genius evil

Chapter 1383

Chapter 1383
"Bastard, damn it!"

In his heart, Jian Xiuming cursed viciously, with blue veins protruding from his forehead, fighting for Zhong Shenxiu, even if he was a fool, he knew that Jiang Chen was targeting Zhong Shenxiu and wanted to drag Zhong Shenxiu into the water.

Everyone's attention was diverted, and Jiang Chen's mere two words caused Zhong Shenxiu to become the target of public criticism, which was very resentful.

It was worthy of the name, it was cheating, even though it was Zhong Shenxiu who cheated this time, who can guarantee that it won't be tricked on him next time?
After all, it was not once or twice that Jiang Chen was pitted, leaving a shadow on his mind, and he was very guilty, so when he saw Zhong Shenxiu being pitted to death by Jiang Chen, Jian Xiuming was very able, empathized, and couldn't bear it. I have to fight for Zhong Shenxiu and fight against injustice.

"Jiang Chen, just go ahead, one day, you will die without a place to bury you."

Jian Xiuming was in his heart again, and said silently, this debt is considered to be in his heart, and one day, he will repay it ten times and a hundred times.

Jian Xiuming's reaction was very intense, his veins were exposed, and his face turned black. Compared with him, Qu Dingyuan was much calmer, but looking at the darkness surging in the depths of his eyes, it is not difficult to know that Jiang Chen's move His behavior also angered him.

In the future, when Jiang Chen settled accounts with Jiang Chen, it was necessary for Jiang Chen to calculate Zhong Shenxiu's account today, and he had to include it together.

This was not just about Zhong Shenxiu, it was clearly that Jiang Chen was bullying others.

Yes, this is bullying.

From Qu Dingyuan's point of view, even on other occasions, Zhong Shenxiu and Jiang Chen had disagreements, but today, Zhong Shenxiu did nothing.

It was Jiang Chen who was too high-profile and caused unnecessary troubles. He didn't care about it. A piece of shit was conveniently placed on Zhong Shenxiu's head, and he didn't care about Zhong Shenxiu's feelings at all. Let me ask you, how can this be endured?


In the other direction, Ji Mobai and Fang Qingxuan, who also came very early, looked at each other, and then they both laughed wryly.

Such a move by Jiang Chen would undoubtedly be a big trouble for Zhong Shenxiu, and it was very difficult to deal with it.

Jiang Chen, on the other hand, handled the matter lightly, transferring all the hateful gazes attracted by him to Zhong Shenxiu. Although the method was very dishonorable, it has to be said that it was very clever.

"This guy really holds a grudge."

Ji Mobai said softly, inexplicably, with a trembling, it was once again deeply learned, Jiang Chen said that he held grudges, it was definitely not a joke.

How much, Ji Mobai felt a little pity for Zhong Shenxiu, as the No.1 direct disciple of the inner sect of the Seven Star Martial Academy, he was like this, being played by Jiang Chen in the palm of his hand, extremely aggrieved, but again, Hard to say.

Fang Qingxuan, on the other hand, secretly lamented Jiang Chen's brilliance, such a method, four or two thousand catties, was easy, and he just found a "surrogate".

On the surface, it seemed that Zhong Shenxiu was too unlucky, but if it were any other person, who could be like Jiang Chen, who could stay in the whirlpool without leaving a trace, and keep himself out of the matter.

"Nice wrist, worthy of being number one in the heaven list, worthy of the name." Fang Qingxuan sighed softly.

This time, Jiang Chen didn't make a move, but Fang Qingxuan was completely convinced of Jiang Chen. After all, Jiang Chen's method of killing people without blood was very shocking.

"Is this an infighting?"

Listening to Jiang Chen's words, looking at Zhong Shenxiu's extremely embarrassing face, the people in Senluo Martial Academy felt gloating.

"Go on, the dog bites the dog's mouth hair, it's so interesting."

A person from Senluo Martial Academy smiled slightly, originally thinking about how to create a little trouble, there is no need to do that at all, Jiang Chen is a troublemaker, as long as he is there, it will be forever, All kinds of troubles are indispensable.

And at this moment, the gazes that looked at Zhong Shenxiu were full of meaningful meanings.

Anyone with a discerning eye could see that Jiang Chen was pouring dirty water on Zhong Shenxiu to draw hatred, but the effect was outstanding, so wait, Zhong Shenxiu gave an explanation.

"Brother Zhong, what are you hesitating about? Why don't you make a move yet? Do you want to wait until my Seven Star Martial Academy is disgraced before you are satisfied?" Jiang Chen said again, jumping his feet, as if wishing he could replace Zhong Shenxiu hands on.

Zhong Shenxiu's face was green and red, and he took a deep breath, and forcibly suppressed it. The restlessness in his heart was because Zhong Shenxiu was very worried that he would lose control and attack Jiang Chen, desperately beheading Jiang Chen.

"Jiang Chen, what they are targeting is you, not the Seven Star Martial Academy, you have to be clear, these are two different concepts." Zhong Shenxiu said coldly.

It was impossible for him to be fooled by Jiang Chen. Once he made a move, no matter how powerful he was, he might not be able to get out of Qunying Tower today.

Therefore, Zhong Shenxiu had no choice but to try his best to make the big things smaller, and strive to make the small things smaller. Even if he couldn't, he still had to try his best to lead the conflict to Jiang Chen.

Even if Jiang Chen forcibly dumped the blame, he would never take the blame for Jiang Chen no matter what.

"Brother Zhong, what you said is meaningless. In vain, as the No. 1 direct disciple of the inner sect, the direct disciple of the headmaster, you don't even have the courage to defend the Seven Star Martial Academy. I am so disappointed." Jiang Chen said angrily.

Zhong Shenxiu was even more furious. This guy was really unscrupulous in order to drag him into the water. He even revealed his identity as the principal's chief disciple.

"The chief disciple of the dean is just a title. In fact, it has no meaning and nothing to be proud of. Brother Jiang, you, my Seven Star Martial Academy, number one in the heaven list, is a monument of my Seven Star Martial Academy's inner sect. , represents the strongest disciple of my Seven Star Martial Academy." Zhong Shenxiu said solemnly.

"Tianbang, number one?"

"This kid is actually the number one existence on the list that day. It's really surprising."

"Seven Star Martial Academy, the highest ranking in the sky, no wonder this kid is so high-profile."

As Zhong Shenxiu blurted out these words, soon, those gazes turned back to Jiang Chen. This was because, compared to the number one personal disciple of the inner sect, Jiang Chen was number one in the heaven list. Undoubtedly, it can better represent the level of the Seven Star Martial Academy.

When it comes to maintaining the lintel of the Seven Star Martial Academy, Jiang Chen is obviously more suitable than Zhong Shenxiu.

"It's too polite to admit it. I'm the number one in the rankings. I'm just a vain name. It's all due to your humility. It's not worth mentioning. If you don't believe me, take a closer look. I can tell that I am not proud at all. There is no way , who told me to be such a low-key person." Jiang Chen cupped his hands, greeted all around, and smiled broadly.

It seemed that he had endured this for a long time and wanted to reveal his identity. At this time, Zhong Shenxiu revealed his identity one by one, which was exactly what he wanted.

Zhong Shenxiu was dumbfounded, and realized that he was becoming more and more confused about Jiang Chen.Can't help but wonder, could it be that this is me, not as good as Jiang Chen?

Suddenly, Zhong Shenxiu trembled.

It's not just that he is not as good as Jiang Chen, but that he is indeed not as good as Jiang Chen.

Because, since Jiang Chen said such a thing, it means that Jiang Chen is not going to throw the pot away, but wants to take it all in one hand. Let alone how Jiang Chen will end up, no one can match this kind of courage. ?
At least, he chose to shrink back and dare not confront him directly. Isn't this exactly what makes him inferior to Jiang Chen?

"Could it be that Jiang Chen isn't trying to push me to the top of the storm, but his real purpose is to force me down?" Zhong Shenxiu thought, and his complexion quietly became extremely complicated.

Obviously, Jiang Chen succeeded.

He may not have completely failed, but after this one time, in the future, in front of Jiang Chen, what is there to be proud of?
In Jiang Chen's eyes, the status of being the number one direct disciple is probably even more meaningless. Such a situation made Zhong Shenxiu's mood extremely complicated.

"Jiang Chen, what kind of person are you?" Zhong Shenxiu looked at Jiang Chen and murmured.

"Is this Jiang Chen number one in the heaven list?"

Several people in Senluo Martial Arts Institute were deeply surprised. The way they looked at Jiang Chen changed.

"The three of Cui Ning died without a complete body, so it's hard to corroborate. The reason why Jiang Chen was suspected was that he wanted him to be buried with the three of Cui Ning. Right now, it is almost certain that he is the murderer." Someone said.

As he spoke, the way he looked at Jiang Chen changed again.

"Seven Star Martial Arts Academy, the Inner Sect Heaven Ranking, the prestige spreads far and wide. It turns out that you are the number one on the ranking that day. No wonder you are so arrogant and rampant. Is this your confidence? But so what, in our eyes, it is still the same, That's all, it's not enough to make you qualified to be arrogant."

That is, one of the members of the Senluo Martial Academy said that he spared no effort to belittle Jiang Chen, and by the way, arouse hatred for Jiang Chen.

Some people just laughed. Of course, many people were slightly surprised after Jiang Chen was revealed as the number one on the list, but it was true as people said, that's all.

It's not enough to make them afraid, unless Jiang Chen can prove his strength in public.

"Am I arrogant? Did I just say that I'm very low-key?" Jiang Chen yelled, extremely innocent.

"Stop pretending here, and have a good meeting of heroes. Because of your existence, there is a lot of smoke. Apologize quickly, otherwise, there will be no good fruit to eat." The person from Senluo Martial Arts Academy said.

"What are you, you dare to ask me to apologize?" Jiang Chen was angry, and immediately, Jiang Chen said to the Mu Sirius: "Brother Mu, this guy is only focused on humiliating me, you should act quickly and kill him. Let him know how great you are."


Everyone was stunned again.

Before Jiang Chen, forcibly throwing the blame on Zhong Shenxiu was amazing, but now, is he going to drag Mu Sirius into the water and throw the blame on Mu Sirius?
"Jiang Chen, are you just so tricky? Brother Mu Gao Ren Dayi, how could you be fooled easily by you, give up your heart." The man from the Senluo Martial Academy said in a gloomy manner, Mu Sirius was quite afraid, so he just put a high hat on his head first, and didn't give Mu Sirius the chance to do something...

(End of this chapter)

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