genius evil

Chapter 1389 Little Man and Miss Sister

Chapter 1389 Little Man and Miss Sister

It was a woman in yellow, with lotus steps.

It can be said that her existence perfectly interprets the meaning of the three words vixen.

It is not an exaggeration to even say that the word vixen is tailor-made for her.

Jiang Chen looked over, even if he had dealt with him once before, this time, his eyes still brightened, so the smile on Jiang Chen's face became stronger.

From the moment he came to the Qunying Tower, Jiang Chen had been waiting for the woman in yellow to show up, and finally she came, and it was not in vain for him to wait.


With a movement of the figure, and within a breath, Jiang Chen appeared in front of the woman in yellow.

"Miss sister, your body must have improved, right?" Jiang Chen said with a playful smile.


Looking at Jiang Chen, the woman in yellow was astonished. Obviously, it was very unexpected that Jiang Chen would appear here, or rather, it was unexpected that he would meet Jiang Chen again so soon.

On that charming face, there was an unnatural look, which flashed by, and immediately, the woman in yellow groaned and smiled, and said with a smile, "Not yet."

"Miss sister, is it really okay for you to open your eyes and talk nonsense like this?" Immediately, Jiang Chen was dissatisfied.

It was agreed to let him see enough, but he has been looking forward to it for a long time.

"Sister, I never lie." The woman in yellow said with a chuckle.

"That's right, I can testify to this." Shen Anhe walked over with a smile on her face, and then she greeted the woman in yellow, "Miss Shang, you are finally here."

While talking, Shen An stared at Jiang Chen meaningfully for a few times.

Today, Jiang Chen can be said to be in the limelight. Everyone's demeanor has been covered up by him, and they have all been reduced to a foil, and he, the master, has become even more non-existent.

If that was the case, that would be fine, but to Shen Anhe's surprise, Jiang Chen actually knew the woman in yellow, and, judging by Jiang Chen's tone of voice, the relationship between the two was quite familiar. A sort of.

How can Shen Anhe not be surprised by this, because he has a little understanding of the identity of the woman in yellow, and he is very clear about what that means.

Surprised, obviously not only Shen Anhe, but many people were deeply surprised.

Mu Tianlang and Monk You Que looked over, thoughtful, as for the rest of the people, although they didn't know the identity of the woman in yellow, but seeing Shen Anhe greet her personally, they knew it after a little thought. I'm afraid it has a lot of history.

After all, today, there is only the woman in yellow who enjoys this kind of treatment, and even a strong man like Mu Sirius has never had it.

The woman in yellow nodded as a response.

"Miss Shang, please come inside." Shen Anhe said, he was very humble and very polite. By the way, Shen Anhe glanced at Jiang Chen again and signaled Jiang Chen to get out of the way, because Jiang Chen blocked the woman in yellow. road.

Jiang Chen, on the other hand, has no awareness at all.

Not only that, Jiang Chen stretched out his hand and held the little hand of the woman in yellow in the palm of his hand. He played with it casually and said with a smile: "Miss sister, everyone said that I won't see you in a day. It's like three autumns. I think about it carefully." After thinking about it, this sentence is actually wrong, at least, after thirty autumns."

"This guy, really, is getting more and more presumptuous."

The woman in yellow couldn't laugh or cry, but she didn't break free, instead, she let Jiang Chen hold her, her expression as usual.

Shen Anhe's face changed, he was taken aback, it was hard to believe that the relationship between Jiang Chen and the woman in yellow was actually so close?
Then, Jiang Chen seemed to want to prove that he had a good relationship with the woman in yellow, so he took the woman in yellow and walked away.

"What is this, ignoring me?"

Watching Jiang Chen walk aside, Shen Anhe thought in his heart, the sharpness in those eyes gradually increased.

This is Tianhai City. As the crown prince of the Tianfeng Empire, even if it is Sirius Mu, even this woman in yellow, it is more or less necessary to give him some face.

Jiang Chen, on the other hand, just ignored him and never even looked at him.

Jiang Chen didn't care what Shen Anhe was thinking, he ignored all those curious eyes, and talked and laughed happily with the woman in yellow.

The woman in yellow catered to her, no matter whether she intended to cater to her or not, she always possessed a eccentric charm that made countless people's eyes straighten and their hearts shake.

This is the charm of invincible charms. The charms of the woman in yellow are at their peak, and they don't need to be used deliberately. Every move is naturally revealed, which is the embodiment of charm.

"Miss Sister, it seems that you haven't told me your name yet." Jiang Chen said at this time.

"Shang Heng." The woman in yellow said simply.

It's not so much flattery, it's better to say it's hypocrisy, she's very curious about what kind of tricks Jiang Chen is going to play, of course, from the bottom of her heart, she is also curious about Jiang Chen.

This man, completely shielding her charms, is not affected at all, this is something that has never happened before.

"Shang Heng? Young lady, why does your name sound inexplicably sad? Which damned guy has he abandoned you?" Jiang Chen said angrily.

If this is the case, if you are another woman, if you hear it, you will have an attack immediately.

The woman in yellow was obviously very different, she was very different, instead of being angry, she covered her red lips with her hands, giggling coquettishly, leaning forward and backward while laughing, her flowers trembling wildly.

"Little man, is there any man in this world who has the heart to abandon my sister all the time?" Shang Heng said, very conceited, his eyes flashed, captivating people's hearts and souls.

This is a stunner in an absolute sense, every frown and smile is so charming, people can't help but indulge in the gentle trap that it has set up intentionally or unintentionally, and then, they cannot extricate themselves.

Obviously, since Shang Heng's appearance, many warriors have lost their way. This is not because Shang Heng intends to target them, but because the charm is everywhere, and there is no attack for such a difference.

Some people's eyes glowed with splendor, while others' eyes were cloudy.

This is actually a very scary phenomenon, because the many warriors who came to the Qunying Tower are all amazingly talented people, no matter in terms of talent or mind, they are all extraordinary.

But he still couldn't escape Shang Heng's charm attack. It was obvious that Shang Heng's attainments in charm art were so advanced that, to put it bluntly, with just a few gestures, he could make someone die.

Hehe smiled, and Jiang Chen said: "Miss sister, you are telling me that you have no relationship, right? It's so good, I can rest assured and bold, so I recommend myself."


Shang Heng was stunned. Dare he, Jiang Chen had such an intention.

"Brother Jiang, that beautiful Rakshasa just walked away, is it really okay for you to do this?" Mu Sirius suddenly came over and said winkingly.

"What Raksha beauties, are there other beauties here besides young lady?" Jiang Chen pretended to be stupid and said in a daze.

"Night Rakshasa?"

With his red lips slightly parted, Shang Heng chuckled lightly, glanced at Jiang Chen, and said with a coquettish smile, "Little man, you are really playful, you even dared to provoke Raksha that night."

"That's not the case." Jiang Chen denied, and said sternly, "I didn't provoke her, but she provoked me. Many people can testify to this point. The Raksha beauty chased after me and forced me to give her an explanation. I am also very embarrassed to be responsible for her, after all, being so handsome is really not what I want, what I yearn for has always been an ordinary life."

At the end, Jiang Chen let out a long sigh, everything was in silence.

In the Qunying Building, everyone couldn't take it anymore, and some people couldn't help but rushed out to beat Jiang Chen up. When this guy was chasing Ye Luosha, he used everything to make people call him a Eye-opener.

"So shameless!"

Someone cursed secretly, another eye-opener.

"How can there be such shameless people in the world?"

Some people were amazed by it, and almost all wanted to pay respects to Jiang Chen.


Another person said that they boasted that they were handsome and elegant, they could walk among thousands of flowers without touching their bodies, but compared with Jiang Chen's way of picking up girls, they were completely insignificant and not worth mentioning.

"Brother Jiang, that's not what you said just now. You told that night Rakshasa that she is the wind and you are the sand. What else did you say, you will be lingering to the end of the world." Mu Sirius said teasingly.

Immediately, Jiang Chen looked at Mu Tianlang, as if he saw a ghost in broad daylight.

This guy looks innocent, but he is full of bad water.

"Brother Mu, although I am honest and honest, is it really okay for you to trick me and pour dirty water on me like this?" Jiang Chen said, very angry.

While talking, Jiang Chen winked, hinting to Mu Tianlang that if he dared to spoil his good deeds, he would turn his face in minutes.

"Brother Jiang, what's wrong with your eyes, did you get sand in them?" Mu Sirius said kindly.

"Yeah, sand has entered." Jiang Chen bared his teeth, and he swore that whenever he found an opportunity, he would make sure that Mu Tianlang couldn't tell the difference between east, west, south, and north.

"Is there any sand here?" Shang Heng said with a smile on his lips.

"Miss Sister, actually, it's not the sand, but Miss Sister, you are so beautiful that I am dazzled." Jiang Chen said affectionately.

"Then, girl Luosha, who is more beautiful?" Shang Heng asked, looking at Jiang Chen provocatively.

"Undoubtedly, Miss Sister, you are the most beautiful in my heart." Jiang Chen vowed without hesitation.

"Cunning guy." Shang Heng laughed dumbfounded.

Jiang Chen said that she was the most beautiful in his heart, which seemed to be an answer to her question, but in fact, he avoided the most important. After all, she was only the most beautiful in Jiang Chen's heart. In fact, he did not answer, she and Ye Who is the most beautiful Rakshasa?

"Huh? How could I ask such a question?"

Suddenly, Shang Heng lost his mind, and was very surprised that he would be so strange, asking Jiang Chen such a question, she was lost, her heart fluttered slightly, and she was extremely surprised...

(End of this chapter)

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