genius evil

Chapter 1384 1 liar, 1 fool

Chapter 1384 A liar, a fool

"It's so shameless, you actually call brother Mu a brother, and you are such a low-class bastard, hurry up and take a pee to see what kind of virtue you are." Jiang Chen said, that's called one, with sharp teeth and sharp mouth.

There is no way, when it comes to eloquence, Jiang Chen is perfectly capable of fighting against the Confucians.

To put it bluntly, even if all the people in this group of Yinglou scolded Jiang Chen, it was inevitable, and they would all be scolded by Jiang Chen, bloody.

This can be regarded as an extraordinary talent, and even if others want to imitate it, they will not be able to imitate it.

"Brother Mu, this guy is now not only humiliating me, but also humiliating you. If you don't kill him, he will only become more unscrupulous." Jiang Chen grinned.

"When did I humiliate Brother Mu?" The man hastily denied that Jiang Chen's pot of dirty water was pouring over him.

"Brother Mu, don't be fooled. I didn't mean that. What's more, you just said that this person is a liar. How could he be used? Otherwise, wouldn't he be a fool?" Said again, explaining.

"So, Jiang Chen is a liar and I'm a fool?" Grinning, Mu Tianlang smiled innocently.

The way he looked at this person was as sharp as a wolf in the jungle, so indescribably penetrating that it would make one's scalp numb and dare not look directly at him.

"I'm just giving you an example." The man said in a panic.

"Because you gave me an example, I became a fool. Do I look stupid?" With his hand, he touched the rough old face, and suddenly, Sirius moved.

In the next moment, there was a "pop", a crisp sound, which spread to everyone's ears.

Looking at the reputation, I saw that the man's head was slapped by Mu Sirius, like a watermelon, it was shattered, red and white, flowing all over the ground.

"I hate it when people say I'm a fool, really." Mu Sirius said solemnly, telling everyone that this is definitely not a joke.

In fact, no one would take Sirius Mu's words as a joke.

Back then, Mu Tianlang walked out from that Hengduan Mountain Range and came all the way to Tianhai City, holding a stone ax to slay Tianjiao. He had a bad reputation and made countless people fear him.

But that's just a rumor after all, and it's impossible to be sure what's true or not.

Today, Mu Tianlang slapped a strong man in Senluo Martial Academy with a slap, and inadvertently confirmed his reputation.

"It's just a slap."

Many people are afraid, subconsciously, stay away from Sirius Mu.

That person was from Senluo Wuyuan, but Senluo Wuyuan, the top ten existence, just like that, had no power to fight back, and was slapped to death by Mu Sirius.

This is amazing, it can be called horror, and it makes people's scalp tingle.

This is because the gap is too great. Even if they are both geniuses, there is still a difference between geniuses and geniuses.

There is no doubt that Sirius Mu is the existence standing at the top of the pyramid.

"As expected of that mysterious tribe."

There are also people who talk to themselves in their hearts.

The people in that mysterious tribe are known as the chosen ones, and their reputation for brutality and rage has spread far and wide. From now on, even more people will avoid them like snakes and scorpions.

"Is this talent?"

Some people murmured, it can be seen that Mu Sirius did not step into the Mortal Transformation Realm, but was still only at the Guiyuan Realm. There is no difference between people, and it is difficult to distinguish between superior and inferior, but the combat power is one in the sky and the other in the ground.

This is undoubtedly a concrete manifestation of an extremely powerful talent. The people of that mysterious tribe have a domineering blood, and the domineering methods are undoubtedly revealed.

"Beautiful job, Brother Mu, eat meat." Jiang Chen said with a smile, he had never even looked at the man's body, he knew it a long time ago, because of the deaths of Cui Ning and the other three, this account would inevitably be counted Come to your head.

However, the method is too low-level, why jump out in such a hurry, this is not courting death, what is it?
Ignoring the resentful eyes of the remaining members of Senluo Martial Academy, Jiang Chen casually picked up a large piece of meat and handed it to Mu Sirius.

"Okay, eat meat."

Mu Tianlang laughed, took the meat Jiang Chen handed over with one hand, stuffed it to his mouth, and began to chew.

The atmosphere at the scene changed for no reason, a little weird.

Jiang Chen was still the absolute central and focal figure. Together with Mu Tianlang, he drank heavily and ate meat, but the way everyone looked at him at this time had become different.

Even if Jiang Chen drove Mu Tianlang to kill people with despicable means, but besides Jiang Chen, who else could do it?

If he was not careful, he would offend Sirius Mu and end up being bombarded to death.

"This Jiang Chen made me miss it."

Looking at Jiang Chen, Shen Anhe said softly.

Counting this time, it was the second time he met Jiang Chen face to face. The last time, it was outside that restaurant. It happened that people from Seven Star Martial Academy and Senluo Martial Academy had a conflict.

At that time, he was holding a mentality of watching the excitement. It was Cui Ning who was too blind to offend him, so he intervened. From the beginning to the end, he never paid attention to Jiang Chen.

See you today, Jiang Chen has shown his sharpness and is completely different, which makes Shen Anhe sigh. He thinks that he has read countless people and practiced a pair of sharp eyes, but after all, there are times when he is blind.

"This person is worth paying attention to." Shen Anhe said again.

Jiang Chen took the lead, but Shen Anhe didn't care about it. He ordered the corpse to be carried away, and then walked among the crowd, enlivening the atmosphere until a bald boy in a monk's robe entered the Qunying Tower, and everyone's attention , is once again, being transferred.

The bald boy entered Qunying Building, his nose moved slightly, and he smelled a faint smell of blood in the air. He clasped his hands together and chanted a Buddha's mantra.

"My Buddha is merciful." The bald boy looked at him carefully.

"My Buddha is merciful." The next moment, Jiang Chen appeared in front of the bald boy, and immediately after that, he asked something that would make people laugh, "Do you eat meat?"

"Don't eat." The bald boy responded, his face was normal, and he was not angry because of Jiang Chen's ridiculous question.

"So, do you drink?" Jiang Chen asked again.

"Don't drink."

The bald boy responded again. He was very serious. On his delicate face, there was a faint radiance of the divine.

"If you don't eat meat or drink alcohol, what fun is there in this life? I think you can try it. Maybe there will be a brand new door open in front of you. It is a very different world. One, you like it." Jiang Chen said in a bewitching tone.

The bald boy smiled slightly, and he said: "A person's life is so short. No matter what, it is impossible to be perfect. The most real thing is the shortcomings."

"It sounds very reasonable. Why do you still feel regretful? Are you really not going to try? The opportunity is rare." Jiang Chen asked.

"Benefactor, you bother." The bald boy remained unmoved, with a sacred and inviolable aura circulating around him.

"It's such a pity, that is the bliss to enjoy in the world, even if you are kind to Purdue, you can't enjoy that bliss. There is no meaning in such a life." Jiang Chen said without giving up.

"That's why my master gave me the dharma name You Que." The bald boy said.

This was a response and an explanation, which made Jiang Chen speechless.

"The abduction failed." Jiang Chen sighed.

The bald boy and Mu Sirius can be said to be two extreme existences on the balance, the only thing in common is that both of them seem to be easy to deceive.

Mu Tianlang looks honest and simple, while the bald boy has clean features, as if he doesn't know much about the world.

This is also the reason why Jiang Chen would blatantly abduct the bald boy without knowing his origin.

However, it failed.

"Could it be that I'm unlucky today?" Jiang Chen was very depressed.

Abducting Mu Sirius was not going well, but it was also so difficult when abducting the bald boy. This once again explained what it means to be ugly.

"It's him?"

Little did they know, Jiang Chen's actions had left many people in a mess.

Especially after recognizing the origin of this bald boy named You Que, those people became even more chaotic.

In the past two days, there has been a news spread in Tianhai City. A young man with supernatural power is holding a tripod with one arm outside the palace of Tianfeng Empire. It is none other than this bald boy.

The tripod was called the Panlong Ding, and it was an important feng shui weapon for the Tianfeng Empire's palace.

The bald boy raised a tripod with one arm, begged for the people, and his compassion spread far and wide, making people stand in awe.

But, what does Jiang Chen mean by that, is he molesting the bald boy?Sure enough, it is the same bold style as always, a typical one who knows that there are tigers in the mountains and prefers to go to the mountains.

"Whatever is lacking, drinking and eating meat is a serious matter." Mu Sirius looked at the bald boy, obviously, he was quite interested in him.

He gurgled and drank the wine, and said vaguely: "Wine and meat pass through the intestines, and the Buddha keeps it in his heart. That is the highest level of Buddhism. Little monk, you are too far behind."

The bald boy was stunned and lost his mind. After a long time, he smiled shyly and said, "I've been taught."

Immediately, the bald boy stepped forward, imitating Sirius Mu, and began to drink heavily and eat meat.


Seeing such a scene, Jiang Chen was in a mess.

He worked hard and tried to abduct the bald boy, but all failed. Mu Sirius said a few words to let the bald boy forget about those Buddhist precepts.

Jiang Chen was dumbfounded, and then laughed out loud.

He and Mu Sirius, one is a liar, the other is a fool, plus this naive bald monk, such a trio really can't think about it, after all, thinking about it is extremely scary.

Then, the people in this group of Yinglou watched helplessly. The scene of Jiang Chen and the three of them drinking heavily and eating meat was incomparably weird. A sense of harmony.

"Is that okay?"

Of course, there were also people who were speechless about this. How long has Jiang Chen successfully kidnapped the two powerhouses? Is this an alliance?
If so, how many people can counter such a force?

(End of this chapter)

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