genius evil

Chapter 1385 Strange Totem

Chapter 1385 Strange Totem
"Brother Fang, I admire Jiang Chen more and more now."

Ji Mobai was talking to Fang Qingxuan, with an expression of amazement.

A Sirius Mu, is to cause trouble, and now, coupled with the lack of monks, even if Jiang Chen doesn't want to be in the limelight, Jiang Chen himself has no intention of keeping a low profile, and he doesn't mind being in the limelight.

As for what Jiang Chen said about being a low-key person, it can only be taken as a rumor, whoever believes it is an idiot.

"Oh, Brother Ji, you used to admire Jiang Chen?" Fang Qingxuan asked with a smile.

"That's right." Ji Mobai nodded, and he said, "Brother Fang, you have carefully calculated the time for Jiang Chen to enter the inner gate."

Hearing this, Fang Qingxuan was shocked.

Everyone in the Seven Star Martial Academy and the inner sect knew that Jiang Chen entered the inner sect for a very short time, and after that, he rose strongly, unstoppable.

But no one has ever carefully calculated how short the time for Jiang Chen to enter the inner sect was.

After being reminded by Ji Mobai, Fang Qingxuan did a quick mental calculation, and it was amazing to realize how short the time for Jiang Chen to enter the inner sect was.

"There is no one before." Ji Mobai said, his words paused slightly, he was good at it, pointed at it casually, and said: "There will be no one in the future, I'm afraid it is not impossible."

"He's just a monster." Fang Qingxuan smiled wryly.

"It's also a scourge." Ji Mobai followed, smiling wryly.


Shen Anhe hosted a banquet for geniuses from all directions in the Qunying Building. The banquet was in full swing, and more and more people entered the Qunying Building one after another.

Among the geniuses of all parties, there are some who are unknown, and there are also those who have been famous earlier and frightened one side.

Shen Anhe didn't treat them differently, he was very enthusiastic and greeted the visitors. He was good at dancing with skill and ease.

"Has the descendant of the tomb guard come?" Jiang Chen asked Mu Tianlang.

"I didn't come." Sirius Mu said.

"Where's the guy from the mysterious family?" Jiang Chen asked again.

"I didn't come." Sirius Mu said.

One question and one answer. After the question and answer, the two looked at each other, and they could read a sense of disappointment from the other's eyes.

There are not many interesting people in this world.

There are too few people who can make Jiang Chen and Mu Tianlang interested, and are interesting enough in themselves. It is rare that there are one or two people, but they have not appeared. How can this not be very disappointing.

A white veil masked woman stepped in from the outside.

She has a graceful figure, and her white clothes are better than snow. Even if the white gauze wraps her face tightly, making it impervious to wind and rain, it still attracts the attention of many people and cannot be moved away for a long time.

"Night Rakshasa?"

Someone looked over and whispered to himself. There was a strong sense of fear in those words.

Earlier, there was news that a woman in white gauze, who looked like a willow, went straight to the seven taboos of the Kamikaze Martial Academy, and finally escaped safely, which caused shocking waves.

This is the rakshasa of this night.

This woman is independent and does her own way. Although breaking into the taboo of the Kamikaze Academy is not a challenge to the authority of the Kamikaze Academy, such a boldness shows how unrestricted this woman's behavior is.

This must be a troublesome person. Some people who are unwilling to cause trouble for no reason will subconsciously take two steps back after the appearance of Ye Luosha.

"Night Rakshasa?"

The woman appeared and caused commotion. There was nothing to hide her identity. Jiang Chen secretly said, this name is so strange. Is it real name or a pseudonym?
He released his consciousness and swept across, the white veil that covered his face was easily penetrated, and Ye Luosha's true face could be seen clearly.


At one glance, Jiang Chen was slightly taken aback.

I just saw that Ye Luosha's face and both cheeks were branded with a strange totem. The totem was very hideous, like a ghost, but it complemented the name of Ye Luosha.

"Brother Jiang, why don't you go up and say hello?" Mu Tianlang said with a smile.

This guy seems innocent, but in fact he is full of bad water. The lack of monks has been completely harmed, and the rules and precepts are all forgotten.

Unlucky, maybe because he looks too simple, there is a lack of monks, he has no doubts in him, it is estimated that he will be sold one day, and he will have to help count the money.

"Brother Mu, you don't know. If it's not for the sake of reproduction, under normal circumstances, men still prefer to play with men." Jiang Chen said.

"That's the truth, but obviously, brother Jiang, you like beautiful women more." Mu Sirius said swearingly, very sure, as if he had already seen through Jiang Chen's character.

"You know that too?" Jiang Chen was dumbfounded.

"Since Raksha appeared that night, you have looked at her three times, the first at the chest, the second at the waist, and the third at the face...Brother Jiang, do you want to deny it?" Mu Tianlang said with a smile.

"I didn't expect you to look loyal, but to be so cunning. I guess I misjudged you." Jiang Chen said bitterly.

Mu Sirius was too sharp, and it was impossible for him to refute.

As a top-grade pervert, Jiang Chen's taste cannot be refuted.

"So, brother Jiang, are you admitting that you are interested in her?" Mu Tianlang smiled, as if he didn't hear what Jiang Chen said.

"No, no, I'm a gentleman." Jiang Chen shook his head and said, "When I was looking at Ye Luosha, my eyes were very pure, and I looked at it purely with appreciation. Brother Mu, don't misunderstand me."

"I can assure you that when you first looked at your chest, Brother Jiang, your eyes were very impure." Mu Sirius said.

As Mu Tianlang's voice fell, a gaze shot at Jiang Chen's body suddenly.

It's Ye Rakshasa.

Even if the voices in this group of elite buildings were noisy, how could the conversation between Mu Tianlang and Jiang Chen escape her perception?

Unlike others, speaking in a low voice, Jiang Chen and Mu Tianlang commented, which was very presumptuous.

"Look at the chest? Look at the waist? Look at the face?"

Ye Luosha whispered, the face under the white veil changed, and on the two sides, the originally dull totems were instantly glowing, with a crimson color surging.

It seemed that there were two groups of flames burning, which was amazing.

Jiang Chen released his consciousness, felt it, and was slightly surprised.

Because, it is not difficult to see that the totem is miraculous, not just as simple as an ordinary tattoo, but, it is inscribed with an extremely miraculous power.

"What's the origin of this girl?"

Jiang Chen thought to himself that his interest in Ye Luosha really wasn't that great. This was because, today, another woman would come, and Jiang Chen had been waiting.

But now, Jiang Chen found that his interest in Ye Luosha was a little bit more.

It can't compare to the woman in yellow's smoky eyes, but this night, once the Rakshasa takes off the white veil and reveals his true face, even though the two totems are horrifying, they are enough to shock the heavenly beings.

Especially with such a slender waist that can be grasped with one hand, no wonder the outside world has rumors that her body looks like a willow, isn't it true.


Just as Jiang Chen was thinking about this, Ye Luosha suddenly spoke.

Under the white gauze, the red lips parted lightly. This is an extremely cold tone, full of unquestionable and unblasphemy pride.



At this moment, one after another's eyes fell on Jiang Chen uniformly, without any exception, and none of them even suspected that Ye Luosha's words were aimed at others, only Jiang Chen. .

There is no way, Jiang Chen is too capable of making troubles, a Mu Sirius and a lacking monk, this is already fully proved this point.

"This Jiang Chen, really, is not restless at all."

Some people say that they feel headaches when they are moved, and they feel speechless.

"Do you just like showing off so much?"

Some people also said that they were about to be defeated by Jiang Chen. They thought that Jiang Chen had already gained enough limelight, and if this continued, it would cause public outrage.

"Um, what are you all looking at me for? I know I'm handsome, but I'd be embarrassed if you looked at me like this." Jiang Chen said shyly, looking very embarrassed.

"Brother Jiang, someone told you to get lost." Mu Tianlang said with a smile.

"Is that so?" Jiang Chen expressed his disbelief.

Monk You Que nodded seriously and said, "Yes."

"Definitely not. Don't try to lie to me. I am so beautiful and loved by everyone. How could it be possible that someone would tell me to get lost? It must be someone else." Jiang Chen said confidently.

"Get out, or die."

Pointing at Jiang Chen with his slender fingers, Ye Luosha spoke again.

After she appeared, being judged by Jiang Chen gave her a very bad feeling, so letting Jiang Chen go at this time, considering her as a person, was considered very polite.

If it were any other time, they would have shot long ago and killed them to the brim.

"Brother Mu, this beauty told you to get out, get out of here quickly, or she will kill you." Jiang Chen said to Mu Sirius.


A shocking sound came out at this moment, Ye Luosha made a move, her jade arm shook lightly, and shot a silver thread.

The silver thread is slender, as slender as a hair, and it is almost impossible to catch it with the naked eye, but after Ye Luosha made a move, the silver thread easily tore through the void and caused an explosion.

Under the guidance of Ye Luosha, the silver thread melted into the air, but the attack was silent, curling up sharply, and wrapped around Jiang Chen's neck.

"Raksha beauty, what are you going to do, fishing?" Jiang Chen said slowly, stretched out two fingers casually, and just caught the silver thread between them.

"Not bad, this thread is perfect for fishing." Jiang Chen said with satisfaction.


Ye Luosha snorted softly, and the silver thread disappeared from Jiang Chen's control very strangely, and the next second, it stabbed straight at Jiang Chen's heart.

"Raksha beauty, I guess you like fishing very much, but I'm not a fish." Jiang Chen said innocently, doing the same thing, and caught the silver thread again.


Immediately afterwards, the void exploded, and Ye Luosha shot for the third time. It was not a single silver thread, but a sky full of silver threads, which turned into a sky net and covered Jiang Chen.

Such a scene reminded Jiang Chen of that girl named Wei Xingchen's silver net, but it was not the same. Ye Luosha's weapon, in addition to trapping people, possessed terrifying lethality.

If it is entangled, it will inevitably burst into flesh and blood in an instant, and there will be no whole body.

"It's really vicious." Sticking out his tongue and licking his lips, Jiang Chen became more and more interested in Ye Luosha.

(End of this chapter)

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