genius evil

Chapter 1388 You are the wind, I am the sand

Chapter 1388 You are the wind, I am the sand

Accompanied by that voice, a man was seen walking in from the outside.

The man was wearing a black robe, with his hands behind his back, and slowly walked in. He was talking, and judging from the tone of his words, he seemed to be very interested in the situation inside Qunying Building.

But the actual situation is not the case.

This is because, after the black-robed man entered the Qunying Building, he has been looking at the top of his head, with a pair of eyes that seem to grow on the top of his head, very arrogant.

From this, it is not difficult to see how proud this person is.

You must know that here, there are geniuses from all over the world gathered together, and with that attitude, it seems that there is a kind of arrogance that no one can see into his eyes, and he is very arrogant.

"Who is this person?"

This person's posture was too peculiar, and in an instant, the eyes of many people were involuntarily attracted to him.

"Jing Wuchang? Is it him?"

Afterwards, someone exclaimed in a low voice, and his expression changed.

"It is rumored that there is a mysterious existence who killed the top ten powerhouses overnight. Is it him?"

Someone said again, moved by it.

None of the top ten powerhouses are unknown people, on the contrary, Jing Wuchang himself, before this, had no reputation at all.

But one night owl ten songs, this Jing Wuchang, even if he wants to keep a low profile, he is destined to be unable to keep a low profile. It can be said that he has created the record for the fastest fame.

Of course, in fact, Jing Wuchang appeared at this moment. He himself did not intend to keep a low profile at all, and he had the demeanor of looking down on the world.

"Miss Ye, so you are here too."

Putting those voices of discussion into his ears one by one, Jing Wuchang smiled, a little bit, proud, and at this moment, as if he had discovered the existence of Ye Luosha, he smiled and turned to Ye Luosha. Sha said hello.

"Do I know you?"

Ye Luosha said, very indifferent.

"Miss Ye, we have dealt with each other twice, so soon, have we forgotten? Or, because my impermanent face is too ordinary, it is difficult for you, Miss Ye, to remember. Live?" Jing Wuchang said with a light smile.

"You are not ordinary."

This time, without waiting for Ye Luosha to reply, Jiang Chen rushed to speak.

Then, Jiang Chen said again: "When you grow up like me, you can only be regarded as mediocre if you are so-so. You are ugly, but you have no self-knowledge. Is it necessary to put gold on your face like this? ? You don’t even plan to take your face, right?”

"What did you say?"

In an instant, Jing Wuchang's face changed, and it was gloomy.

He said that his own appearance was unremarkable. In his opinion, it was an extremely modest statement. Who would have known that Jiang Chen would say such a thing.

What is this, are you going to step on him?

However, he is impermanent, how can he be so easy to step on?Are you not afraid that if you are not careful, you will stumble and lose your life?
"I said you are shameless." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"To shut up!"

Jing Wuchang's complexion changed again. Jiang Chen, who was trying to force Jiang Chen to bow his head in his previous questioning, who would have thought that Jiang Chen not only did not bow his head, but intensified it, directly saying that he is shameless?
He is a night owl with ten songs, and he has just become famous. It is the time when his spirit is high, how can he bear this?


No more words, Jing Wuchang moved his feet, and appeared in front of Jiang Chen in an instant. He raised his hand and slapped Jiang Chen's Tianling Gai loudly. He wanted to blow Jiang Chen's head off.

This is because the time to become famous is too short, and it is difficult to be compared with the old brands. If Jiang Chen is not suppressed today, I am afraid it is inevitable and people will look down upon him.

If one is not good, with such deliberate deliberation, the prestige brought by Ye Xiao's ten poems will also be wasted.

That kind of result, no matter what, was something Jing Wuchang didn't want to see, so he made a move at this time, extremely domineering and powerful.


The next moment, a figure flashed over and appeared in front of Jiang Chen. He stretched out his hand to stop Jing Wuchang and collided.

"Go away, or I will kill you."

It was Ye Luocha, she made a move and stopped Jing Wuchang. At this moment, her face was very ugly, and her killing intent surged.

"Ye Luosha, you want to stop me, right? Do you think you can stop me?" Jing Wuchang said in a gloomy manner.

He had dealt with Ye Luosha twice before and after, and he thought he left a deep impression on Ye Luosha, but Ye Luosha didn't give him any face.

Not only that, when he attacked Jiang Chen, Ye Luosha also attacked, tit for tat, which was even more embarrassing.

Immediately, Jing Wuchang was furious.

"I said, tell you to go away." Ye Luosha said coldly, very impatient, with a look of exhausted patience.

Ye Luosha was waiting for Jiang Chen's response, and Jing Wuchang appeared inexplicably, so it was fine, and then, inexplicably struck up a conversation, and inexplicably clashed with Jiang Chen.

Although, she would like to see Jiang Chen in bad luck, but Ye Luosha knew very well that it is impossible for Jiang Chen to be in bad luck with mere impermanence. If she keeps pestering her, it will only waste her time, so she took the initiative to stop it.


As everyone knows, Ye Luosha's move fell into the eyes of countless people, and they were all dumbfounded.

Previously, Ye Luosha kept denying that there was something wrong with Jiang Chen, and even said that he would kill Jiang Chen, but what happened to defending Jiang Chen like this?
"Sure enough, women are duplicity animals."

Some people were very moved and had to admire Jiang Chen's charm.

After all, Jiang Chen only knew Ye Luosha, and he asked Ye Luosha to defend him at all costs. He really fascinated Ye Luosha, did he get confused?

"Raksha beauty, how can I let you protect me, I should protect you." Jiang Chen stood up, his face full of emotion.

"You shut up too."

Hearing the sound, Jing Wuchang, who already had 1 dislikes on Jiang Chen, became even more displeased with Jiang Chen.

"Jing Wuchang, why don't you go away?"

When Jing Wuchang's voice fell, Ye Luosha scolded again and started to expel him.

If it is not necessary, don't plan to fight Jing Wuchang, it will only waste time, if Jing Wuchang can leave on his own, it would be great.

Of course, if Jing Wuchang is just messing around and feels good about himself, then kill him.


Jing Wuchang shot again, his face was ashen, he felt that he had suffered a great humiliation, how could he bear it any longer?
"Both of you are going to die."

Jing Wuchang said so, full of anger.

Today, he came to Qunying Building, not just to join in the fun, to a certain extent, he came to gain a sense of presence.

Since Jiang Chen and Ye Luosha don't know good from bad, let's kill them together. We have to see, after killing Jiang Chen and Ye Luosha, who else will dare to shout in front of him? drink?
Reciprocating with such thoughts, at this time Jing Wuchang made a move, with the momentum of thunder, a magic weapon was sacrificed by him, and two attacks fell instantly, attacking Jiang Chen and Ye Luosha indiscriminately.

Jiang Chen and Ye Luosha looked at each other. Deep in the depths of Ye Luosha's eyes, the haze surged. At this time, he was really moved to kill. Jiang Chen, on the other hand, smiled and didn't care at all. .

But what I have to say is that the two finally have a rare tacit understanding.

Afterwards, the two moved forward.

After just a few minutes, Jing Wuchang discovered that he was wrong, completely wrong. On the one hand, he underestimated the strength of Jiang Chen and Ye Luosha, and on the other hand, he overestimated his own strength.

Whether it is Jiang Chen or Ye Luosha, they are all powerful beings of the same realm. He is still powerless to deal with one person, let alone two people, Lien Chan.

This is doomed, Jing Wuchang will be very miserable.

He was suppressed in an instant, and the rest was struggling hard. However, it was completely useless. Jiang Chen and Ye Luosha had no intention of keeping him alive.


There was the sound of the shattering of the magic weapon, Jing Wuchang was bathed in blood, his clothes were torn, and he was embarrassed and miserable.


Jing Wuchang roared and launched the strongest offensive, like a trapped animal, trying to kill a bloody path.

But the gap is too big, even if Jing Wuchang wants to go all out, he is not qualified to go all out.

In the end, Jing Wuchang fell, spurting blood, his soul was swallowed by the ghost face banner, and his soul was completely destroyed.

"It's so miserable. Why do you have to be so high-key? Isn't it better to be low-key? Look at me, it's because I'm so low-key that I'm friends everywhere." Jiang Chen said, feeling very embarrassed.

However, many people wanted to spurt blood and secretly scolded Jiang Chen for being shameless.

More people were deeply shocked. This battle can be regarded as Jiang Chen's real attack. Before, the golden light all over his body shone, and he was almost unable to fight back when he suppressed Jing Wuchang.

In comparison, even though Ye Luosha used the Ghost Face Banner, it was still covered by Jiang Chen's bleakness.

"Jing Wuchang, too unlucky."

Some people say that it is too sad to fall like this just after becoming famous.

It is estimated that Jing Wuchang himself would not have expected that he would die so quickly and be so aggrieved.

"The road to fame is bloody and bloody. How many people can really reach the top and look down upon the world?"

Someone said again, with complicated thoughts.

Competing in martial arts has always been like walking on a single-plank bridge, where thousands of people compete and ten thousand people compete together.On that road, it can be said that countless blood was poured and countless bones were buried.

There are only a few people who can successfully walk across the single-plank bridge.

Of course, some people think that apart from Jiang Chen's bragging, what he said still has some truth. If Jing Wuchang kept a low profile, why did it end like this?
This is self-inflicted, and no one will sympathize with it.


But when everyone was feeling a lot, a gaze fixed on Jiang Chen. It was Ye Luosha. The way she looked at Jiang Chen at this time was more complicated, and even had a strong A strong look of fear was revealed.

Immediately, Ye Luosha turned around and left, because at this moment, she knew that it was meaningless to pursue Jiang Chen for the answer, so whether she knew the answer or not was just becoming, not important at all.

"Beautiful Raksha, where are you going? As promised, you are the wind and I am the sand, lingering to the end of the world. How can you bear to leave me alone?" Jiang Chen lamented at Ye Luosha's back. yelled.

Staggering under her feet, Ye Luosha almost fell to the ground, her face turned purple, and she had a strong urge to fight Jiang Chen desperately.

After all, he held back, and his speed increased instantly, just like fleeing famine.

Seeing this, Jiang Chen grinned and laughed out loud, but he glanced casually out of the corner of his eye, and saw that there was a person entering Qunying Building...

(End of this chapter)

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