genius evil

Chapter 1379

Chapter 1379
Cui Ning asked Zhang Yu and Yan Di to monitor Jiang Chen and wait for the opportunity for Jiang Chen to place orders.

Originally, Cui Ning thought that such an opportunity would come after a few days. He was already mentally prepared and no longer rushed.

After all, even if Jiang Chen is an idiot, he should understand that it is impossible for him to let it go.If you don't want to die, you will naturally be much more peaceful in the short term.

But what Cui Ning didn't expect was that the opportunity would come so quickly. After a few hours, Jiang Chen walked out of the restaurant alone when it was dark.

That inevitably made Cui Ning suspicious, could it be that Jiang Chen is really an idiot?

After receiving replies from Zhang Yu and Yan Di, Cui Ning did not stop, and chased after him. Then, a more interesting scene happened. Jiang Chen actually took a fork in the road and appeared in a secluded place.

The occurrence of this kind of situation made Cui Ning feel that God was helping him, and that Jiang Chen was destined to die at his hands.

"The road is facing the sky, let's go each side, little brother Cui Ning, is it really okay for you to speak so bluntly?" Jiang Chen was puzzled.

Cui Ning suspected that he was an idiot, but he affirmed it. Cui Ning is a real idiot. He speaks and does things without thinking.

This made Jiang Chen very puzzled, how did this thing grow so big?
"You are a dying person, what can't you say?" Cui Ning said indifferently.

"Okay, then I'll just say it straight, I'm waiting for you to come to my door to seek death." Jiang Chen had no choice but to be honest.


Hearing this, Cui Ning was surprised for a while, and then burst out laughing. He looked at Jiang Chen as if he was insane, and said dismissively: "Pretending to be a ghost."

"I'm serious, please believe in my sincerity." Jiang Chen said.


After thinking about it carefully, suddenly, Cui Ning was like that, and couldn't laugh anymore.

Because, he suddenly realized that there was an indescribable coincidence everywhere in what happened tonight. In fact, after connecting so many coincidences together, there was an unusual and weird taste.

Jiang Chen walked out of the restaurant alone, and appeared here out of nowhere. Obviously, it was not accidental, but intentional.

"You are so cowardly." Cui Ning was angry.

He brought people to kill Jiang Chen, but Jiang Chen, on the other hand, regarded him as the target to hunt and kill, which made Cui Ning a little hard to accept.

The complexions of Zhang Yu and Yan Di also became unsightly, and the two secretly became vigilant, whether there were other arrangements for the embankment of Jiang Chen.

Otherwise, if you are caught off guard, it will be very miserable.

"Don't be nervous, I'm alone." Seeing the reactions of Zhang Yu and Yan Di, Jiang Chen comforted him, and then said to Cui Ning, "Dogs are good friends of human beings, why are you talking like this? That's fine, for a while, I'll just beat your human head into a dog's head."

"How dare you be presumptuous by yourself?" Cui Ning laughed loudly.

Like Zhang Yuyandi, he was worried that he would fall into Jiang Chen's elaborate trap. If he failed to kill Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen would take it all at once.

At this time, Jiang Chen admitted that there was only one person. No matter whether Jiang Chen was full of confidence or had other ideas, Cui Ning was greatly relieved.


Cui Ning felt more and more that Jiang Chen was a complete idiot.

After all, even if he was alone, why bother to admit it in such a hurry, if he didn't admit it, they would inevitably be tied up in a fight, and Jiang Chen would, so he could take advantage of it.

Such a high-profile acknowledgment, in Cui Ning's view, is undoubtedly pushing himself to a dead end with his own hands.

"Beat your head into a dog's head, right? Jiang Chen, I think your suggestion is quite good. I accept it. After a while, I will beat you into a dog's head, and then make you look like a dog. Crawl on your feet, slowly crush and kill." Cui Ning said ferociously.

"It's kind of interesting. I thought you were prepared, but you didn't think about it. If you are so arrogant, you are destined to end badly." That Zhang Yu, Shi Shiran said.

Seven Star Martial Academy, ten places, Jiang Chen is one of those ten people, and Jiang Chen and Cui Ning had a battle, so Zhang Yu has no doubts about Jiang Chen's strength.

But so what?
One-on-three, no matter how strong Jiang Chen is, it will be useless, and there is no chance of heaven-defying chance.

"Jiang Chen, if I were you, I would kill myself, otherwise, you will die without dignity." Yan Di said, very relaxed, talking and laughing happily, showing extreme contempt.

"When you hear that I'm alone, you want to bully me? Please, don't be so naive, okay?" Jiang Chen was speechless.

Couldn't these three guys think of something else, like him being confident?

Could it be that Jiang Chen looked like he was here to die?
Clearly, he came to kill.

However, Jiang Chen was still deeply regretful.

Tonight, the reason why he walked out of the restaurant alone was to go fishing. He knew that Cui Ning and the others would not let go of the opportunity to do it.

This can be considered deliberate, for the purpose of catching a big fish, but it was only a small fish like Cui Ning and the others, Jiang Chen took it seriously, he didn't look down on it at all.

"What a pity." Jiang Chen murmured.

He was still thinking about catching Dong Yunhai and killing him in one fell swoop, so as to avoid future troubles forever. After all, he is a strong man in the late stage of the Mortal Transformation Realm, and the threat to him is not insignificant. It is like a time bomb, which may explode at any time Therefore, it is necessary to strike first and kill all hidden dangers in the cradle.

"It's really you." Cui Ning's tone was very dark, and he said domineeringly: "Jiang Chen, you have a last word. If you have any, please say it quickly. After finishing speaking, it's time to go on the road."

"Don't worry, I have something to say." Jiang Chen waved his hand, signaling Cui Ning to calm down, and then said in a negotiating tone: "Where is that old guy Dong Yunhai, you three, who can call him over. "

"The three of us are enough to kill you," Cui Ning said.

"Wouldn't it be easier and more enjoyable for four people to kill me together, hurry up and call him over." Jiang Chen said.

"Jiang Chen, do you think you didn't die fast enough?"

Cui Ning was very speechless. Why did Jiang Chen speak in such a tone that he could not wait to seek death? Was he making a mistake?
"Do you have to tell me directly that the three of you are not my opponents before you are willing to call someone over?" Jiang Chen said helplessly.

"He's about to die, yet he still dares to speak hard." Cui Ning couldn't listen any longer, and greeted: "Zhang Yu, Yan Di, you and I will fight together, remember, don't let him die too fast, I want Live."

"it is good."

Both Zhang Yu and Yan Di nodded, both of them were eager to try, and after Cui Ning said this, they did not hesitate to cull them, and launched the strongest offensive.

Cui Ning was also strong, even though he was seriously injured, he still made a move, sacrificed the jade plate of good fortune, and stepped forward to suppress it.

"Big beauty, it's your turn."

Seeing the three of them approaching to kill, Jiang Chen said slowly.

Then, as Jiang Chen's voice fell, a dazzling white light suddenly appeared, and then, a peerless and beautiful figure walked out of the white light.

She is so magnificent that she cannot be stared at. After she appeared, Kong Kong stretched out her hand and patted her lightly, blocking all the attacks of Cui Ning and the others.

"Jiang Chen, have you thought about it clearly? You can do it yourself for these three people." The woman was surprised when she was summoned.

Just for these three small trash fishes, is Jiang Chen going to waste a chance to save his life?Could it be too hasty?

"Actually, I miss you, my goddess." Jiang Chen said affectionately.


The woman slapped out again, which was very sad, Zhang Yu and Yan Di were unlucky, they were suppressed and killed in an instant, and they didn't understand what happened until they died.

Seeing the instant death of Zhang Yu and Yan Di, Cui Ning's heart skipped a beat and almost jumped out of his chest.

This is too terrifying, beyond the limit of imagination, it was just a random shot, and the two strong men who stepped into the Mortal Transformation Realm with one and a half feet were wiped out.

What kind of strength is this, it's so amazing, it makes him heartbroken.

"Jiang Chen, if you dare to talk nonsense again, this will be your end." The woman said indifferently.

She couldn't do anything to Jiang Chen, so Zhang Yu and Yan Di could only be unlucky. Of course, she also suspected that Jiang Chen did this on purpose. In short, no matter what, Zhang Yu and Yan Di would be unlucky.

"Big beauty, what I said is so sincere, how can it be nonsense?" Jiang Chen refused to let go, sighed softly, and said, "Okay, if you don't like it, then don't say much, what about this guy, you can hit him casually Just one slap is enough, I still want to beat him into a dog's head."

The woman was kind, and without even looking, she crippled Cui Ning with one palm, and then, her figure was illusory, entering the portrait of the goddess.


It wasn't until the woman disappeared that Cui Ning screamed.

I don't know how many bones in his body were shattered, like a puddle of mud, limp on the ground, completely ruined, extremely miserable.

"Bang bang bang..."

Regardless, Jiang Chen kicked Cui Ning's head until it turned into a dog's head, and then stopped.

"Remember, never insult a dog again in the future." Jiang Chen said seriously.

At this moment, Cui Ning didn't have any thoughts to pay attention to these trivial matters. He screamed louder, took a big breath of air-conditioning, and said indistinctly: "Jiang Chen, you can't kill me, I am Senluo Martial Academy Dean’s descendants, if you want to kill me, no one can save you. I advise you, heal my wounds quickly, or you will not end well.”

"Oh, at this time, you still dare to threaten me, what admirable courage." Jiang Chen's expression was strange.

At the same time, Jiang Chen also understood what Cui Ning relied on. The descendants of the headmaster of Senluo Martial Academy, indeed, had the capital of arrogance.

But so what, could it be that for this kind of sake, he can still be lenient?As everyone knows, this is accelerating the process of death.

Without hesitation, Jiang Chen stepped out again, reaping Cui Ning's life, without even looking at Cui Ning's body, Jiang Chen stretched out his big hand, and he grabbed a storage bag in his hand .

Forcibly breaking the taboo of the storage bag, a jade plate appeared in Jiang Chen's palm, it was the fortune jade plate...

(End of this chapter)

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