genius evil

Chapter 1382 Big news

Chapter 1382 Big news
Of course, it was never Jiang Chen's style to give up easily.

If you have a chance, if you don't have a chance, try to create an opportunity to get it.

After all, this young man named Mu Sirius seems to be the type who is very difficult to provoke.

What's more, in this group of Yinglou, finally, a guy who interested him came, wouldn't it be a pity if he gave up easily?
After saying that, Jiang Chen said solemnly again: "Brother Mu, the first time I saw you, I just felt that you and I hit each other very well. In the future, we will definitely become brothers in life and death."

"You must be lying like this often."

With his hand, he wiped his mouth, grunting, Mu Sirius drank heavily, he was talking, and he pointed to the essence of what he said.

The corner of Jiang Chen's mouth twitched, and he looked at Mu Tianlang like that, and he became a little embarrassed. Should this guy be so direct, can he save some face for him?
"Of course not." Jiang Chen shook his head, very serious, he said, "Brother Mu, how could you have such an illusion, you must be drunk."

"I've never been drunk before drinking." Mu Tianlang was very arrogant, after all, it's rare, he took a careful look at Jiang Chen, and said, "Before I get angry, you'd better stay away from me, otherwise , if I get angry, I'm afraid I will tear you apart."

While talking, Mu Tianlang chattered and laughed, and looked at Jiang Chen clearly as if he was looking at a prey.

Even, in the depths of the eyes, there is a blood red color surging. It is very obvious that this guy who looks simple and honest on the surface is actually quite cruel and cruel.

"No wonder, when Luo Xi mentioned this person, he was extremely solemn." Jiang Chen thought to himself.

Since ancient times, there have been too many incredible legends in that mysterious tribe. Some people even call the people in that tribe the chosen ones.

This is undoubtedly the highest honor, and of course, it also shows how powerful and terrifying that tribe is.

Mu Tianlang came out of that mysterious tribe, and the blood flowing in his bones is the kind of domineering blood that fought and killed thousands of beasts deep in the mountains.

"Brother Mu, I just intend to make friends with you. Why are you so cruel? If you scare me, wouldn't it be too good." Jiang Chen expressed his aggrievedness.

"Since you are afraid of being frightened, why don't you go away?" Mu Sirius asked.

"Because I'm bold." Jiang Chen said so.

"Ha ha"

Without any warning, Mu Tianlang let out an astonishing laugh, which was so frightening that it made one's face turn pale. He stretched out his greasy right palm, and slapped Jiang Chen's shoulders twice, Said: "Although you are a liar, I have to say that it is quite interesting. From now on, just follow me to make sure you have meat every meal."


Jiang Chen was dumbfounded. What do these words mean? Are they trying to steal his script?

"No." Jiang Chen resolutely vetoed, and said, "Look at me, I'm so handsome and unrestrained, and if I hang out with you, where will I put my face? I also want to save face, okay? Meat to eat."

"Are you sure?" Mu Sirius said with a half-smile.

"It's too sure, don't say anything superfluous, it's settled like this." Jiang Chen made a final decision, and didn't give Mu Tianlang any chance to go back on his word.

"Okay, I'll hang out with you from now on." Mu Tianlang said, his voice was loud, and the sound came out, buzzing, but it was another slap, which slapped Jiang Chen's shoulder heavily, and his eyes In the depths, there was a little more quietly, with the meaning of joking.

"That kid?"

As everyone knows, the conversation between Jiang Chen and Mu Tianlang was heard by everyone in the Qunying Building. Many of them were stunned and stunned. Even Shen Anhe, It's all for it, dumbfounded.

It's unbelievable, Jiang Chen actually asked Mu Tianlang to hang out with him, and Mu Tianlang actually agreed. Is this the rhythm of being Jiang Chen's younger brother?

However, what virtue and ability does Jiang Chen have?
Could it be that it is too childish to subdue Mu Sirius just by relying on his three-inch tongue and shameless style?

Moreover, Mu Tianlang was so easy to be subdued. According to normal logic, shouldn't Jiang Chen be slapped to death with a slap, or Jiang Chen should be chopped up with a stone axe?

"Who is that kid?"

Some people asked random questions, stared at Jiang Chen and looked again, but they were all very strange.

There is no way, this place can be called a gathering place for all kinds of monsters and perverts, Jiang Chen, the number one in the Seven Star Martial Academy, if he doesn't show his identity, he really doesn't have much sense of existence.

In fact, many people have identities and backgrounds that are not inferior to those of the Seven Star Martial Academy. Even if Jiang Chen reveals his identities, they may not necessarily look up to Jiang Chen because of this.

"Yes, who is he?"

Many people, confused and perplexed, asked the people around them about Jiang Chen's origin, and they wanted to figure out what tricks Jiang Chen and Mu Tianlang were playing at the first time.

"He is from the Seven Star Martial Academy, named Jiang Chen."

Finally, someone answered the questions. It was someone from Senluo Martial Arts Institute. He had dealt with Jiang Chen twice and had a deep impression on him.

Afterwards, Cui Ning, Zhang Yu and Yan Di died tragically. Although there was no direct evidence that it was Jiang Chen who did it, no one would even think that Jiang Chen had that kind of strength.

But this account was still on Jiang Chen's head. Therefore, at this time, Jiang Chen was the thorn in the flesh of those people in Senluo Martial Academy. They looked at Jiang Chen with extremely malicious intentions. He didn't mind at all, exposing Jiang Chen's background.

"Seven-Star Martial Academy? The Seven-Star Martial Academy of the Great Qin Empire? Interesting."

Someone was laughing and talking, looking at Jiang Chen like that, it was very playful.

Jiang Chen took Mu Tianlang as his younger brother in a grand manner, no matter what intentions Mu Tianlang had, he agreed to do so, but such a limelight, I have to say, was too much.

The so-called, if a tree is beautiful in the forest, the wind will destroy it. If you are too high-profile, you will often be unlucky soon.

"Seven Star Martial Academy, isn't it amazing?"

There are also some people who are very direct and don't take Jiang Chen's background to heart at all. They are very mocking and dismissive, because this person has a lot of background and extraordinary background.

"It's just a little guy from the Seven Star Martial Academy. I thought it had such an amazing background."

Someone even teased and said, it is very contemptuous, he is ridiculing, extremely arrogant.

"Could it be that the Seven Star Martial Academy is not very remarkable?"

Jiang Chen said unhurriedly, smiling slightly, not even the slightest bit annoyed by these words.

"A frog at the bottom of a well knows how big the world is." Someone snorted coldly.

Within the territory of the Great Qin Empire, the Seven Star Martial Academy is naturally quite remarkable, it is the highest martial academy, and martial arts practitioners, everyone yearns for it.

Looking at the Eastern Great Territory, the Seven Star Martial Academy can also be regarded as a colossus, which should not be underestimated.

However, today, those who appeared in the Qunying Tower were all perverted monsters. They were very proud. Even if they were afraid of the Seven Star Martial Academy, they would definitely not have the slightest respect for Jiang Chen.

That's why when they ridiculed and ridiculed, they had no pressure, no intention at all, and wanted to hide their true intentions.

"Damn it, you actually said that the genius of my Seven Star Martial Academy is a frog at the bottom of a well. Do you want to die? Brother Zhong, act quickly and kill him, so that these idiots can learn how powerful my Seven Star Martial Academy is."

Jiang Chen flew into a rage, bared his teeth, and pointed a finger at the corner where Zhong Shenxiu, who was quietly watching the good show.

Zhong Shenxiu had come a long time ago, and Qu Dingyuan and Jian Xiuming were with him. The three of them had also noticed Jiang Chen long ago, but they didn't mean to come over to say hello.

In the final analysis, it is not so easy to erase the estrangement between the strong man in the heaven list and his direct disciple.

It was also impossible for Zhong Shenxiu to put down her figure and take the initiative to shake hands with Jiang Chen.

With a few words, Jiang Chen "subdued" Mu Sirius, and made a big news, which also made Zhong Shenxiu and the three of them speechless.

Even if he knew that Jiang Chen was capable of causing trouble and never restless, who would have thought that Jiang Chen would be so restless?Is this against the sky?Aren't you worried that Sirius Mu will turn his face?

The seemingly mellow and honest young man, but no one thinks that he is harmless. If he is not careful, Jiang Chen may be torn apart by Mu Tianlang.

Of course, the matter had nothing to do with them, and the three of them, Zhong Shenxiu and Zhong Shenxiu, didn't think it was their duty to remind Jiang Chen. Since Jiang Chen wanted to play with fire, he had to play with it. It had nothing to do with them.

Jian Xiuming, in particular, was on the verge of laughing, thinking that Jiang Chen was digging his own grave. Sooner or later, he didn't even know how he himself died.

Jiang Chen's identity aroused everyone's curiosity, and was immediately unraveled by the people of Senluo Martial Academy, which caused ridicule. Although those people belittled Jiang Chen, they also belittled Seven Star Martial Academy.

But Zhong Shenxiu still didn't plan to do anything. First, he didn't want to be like Jiang Chen and become the target of public criticism. Second, Zhong Shenxiu knew very well that these people had the background to not take Seven Star Martial Academy seriously.

But, unexpectedly, Jiang Chen shouted at the top of his throat, and in an instant, he, who was so low-key that he could no longer keep a low profile, became the focus of everyone's attention.



A series of gazes fell on Zhong Shenxiu in a uniform manner, sizing him up with interest.

"Brother Zhong, you, as one of the inner disciples of my Seven Star Martial Academy, have always been invincible. Today, you are so underestimated. Can you bear it? Anyway, if I were you, I would definitely not be able to bear it. Let's do it. Beat them all over the floor looking for their teeth, crying for their father and mother, and let them know that our Seven Star Martial Academy does not tolerate humiliation!" Jiang Chen said again, filled with righteous indignation.

Zhong Shenxiu was sitting on the wax, about to vomit blood, and the eyes that looked at Jiang Chen like that almost spurted fire.

It's true that he didn't get along well with Jiang Chen, but did Jiang Chen have to trick him like this?It's still the kind of pitting to death, it's too irritating, at this moment, Zhong Shenxiu's only thought is to beat Jiang Chen all over the floor looking for teeth, crying for his father and mother, otherwise he can't get out of this bad breath...

(End of this chapter)

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