yunhai came here in person, how dare he be so arrogant?
"Jiang Chen, teach me a casual lesson, don't kill people." Yue Dong said.

Cui Ning took the lead and looked at no one in sight. From Yue Dong's point of view, he must be taught a lesson. Otherwise, if the incident spreads out, where will the Seven Star Martial Academy's face go?
"That's right." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

After finishing the words, Jiang Chen raised his hand and struck out, directly colliding with Cui Ning.


The explosion happened, and the billowing air wave swept all directions, causing a turbulent impact. Cui Ning was shocked and swept back, but in an instant, he came rushing again.

Moreover, Cui Ning's attack became more and more violent. Obviously, because of the first attack, he failed to suppress Jiang Chen and completely enraged him.

"Go away." Jiang Chen shouted, and struck out with the same palm. This is the third form of Mie Shen Palm.


Cui Ning was sent flying again by the shock, landed, and opened his mouth to vomit blood. His eyes were blood red, and he stared at Jiang Chen like crazy.

"You are destined to die, destined to be miserable." Cui Ning said frantically.

"I'm really curious, just because of you, how can you have the courage to shout in front of us? Or, Senluo Martial Academy, are all three-legged cats like you?" Jiang Chen said in bewilderment.

It wasn't just Jiang Chen who was puzzled, the way Yue Dong and the others looked at Cui Ning also became a little strange.

This is because Cui Ning only possessed a mere cultivation base in the late stage of Guiyuan Realm, and he has not even broken through the threshold of skin transformation.

This kind of existence may be considered good in other places, but this time, Senluo Martial Arts Academy gave Cui Ning such a precious spot, which is surprising.

After all, to put it bluntly, with this level of cultivation, looking at the celestial rankings of the Seven Star Martial Academy, they can only be ranked last.

What's more, with Cui Ning's strength, he is so arrogant, which is even more surprising. After all, what is his reliance?
"Who am I, you will know immediately." Cui Ning Yinjiu said, and suddenly saw a light and shadow emerging from the palm of his right hand.

Light and shadows emerge, initially gray, and instantly burst into light, forming an energy vortex. The vortex spins wildly, evolves rapidly, and evolves into an energy storm...

This change was completed in an instant, and in an instant, Cui Ning's whole person looked completely different.

With a sneer on the corner of his mouth, Cui Ning swept his eyes across, looking at Jiang Chen and the others, as if they were looking at a dead person.


Such a scene fell in his eyes, Yue Dong's pupils shrank, he was shocked and had an association.

It was a magic weapon, but it was so extraordinary that it reminded Yue Dong of the heavy weapon of Senluo Martial Arts Academy. Even the one in Cui Ning's hand might not be the real one, but even if it was a counterfeit, its power is astonishing.

"So dependent?"

Yue Dong thought to himself, the way he looked at Cui Ning gradually became more weird.

"Boy, you can die."

Cui Ning was talking, and he raised his palm forward, and out of his palm, a palm-sized magic weapon flew out. It looked like jade but not jade. It was made of special material. It looked like a disc or a jade saucer.

"Sure enough, it is a jade plate of fortune." Yue Dong sighed softly.

The good fortune jade plate was sacrificed by Cui Ning, which rolled up an energy storm and tore the void in all directions. It was amazing and extraordinary.

The surging energy turned into a sea of ​​energy, the void was being annihilated, and the supreme destructive aura was imminent, covering Jiang Chen.


A golden light emerged from the surface of the body, and the Pure Yang Cauldron floated in the air, suspended above Jiang Chen's head.

It has to be said that Jiang Chen was surprised again. Cui Ning actually possessed such a treasure. This is clearly a suppressive magic weapon. Once suppressed, it will instantly turn into flesh and blood.

From this, it is not difficult to see how amazing the lethality is.

"No wonder, so arrogant." Jiang Chen said to himself.

The Chunyang Cauldron was sacrificed, Jiang Chen had the Chunyang Cauldron on his head, how could he just wait to be beaten, he launched an attack, very savagely, broke through the suppression domain formed by the good luck jade plate, and appeared in front of Cui Ning.


Raising his hand, he slapped Cui Ning on the face, sending Cui Ning flying, spurting blood and flying teeth.

This was not enough, Jiang Chen chased forward, kicked out, and heard a few crackling sounds, Cui Ning's whole body's bones, I don't know how many bones were broken.

"If you want to suppress me, what kind of thing are you? I would like to advise you, hurry up and take a piss to see what kind of virtue you are. I can beat ten of you with one hand." Jiang Chen said cursingly, simply With one punch, Cui Ning was hit like a kite with a broken string, and his body was about to be shattered.

"Remember, one hits ten." Jiang Chen still yelled.


A stern voice came through the air, and there was the sound of the wind, and a figure was seen flying over the air, and it was Dong Yunhai.

Dong Yunhai came out, his face was ashen, he glanced at Cui Ning, his eyes suddenly sank, and landed on Jiang Chen.

"Boy, you can tell me now, how do you want to die?"

Dong Yunhai's eyes boiled with murderous intent, which was an expression of extreme anger. Obviously, because Cui Ning was injured by Jiang Chen, he was completely enraged. This was a plan to make Jiang Chen, Take your life to arrive.

"Is it okay to not die?" Jiang Chen said in a discussing tone.

"If you don't want to die, that's up to you." Dong Yunhai sneered.

So naive isn't it?Could it be that he thinks he has the right to bargain in front of him?
Even in the Seven Star Martial Academy, no matter how talented he is, he is like an ant in front of him. A slap in the face is enough to kill him, leaving no bones left.

"But I really don't want to die." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"Too much nonsense." Dong Yunhai said more lazily, as soon as the thunder moved, he was about to strike!

(End of this chapter)

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