genius evil

Chapter 1381 Mess with me, there is meat to eat

Chapter 1381 Mess with me, there is meat to eat

The opening of the Garden of Everything is related to the entire Eastern Territory, including more than a dozen powerful empires.

This matter is not a matter of one country, but is closely related to these ten great empires. There are even rumors that the existence of the Garden of All Things has affected the rise and fall of the empire.

From this, it is not difficult to know how important the Garden of All Things is to the great empires. How many people would underestimate it?

In this way, Tianhai City became lively like never before, and thousands of Tianjiao Goddesses came here together.

In those ordinary times, the rare geniuses from the top sects, the peerless monsters cultivated by the mysterious families, and the core disciples of the major martial arts schools came one after another.

A young man was walking on the streets of Tianhai City. He was so powerful that he had the power to subdue dragons and subdue tigers. Outside the imperial palace of Feng Empire, he raised a tripod with one arm, shaking everyone.

A white veiled masked woman, like a willow, went straight to the inner gate of the Kamikaze Martial Academy with seven taboos, and finally escaped safely, causing shocking waves.

There was another mysterious existence, ten night owls, leaving no trace, and the bloody aura was soaring to the sky, which made people feel horrified and moved.


These are all supreme geniuses, and if they have enough time to grow, some of them will become the arrogance of a generation.

They showed up one after another, making waves everywhere.

In comparison, Jiang Chen was really quite low-key.Even Jiang Chen himself felt that he was a little too low-key.

After all, it is his usual style to show off.

"No, we can't go on like this, we have to make a high profile." Jiang Chen said this, with a slight smile on his face, and whispered to himself, "The so-called Heroes' Meeting, you can join in the fun."

Along with the arrival of geniuses from all directions, at the same time, there was a piece of news that was widely circulated.

Shen Anhe, the crown prince of the Tianfeng Empire, held a banquet in the Qunying Building, and the banquet was held for all parties. The time was set to be one day later.

"Shen Anhe, this person is a bit interesting." Jiang Chen murmured, thinking of the seductive woman in yellow. If nothing else, the last time I met Shen Anhe in a restaurant, Shen Anhe should have come here specially. Invite the woman in yellow.

This is the Tianfeng Empire, the Tianhai City, the important place of the imperial city, Shen Anhe's status can be described as distinguished and prominent, but the woman in yellow was specially invited by Shen Anhe. From this, it is not difficult to know that the woman in yellow The woman is probably the big one.

"The Heroes Club, shall we go?"

In another room of the restaurant, Jian Xiuming asked Zhong Shenxiu, and Qu Dingyuan was also there.

Among the direct disciples of the Seven Star Martial Academy, the three of them are among the top three. Although it is said that they are in direct competition, in fact, they are also inseparable, and they are very close friends.

The news about Shen Anhe's banquet in Qunying Tower was widely spread in Tianhai City, and all the forces had heard about it. Naturally, Jian Xiuming and the other three also knew about it.

"Why don't you go?" Qu Dingyuan said with a smile.

This time, seven personal disciples came. Although Qu Dingyuan ranked second, his sense of presence was very weak. On the one hand, his appearance was not very eye-catching, on the other hand, it was due to his personality.

Qu Dingyuan has never liked to show off, and he has a kind of elegant demeanor that does not compete with the world.

At this time, Qu Dingyuan spoke, expressing that he was going to join in the fun, but when he finished speaking, Zhong Shenxiu and Jian Xiuming both took an extra look at him.

"Since Brother Qu is interested, let's go." With a slight smile, Zhong Shenxiu followed suit.

Naturally, he also knew that regardless of Shen Anhe's intentions in entertaining the geniuses from all over the world, but there must be no one attending the meeting, so they can be underestimated.

They all have peerless demeanor and are amazing. At that time, countless geniuses will gather, and such a scene will not be able to be lively even if you want to.

What's more, they were all young people, full of blood, even if Qu Dingyuan didn't plan to go, Zhong Shenxiu planned to visit.

Seven Star Martial Academy, one of the inner sect's direct disciples, how could it be possible to miss it when it is so lively?
Time passed quickly, and the next day came in a blink of an eye.

Qunying Building.

This is the tallest building in Tianhai City. It is as luxurious as an imperial palace. It is one of Shen Anhe's most important properties in Tianhai City.

It is rumored that Shen An and Le are generous, have a wide range of friends, and form good relationships. This time, entertaining the world's geniuses is also a manifestation.

In the morning, a group of figures, scattered, entered the group of heroes.

This place was not ordinary in the past. Ordinary people never had the qualifications to set foot in it. Today, it is even more extraordinary. The powerful aura soars to the sky, showing the extraordinary identities of those who come to the meeting.

In the Qunying Building, the banquet has already begun. Food and wine are continuously brought up by the beautiful maids. Shen Anhe is smiling and shuttles among the crowd, talking and laughing like a fish in water.

"Here, is there free wine to drink, and free animal meat to eat?"

All of a sudden, a voice came, it was as if divine thunder descended from the nine heavens, and it exploded in everyone's ears.

The buzzing sound caused quite a few people to surge with energy and blood, and their complexions were slightly pale.

Even some people couldn't hold the wine glass in their hands steadily, and with a click, the jade wine glass was crushed and turned into powder.

So shocking, straight to the heart.

Just a mere word is enough to cause such an incredible shocking force, all the people can't help but look at the person who spoke.

It was a sturdy young man with extremely short hair, a rough face, dark skin, wrapped in animal skins, and a stone ax on his back.

He seemed to come from an extremely remote place, whether it was the domineering aura on his body or his clothes, they were incompatible with the luxurious style of this group of elite buildings.

Unexpectedly, the shock effect caused by that voice was too shocking, but no one had the slightest hint of ridicule at it. They looked over, their eyes were shining brightly, and they probed.

"As it is."

Shen Anhe quickly greeted him, secretly startled, and said politely: "I don't know my dear brother, Gao's name is great."

"Shepherd Sirius."

The sturdy boy grinned at the corner of his mouth, and smiled honestly, incomparably gentle and harmless. While talking, he rubbed a pair of big fleshy palms, and his eyeballs rolled around.

In the end, as if he couldn't bear it any longer, the sturdy boy walked away, grabbed a large piece of meat on the table, stuffed it into his mouth, and started to chew.

He seemed to be too hungry. Pieces of top-level monster flesh that had been carefully cooked were stuffed into his big mouth like a storm, and he swallowed more than ten catties in the blink of an eye.

"My surname is Mu, is it from that mysterious tribe?"

However, after the strong young man told his name, there was an exclamation immediately among the crowd, and quietly, the eyes looking at the strong young man were a little more awe-inspiring.

Earlier, there was news circulating.

A young Orion boy, holding a stone ax to kill Tianjiao, and now, the rumors correspond, how can this not make people secretly startled?
The sturdy young man came from the extreme east of the Eastern Great Territory. In that Hengduan Mountain Range, an unusually special group has lived since ancient times.

They were born with supernatural powers, and they were like the beloved darlings of the heavens.

However, that mysterious tribe has always stayed away from the hustle and bustle and does not communicate with the outside world. Not many people know what kind of situation it is.

"No wonder, there is such momentum."

Some people are amazed, often, there are some unbelievable mysterious legends connected with the tribe where the strong boy belongs, and all of them reflect the power of that mysterious tribe.

"As far as I know, when the Garden of Everything was opened in the past, no one from that mysterious tribe has ever walked out. Is it different this time?"

Some people also said that they were suspicious.

It has to be said that when one enters the Garden of All Things, one must face the indescribable pressure of competing with such an existence on the same stage.

There were all kinds of discussions surrounding the sturdy young man named Mu Sirius.

But Mu Sirius didn't care, as if he didn't hear a word at all, he buried his head, ate big pieces of meat, and drank heavily, enjoying himself.

In this way, the honest nature is revealed, but after knowing the identity and origin of Sirius Mu, no one would think that Sirius Mu can be bullied.

"Is it tasty?"

A young man came over with a glass of fine wine, looked at Mu Sirius, and asked with a smile.

"too delicious."

Mu Sirius responded vaguely, without even raising his head.

"Since it's so delicious, then you must think that you can eat it every day in the future." The young man said, the smile on his face became more intense.

"That's right." Sirius Mu nodded.

"So, you can hang out with me from now on, hang out with me, and make sure you have meat to eat every day." The young man said in a bewitching tone.

Mu Tianlang suddenly raised his head, staring at Jiang Chen with big eyes, as if he was looking at an idiot, or a fool.

"Do you think I'm a fool?"

Mu Sirius smiled honestly, but the question he asked was extremely sharp.

"How could it be, brother Mu, you look like a dragon and a phoenix among men." The young man said with confidence.

"Then, you are a fool, aren't you?" Mu Sirius smiled even more honestly.

"Brother Mu, what you said is meaningless. I mean it out of good intentions, and I'm thinking of you. Don't be ignorant of good and bad." The young man yelled.

This young man was none other than Jiang Chen.

Hearing Mu Tianlang, who had a simple and honest face and seemed extremely easy to be deceived, said such words, Jiang Chen immediately felt depressed as if he had eaten a dead fly.

Although it is said that people should not be judged by their appearance, the contrast is not necessarily too big, it is extremely unacceptable.

In fact, no matter how simple Mu Tianlang looks on the surface, this young man who walked out from the depths of the mountain is full of unspeakable wildness in his bones. How could others dare to tease him so easily?

Otherwise, if one is not good, it is estimated that Sirius Mu will be decapitated like beheading the monster in the depths of the Hengduan Mountains.

Jiang Chen's courage is naturally not small, and if he doesn't try it himself, how will he know it won't work?

If this guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes is easy to deceive, and he can be bought after a few meals, wouldn't everyone be happy?
Then, the final result, I have to say, disappointed Jiang Chen, this guy's appearance was too deceptive, very sharp...

(End of this chapter)

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