genius evil

Chapter 1386 The ignorant is fearless

Chapter 1386 The ignorant is fearless

He saw a golden light emerge from Jiang Chen's body.

It was as if he had transformed into a golden spring, with golden air flowing out, like bubbling spring water, gushing out continuously, extremely gorgeous and extremely eye-catching.

This is a crude version of the Undefeated Golden Body, without the Chunyang Cauldron.

The golden light emerged, and Jiang Chen seemed to be wearing a golden battle suit, majestic and majestic, with an incomparable demeanor.

This scene, falling into the eyes of those female warriors, almost made them look straight, even Ye Luosha looked at it, and their eyes were brightened, shining with a different light.

Ever since Jiang Chen appeared, he gave people a sense of slickness and frivolity. At this time, his temperament changed a lot, it was completely different, and he felt as immobile and heavy as a mountain.

This kind of temperament, combined with Jiang Chen's handsome face, inexplicably gave Jiang Chen a very strange brilliance. At this moment, it is no exaggeration to say that he is popular among thousands of girls!

"Beauty Rakshasa, I'm so handsome, you must be dumbfounded, right? Undoubtedly, you have never seen a man as handsome as me... At this moment, I am really worried that you will fall in love with me so desperately. sad, this world of face control. It really wasn't my intention to grow up like this, after all, I am such a man with connotations." Jiang Chen said with a smile, he stretched his arms, and his body was full of golden light Shuo Shuo, quite a suspicion of flirting.

"Glib guy." Ye Luosha sneered.

When Jiang Chen said such words, did he take Ye Luosha as someone?
She, Ye Luosha, is not so superficial. In her eyes, all men in the world are treated as nothing. Jiang Chen is too narcissistic, which makes her very annoyed.

"Raksha beauty, duplicity is unacceptable. Why can't you be honest with your heart? In fact, it's good to be a face control." Jiang Chen squinted and smiled.

"To shut up!"

Ye Luosha couldn't listen any longer, and angrily reprimanded, the attack came at this moment, the silver net woven by silver threads, like a net of heaven and earth, was about to encompass everything, and Jiang Chen was entangled in it.

"Aren't you going to hide?"

Seeing the silver net entwining Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen stood there indifferently, Ye Luosha couldn't help but was slightly taken aback.

Then, he saw that the golden light on Jiang Chen's body surface was even brighter, making it impossible to stare at.

In Jiang Chen's eyes, there was golden light, and there seemed to be two groups of flames burning in his pupils. It was like opening the heavenly eyes that only existed in legends, and it was more like the golden eyes that frequently appeared in ghost novels.

This is really miraculous, Ye Luosha sees it in his eyes, it is all a feeling, the soul is being calcined by experience.

That was soul coercion, unparalleled and beyond imagination, which made Ye Luosha's heart tremble slightly.

In the next second, the silver net around the body was blown to pieces, and Ye Luosha was implicated, and retreated violently, the eyes that looked at Jiang Chen like that, quietly became strange.

"Beauty Rakshasa, are you going to make clothes for me? The quality is a bit poor. Next time, can you use some better quality clothes?" Jiang Chen said in a negotiating tone, very leisurely.

Ye Luosha's face turned black. Jiang Chen said it very easily, and it was precisely because it was so easy that she heard it full of sarcasm.

She has always been arrogant, otherwise it would be impossible. After hearing a few gossips, she became angry and attacked Jiang Chen, intending to expel him.

In this case, Ye Luosha couldn't bear it even more. She sacrificed the magic weapon, which was a streamer with a strange shape, and a sinister grimace was engraved on it.

"Ghost mask?"

As the banner was sacrificed by Ye Luosha, someone recognized it immediately, and couldn't help but exclaimed, his face turned pale.

"This is a big killer. Is Ye Luosha going to kill Jiang Chen?"

Someone looked over and was slightly surprised.

Ye Luosha has a great reputation for viciousness. It is rumored that killing people at the slightest disagreement is cruel and cruel.

"It's not good to offend anyone, but Ye Luosha, the guy who digs his own grave."

There are also people who gloat over this, because Jiang Chen is too high-profile, and have long wanted to see Jiang Chen's unlucky appearance.

The expected scene has come, and they all hope that Jiang Chen will be suppressed and killed by Ye Luosha, otherwise, with Jiang Chen's arrogant behavior style, they really think that no one can cure him ?

"Ghost-faced banner? What is it?" Jiang Chen blinked, looked at the banner in Ye Luosha's hand, and said slowly, "Who drew this, it's too ugly and horrific, I'm sure, A three-year-old child can draw better than this."

On the ghost face banner, engraved with that sinister grimace, the lines are simple and sketched with a few strokes, but it is lifelike, and even more so is the big bloody mouth, which may be opened at any time, and it can be opened at any time. It's like a bite, frightening to the soul.

This is clearly from a very powerful handwriting, a few strokes, a simple outline, simplified, it is already extraordinary.

It can be said that the more minimalist, the more extraordinary.

"Fool, idiot."

After Jiang Chen's words fell, some people couldn't hold back and laughed.

"Ignorance is not your fault, but ignorance is thinking you are great, and that is your fault."

Someone was talking, full of jokes, undisguised sarcasm.

"It's really confusing. How did such a stupid guy climb to the top of the Seven Star Martial Academy's ranking. Or, has the Seven Star Martial Academy already fallen to this level?"

Some people also said that Jiang Chen's words revealed his own background.

At this moment, many people suddenly realized that it was no wonder that Jiang Chen was so high-profile and unscrupulous, and his daring was due to ignorance.

The so-called, the ignorant are fearless, probably means this.

It just has to be said that Jiang Chen's luck is quite good. Whether it is Mu Tianlang or the lack of monks, he has never made trouble, but Ye Luosha is different. She has a well-known title of Rakshasa girl. Chen provoked her recklessly, how could it be possible, wouldn't it be bad luck?
What's more, Jiang Chen didn't just offend Ye Luosha, it was a blatant molestation. With Ye Luosha's usual pride, how could he endure this?

Now, let's see, Jiang Chen, the Seven Star Martial Academy's No. [-] in the Heaven Ranking, is stronger, but Ye Luosha, who is so famous and makes countless people frightened, is even more powerful.

This is undoubtedly a bustling drama, the level of excitement is absolutely not to be missed!
Under the white veil, Ye Luosha's face turned black. In her opinion, Jiang Chen was too presumptuous and extremely rude.

"Raksha beauty, don't mind, I'm not saying you are too ugly, but this grimace is too ugly." Jiang Chen explained.

Ye Luosha couldn't listen anymore, God knows, what kind of words Jiang Chen would say if he let Jiang Chen continue like this, she took a step forward, and urged the ghost mask to move.

I saw that ghostly face with no wind on its own, exuding an extremely cold aura, gloomy. Immediately, that ghostly face, with closed pupils, suddenly opened, and the two unusually strange gazes were like two sharp swords. The sword hung in the air, stabbing directly at Jiang Chen.

This is a soul-type attack magic weapon, even if it is a strong person in the Mortal Transformation Realm, if he is not careful, he will be hit.

At the moment when those two strange gazes shot out, there was a vortex in the void, and there were waves everywhere. It gave people the feeling that the originally calm lake was smashed by a stretched out hand.

The actual situation is naturally not so simple. With the vortex generated in the void, the rules of this space have been forcibly reversed.

The supreme sense of oppression directly engulfed Jiang Chen's face. It not only suppressed the physical body, but also suppressed the soul. It was clear that when the oppression swept over, Jiang Chen felt that his soul, Trembling for it.

"Want to strip my soul from my body?" Jiang Chen said to himself.

His consciousness was swept away, and all the strangeness of the ghost face banner could not escape his perception.

"As expected, he is worthy of the name of Rakshasa." Jiang Chen said to himself silently.

That ghost face was full of dark energy and lingering with death energy. It is conceivable that this ghost face banner has captured many souls, and all those people died tragically at the hands of Ye Luosha.

Of course, Jiang Chen was far from being a moral saint, so he simply ignored all these situations.

The ghost face banner is attacking, directly to strip the soul from the body, and then ingest it. This method is very mysterious. Ordinary warriors, even warriors who exist at the same level as Ye Luosha, will inevitably be caught off guard. Hit.

It's a pity that Ye Luosha's target is Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen's soul is so powerful. The power of the former body-fitting state can be compared with the power of martial arts cultivation. Even if this ghost face banner is not simple, it is just a dream to strip his soul.

Letting the invisible attack come, Jiang Chen remained unmoved, so he didn't say anything, even Jiang Chen was still laughing.

Seeing Jiang Chen, with a smile on his face, very unrestrained, he asked, "Raksha beauty, what are you doing? Why can't I understand?"


The beautiful eyes suddenly widened, and Ye Luosha looked at Jiang Chen as if he saw a ghost. What is this, is the attack of the ghost face banner ineffective against Jiang Chen?
You know, this is not a physical attack, but a soul attack, and it is difficult to resist, unless Jiang Chen has a magic weapon of the same attribute to compete with each other.

But Jiang Chen didn't do anything at all, just stood there straight, watching her smile, it was extremely hateful, and it made people want to be furious.

This is so unbelievable, it made Ye Luosha's heart vibrate violently, incomprehensible and unbelievable.

"I understand, beauty Rakshasa, you must be merciful, otherwise, how could I survive..." Then, Jiang Chen said belatedly.

Saying this, Jiang Chen's eyes suddenly became incomparably hot, and he stared fixedly at Ye Luosha, as if he was looking at the lover in his dream.

When Ye Luosha was watched by Jiang Chen like this, he suddenly became excited, goosebumps popped up...

(End of this chapter)

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