genius evil

Chapter 1380

Chapter 1380

"As expected, an extremely poor imitation."

Jiang Chen poured his spiritual consciousness into it and checked it. After a while, he studied the good fortune jade plate in his hand thoroughly.

Regarding this, Jiang Chen was not surprised.

After all, the good fortune jade plate is the important weapon of Senluo Martial Arts Academy, how could it be brought out casually?

Furthermore, with Cui Ning's cultivation at the late stage of Guiyuan Realm, this kind of rare treasure will make many people jealous.

If everyone is innocent, he is guilty of conceiving Bi, but on the contrary, he killed Cui Ning.

"It's too rubbish, it's useless to keep it." Jiang Chen said, crushing it casually, and then shot three fires of true essence to destroy the corpse and wipe out the traces.

Since Dong Yunhai was not caught this time and the threat still exists, what Jiang Chen has to do now is to try his best to reduce the threat to a controllable range.

In this way, Jiang Chen couldn't let Dong Yunhai know that Cui Ning and the others died at his hands.

After all, it is impossible for him to grandly summon the woman in the portrait of the goddess anytime, anywhere. It is too conspicuous and will attract many hateful eyes.

"Big beauty, it's getting more and more enjoyable to cooperate with you." Jiang Chen smiled strangely.

Today, he summoned the woman in the portrait of the goddess. From the woman's point of view, it was a waste of an opportunity, but they didn't know that the entanglement between the two was getting deeper and deeper.

It's just that the women in the portraits of the goddess have never realized this.

Cooperation again and again, favor after favor, such subtle influences are everywhere. This is intentional calculation and unintentional calculation. How can the woman escape the fate of being a thug?
Unless, one day, the shattered soul fragments gather together, and the woman walks out from the portrait of the goddess and has a free body.

But that day, after all, was too far away, even though Jiang Chen was always full of confidence, but in this matter, it was hard to say, and he was completely sure.

Jiang Chen left. On the ground, except for the three piles of ashes, it seemed that nothing had happened.

After walking far away, Jiang Chen suddenly slapped his hands casually, creating a strong wind, and the ashes were blown away, leaving no traces.

In the same way, Jiang Chen returned to the restaurant.

But just when Jiang Chen appeared on the opposite side of the restaurant, he saw a chariot.

The monster beasts pulling carts at both ends are extraordinary and eye-catching.

Far away, vaguely, Jiang Chen saw a slender figure sitting inside the chariot, covered by a curtain, unable to see clearly, but such a graceful figure could not be concealed no matter what.

When the chariot stopped, the curtain was lifted, revealing a white arm, and immediately, a woman in yellow stepped off the chariot slowly.

Perhaps it was because of a little tiredness, after getting off the chariot, she stretched her body slightly, revealing a somewhat coquettish aura, a coquettishness that could not be expressed in words, from afar, she rushed towards her face, making her Jiang Chen saw it in his eyes, even if he was playing in the world of mortals and had seen countless girls, he couldn't help but feel a strong sense of amazement.

Unlike the woman in the portrait of the Goddess, who is so beautiful and beautiful, this woman in yellow is full of seductive aura, with a small movement, she is charming and charming, like a fox spirit that only exists in legends.

As a result, because of such a unique temperament, it is necessary for people to subconsciously ignore her figure and appearance.

This is not to say that the woman in yellow is unremarkable in appearance, in fact, she is definitely a stunning beauty, with fair skin, deceiving frost and snow, beautiful features, indescribable, protruding and warped, and a little too fat, Minus one point too thin.

"She lives in this restaurant. Could it be that Shen Anhe's presence here is related to her?" Looking over, Jiang Chen thought to himself.

Shen Anhe, as the crown prince of the Tianfeng Empire, naturally couldn't wander around without incident. His identity was too sensitive, and his every move was watched by countless eyes.

Previously, he learned from Yue Dong that this restaurant was not owned by Shen Anhe, and Jiang Chen thought that Shen Anhe must have come here because of a certain person.

Now, Jiang Chen could almost conclude that Shen Anhe came for this woman.

The woman in yellow got out of the chariot, strolled, and walked into the restaurant. After walking a few steps, her footsteps suddenly stopped, and she turned her head to look in Jiang Chen's direction.

"Such a keen power of perception." Jiang Chen sighed softly.

He checked with his spiritual sense, keeping his expression on his face. It was impossible for the woman in yellow to notice, but when he looked back, the light in his eyes had a deep meaning, and it was obvious that he had noticed his existence.

This undoubtedly shows that this yellow-clothed woman, with her cultivation base, is very terrifying. She seems to be easy to get along with, but she is definitely the kind of scourge that eats people without spit out bones.

If one is not careful, it is estimated that it will be devoured and there will be no bones left.

The woman in yellow looked at Jiang Chen with divine light in her eyes, and suddenly she smiled sweetly. That smile was just like the spring flowers blooming all over the mountains and plains in March, which was indescribably charming.

An ordinary man, being caught by this smile, is bound to fall instantly, and will be willing to be a minister under his skirt.

Jiang Chen was naturally not an ordinary man, but it was unavoidable, and his heart moved slightly.


Grinning, Jiang Chen smiled.

The charm technique practiced by the woman in yellow has reached the level of perfection, there is no need to deliberately release it, it is natural with every gesture.

"Am I handsome?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.


The response came quickly, and the woman in yellow beckoned, "Come here."

"I don't like to take the initiative." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"is it?"

The woman in yellow giggled, as if she believed what Jiang Chen said, so she moved and walked towards Jiang Chen.

"do I look good?"

Walking up to Jiang Chen, the woman in yellow stretched her arms, danced like a dancer, and asked with a look full of hope in her eyes.

"I'm wearing too many clothes, I can't tell." Jiang Chen said honestly.

Hearing this, the woman in yellow's laughter became clearer. She blinked and said, "Little man, then, do you really want to see me without clothes on?"

"Can I watch it?" Jiang Chen said with great anticipation.

If there is a free advantage, you can take advantage of it. If you don’t take it for nothing, don’t you take it?
"Of course you can watch. Not only can you watch, but you can also do other things." The woman in yellow said softly, a blush crept up on her gorgeous face, she was very shy.

"What a goblin." Jiang Chen was amazed.

While speaking such bold and pungent words, she has the shyness of a young girl, she is unnatural, without any sense of disobedience, everything is so natural.

It gave people the feeling that it was an ignorant cardamom girl who was molested and felt ashamed.

"Other things, what are they?" Jiang Chen pretended not to understand the meaning of the woman in yellow's words, and sincerely asked for advice.

"Little man, are you really so pure? Sister, I don't believe it." Bai Jiangchen glanced at the woman in yellow, seeming angry or angry.

"The problem is, I'm really a very pure man. I've never even held a woman's hand since I was a child. I don't know what kind of feeling it is." Jiang Chen said swearing.

"Is that so?" the woman in yellow said with interest.

"I've never lied to anyone." Jiang Chen was serious, and when he was speaking, he suddenly stretched out his hand, grabbed the little hand of the woman in yellow, and ruthlessly trampled it.

"It turns out, it's such a taste." Jiang Chen was addicted, playing with it fondly, as if he got a beloved toy.

Inadvertently, the face of the woman in yellow changed slightly. She was surprised and puzzled.

The reason for this was not that Jiang Chen was full of guts, but that her proud charm had completely failed in front of Jiang Chen, and had never had any influence on Jiang Chen.

"Why is this?"

The woman in yellow was a little confused, even surprised.

She is charming to the bone, and the vixen that only exists in legends is probably nothing more than that. If it were any other man, which one wouldn't have already been fascinated by it?

Not only was Jiang Chen unaffected, but he could also take advantage of her in reverse. How could this not be shocking?

"Miss sister, I've never seen a woman without clothes. You just said you can see it, so what are you waiting for? Let's go back to the room." Jiang Chen urged, looking distracted.

The woman in yellow had seen through everything a long time ago, so it was impossible for her to be deceived by Jiang Chen. She frowned slightly, and she opened her hand very cleverly, and said with a smile: "Miss Sister, I'm not feeling well, another day, Is it good enough for you to see?"

"What is the next day?" Jiang Chen asked impatiently.

"Damn bastard!"

For a split second, the woman in yellow had the urge to slap Jiang Chen to death, was she addicted to taking advantage of her?As everyone knows, her advantage is not so easy to take advantage of. No one has ever really taken advantage of her. Instead, they are played around by her one by one, which is very tragic.

"Tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, when my sister and I get better, I will come to you." On the surface, the woman in yellow said with a smile.

The charm technique she practiced is very special and can be called a secret technique. While affecting others, it also affects her own state of mind.No matter how subtle the emotions are, they won't express them easily.

"Okay then, I'll wait for you to come to me, little sister, and you must not break your promise, or I will be angry." Jiang Chen said reluctantly.

"I will definitely not break my promise, little man, just wait obediently." She touched Jiang Chen's face with her hand, and the woman in yellow turned around gracefully and returned to the hotel.

"Teasing me?"

Squinting his eyes, watching the woman in yellow enter the restaurant, Jiang Chen smiled very happily.

This is very interesting, isn't it? Jiang Chen realized that this trip to the Garden of Everything is destined to be boring. With such a stunning goblin by his side, it is estimated that no man in this world would be bored.

"Damn bastard, die to me, all of them will die!"

At about the same time, in another restaurant, Dong Yunhai was completely pissed off looking at the three broken life slips, growling sharply and hysterically.

The fact that the life slip was broken meant that Cui Ning, Zhang Yu and Yan Yan were both dead. If it was only the latter two, Dong Yunhai would not have been like this. The worst thing was that Cui Ning was also dead.

He is responsible for protecting Cui Ning. When Cui Ning falls, he will inevitably be jointly and severally responsible, and will be severely punished, and even be buried with Cui Ning.

"Jiang Chen, did you do it? Whether it's you or not, I will tear you to pieces!" Dong Yunhai was roaring, furious!
(End of this chapter)

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