genius evil

Chapter 1390

Chapter 1390
Jiang Chen and Shang Heng were chatting and laughing happily, whispering to each other, and they were very intimate. Anyone who looked at them would think that Jiang Chen and Shang Heng had a very close relationship.

Such a scene fell in the eyes of everyone in the Qunying Building, and everyone's emotions were inevitably complicated.

Even Shen Anhe's mind became strange.

This is a stunning stunner, many people are so excited when they see it for the first time, almost bewildered.

This is because she can't help but is attracted, and with the blessing of invincible charm, Shang Heng has a kind of charm that is out of the ordinary.

But let alone getting close, they didn't even have a chance to speak up.

Jiang Chen had taken over Shang Heng, and he would not give it to anyone, so he could take advantage of it.

With the passage of time, the resentment accumulated in those people's hearts became deeper and deeper, and even many people directly expressed that dissatisfaction on their faces.

"Shameless people think that their charm is invincible, but they don't know that they are just clowns. They are ashamed and destined to be laughed at."

Someone was snorting and making a sound.

Although these words did not specifically refer to them, there was no doubt that everyone knew that the person was Jiang Chen.

Perhaps because these words resonated, many people joined in the accusation and crusade against Jiang Chen.

"Which one of the peerless Xeons is not a low-key person, only that kind of embroidered pillow will spare no effort to show off and gain a sense of presence."

Someone said again, the meaning of ridicule is beyond words.

"It's too high-profile. It's self-confessed that you are number one in the world. Don't you put everyone in your eyes? It's ridiculous. Maybe one day, you will die tragically on the street and become a joke."

Someone said in a strange way, with the utmost cynicism.

Many people joined in. They spoke out one by one, and Jiang Chen became the target of public criticism. He was regarded as a thorn in the side and a thorn in the flesh.

"I'm very strange." After muttering, Jiang Chen asked Shang Heng in puzzlement: "Miss sister, have I offended them?"

"I can't answer this question." Shang Heng said while shaking his head with a smile.

"Brother Mu, tell me, did I offend them?" Jiang Chen asked Mu Tianlang.

"Definitely not." Mu Sirius replied, extremely sure.

"Brother You Que, what do you think?" Jiang Chen asked Monk You Que again.

"As far as I know, no." Monk You Que said.

"I don't think so either. Since that's the case, the target of their crusade must not be me." Jiang Chen said, with a sigh of relief.

"Oh, you are unmoved?"

Hearing this, Shang Heng was surprised again.

Although she was not familiar with Jiang Chen, she also knew that Jiang Chen had the kind of character that refused to suffer. Right now, being attacked by so many people, Jiang Chen should attack immediately.

Actually choosing to endure, I have to say, this surprised Shang Heng, so that the eyes that looked at Jiang Chen like that were a little bit unbelievable.

Unexpectedly, not only Shang Heng, Mu Tianlang and Monk You Que were also deeply surprised, especially Mu Tianlang, who was waiting for Jiang Chen to kill all directions, but Jiang Chen didn't respond.

"Jiang Chen, others have pointed at your nose and scolded you. Don't you think it's too ridiculous for you to deceive yourself like this?"

Over there, Jian Xiuming said mockingly.

He had been waiting for Jiang Chen to be unlucky all this time, so that he could find an opportunity to make trouble, and finally the emperor paid off. This opportunity finally made him wait.

There were so many people criticizing Jiang Chen, even though he didn't know why Jiang Chen chose to ignore it, but he didn't mind at all, and he helped to make the flames fall on Jiang Chen.

"Did someone point at my nose and scold me?" Jiang Chen said, it was a doubt.

"Pretending to be crazy?" Jian Xiuming sneered.

"It's not pretending to be crazy, it's just, who on earth pointed at my nose and cursed, don't tell me, that person is you." Jiang Chen said lightly, raised his eyes slightly, and looked towards Jian Xiuming.

Immediately, Jian Xiuming was speechless.

It is true that those previous accusations and crusades can be heard by anyone, and the target is Jiang Chen, but, from the beginning to the end, no one named him by name.

He was the only one who openly stated that the target of the crusade was Jiang Chen.

This made Jian Xiuming dumbfounded. He clearly noticed that Jiang Chen's eyes looking over him were very malicious and filled with a strong sense of oppression.

Jian Xiuming believed that if he continued to entangle, he might become the first target of Jiang Chen's surgery.

This made Jian Xiuming very frustrated, and realized that he was too reckless, he shouldn't stand up in such a hurry, and Jiang Chen would inevitably target him.

"Jian Xiuming, answer my question, is that you who pointed at my nose and scolded me?" Jiang Chen asked forcefully.

He did intend to take Jian Xiuming to the knife, who made this guy plan to make trouble, but he overestimated himself too much, too ignorant of self-knowledge.

One must know that even if one falls into trouble, one must have strength and confidence. In Jiang Chen's eyes, Jian Xiuming is too far behind.


His face turned red, and Jian Xiuming chose to deny it.

"Look, I knew, I'm such an honest person, and I've never offended anyone before, so how could anyone have trouble with me for no reason." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Many people heard Jiang Chen's words, and they all had the feeling of seeing a ghost in broad daylight.

Being accused by thousands of people, Jiang Chen still feels so good about himself, so he is not afraid of being attacked by a group next?At that time, how should we deal with it?
"Jiang Chen, it's true that no one pointed at your nose and scolded you. But, do you really not understand, or do you pretend you don't understand?" Someone said leisurely.

"So, you are planning to point at my nose and scold me? Right?" Jiang Chen asked back.


"Come on, I'm ready, point at my nose and yell at me, scold me bloody." Jiang Chen moved his feet and appeared in front of that person.

Such a distance is just right, as long as that person stretches out his hand, he can point to Jiang Chen's nose.

The man's face suddenly changed, his face turned pale with shock, and he hurriedly backed away.

Jiang Chen was too powerful, no one expected that Jiang Chen would make such a move.

"I don't even have the courage to point my nose and scold, and dare to talk nonsense in front of me." Jiang Chen sneered, extremely arrogant, and speaking, Jiang Chen raised his eyes and said, "Among you, is there anyone who wants to Pointing at my nose and scolding? If you don’t scold me now, when will you wait.”

Everyone was stunned by Jiang Chen's action.

Previously, they thought that Jiang Chen was afraid, so they chose to forbear, which was not the case at all, Jiang Chen has always been strong.

If someone really named them by name, they would be killed by Jiang Chen immediately.

"Little man, you are really domineering." Shang Heng said with a smile.

"Miss sister, do you like it?" Jiang Chen said with a wink.


That pink face was quietly flushed, Shang Heng was full of shyness, lowered his head, and said embarrassingly.

However, these two words were like a bomb exploded, and the eyes of many people looking at Jiang Chen like that suddenly changed.

"Jiang Chen, you are too presumptuous, you openly provoke us, do you want to die?"

Someone shouted loudly, with murderous intent in their eyes.

"Jiang Chen, if you want to die, you can directly order it and let you be fulfilled."

Someone's murderous intent boiled over, looking at it, they couldn't wait to make a move, crushing Jiang Chen to death.


"Miss, do you have to treat me like this?"

The clamoring sound came to his ears, Jiang Chen looked at Shang Heng, it was a grievance.

How can they not know that the reason why these people are like this is entirely due to the influence of Shang Heng.

Shang Heng was invincible in her charm skills, and as soon as she appeared, she would touch countless people's minds, frown and smile, and touch people's hearts. This is why, for no reason, Jiang Chen would be criticized by thousands of people.

But those people, after all, were afraid of Jiang Chen, and in the end they were suppressed forcefully by Jiang Chen, and no one dared to fight against each other.

At this time, I like Shang Heng's sentence, it seems to be singing softly, resonating with the soul, it instantly makes many people lose their minds, and they are easily manipulated by Shang Heng.

"Little man, am I treating you badly?" Shang Heng smiled narrowly.

"It's not bad, it's great, I'm so moved." Jiang Chen sighed endlessly. Before he finished speaking, Jiang Chen suddenly rushed towards Shang Heng.

On the surface, this woman looked at him differently, but in fact, she was scheming against him all the time, no matter what, she had to get some interest back.

At this moment, Jiang Chen threw himself at Shang Heng, stretched his arms, and hugged Shang Heng.


With a figure like the wind, Shang Heng disappeared from Jiang Chen's sight, and said with a chuckle, "Little man, are you trying to force me?"

"That's right, it was forcing you, and I will tie you up in a while, and take you back to be Mrs. Yazhai." Jiang Chen bared his teeth and said fiercely.

"That's not okay, I'm afraid of pain." Shang Heng looked very pitiful.


There was the sound of the wind again, and a figure appeared before Jiang Chen stretched out his hand, and he shot out instantly, intending to kill Jiang Chen.


Jiang Chen didn't even look at it, and kicked that person, like a cannonball, flying backwards.


However, there were several more people who pressed forward. Their faces were ashen, and without saying a word, they launched an attack on Jiang Chen.

"Damn it!" Jiang Chen cursed.

These guys were all obsessed with ghosts. At this moment, even if Shang Heng asked them to die, he didn't hesitate, like puppets on strings.

Jiang Chen was angry. He deliberately ignored it before, but he didn't want to be teased by Shang Heng. He casually forced Jian Xiuming and the others forcefully, in order to make a big problem into a small one.

But now, even if Jiang Chen didn't want to break out the conflict, he couldn't do it.

That being the case, Jiang Chen would naturally not be merciful, Jiang Chen sacrificed the Chunyang Cauldron, raised his hand to suppress and kill...

(End of this chapter)

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