genius evil

Chapter 1377: Toasting, not eating, drinking and punishing

Chapter 1377: Toasting, not eating, drinking and punishing

"Dong Yunhai, what do you mean? Is it possible that I, Yuedong, just don't exist in your eyes?"

With a quick movement, Yue Dong blocked Jiang Chen and Dong Yunhai. He stared at Dong Yunhai with a gloomy expression.

From Yue Dong's point of view, the fight between Jiang Chen and Cui Ning was at best a matter between juniors. At this time, Dong Yunhai stepped in, and the nature undoubtedly changed drastically immediately, becoming a battle between the Seven Star Martial Academy and the Senluo Martial Academy. contradictions between.

After all, to a certain extent, Dong Yunhai's position represents the position of Senluo Martial Arts Academy, and it is destined that Dong Yunhai's every move will be imprinted with the brand of Senluo Martial Arts Academy.

Moreover, Jiang Chen only wounded Cui Ning, it was nothing, and he would recover in a few days. Dong Yunhai's opening was to kill Jiang Chen.

Therefore, Yue Dong had no choice but to stand up.

"Yue Dong, you want to stop me, right? Do you think you can stop me? Things that are beyond your control, get out of the way as soon as possible, so as not to make mistakes!" Dong Yunhai said, in a dismissive tone.

"If you can stop it or not, you'll know if you try it." Yue Dong wouldn't budge an inch, it was impossible for him to let Dong Yunhai attack Jiang Chen right under his nose.

"Dong Yunhai, I have to remind you, before doing anything, think about what the consequences will be." Yue Dong said again.

"You guys from Seven Star Martial Academy like to talk nonsense so much?" Looking sideways at Yue Dong, Dong Yunhai was very arrogant, it was clear that he didn't take Yue Dong to heart.

This made Yue Dong feel aggrieved. He admits that there is a gap between him and Dong Yunhai, but if he fights to the death, it is unknown who is stronger and who is weaker. He does not think Dong Yunhai has the capital to be arrogant in front of him.

"Dong Yunhai, you can treat my words as nonsense, as long as you think you can bear the consequences, you can do whatever you want and kill anyone you want." Yue Dong said angrily.


Dong Yunhai snorted coldly, his eyes flickered slightly.

Yue Dong can understand the problem, he naturally understands it very well, knowing that, with his own identity, he is not suitable to make a move.

But if he didn't make a move, wouldn't Cui Ning be beaten in vain?

Looking at Jiang Chen again, he was very leisurely, and he didn't care about it all over. Dong Yunhai was very upset when he saw it, thinking that he deserved a beating.

"Boy, I won't make it difficult for you, just accept my move. If you don't die, this account will be written off." Instead, Dong Yunhai said.

According to his wish, he wanted to kill Jiang Chen by any means, but considering the impact, he had to make a certain degree of concession, which was considered a compromise.

"No, I don't agree, how can one move be enough to blow him up!"

Cui Ning rushed over and said unrelentingly.

"I, Cui Ning, am not easy to bully. If you dare to attack me, you are destined to die a miserable death. No matter what your identity or background, there is no exception."

Cui Ning is very arrogant. In fact, he was seriously injured and embarrassed, but he was still rebellious.

"That's right, the people from Senluo Wuyuan are not easy to bully, and they must pay the price, blood debt."

Those disciples of Senluo Martial Arts Academy who showed up with Dong Yunhai all spoke out, each and every one of them was aggrieved.

"Blood debt, that's a bit interesting." Jiang Chen narrowed his eyes and chuckled, and said slowly, "It seems that I'm still too merciful."

"Boy, don't speak wild words, you are not far from death."

Pointing at Jiang Chen with a finger, Cui Ning said so.

He was very arrogant, not pretending, but from the bottom of his heart, he was very arrogant, never took Jiang Chen seriously, even if he was beaten badly by Jiang Chen.

"Yue Dong, this is my maximum concession, what do you think?" Dong Yunhai asked Yue Dong, ignoring the dispute between Jiang Chen and Cui Ning.

Because in his opinion, even a mere move would be enough for Jiang Chen.

If Jiang Chen was unlucky, he would be suppressed and killed with one move.

"I disagree." Without even thinking about it, Yue Dong just denied it.

He and Dong Yunhai exist at the same level, both of them, the strong man in the late stage of Mortal Transformation Realm, has undergone a complete transformation.

Once he agreed to Dong Yunhai's conditions, Yue Dong didn't think that Jiang Chen would have a way out.

It was clear that Dong Yunhai wanted to kill Jiang Chen, it was impossible, and he was merciful.

"I don't want to drink fine wine for a toast, do you really treat me as Dong Yunhai, so I'm easy to talk to?" Dong Yunhai's face turned livid.

He thought that he made a mistake and backed down, which was to give Yue Dong face, but Yue Dong didn't know good from bad.

The two sides were at a stalemate, and neither of them planned to give in again. The scene became a little weird. Dong Yunhai glanced at Jiang Chen as if nothing, his eyes flashed with cold sternness.

"Haha, it's so lively, what happened?"

Until, an unharmonious voice came, and the stalemate was finally broken.

A young man, waving a folding fan lightly, came slowly. Behind him, there were four entourages, shouting and embracing, giving people a feeling of being surrounded by stars.

This man has sword-like brows and star-eyed eyes, with an extraordinary temperament, a noble air, and a kind of indescribable elegance in his gestures.

"It turned out to be everyone from the Seven Star Martial Academy and the Senluo Martial Academy. Disrespect, disrespect."

Coming closer and looking at it, the young man smiled slightly and bowed his hands, very polite.

"Who are you? Who told you to talk? Get lost!"

Suddenly, Cui Ning yelled, he was extremely upset, this young man ran over to put on a show, it was one hundred and ten thousand, it was not pleasing to the eye.


Almost as soon as he finished speaking, he slapped Cui Ning on the face.

"Little guy, this truth comes from your mouth, has no one taught you?"

Behind the young man, a middle-aged man struck out with incredible speed. Even Dong Yunhai failed to respond effectively at the first time. That slap landed on Cui Ning's face, knocking Cui Ning Half of Ning's face was swollen, leaving five red finger marks.


Cui Ning screamed, what is this, is it a bad year?
It was fine to be beaten up by Jiang Chen, but now, he was slapped in front of Dong Yunhai. This was an unprecedented humiliation, and it made Cui Ning go crazy.

"Elder Dong, kill, kill him!" Cui Ning howled, urging Dong Yunhai to kill him.

"I want to kill my Highness, boy, you are very interesting." The young man smiled, and Shi Shiran said, "Did I remember wrongly? Could it be that this is not the Tianhai City of the Tianfeng Empire, but the Molong Empire? So, my Highness Turned into fish on other people's chopping boards, you can do whatever you want, shout and kill?"

"What kind of bullshit Your Highness, bullshit doesn't make sense, offend me, whoever you are, kill them all." Cui Ning said dismissively, very arrogant.

"To shut up!"

Dong Yunhai scolded, wishing he could slap Cui Ning on the face too.

The young man's words were already blunt and couldn't be more blunt, and he was short of telling him his identity and origin directly.Cui Ning didn't realize the hidden meaning, which made Dong Yunhai so angry.

"Prince of the Tianfeng Empire, Shen Anhe." Dong Yunhai said silently in his heart.

"Why should you shut up? It's him who should shut up, Elder Dong. Stop talking nonsense and act quickly to kill him!" Cui Ning yelled.

"Tell you to shut up, are you deaf?" Dong Yunhai's face turned black, and then he said to Shen Anhe: "So it's the prince of the Tianfeng Empire, I'm disrespectful."

"It's nothing to be disrespectful, it's because someone is yelling at me, beating me and killing me." Shen Anhe said slowly, staring at Cui Ning, looking and looking, his eyes were very playful, it was clearly looking at an ant, Only eyes.

Suddenly, Dong Yunhai felt bad, knowing that Cui Ning's words just now offended Shen Anhe completely, which was undoubtedly very difficult and a big trouble.

It's not that Dong Yunhai has so much fear and fear towards Shen Anhe. Although he is the prince of the empire, Senluo Martial Academy has a background that is not inferior to that of the imperial family. Moreover, it is closely related to the Molong Empire. Shen Anhe's status is aloof, but he may not be able to bully others.

However, as Shen Anhe said, this is the Tianfeng Empire, not the Molong Empire.

Shen Anhe has the home court advantage, backed by the royal family, how can anyone in the world not sell it, how thin is it?

Under such circumstances, no matter how powerful Senluo Martial Arts Academy is, it must give face. At least, on the surface, Shen Anhe's face must be decent.

"Just kidding, Your Highness doesn't need to care about it." Dong Yunhai said so.

"Is it really a joke? But why, do I have a bad feeling?" Shen Anhe said with a smile, it was obvious that he did not intend to expose the matter easily.

"Apologize!" Upon hearing this, Dong Yunhai said to Cui Ning.

At this time, Cui Ning was a little surprised when he learned of Shen Anhe's identity, but he was not convinced, but he was not an idiot after all, and he knew the pros and cons of this matter, so he reluctantly said: "It's mine. wrong."

"Ha ha……"

Shen Anhe smiled again, and said: "That's too polite. Speaking of which, His Highness is just walking casually, relaxing, watching the excitement, and not planning to provoke anyone. If you have anything to do, just continue."

After speaking, Shen Anhe strode away, very chic.

"Boy, it's all you."

After Shen Anhe left, Cui Ning found Jiang Chen in trouble, thinking that it was because of Jiang Chen that he offended Shen Anhe, and he had to bow his head and apologize.

"Isn't that enough? Let's go!"

Dong Yunhai said coldly, just now when he came to Tianhai City, Cui Ning caused trouble, and the person he provoked was still the imperial family. Dong Yunhai was also annoyed, and he didn't have the heart to trouble Jiang Chen any more, so he led the people away.

"Don't even think about leaving, fight for three hundred rounds." Jiang Chen said loudly.

Staggering under his feet, Cui Ning almost spewed blood, it was so annoying, is it because he is easy to bully?Everyone is a bully, it's really unbearable!

"walk into."

I heard Yue Dong also urged, in fact, it is a headache, Cui Ning is very good at causing trouble, but Jiang Chen is an expert in causing trouble. Fortunately, Shen Anhe showed up and was accidentally offended by Cui Ning, otherwise today's matter, I really don't know how to end it...

(End of this chapter)

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